Chapter 0079 – Naval Six? Wasn’t this created by Karp!!!

[Robin and French are brought back to Justice Island by CP9.] 】

[Knowing that the two are to protect the water capital and their own Luffy and the others, it is naturally impossible to sit idly by. ] 】

[Even if the judicial bird is heavily guarded, it is a very dangerous place, and there is no turning back! ] 】

[Not only Luffy and the others decided to go, but the Franky family, and the people from the shipbuilding company also planned to go together! ] 】

[In this way, under the driving of the sea train, a group of people galloped towards Justice Island…]

[Luffy took a step ahead of everyone and jumped directly into the wall that claimed to have never escaped criminals! ] 】

[For a time, tens of thousands of navy and agents surrounded it…]

[They know that this is the accomplice of the two prisoners who have just been arrested and entered, but they just want to come here to save people… I’m afraid I’m looking in the wrong place! 】

[“We can have nearly 10,000 people, and you come here alone, you may be too contemptuous of the justice bird! “】

[I don’t know who shouted this, but Luffy, who was surrounded by everyone, was completely unafraid. ] 】

[Instead, stretch out a hand and gently lower the hat……].

“Oh, I’m alone, enough to knock you all away!”] “】

[As soon as the words fell, Luffy directly rioted, and in an instant, various rubber attacks rained down on the crowd. ] 】

[For a time, although there were nearly 10,000 people surrounded, they were defeated and retreated, and they were powerless. 】

[However, Luffy knows very well that his target is by no means these little minions, but the inside of Justice Island! ] 】

[I’m going to Frankie and Robin myself!] The real enemy is… cp9! 】

[At the same time, the younger brothers of the French family also rushed in, along with the shipbuilding company founded by Senior Brother French. ] 】

[“Luffy, leave it to us here, we will break open the door of Justice Island! ] “】

[Saying that, everyone directly engaged the navy, and the scene suddenly fell into chaos! ] 】

[Seeing this, Luffy showed a bright smile and ran straight inside…]

Who would have thought that the island of justice, which has always been majestic in the eyes of everyone and is known as the world’s government!

Will someone attack now?

Luffy and they forget about it…

There are actually rogues who are not even pirates, and some shipbuilding company employees.

This kind of scene is simply slapping the face of the world government alive! The headquarters of the Navy is furious!


“Damn it, this group of people is just… Rebel army! ”

“The water capital should not exist, just destroy it with the demon slaughter order!”

“Dare to violate the majesty of the world government, all deserve to die!”

The red dog looked at the picture and said with a fierce face.

And his words were rarely recognized by the green pheasant and yellow ape on the side.

“Well, if you dare to attack Justice Island, there is indeed a way to take death.”

“Although the use of the demon slaughter order is somewhat serious, it can also be installed in the name of the rebel army and escorted to prison…”

Not to mention the three generals.

Even at this moment, the face of the Che Warring States is not going anywhere.

As a naval marshal, the navy he leads is not only to capture pirates and maintain safety at sea.

Likewise, protect the world government from any violation of its majestic duties!

But now…

As the place of trial of the world government, Justice Island was openly provoked and offended, and brought so many people?

The key is all miscellaneous people!

What is this like?

“Karp, look at what good things your grandson has done!”

“If it weren’t for him, these people would dare to attack the Justice Bird?”

Karp scratched his head with a grin when he heard this.

“Hahaha, this kid, I can’t control him, otherwise it’s not a pirate, but a navy, and you don’t know!”

“What’s more, I have already seen that he is not happy with the place on Justice Island, and it is not impossible to engage the people there…”


Sengoku was chestache from Kapu.

But he didn’t know what to say, after all, he had such a temper.

In the end, he could only sigh helplessly.


Sure enough, what kind of old ones there are, there are what kind of small ones.

Three generations of this family, all of them are not good goods…

The capital of water!

Franky was immediately stunned when he saw that he was actually escorted to the island of justice.

But when he saw his own little brother not hesitating to break into the Justice Island, he was moved to cry!

“You guys really…”

“I can’t help but burst into tears!”

While crying, French took out his violin and played wildly.

And the group of younger brothers below him, including the two square women, he was crying with him.

