RWBY: The Knight's Of Arc

Chapter 1 - Reveal and Betrayal

Jaune Arc wanted to become a hunter ever since he was child his mom and dad told him stories of his Ancestors who were heros leading and helping the innocent of how strong they were, His parents were great Heros as well.

Wanting to always live up to the name of his family he wanted to go to Beacon a school that trains Hunters and Huntresses but not having gon to any academy for training he got his hands on some forged transcripts and was accepted into Beacon. Finally able to get into Beacon he was happy, He was able to make friend there and was chosen as team leader.

On the Roof of beacon he finally lost it and told the truth to his friend Pyrrha Nikos but she didn't take it as well as he thought she would, she grew angry and was disgusted with him. She told to never speak to her ever again but she also told him that wouldn't tell anyone due to him being team leader and not wanting the team to fall apart she walked away leaving him alone on the roof.

Cardin Winc.h.e.s.ter hearing this thought it would be a great time to show himself and blackmail Jaune not wanting to lose the rest of his friends or Team, he listened to him l.

Fast Forward to the forest of forever Fall Jaune refused to hurt his own team so he defies cardin throwing the bottle of Pink sap at cardin having a small fight leading to Jaune getting hurt but then being caught by surprise a Ursa all 3 of Cardin's teammates ran away leaving Jaune and Cardin behind.

Caught by surprise carding fell to the floor and getting his weapon swatted away by the Ursa he was left wide open ready to get mauled by the Ursa but Jaune intervened stopping the Ursa from ending Cardin. Jaune was able to finnish of the Ursa saving Cardin and warning him to not hurt his friends or Team. Cardin with a new found respect for Jaune accepted and finally left him alone and stopped bullying others.

Pyrrha finally getting tired of Jaune's failures finally let the truth of Jaune's Transcripts out Ruby felt betrayed that her very first friend had lied to her and told Jaune that she never wants to talk to him ever again, Followed by Yang who was furious and beat him down calling him a liar and a cheat, Next was Weiss who said that she knew he didn't belong here and hoped he got tossed into prison or was killed, and lastly Blake who looked down on him and told him that at least she knew how to fight, wasn't trying to play hero, and had proven herself to be a better person that he would ever be.

Next came his own Team Pyrrha already knowing about his transcripts walked away, Ren being an orphan as well Nora they had to work hard in order to get there was furious and Punched him walking away from him saying he will never be a friend of his followed by Nora.

News Spreading quickly through out Beacon of Jaune's Transcripts made almost everyone furious and Bullying continued once again but without Cardin this time Telling him he doesn't deserve to be here,he should be expelled and to leave the school growing more aggressive every day. Many wondered why Ozpin hadn't expelled Jaune already, Ozpin had said he saw potential in Jaune but the students didn't care they worked hard to get here only for some wannabe Hero to come and not face any challenges and get into Beacon without a problem.

Cardin stands by Jaune's side due to his respect for him and saving his life unlike others who would've abandoned him to die.

Ozpin having an idea decided to send Jaune on a mission with his team to a village who had called for help in order to get them closer but the plan backfired due to planning of the other students to end Jaune and get rid of him forever. Distracting the teachers as well as Ozpin from noticing that some students have left to complete the task and ending Jaune.

Jaune and his team finally landing near the village in meed of help head out to help. After saving the village from the grimm they head out to scout for anymore grimm to clear out that's when everything went down hill for Jaune. After heading out on the outskirts of the town they decide to set up camp making sure Jaune relaxed and catch him by surprise.

Finally when Jaune let his guard down his own team,Team RWBY and other students surprised Jaune and started attacking him. Jaune quickly grabbing his weapons to defend himself from them and running away but still being chased outmatched and outnumbered he wasn't able to escape and was injured badly and running out aura quickly due to ranges weaponry like Ruby's Crescent Rose which is a sniper and a Scythe.

Jaune finally growing tired of running and being stopped by a River that runs deep he turns around to face his traitor of friends and the other Students. Being attacked from all sides and being overwhelmed.

"Dammit what do y'all want I have never done anything bad to anyone of you." Jaune Said

"We don't need a liar, a cheater, someone who is useless in beacon so we're here to put you down." Pyrrha said "Can't we just talk about this, we don't have to fight each other." "No Jaune it's time we get done with a Criminal like you." "Fine if we can't do this peacefully then I wont go down without a fight."

Going back and forth with the students Jaune gets severely wounded and finally being unable to keep fighting Pyrrha cutting Jaune's left eye,stabs Jaune in the stomach ending it with a swift kick to the c.h.e.s.t throwing him to the river.

Finally ending the fight and heading back to beacon going first are the students and RWBY to not cause suspicion. Team JNPR waiting for their bullhead to come and pick them up in order to keep suspicion very low of Jaune being killed by them.

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