Navy Headquarters ….

The red dog’s face was as if it had eaten, and it was difficult to see the extreme.

In the previous picture, he was not quite sure of the direction of the battle, after all, he did not have the same eyesight as Karp and Sengoku, Whitebeard.

But now he has the answer in his mind….

As a general, he was sure that Moriah had reached his limit.

Although both sides are exhausted, the Straw Hats still maintain their sanity even when they are in a desperate situation.

In the face of the dual threat of Moria and Sunshine, they can fight very calmly.

Moriah, on the other hand, just lost Oz and was so angry that he wanted to fight to the death!

He actually devoured a thousand shadows at any cost, without considering his own state to be able to control it.

If he were smarter, devour hundreds of shadows to increase his combat power and drag the battle until the sun arrived.

The Straw Hats gang, self-defeating!

But now….


Chi Inu looked at the picture and scolded directly.

Moria, who was standing on the side, was dumbfounded.

Not only because of the red dog’s angry scolding, but also because he who watched the picture also saw that he … Dementia!

As the “star” of the live broadcast, he knows better than anyone whether he can control a thousand shadows.

Without a doubt, hard.

But in the picture, when he was angry, he actually devoured the number of shadows that exceeded his ability to bear without hesitation.

Don’t talk about the red dog, including Moriah himself wants to scold people…

[As Luffy and his group continued to attack, shadows were also spewing out of Moria’s mouth. 】

[The fall of Oz made him lose his mind and devoured a thousand shadows without any worries. ] 】

[Even if Moriah is a shadow master, this amount is far beyond his carrying range. 】

[It’s difficult to change to normal full state, let alone exhausted after a day of fighting.] 】

[Forcibly devouring a thousand shadows, on the contrary, made him lose the last power to fight…].

[So his recklessness has also laid an unchangeable foundation for his imminent defeat now…].

[But Moria, who was carried away by anger at this time, obviously did not realize it. 】

[After recovering a little chance, instead of conservative strength, he also took the initiative to attack. 】

[I saw countless shadow bats flying out, surrounding Luffy, and then smashing a punch towards Luffy. ] 】

[Luffy was smashed upside down by this huge force, and he fell into the shadow box that had already appeared behind! ] 】

[When Moria saw this scene, he immediately screamed softly, trapped in the shadow box for a short time and could not swallow, he could attack at will, and then punch after punch smashed into the shadow box! ] 】

[After dozens of punches, the boxes were smashed, just when Moriah thought that Luffy had been solved and was about to target the others…].

[Luffy rushed out from it! ] 】

[This scene made Moria’s eyes widen, he was stupid, why did he smash the attack with so many punches, he hadn’t been solved yet? ] 】

[He doesn’t know, Luffy, as a rubber man, is born with a reduction in physical attacks, so naturally he will not be knocked down like ordinary people. ] 】

[I saw Luffy half-squatting on the ground, spewing red steam all over his body, and the momentum of the whole person reached its peak. ] 】

[“Whether you are Nanabukai or something else, I won’t be knocked down by you here, because…I am the man who wants to become One Piece! “】


Luffy’s bold words spread throughout the world!

At this moment, countless people saw Luffy’s firmness and saw his will!

Everyone was deeply shocked by his extremely resolute appearance, without exception!

[Luffy looked at Moria, and directly blew into his fist, and in an instant, the fist became as huge as Moria! ] 】

[This scene, not to mention Moriah’s shock, even Usopp and Qioba and others were shocked! ] 】

[“Use the second and third gears together!? “】

[“Luffy is dead, the sequelae brought by just using the third gear for a long time last time are very huge, and now it is actually super in line with the battle! ] “】

[However, Luffy doesn’t care so much, his goal at this time is only to defeat Moria! ] 】

[Turn on the second gear, directly open the third gear, Luffy, who is full of red steam, becomes huge and blasts towards Moria! ] 】

[Rubber… Giant jets! 】

[Luffy’s huge force directly hit Moria’s body, and in an instant, countless shadows gushed out from his mouth. 】

[But Moriah quickly covered his mouth and tried to stuff all these shadows back.] 】

[The pirates were shocked, dumbfounded, and gritted their teeth, but there was no way, just because the person in front of them was Qi Wuhai! ] 】

[Luffy raised his head and looked ahead…].

[“My shadow, if you want to be One Piece, then follow me! “】

This voice… Spread all over the world!

It also shocked everyone!

In the sky, in the world, in the minds of all … Keep echoing!


[As soon as the words fell, Luffy tried his last strength and directly attacked instantly, which included a punch of all his strength, and smashed out fiercely! ] 】

[Moriah is originally the end of the strong crossbow, plus this punch… He couldn’t control the shadow in his body at all. 】

[In an instant, countless shadows rolled in his mouth, and then gushed out like a tide! ] 】

[Countless shadows gathered together, sprayed directly into the sky, and directly converged into a black pillar of light! ] 】

[After all the shadows are out of control, they can’t wait to return to their masters. 】

[And at this moment, the sun is also sprinkled all over the earth…].


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