Save the Bachelor of Heaven

Chapter 1418 1421 [Random House]

Xiang Nan then looked through Zhu Lin's information, only to realize that Zhu Lin was born in 1952, three years older than him.

But because she is beautiful, she does not look old until now, she still looks so young and beautiful.

Unlike Cai Xiaoli, she aged very quickly after giving birth. Just thirty years old, there are already fine lines around the eyes. Now I wear pearl powder every day, I want to beautify my skin and keep my youth.

Moreover, Xiang Nan was surprised to find that Zhu Lin was married twelve years ago. She was working at the Institute for the Control of Pharmaceutical and Biological Products of the Ministry of Health at the time, and the object of her marriage was her colleague at the Institute.

In the 1980s, Zhu Lin first came into contact with film and took over the filming of the movie "Traitor". In 1981, he entered the Beijing Film Amateur Performance Training Class for advanced studies, and then formally entered the entertainment circle. Because of this, there was a gap with her husband, and finally the two divorced in 1985.

This information is also different from what Xiang Nan knows.

Because he had read a report before, saying that Zhu Lin fell in love at first sight with Xu Shaohua, who played Tang Seng, during the filming of "Journey to the West". Unfortunately, Xu Shaohua was already married at that time, so Zhu Lin was single for decades because of him.

Now he finally understands that feelings are all deceitful marketing numbers.

Think about it too. Zhu Lin was born in 1952. When he filmed "Journey to the West" in 1985, he was already 33 years old. At this age, after thirty years, it is considered an old age. In this day and age, it is even more impossible to be single.

The other information pages are more detailed, which gave Xiang Nan a certain understanding and recognition of Zhu Lin, and made him more confident in winning Zhu Lin.

However, Xiang Nan also set boundaries for himself. If after half a year of pursuit, he still can't catch him, he will stop chasing him, so as not to waste his energy.


And just when Xiang Nan was about to make a move, the crew of "Triumph in Midnight" suddenly set off to shoot scenes in southern Xinjiang, and it was estimated that they would not be able to return until two or three months later. Xiang Nan could only calm down temporarily.

At the same time, Xiang Nan's previously written script "Longing", after Feng Xiaogang's "retouching", was also approved by the TV Art Center and is ready to be filmed.

However, Feng Xiaogang, as the art assistant of "Triumph in Midnight", had to go to southern Xinjiang with him. After completing this task, I will return to the crew of "Xiaojing Hutong".

Another half month passed, New Year's Day passed, and we entered the year of 1987.

In early 1987, Xiang Nan released a new work "Ghost Blowing the Lantern", which tells the story of Captain Mo Jin.

Once this novel was published, Luoyang Zhigui immediately caused a sensation.

Because at this stage, there are really not many popular novels like this that are extremely entertaining and readable. Young people are about to overwhelm Jin Yong, Gu Long, Liang Yusheng, Qiong Yao, Xi Juan, and Cen Kailun.

Therefore, the release of this "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" just fills the gap. Its imagination is exhausted, the story is ups and downs, and the characters are vivid, which makes readers fascinated by it, so it is very popular.

However, the literary world has a slight criticism of Xiang Nan's blind writing of such popular novels.

Writers of the same period, such as Mo Yan, Su Tong, Wang Shuo, Liang Xiaosheng, etc., wrote realistic themes, and their styles were mostly avant-garde, emphasizing self-awareness, breaking traditional norms, pursuing novelty and strangeness, and mostly involving taboo themes.

Because of the reform and opening up in the 1980s, the society changed drastically and changed with each passing day, so people's thoughts were particularly restless. In this case, the avant-garde began to be affirmed.

In comparison, the novels written by Xiang Nan, although the stories are first-rate and highly entertaining, but because the narrative style is still traditional, it seems a bit old-fashioned to some people.

But Xiang Nan didn't care about such comments. His biggest purpose in writing books is to make money, followed by social influence. As for his status in the literary world, to him, it is simply tasteless, it is tasteless to eat, and it is a pity to discard it.

Besides, he has already won the Mao Dun Literature Award, the highest award in the domestic literary world. Those who criticize him are afraid that they don't even have a hair.


At this time, Random House from the United States found Xiang Nan. Bid $1 million to buy out his novel "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone."

It turned out that after the reform and opening up, many foreigners came to live in Beijing. One of them read "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" written by Xiang Nan and found it very interesting, so he recommended it to Random House.

After reading it, Random House felt that it was a treasure, and immediately sent people to the mainland to negotiate. And a bid of one million dollars, in their opinion, is considered pretty good.

Because at that time, the income of mainland writers was very low. One million dollars is enough to satisfy Xiang Nan's appetite.

After the news spread, it immediately caused an uproar.

On the one hand, it is because the amount is too large. One million dollars is something that most people will never earn in their lifetime. Many well-known writers in the mainland are already complacent if a book can sell tens of thousands of yuan. A million dollars is unthinkable.

On the one hand, after the opening of the country in the late 1970s, foreign countries, especially the United States, Japan and Europe, were really prosperous. Therefore, many Chinese feel ashamed of themselves and feel that everything in foreign countries is good, even the moon is relatively round.

Because of this, Xiang Nan's novels can be seen by foreign publishing companies, which is naturally very remarkable in their eyes. People who used to despise Xiang Nanda are now embarrassed to speak up.


However, Xiang Nan still rejected Random House.

One million dollars, just want to buy out "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone", what the hell do you want.

You must know that JK Rowling almost became the richest man in Britain with this series of books, earning more than one billion US dollars, which is higher than the Queen of England.

A mere one million dollars, to send off the beggars.

"Mr. Smith, I will not sell off the copyright of this book." Xiang Nan explained, "I am its creator, and I know better than you how much potential it has. So if you want to cooperate, you have to pay I print royalties."

"Mr. Cheng, don't be too confident. You are a Chinese writer, and what you write may not suit the appetite of Americans. I came here this time at a risk.

If the book doesn't sell well, you might only get a few thousand dollars. In comparison, now as long as you sign, you can get a million dollars. One bird in hand is worse than a hundred birds in the forest, what do you think? "Mr. Smith of Random House said.

Xiang Nan smiled.

How could the "Harry Potter" series not appeal to Americans, since it sold more than 100 million copies in the United States.

"Mr. Smith, if my book is not to your liking, why did you travel across the ocean to find me to buy out the copyright?" Xiang Nan said with a smile, "Everyone is smart, stop talking nonsense like that. I'll just One request, pay me for printing manuscripts. Others are free of discussion.”

"Mr. Cheng, if you have this attitude, then we won't be able to talk." Smith threatened.

"Then don't talk about it." Xiang Nan said with a smile, "I'm different from those poor literati, I don't wait for rice to be cooked. In China, I am definitely a rich man. Even in the United States, I am a small rich man, so you can't threaten me. I.

Besides, you Random House is here, and other publishing houses will definitely come when they hear the news. If you don't cooperate with me, there are other publishing houses. "

Smith was taken aback for a moment, then smiled, "Mr. Cheng, you are really cunning."

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