Sage Warrior

Chapter 108

sage warrior

- Volume 5 Episode 8

'I don't think we're gathering Seven Stars to do that. What, does it have anything to do with me?'

Like Choi Hee, I just want to collect, so I thought it might be possible to collect, so Jung Daesik asked me to tell you about the weather.

I thought it would be nice to be clear as I was going to a new mission from tomorrow.

But then, someone cautiously spoke from behind.


Jung Daesik turned his head puzzled.

Then, as if he knew or did not know, a stranger stood there.

He was a seemingly ordinary boy, so he was bewildered as to what he was doing.

Then, facing Jung Daesik, the boy suddenly smiled brightly.

"Yeah! Jung Daesik...... Jung Daesik, right?"

Jung Daesik was somewhat perplexed because he wanted these ordinary people to recognize him as well.

He could neither affirm nor deny, but the other person pointed at him and said.

"I, don't you remember?"


"Me! We've met on the subway before!"

"uh, ah!"

Jung Daesik realized his identity one beat later.

This boy was a boy who identified himself as a hunter maniac.

He had previously spoken to him when he saw him wearing a t-shirt he was issued with when he went to the Zodiac Raid as a temp.

She said the boy with a very happy expression on his face.

"You don't know how surprised I was when I saw Jung Daesik on TV that he was a member of the Titan Attack.

"Yeah? You know Yongke too."

"I can't forget it! From the first time we met, he felt like he wasn't an ordinary person, did he? He definitely thought he would be a great hunter!"

"Is that so?"

The boy chatted for a long time in excitement, her face blushing, and then asked for her autograph and photo.

Jung Daesik was a bit embarrassed to do that in front of other people, but he couldn't refuse because he had high expectations.

The problem is that, once I served this boy, the people around him who recognized him as well asked for it.

He saw people flock to him, and even came rushing to him from the cell next to him.

Jung Daesik got off at the station where he had to get off, surrounded by crowds and perplexed.

From here, he hurriedly moves to either change buses or take a taxi, but a boy chases him from behind.

"Bro bro!"

Jung Daesik frowned and said.

"Why are you chasing me?"

"Huh, huh ... I'm sorry. I was making a fuss so you got off? You have to go a few more stops to get to the Titan Raid."

"That's right, I won't blame you, so there's no need to apologize. You too, stop and go your own way."

"That, that..."

"Why? Do you have something to say?"


The boy suddenly raised her head and clenched her fists.

"Pa, fight!"

Jung Daesik burst out laughing.


The boy said her face was red.

"Because I'm your hyung's number 1 fan. As the number one fan, I will always support you!"

middle school now? Were you in high school?

It gave me a subtle feeling to see the child say so sincerely.

I can't really explain it, but it wasn't a bad feeling.

Jung Daesik smiled and stroked the boy's head.

"Yes, thank you."

"Gwae, if you're okay with the Sat, Tok ID..."

"Are you talking about your contact information?"

"I'll never bother you! I won't tell anyone. I'll keep it my own secret. I just want to show that there are many people who support hyung besides me. It's true."

Normally this would never have happened, but on a whim, Jung Daesik exchanged contact information with the boy.

The boy's name is Yoon Hyun-min, and he was just out of 2 and 3 in middle school.

"thank you!"

"I have nothing to be thankful for. I'm not sure I'll be able to communicate well."

"Don't worry about my contact! Rather... Pay attention to the ranking!"

Jung Daesik's eyes widened slightly at the words that came out of nowhere.

"Ranking ranking?"

At Jung Daesik's question, Hyunmin Yoon hesitated a bit.

"That's... hyung is a triple-list with the ability to defeat mega-bells, right? I've heard that he might become an all-in-one because of that. But his ranking is low compared to that... They say things like they don't."

"Yeah? What's my ranking now?"


For some reason, Yoon Hyun-min did not readily speak.

Jung Daesik urged him, and then he spoke reluctantly.

"Because it's still outside the top 100..."

Jung Daesik was unexpectedly surprised.

Although he did not pay attention to the rankings, he did not know that he was so low that he could not even enter the rankings.

Yoon Hyun-min protested hard on his behalf.

"Ranking is based on cumulative ranking anyway, so those who have been active as hunters for a long time have an advantage. On the other hand, hyung has only recently become a hunter. He will be able to get into the top 100 soon."

"Um, yes. Anyway, I get it. Thanks."

