Looking at the child right in front of him, "Hey are you alright." Jaune spoke to the child in heart warming voice like his mother did to him when he was a child, actually really almost every time he was feeling sad when he was growing up. The child looked up to Jaune with tears in her eye's she spoke "I can't find my mommy or daddy." Jaune knowing she's just a child he decides to help her find her parents knowing that kids only know their parents by mom or dad as kids. "So whats your name kid." "My name is Isabella Grace" "Alright Isa lets go find your parents." Isabella standing up and following Jaune to look for her parents.


4hrs Later

Not being able to find Isabella's parents even though they asked all around the village finally deciding to check one last place the cemetery where they buried the ones who died in the village raid looking at the logs of who were buried recently. Seeing similar last names of the name Grace in recent deaths was the worst that came knowing that Isabella no longer has any parent's and he has to tell the young girl without breaking her small little fragile heart. Kneeling towards Isabella he tells her in a easier way to not to break her "Isabella look your parents are..." not knowing what to say, looking at him with a confused face she says "Do you know where they are" she asked excited to go back to her parents.

"Uh look I know you love your parents very much but sometime things happen and there is nothing you can do about it, your parents loved you very much and would do anything to be with you now your parent have gone away." Jaune said trying to make it as light as possible for Isabella "Do you know where they went " saying in less of a happy tone "They're gone Isabella as much as I want you to be with you parents and I know your parents would like to be with you." Jaune said in a soft tone to Isabella.

Slowly crying wanting to be with her mom and dad "I w-w-want m-my mommy and d-daddy." Seeing Isabella cry made Jaune sad so he hugged her and spoke to her. "Hey I know they're not here but they don't want you being sad alright" holding her while she cried on his shoulder "Hey don't worry Isabella you don't have to stay here alone, You can stay with me and we can both go on great adventures around the world saving people and stopping the evil grimm from hurting others alright." Isabella looked at him in the eyes, staring back at Jaune were her sad crying eyes "Can I really s-stay with you and go on adventures." she said still looking at him in the eyes "Yea we can travel around the world saving people from evil monsters and bandits and become heroes together." He said making Isabella a bit more happy. For now lets go a place to sleep, Jaune having money due to the people being grateful that he saved the village and stopped the bandits from murdering everyone. So Jaune and Isabella stayed in a motel and slept together due to the young kid having nightmares.


Waking up in the morning Isabella and Jaune prepare to leave the village buying supplies needed for the trip also buying a map to know where they are going. Finally setting foot outside the village they set out to their next village "So what did you do before you came to the village Jaune." said Isabella looking at Jaune with curious eyes. "Well I used to go to beacon as a Huntsman in training too bad that didn't work out and ended up here instead." looking at the map while they walked. "How was it going to beacon and becoming a hero." "It really wasn't as special as you would think there are students who have to much of a big ego for their own good, trust me I knew a few people who had way too big of an ego for their own good." Jaune said remembering certain people back at beacon. "Wow I didn't know beacon was like that I heard they were hero's to protect the world from grimm" Jaune looked at her knowing the betrayal he suffered from beacon he still smiled at Isabella "Those are just glorified stories of heroes the truth is you have to work hard for it and sacrifice a lot of things in order to be a hero not just being strong or being popular." "When do we get to the next village Jaune." Isabella asked happy and excited "We're a couple of hours away from the next village from my guess at least." A couple minutes of silence as they walked through the forest. Jaune spoke to break the silence between him and Isabella as well as finally taking a good look at the young girl due to how busy he was trying to help the girl find her parents.

Having a pair fox ears,brown hair, and Orange eyes, Jaune not trying to embarrass himself due to barely looking at Isabella and seeing that she was a faunas though not having anything against faunas himself. "So how old are you." Isabella spoke "I'm 9 years old my birthday is around winter."

"Not really much to talk about out here when there is nothing interesting out here other than grimm a few of them here and then but hey that's alright with me makes it much easier." Talking back and forth made time pass much faster as they walked to the next village. Arriving at the village and entering they found a motel to stay at and leave their belongings and relax. Eating from the resources they had and falling asleep. Waking up they went out and looked for a weapons shop or a forgery. walking around the village and passing by some interesting stores along the way to finally finding a weapons shop. looking to buy a weapon to fit Isabella so she could defend herself against grimm and to buy armor for himself and isabella due to his own being almost destroyed during the fighting. looking around at the weapons and armor he saw the man at the counter he was a buff,bearded man with curly hair the man spoke.

"welcome to my weapons shop my names Derrick how may I help you" the man now known as Derrick said with a big smile on his face.

Jaune spoke "I would like a sword for the kid to be able to use against the grimm and I'm also looking for armor for myself and the kid."

"Alright the best weapons for the young girl would be a small sword to carry and leather armor for light protection against grimm or people." Derrick spoke while examining the girl for what types of weapons she would need "So what are you a Huntsman or Huntsman in Training" Derrick said while looking at Jaune and his weapons "Nah, I was a Huntsman in training but things happened with other students at Beacon and I had to drop out because of it." being an Ex-Huntsman in training got Derricks attention looking at Jaune he spoke once again.

"I hear they're just glorified heroes due to the amount of damage they cause and the innocents that are caught up but I hear it from vale most of the time, I guess it must be that headmaster Ozpin covering for the students as always, never being judged by their actions from the damage caused or the innocents hurt."

Jaune looked at the man in the eyes and spoke.

"Well your not wrong considering the amount of damage caused by them and acting like they know everything when they are in the field so yea being an Ex Student at beacon yea I can see what your talking about, so how much for that armor." pointing at crusader armor on the stand "Well that would be around 600 Lien as well as the total for the leather and sword at least 750 lien in total but considering you and me get along just fine I'll give you a discount and you only have to pay for the armor." Derrick said with a big smile "Also I know your probably gonna bring me business in the future."

"Deal My names Jaune and this kid is Isabella" "Hi" Isabella waved her hand " and who knows I might just make something out of your small business hope to see you more Derrick." Jaune said smiling paying for the equipment and walking home with Isabella stopping by a Ice cream shop to get Isabella something sweet for then heading home.


To Be Continued

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