Save the Bachelor of Heaven

Chapter 1431 1433 [Bringing]

"Prime Minister Liu Luoguo" was subsequently broadcast across the country, setting off a frenzy of ratings again.

Liu Yong's wit, He Shen's greed, Qianlong's stupidity, Xia Gege's virtuousness... all made the audience talk about it with great interest.

Xiang Nan, the hero behind the scenes, has become a leader in the domestic screenwriting circle, and many TV stations have offered olive branches one after another, hoping to cooperate with him. Even CCTV sent people over, hoping that Xiang Nan could put aside the past and cooperate with them again.

However, after thinking about it, Xiang Nan still only cooperated with Yanjing Television Art Center.

On the one hand, a thousand tricks are not as effective as a single trick, and making a hundred people is not as effective as a good friend. The result of becoming acquainted with everyone is that you don't know everyone well.

He has cooperated with Yanjing Television Art Center many times, and they have a tacit understanding and affection for each other. He can't afford to find someone else to cooperate with.

On the one hand, the big shop bullies the customers, and the big customers bully the shop. Cooperating with CCTV, no matter how famous Xiang Nan is, he still has to feel wronged. But in cooperation with Yanjing TV, Xiang Nan has more right to speak.

For example, almost all of the cast candidates for "Prime Minister Liu Luoguo" were recommended by Xiang Nan. If it were CCTV, he would never be able to do it.

Therefore, Xiang Nan rejected the invitations of all TV stations, and cooperated with Yanjing TV to launch a series of comedies "The Story of the Editorial Department".

Xiang Nan recommends starring Ge You and Zhu Lin, with Lu Qi and Zhang Tong as supporting roles. And suggest this TV series, directed by Feng Xiaogang.

The year before last, Feng Xiaogang participated in the screenwriting of "Desire". After the TV series was broadcast, it also made him a hit and attracted the attention of the industry.

And Feng Xiaogang himself is also a talented person, what he lacks is just an opportunity. Therefore, after becoming a screenwriter, he successively created scripts such as "Little Alley on the Big Road" and "Ordinary Things of Ordinary People".

According to the TV series he produced, although the ratings are not as high as "Longing", they are not bad, so his position in the art center has become more and more stable.

Because of this, Xiang Nan is giving him another push now to let him not only be a screenwriter, but also a director. In this way, he can learn more and grow better.

After Feng Xiaogang heard about it, he was naturally very happy.

Being a director is more promising than being a screenwriter. After all, the director is in command of the entire crew, and when the machine is turned on, dozens or hundreds of people listen to his command, what a sight. And the screenwriter doesn't care how popular it is, once the script is written, no one cares about it.

"Professor Cheng, don't worry, if you give me a chance, I will definitely take it, and you can just look at me." He said with a smile.

Xiang Nan nodded, "Okay, then I'll see how you behave."

But in the end, Yanjing Television Art Center did not mention Feng Xiaogang as the director. Because he had only worked as a screenwriter and art assistant before, and had no experience in directing.

But they didn't want to take Xiang Nan's face, so they arranged for Feng Xiaogang to be the assistant director. And the director is Zheng Xiaolong.

Feng Xiaogang couldn't say anything, so he could only work as an assistant director first, and then find opportunities to climb up in the future.


In the same month, there was another piece of good news.

Directed by Zhang Yimou, starring Shi Ke and Jiang Wen, and written by Xiang Nan, the movie "Red Sorghum" won the Golden Bear Award at the Berlin Film Festival.

After the news was sent back to China, it aroused strong repercussions.

At the time, this was the first time a Chinese-language film won this award. For Chinese filmmakers, it is undoubtedly an extremely glorious thing. Because of this, Zhang Yimou became an instant hit and became a hot new director in the Mainland. The leading actor Shi Ke also became one of the most popular actresses in the mainland.

Jiang Wen has starred in "Furong Town" directed by Xie Jin before and has become famous. This time, he made great progress and took a step further, becoming a famous brother in the mainland film industry.

As a screenwriter, Xiang Nan is naturally honored. After all, he wrote the novels and scripts of the movie. Therefore, he also has a credit.

Moreover, with the award-winning movie and the original novel of "Red Sorghum", sales have increased again. For Xiang Nan, it was a surprise.

The only one who is sad is Gong Li. Originally, she had the opportunity to act in "Red Sorghum", but it was a pity that she lost to her classmate Shi Ke. Now Shi Ke has become an international star, but she is still unknown, which makes her a little jealous.


"Professor Cheng, when will I be as popular as her? I really want to taste what it's like to be an international movie star." She said coquettishly to Xiang Nan.

She has been with Xiang Nan for two years, just waiting for a chance to become famous.

"Don't worry, I've been planning for you." Xiang Nan smiled and handed a script to Gong Li.

Gong Li took it and saw that it was "Raise the Red Lantern".

She had seen this work before, it was a play written by Xiang Nan in 1982. It was first rehearsed by Peking University Drama Club, and then nearly a hundred drama troupes across the country, including Human Art, Experimental Theater Troupe, and Hujiang Drama Troupe.

When Gong Li was in school in Chinese opera, he played roles in it, so he is no stranger to this. And she also admitted from the bottom of her heart that "Raise the Red Lantern" is a good show.

After the heroine Song Lian married into the Chen family's compound, she went from being lonely and arrogant at the beginning, and dismissive of the old man, to later, she was in harmony with each other, jealous, and even resorted to deception to invite favor...

It seems to be a conspiracy at the gate of the mansion, but it actually tells the story of a cynical young man who is tamed after entering the society.

As long as there is power, as long as there are classes, tragedies like Song Lian will continue to happen.

Just like her, when she was admitted to the Chinese Academy of Drama, she was very ambitious, thinking that being famous all over the world is now. Who would have thought that now she has become a shady woman behind others' backs.

"You will be the heroine of this movie." Xiang Nan said, "I will make it clear to Director Zhang that it is up to you. If he disagrees, I will not hand over the script to him. I will choose another director Responsible."

Hearing what he said, Gong Li just became happy.


After Zhang Yimou returned to China, Xiang Nan asked him to meet him.

Zhang Yimou rushed over immediately.

This time "Red Sorghum" won the award. First, he would like to thank the country, second, the leadership, and third, Xiang Nan.

When he was filming this movie, Xiang Nan provided him with a lot of help.

He wrote the script, he found the actors, and even the lack of fertilizer for his sorghum planting, Xiang Nan tried to help him solve it.

Therefore, Zhang Yimou is very grateful to Xiang Nan.

"Director Zhang, congratulations, congratulations, "Red Sorghum" has won the Golden Bear Award, you are bringing glory to our country." Xiang Nan laughed.

"Thank you, Professor Cheng. To be honest, it's also thanks to your well-written script. Otherwise, I wouldn't be so easy to win the award." Zhang Yimou waved his hand and smiled.

"Don't be humble, my script is good, and your directing is better." Xiang Nan said with a smile, "By the way, what's your plan next? Is there any new film you want to make?"

"There are some scripts, but I haven't made a decision yet." Zhang Yimou nodded.

"Then take a look at mine first." Xiang Nan smiled and handed over the script.

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