Jung Daesik called entropy while walking after breaking up with Hyunmin Yoon.

'Hey, entropy. Why is my ranking so low?'

The entropy, which had disappeared, reappeared and said.

'Is it because of the illegal settlement through disguise water?'

Come to think of it, it wasn't long before Jung Daesik started making billions of dollars.

And most of that amount came from disguise.

This means that it was calculated through an official disposal site and was not counted as an official collection.

Moreover, in the top 100 of the ranking, there were many hunters who were active since the first monster break occurred.

They are currently in charge of most of the major raids, and it is not easy to outrun the achievements they have accumulated over the past 10 years in an instant.

'So, what exactly is my ranking right now?'


Jung Daesik was coughing up a sore throat.

Still, I thought it was going to be in the top 2 or 300.

It was a long way from the top 100.

'So low?'

Hearing Jung Daesik's words, Entropy calmly answered.

'Why? How did you get there?'

'The price of Purple Stone was only a few billions. Don't you think the ranking is based on settlement?'


So far, money is the best, so I didn't care about rankings, but when I checked my level with numbers, I was shocked.

In my opinion, the top 600 is great enough, but considering the fact that he is the only triple-list in Korea and the fact that he is predicted to be an all-in-one in the future, he is far behind.

'Um, this is really hurting my self-esteem.'

I'd rather not check the rankings," Jung Daesik murmured inwardly and moved on.

Episode 27. Promotion

After a one-night break, Jung Daesik went to another dungeon before sunrise the next day to join his teammates.

Early in the morning, when the fog was still not clearing, Jung Daesik, who had appeared in a private car, was greeted by foreign troops who had already come.

"Are you here?"

Kim Si-on, who looks up with a blunt look.

"Howdy!" And the two of them seemed to raise his hand and lull it.

Yoo Tae-hoon with a bright smile.Park Mu-won makes a simple wink with an expressionless face.

Even to Heo Mi-rae, who nodded with a shy face.

Maybe it was because they had been alone in a dungeon full of undead for a full month or so, and their faces seemed more welcoming than usual.

As Jung Daesik approached them, Si-on Kim said a word.

“Is there any reward in training in the dungeon?”

Jung Daesik smiled cheerfully at Kim Si-on's question.

"of course."

Then, So Kang-du put his arm on his shoulder and said.

"If you're going to training, go with us. Are you shamelessly going alone!"

"I'm sorry. I'll think about it next time."

"Well, we'll see how strong it gets."

While So Gang-doo was threatening to make a statement, Kim Si-on briefly explained the mission.

This time, their job was to attack the dungeon commissioned by the government.

There are many dungeons to attack here and there, so when the time limit is imminent, the Ministry of Public Safety and Security sent an official letter to all raids under the government.

After conquering these dungeons, they were able to receive subsidies from the government, and they were exempted from taxes only for this mission.

Each raid was able to work here freely, but in the case of an urgent attack due to repeated failures, or in the case of a dungeon with no support, the government specifically commissioned it.

In this case, we negotiated the request fee directly with the raid.

"The CC9 dungeon we'll be entering today is a place full of trolls. As you know, trolls are very regenerating, intelligent, so they know how to use weapons, and some of them use magic, so it's very difficult to hunt. Especially we The troll sorceress, the boss mob you need to catch, specializes in debuffs, so it's extremely difficult to deal with. For that reason, for this mission, we decided to hire some personnel from other units as well as our Foreign Legion."

Having said that, Kim Si-on checked the time.

"Now is the time to come."

The tiger also appeared when I spoke, and just as she was muttering like that, the sound of her car's engine was heard from over there.

Soon, a jeep pulled into the parking lot, and the two men got off and rushed to the parking lot.

They were familiar faces.

It was the best with Ki Cheol-min.

"I'm sorry I'm late. There was a lot of fog on the way..."


Seeing the two apologizing, Kim Si-on said coldly.

"The one-eyed corps isn't the eyeball, it's the brain? How did this happen?"



Kim Si-on widened his eyes and got angry, and the two of them silently broke up.

Kim Si-on, who was enough to rebuke them, soon followed.

"As you know, Chul-min Ki is hard-working, and his best is a buffer. It will make up for the shortcomings of our unit, so during this mission, think as a team and move."

Kim Si-on made a mark so that command mode was possible with both of them.

Then, after checking the equipment, I entered the dungeon with the support team.


After a while, they stood inside the dungeon.

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