As if the scene was a parting of life and death, the painting style was strange…


But soon, Franky regained his composure, and his face showed a touch of light

Don’t look at him, although he usually doesn’t look very serious, but to be honest, he is definitely smart.

Now through the picture, he already knows that his future self has exposed the hidden Hades drawings, and CP9 has been hidden in the perimeter…

“The capital of water can’t stay!”

“If I stay like this any longer, I will not only not be able to save my life, but also the drawings given by the master!”

Frankie knew he had to leave the water capital, and as fast as he could

Because the current CP9 is estimated to have removed its camouflage.

It’s not good…

Now he is coming towards himself and others!

“Open the secret passage immediately, everyone hides in the surrounding area, and they can’t come out without my order!”

With Frankie’s order, the entire Frenchy family’s dock directly changed!

Everyone seemed to be magical, jumping into it and disappearing in place

And those organs are also slowly restored, so that people can not see any clues.

As a disciple of the master shipbuilder, French has amazing transformation skills, and the French family was naturally transformed by him early.

It’s to beware of dealing with unexpected needs one day in the future.

And Frankie’s guess is not wrong!

Now that the CP9 has been disguised, it is rushing towards here, intending to control Franky, who has the drawings of Hades, in advance.

However…… They are doomed!

Meanwhile, in the village of Sirob!

Robin and Usopp have decided to get out of here and go on an adventure with Luffy and them.

And the Melly, naturally, was also obtained!

At this moment, Luffy and the others finally had a pirate ship that could be seen

And by this time, the Straw Hats also gathered five partners.

Facing the imminent departure to sea, both Luffy and Usopp were very excited.

However, they found out that Robin… He was standing in place, looking at the sky with a dull face.

“Justice Island…”

“Demon Slaughter Order…”

In her eyes, a trace of imperceptible flashed… Afraid.

[Luffy bypassed many naval guards and constantly used the rubber characteristics to bounce in tall buildings. 】

[Even the navy on the way cannot intercept it until…”

【”.“ Stop here! “】

[A burly man with hair like a pair of horns stood on the roof of a building. 】

[Luffy looked at the man in front of him and said with a smile: “Oh, it turned out to be the tavern owner, I didn’t expect that you were the first to appear.] “】

Bruno clasped his hands to his chest and looked down at Luffy. 】

[“This is the island of justice, not only is there tens of thousands of navies stationed, but also CP9 directly under the world government! “】

[“There is only one end for you, and it is death! “】

“So… How long do you want to make trouble? “】

When Luffy heard this, he immediately became serious to the extreme, “Until Robin and Franky are rescued!] “】

[Bruno looked sarcastical, “Then you only have one way to die!” “】

Luffy said without the slightest fear, while taking an attack stance. 】

“Oh, let’s die then! “】

[Speaking of which, Luffy directly used a rubber machine gun. 】

[In an instant, countless fists continued to fall like raindrops, smashing towards Bruno. ] 】

[However, in the face of such a dense attack, Bruno did not dodge at all, and the whole time was in a state of contempt. ] 】

[“Pieces of iron! “】

【Bang bang!!! 】

[Luffy’s attack at this moment, there is no threat (good to take money)]

[And the smile on Bruno’s face is getting brighter…]

[“Give up, I’m using the Navy Six!”] “】

[“Do you know what the Navy Six is?” “】

[“It’s profound, you can’t understand it at all, this is the most profound skill I’ve ever learned, and I studied it hard for decades to fully master it!”] “】

[“All in all, you are dead today, hahaha…”

At this moment, the headquarters of the Navy…

Looking at Bruno’s rampant smile in the picture, Karp had a strange face.


“Is this thing really as good as he says?”

The Karp people are stupid, the Navy Six was created by itself, or was it created casually at that time.

When it was too garbage, his strength did not increase much, so he casually passed it on to the students below.

But I never expected it…

When it came to CP9, it was actually regarded as a treasure by those members?

Still studying hard for decades to master Fang?

You’re waste, right?

Sengoku also felt very speechless.

At this time, he wanted to rush in and pull Bruno to tell him.

The Navy Six that you are proud of was created by the grandfather of the kid in front of you.

What’s the pretend?

You pretend to be better in front of people…

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