The capital of water!

A man wearing swimming trunks, with a strong figure and blue hair, is standing on a high place….

And he, naturally, is French!

At this time, Franky looked strange when he saw the picture.

Just because he is in the water capital, he is the head of the family of the French family, the capital of water.

The Franky family they created, in addition to being shipbreaking as a dismantling businessman, is also a bounty hunter.

In addition to doing serious work in ordinary times, it is to fight pirates through the identity of a bounty hunter.

To atone for the sins he has committed….

At the same time, they also protect the water capital that their masters love.

It is precisely because of this that Franky is even more unable to understand his future self, and he actually …

Became a pirate?

Isn’t that a joke!?

He is a bounty hunter, does not kill pirates, but also becomes a pirate?

At this time, Franky’s confused appearance was exactly the same as Solon’s appearance at the beginning.

But despite his shock, French was also lost in thought….

Through the previous sky live broadcast screen, he could see that Luffy and the others in it got along very well with him.

And with his own character as a rogue, he was willing to fight desperately with them.

From this, it is enough to see that he is very integrated into this pirate group.

Thinking of this, French couldn’t help but doubt himself.

Could it be that my future self really loves this… Straw Hat Pirates?

Or do you say….

On the way to transform yourself, you accidentally changed your brain?

Devil’s Island, the dark sea!

This is a sea where there is no sunlight all year round, and it is in a dark sea.

A dilapidated and huge pirate ship slowly glides in this sea….

At a glance, the ship seems to be the same as its surroundings.

Lifeless, full of dead silence.

However, if you look closely, you can see that one of the skeletons is particularly conspicuous and special.

Just because he is not only wearing a suit, but also has an explosive head on his head!

If ordinary people see such a look, I am afraid that they will be frightened in an instant.

After all, this scene is too weird.

And he is also one of the members of the Straw Hat Pirates!

Those who ate the fruit of the yellow spring… Brooke!

“Will it defeat Moria?”

“Will it take back my shadow?”

“I’ll have new partners, and… Embark on an adventure again? ”

Brooke stared blankly at the sky.

Without the eyes of the eyes, people can’t see what he thinks in his heart.

However, even so, he could feel that his mood was very lonely and low at this time.

After all, since eating the Yellow Spring Fruit and becoming a skeleton man, and being taken away by Moria.

He himself didn’t know how long he had been in this dark sea…

In the dark, there is no other person to talk to, and all he can do is keep reminiscing about the past.

Even talking to himself….

He really had enough of such days.

Many times dreaming of a partner.

No matter how bad it is, you can come and talk to yourself alone….

So when he saw the picture in the sky, his future self had so many partners and such a harmonious relationship.

Brooke…… I was almost moved to cry.

If it weren’t for the fact that he had already taken away his shadow, he would not be able to leave the dark sea.

I’m afraid that at this time, he can’t help but set sail to find those partners in the picture.

“Since we are partners, then Luffy they will definitely know that my shadow has been taken away.”

“They will definitely come back to defeat Moria and help me reclaim the shadow, since that’s the case…”

“I’ll just wait here quietly…”


In this endless desert kingdom, at a glance…

In addition to the scorching sun and fine grains of sand, there are only cacti everywhere.

At this time, above the desert, a beautiful woman with a slender figure and a cowhide hat walked by here at a fast pace.

And she is also a member of the Straw Hat Pirates… Nicole Robin!

Over the years, he has been evading capture by the Navy.

At the same time, he also worked for him under the protection of Klockdar, one of the Seven Martial Seas.

But now with the exposure of the live broadcast footage, I am afraid that the Navy already knows where it is.

In the past, Klockdar single-handedly covered the sky in Alabastan.

Blocking their own news, no one knows their movements, and they can also evade the pursuit of the navy.

Now, however….

With his exposure in front of the whole world, I am afraid that even Klockdar… And there is nothing that can be done.

He will even be compulsorily ordered by the Navy to take the initiative to capture himself and hand it over to them.

In order to fulfill his dream, in order to avoid the pursuit of the Navy, Robin can only leave here….

Although she didn’t know where she was going.

Is it to find a random hidden place to hide for a while?

Or go find… What about your own partner you’ve never met?

But at least, she knew she couldn’t stay here anymore and had to leave as soon as possible….

In fact, Robin’s hunch was quite correct.

Because at this moment, at the headquarters of the Navy ….

Since Akainu temporarily gave up his capture of Luffy, he turned his contradiction on Robin….

“Klockdar, I seem to have seen an amazing face…”

I saw Chi Inu with a cold face, and slowly looked at Lao Sha on the side.

And the green pheasant, yellow ape, and even the Warring States and other navies also set their sights on Klockdar….

Suddenly, Lao Sha was shocked in his heart!

Because he knew who the red dog was talking about….

When he took Robin in, he had already thought that he was likely to be discovered by the Navy in the future.

After all, her origin is not simple.

At just eight years old, he has nearly 100 million bounties, and for the navy, it is also an existence that will be destroyed even if he launches a demon slaughter order.

But he coveted her abilities and needed her, so he took the risk of taking her in and hiding it in his own territory.

But I never expected it…….

In the future, she actually became a member of the Straw Hat Pirates?

was also exposed by the live broadcast screen, and came out of himself….

Damn it!

The black line on Lao Sha’s face, he knew that with Robin’s threat to the naval government, he was now discovered by the three major generals and even the Warring States in person.

There is no possibility of saving Robin yourself!

You’ll even get yourself involved!

The only way now is to voluntarily hand it over….

“I don’t know why this person who was offered a reward appeared in my territory!”

“But now that I know her position, in order to show my attitude.”

“I will immediately notify my men, trap them as quickly as possible, and hand them over to the navy…”

Lao Sha’s words are naturally playing the fool.

All of Alabastan is under his control. Robin was there, how could he not know?

If you can’t do it, it’s still working under him…

Akainu and others naturally know, but they don’t care.

Although Qiwu Hai is named after the Navy, it also harbors ghosts.

Anyway, as long as you catch the main characters.

“Well, I will immediately send the Navy to Alabastan in the hope … Don’t deliberately shield her. ”

“The existence of Nikko Robin is very dangerous for the world government!”

“If you and even your subordinates block our actions a little during the arrest process, then you will bear the consequences!”

When Lao Sha heard this, he was even more shocked in his heart.

Immediately nodded with a black face….

Seeing Lao Sha’s appearance, Chi Inu suddenly showed a satisfied expression.

Straw Hat Luffy’s backstage is hard enough, and he can’t move for the time being.

Could it be… An orphan who escaped under the demon slaughter order, can’t he move?

If you can’t catch Luffy, just grab her partner yourself….

“O’Hara’s survivors… After so many years, I finally found you! ”


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