Save the Bachelor of Heaven

Chapter 1411 1413 [Smash the scene]

Just as Su Meng was busy entertaining guests and taking the opportunity to win over the relationship, time passed slowly, and finally the auspicious time came.

"Xiaomeng, the auspicious time is coming, it's time to preside over the opening ceremony~" Liu Botao reminded her.

Su Meng smiled, and then invited a few distinguished guests to follow her to cut the ribbon, a happy opening!

Invited by a beautiful woman, and with Xiang Nan's face, the distinguished guests naturally did not refuse.


At the entrance of Fulinmen Restaurant, hostesses are also wearing cheongsams and standing in a row holding red silk in the cold winter months.

Su Meng, Liu Botao and all the honored guests each held a pair of golden scissors, smiling and preparing to cut the ribbon.

Opposite them, there were already reporters from several major newspapers in the capital waiting, each holding up their cameras, ready to take pictures of this festive moment.

Xiang Nan is very influential in the media industry. On the one hand, his early works were published in newspapers and magazines, and many editors were his old friends.

On the one hand, when he was studying and teaching at Peking University, many seniors, juniors, and students also worked in newspapers and magazines after graduation, and they all had a kind of incense.

Therefore, this time his restaurant opened, everyone naturally gave face and sent reporters to interview. When the time comes, help him spread the word.

And seeing the opening of the restaurant, it was so grand. The front door is full of flower baskets and ribbons, and there are names of various functional departments and state-owned enterprises, and the pedestrians who come and go also stop.

"This restaurant is so ostentatious, even the city government sent flower baskets to congratulate?"

"My good fellow, there is also a flower basket with the prefix of the Chinese character, it's really incredible!"

"Hmph, another corrupt nest! Every day you know how to eat and drink~"

The common people discussed one after another.


At this time, the auspicious time has come, and the firecrackers are all fired.

Su Meng is about to invite all distinguished guests to cut the ribbon together.

At this moment, two people squeezed into the crowd and shouted, "Slow down~"

Su Meng, Liu Botao and several distinguished guests were all taken aback.

"Old Cheng, why did you come here? You don't care too much about your own business, do you?"

"Professor Cheng is a big name, so he has to make his final appearance. Come on, come on, I'll let you~"

"Old Cheng, you are not kind. Our guests are here, but you, the Lord, are late. You will be fined three times later~"

The distinguished guests all said with a smile.

It was Xiang Nan and Guan Xiaoguan who came here, and most of them were Xiang Nan's friends, so they were naturally enthusiastic when they saw him.

Xiang Nan waved his hands, and said loudly, "Everyone, I know you are doing it for my sake, and I am really grateful. But I'm sorry, I can only appreciate your kindness.

At the beginning of the preparation of this restaurant, I said that I don't want to use the name of Ms. Guan and me to promote and solicit customers, so we signed a special contract for this reason.

Because, I, Cheng Jianjun and Ms. Guan Xiaoguan, both firmly support the government's proposition, do not advocate eating and drinking, and even refuse to promote high consumption.

But they still go back on their promises and spread invitations in our name to attract guests. Therefore, Ms. Guan and I hereby declare that we will withdraw from Fulinmen Restaurant with immediate effect, and will sue it for damages.

I'm really sorry everyone! "

After Xiang Nan finished speaking, the crowd cheered.

"Well said, you shouldn't advocate eating and drinking~"

"Oh, he is Cheng Jianjun, you said it so well!"

"The problem of food and clothing has not been solved yet, they still open such a big restaurant, soliciting customers with the title of Professor Cheng, it's really despicable~"

Everyone echoed and agreed with Xiang Nan's approach.

After the guests listened, they all glared at Su Meng and Liu Botao.

They wouldn't have come to join us if they hadn't pulled up a big banner as a tiger's skin and spread invitations under Xiang Nan's banner, it's really abominable!

At this time, the guests in the building heard the commotion outside, and they all came to the door one after another.


Su Meng and Liu Botao turned pale from embarrassment.

"Cheng Jianjun, you are so despicable, you jumped out at this time, you are obviously embarrassing us on purpose." Su Meng couldn't help but said angrily.

"You earn your face, and you also lose it. If you hadn't contradicted your promise and assumed the name of Miss Guan and me, you wouldn't lose face today." Xiang Nan said coldly.

Su Meng and her uncle are just shameless. I have already said something first, and they still go their own way. It really seems that the whole world is spring.

"Cheng Jianjun, what good will it do you if you do this?" Liu Botao also said angrily.

"I, Cheng Jianjun, don't do anything that breaks the law, and I don't eat poisonous things. I was born under the Zhengyang Gate, and I am ashamed to look up to the sky and the ground. You use my banner to engage in official receptions, business receptions, feasting and high consumption, I think Disgusting!" Xiang Nan scolded.

"Okay!", "That's great!", "As expected of Yanjing men~"

The surrounding audience applauded.

When the guests heard this, they all covered their faces and left.

They came here because they were tricked, which is quite understandable. If you don't leave after knowing the truth, then it is unforgivable.

In a short while, all the guests of Fulinmen left, and there was no one left.

"Cheng Jianjun, are you doing this to your friend? Don't forget, Su Meng is Han Chunming's wife!" Liu Botao saw that the guests had all left, and they all showed anger, knowing that something was wrong.

If they encountered such a thing today, they would never do it again if they were killed. And one person drives ten or a hundred people, and in the end, all the agencies, units, and companies in the city will not come here to eat again.

Xiang Nan's move is tantamount to turning the pot off.

"It's not for Chunming's sake, what right do you have to talk to me?" Xiang Nan looked at him coldly and said, "My surname is Liu, let me tell you, hurry up and return the money from Miss Guan and me. Otherwise, I will have to sue you. Xiaoguan, let's go~"

"Cheng Jianjun, you bastard~" Su Meng couldn't help stomping her feet.


"Brother Jianjun, you also offended someone today, will you be okay?" Guan Xiaoguan said worriedly.

Those guests suffered such humiliation today, and I'm afraid they would have a bit of hatred towards Xiang Nan.

"You don't need to worry about that." Xiang Nan waved his hands and smiled, "Not only will I be fine, but I will improve to a higher level."

The power system in the officialdom is from top to bottom. As long as he does not offend his superiors, the people below will not dare to retaliate against him no matter how they have opinions.

Guan Xiaoguan was somewhat skeptical, but by the next day, she knew that Xiang Nan was right.

"Yanjing Daily", "Worker's Daily", "Yanjing Evening News", "Youth Daily" and many other newspapers reported that Xiang Nan supported the government's proposition, put an end to eating and drinking, and discouraged high consumption.

For a while, this matter aroused widespread heated discussions, and it also made Xiang Nan unique in the limelight.

"Professor Cheng is right. Now that the problem of food and clothing has not been resolved, they engage in high consumption. I looked at its menu price list, and a lobster costs more than 2,000 yuan, which is outrageous!"

"The price is set so high, it's not a waste of public money, so it's closed well, it should have been closed long ago! Professor Cheng really has a conscience!"

"Those who run high-end restaurants really have no conscience. In order to make more money for themselves, they do not hesitate to win over and corrupt cadres. It is Professor Cheng who has a public heart~"

As for Fulinmen's experience with this incident, it was natural that there were few cars and horses in front of the door, and it closed in less than half a month.

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