That’s right, it was Solon who came to the windmill village!

Although he is a complete road idiot, he also knows how to ask for directions.

After the naval base town went in three wrong directions in a row, he finally determined the direction of the windmill village with the help of passers-by.

Then I came here by boat….

Being able to come so quickly also stemmed from the fact that the distance between the two was not too far.


The first time Luffy saw Solon, he was excited and excited!

He didn’t expect that his partner actually took the initiative to find him?

I was just thinking about when I would be able to go to sea and gather with these partners in the picture, but I didn’t expect Solon to come first!

Luffy at this moment, not to mention how happy he was.

Before Sauron’s boat could dock, his two hands directly stretched out tens of meters to grab the boat and pull himself forward…

This moment also startled Solon!

I almost thought Luffy was going to attack him!

Fortunately, Solon watched the live broadcast and knew that Luffy’s personality was out of character, and he was mentally prepared on the way here.

If this were to change someone I didn’t know, I would probably have pulled out the knife directly….


[Although Luffy usually giggles, he has exactly the same personality as Karp, as if he doesn’t care about anything. ] 】

[But he is not stupid, on the contrary, sometimes his mind is more delicate than others.] 】

[So as early as the beginning, he discovered Conis’s abnormality…].

“Although I don’t know the reason, if you are afraid, you don’t have to bring us, we can come by ourselves.”] “】

[Maybe it was because she felt Luffy’s kindness, or maybe her conscience found that Connise couldn’t bear it anymore, and she cried out and began to explain…].

[It turned out that the reason why she and the previous Uncle of the Empty Island approached Luffy’s group, showed kindness, and explained all the information of the empty island with a purpose. 】

[All Qinghai people who come to the empty island have one common characteristic, that is, freshness and the desire to explore adventures. 】

However, human greed can make them think only about themselves or only about themselves when they encounter danger, even great interests. 】

[Even after triggering God’s trials, he will flee alone with the treasure he has obtained, abandoning his companions…].

[Therefore, in order to ensure that these people who are waiting for sanctions, before exhausting the last trace of blood and abandoning their companions to escape, the task of Connis and the others is to bring them smoothly to the island where the priest is. ] 】

[As soon as they get there, the trial will officially begin, and then even if they want to escape… No more chance! 】

[And Connise and the former Uncle Kushima are mainly working to guide those who are waiting to be sanctioned to the place where the priest is and accept sanctions! ] 】

[This is formulated by the god of the empty island, Anilu, if the two disobey, they will be directly executed, so this is why they have to do so…].

[Hearing this, Luffy and the three were shocked…].

[They never expected that the uncle and Conise who released kindness to themselves and others at the beginning were actually holding such a purpose! ] 】

Whitebeard Pirates!

“This god is really bad fun…”

“It seems that being in a high position is too boring, and he actually took the initiative to arrange for his own people to act as a guide to make Qinghai people accept sanctions.”

“It’s really infuriating!”

“Threatening his people with their lives, this god deserves it badly!”

“This is the evil god, the tyrant…”

Seeing this, many captains complained one after another.

Both the expression and the look in the eyes are more or less filled with disdain and anger.

Because in the Whitebeard Pirates, the most important thing is the family.

These captains also have a very good relationship with the people under them.

Although it is usually noisy, there has never been such a bad threat!

On the contrary, if someone threatens their family, everyone will not hesitate to stand on the same side!

Like Anilu, who is clearly a god, but threatens his life to let his people do such an abominable thing….

It has already made everyone on board feel deeply disdained!

Anilu is an incompetent god, and this is not just seen in Cornice!

The same can be seen from the terrified empty island residents in the town.

So people are extremely afraid of Anilu….

As the captain, Whitebeard was naturally very angry.

This can be seen from his serious to extreme expression!

I’m afraid that if Anilu is by his side now, he can’t help but take out his big knife and slash him…


[Conisce’s nature is not bad, she has a deep guilt in her heart along the way, and the reason why she did this is only to save her life. ] 】

[“Run away, take advantage of the fact that you have not yet gone to the priest to undergo trials, even if you abandon your companions, you can at least save your life!”] “】

[“If you really get there, there will be no chance of survival, the priest is terrifying, run away, run away!” “】

[Cornis knelt on the ground, constantly crying and shouting, hoping that Luffy and the three would listen to her words and leave quickly. ] 】

[But what she didn’t know, Luffy… He would never do anything to abandon his companions and run for his life alone. 】

[Even the most timid Usopp is the same…].

[I saw Luffy’s expression was very serious, looking at Connis and saying seriously…].

“So, are you forced? “】

[“Forcing you to do what you are not willing to do, is this the god of your empty island? “】

[“In that case, I will not only fly those four priests and rescue Nami and them, but I will also fly the so-called gods and save you! “】


[As soon as Luffy’s words came out, Conisce, who was kneeling on the ground and crying, was shocked. 】

[She looked at Luffy in front of her blankly, and the sunlight shone from the top of his head on the straw hat! ] 】

[For some reason, although the figure in front of her is so thin, it gave her a shock at this moment that she has never had before! ] 】

[The man in front of me seems to represent light at this time…].


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