Save the Bachelor of Heaven

Chapter 1490 1492 [Olympic Opening Ceremony]

In terms of love, the fifty-year-old Xiang Nan is still full of energy, and his sword is not old.

Still the red flag at home is not down, and the colorful flags are fluttering outside. Although he is getting older and his appearance has dropped significantly compared to when he was young, he can't hold back the halo of wealth and power. He is too powerful, and he still attracts many young girls to fall in his arms.

And it's not him who flirts with others, but they take the initiative to flirt with him. At the end of the trouble, Xiang Nan felt that he was at a disadvantage, as if he had become the one being submerged.


In the summer of 2005, Zhang Yimou brought the blockbuster "Di Renjie: The Empire of Heaven", which had been in production for two years.

After its release, the movie became a huge hit.

On the one hand, "Di Renjie: The Empire of Heaven" uses the special effects team of "Lord of the Rings", and the pictures produced are quite grand and realistic. Especially the moment when Will's towering pagoda appeared on the screen, all the audience were shocked.

In addition to realistic special effects, the story of this movie is full of suspense and climaxes, which is much fuller than the story of "Hero". Therefore, the audience has given unanimous praise, which is reflected in the box office. It is also quite successful.

With a high cost of 150 million yuan, in the end, the mainland alone won a box office of 320 million yuan. Even this movie, when it was screened in Hong Kong, earned 28 million Hong Kong dollars, which must be higher than the box office of many Hong Kong-produced movies.

The film was subsequently released to the United States, where it also did well at the box office. In the end, the global box office was 130 million U.S. dollars. Although it is slightly lower than "Hero", it is also very good.

The success of "Di Renjie: The Empire of Heaven" has somewhat restored Zhang Yimou's lost reputation in "Heroes" and "Eight Minutes in Athens". Therefore, when the country began to solicit performance plans for the opening ceremony of the 2008 Olympic Games, Zhang Yimou still received the invitation.

But he himself lacks confidence, because last time in Athens, he was scolded so badly that even the leaders above criticized him. He was worried that if he didn't win the bid, he would be laughed at.

After Xiang Nan found out, he went to persuade him, "The 2008 Olympic Games is a grand event in our country, a century-old dream of the nation, and a great opportunity for China to show its strength.

Such a grand event, people of our generation, probably catch up with it once in this life. It would be a pity if you missed it. "

"But, I really don't have confidence. If I miss..." Zhang Yimou was very worried.

"If you don't win, you won't win, and you won't regret it if you try hard. But if you don't even dare to try, and miss this opportunity, you will be really ashamed." Xiang Nan persuaded, "Besides, I'll help you with this."

When Zhang Yimou heard this, he gained confidence.

Xiang Nan's creativity is estimated to be ranked high in the world. The novels he wrote decades ago are still hits in the film and television industry, with one hit after another.

If he can help with ideas, then he is too confident to bid for the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.


Xiang Nan then helped Zhang Yimou plan.

Back then, he had watched the opening ceremony of the Yanjing Olympic Games, even more than once, so he still remembered all the details.

Now that the whole thing was revealed, everyone was stunned.

"Professor Cheng, you are really like this~" Zhang Yimou admired Xiang Nan's design proposal and gave him a thumbs up.

"Needless to say, it's one thing to have a good plan, but another to be able to execute it. No matter how good my plan is, I still need a director to realize it." Xiang Nan laughed, "Director Zhang, in the In our country, I trust you the most! Only you can make my works well."

"Thank you, I'm really touched when you say that." Zhang Yimou was even moved.

Xiang Nan said such a sentence many years ago, and these years, he has always supported himself unswervingly. This confidant feeling alone made him speechless.


Just when Xiang Nan was helping Zhang Yimou plan the Olympic performance, "The Matrix 2", which was adapted from Xiang Nan's original novel, was officially released in Hollywood.

As soon as the movie was released, it was a hit at the box office as usual, with a total global box office of 740 million US dollars, making Warner a lot of money. Xiang Nan also received tens of millions of dividends.

In addition, various peripheral authorizations, book sales, etc., have brought him more than 100 million US dollars in total. Although to him, this is just a small amount of money, but it is better than nothing.

Moreover, three films, "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets", "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban", and "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire", are currently being filmed. Because the young actors selected for "Harry Potter" grew up too fast, there is not much time left for them.


In 2005, the directors of Kirin Films also had their own arrangements.

Kong Sheng is preparing to shoot the family drama "Qiao Family Courtyard", and Mao Weining is preparing to start filming the third part of Zhang Baorui's Long Fei series "The Informant". The story of the secret agents in the office.

Zhao Baogang is preparing to shoot the love drama "The Difficult Love of the Diamond King", which is adapted from the novel of the same name by the famous writer Zhong Mo. It tells the story of Meng Hao, a diamond king and fifth entrepreneur, who falls in love with Lin Yuxin, a pure and beautiful female college student, which triggers a series of stories.

Zhao Baogang thought this novel was very interesting, so he planned to shoot it.

After "Bright Sword", Gao Xixi took over the TV series "Happiness is Like a Flower" adapted from Shi Zhongshan's novel of the same name, which still tells the love story of that era.

Zhang Guoli directed "Scent of Sophora Blossoms in May" written by Zou Jingzhi, which tells about a period of love and hatred in Liulichang during the Republic of China.

Ouyang Fenqiang directed the love drama "Don't Love Me", which tells the poignant love story between a terminally ill girl and a painter who meets by chance.


After "A World Without Thieves" and "Mobile Phone" hit the box office, Feng Xiaogang also gained confidence in himself and prepared to make a big-budget costume film to prove his strength.

And the script he chose was the script "Night Banquet" co-written by Sheng Heyu and Qiu Gangjian.

Although "Night Banquet" was later proved to be a bad drama, Sheng Heyu and Qiu Gangjian are actually very famous writers.

Sheng Heyu's representative works include the drama "Mountain Ghost", the opera "Li Zhen's Return to the Homeland", and won the Wenhua Award of the Ministry of Culture. In addition, his works include "Towards the Republic" (Douban score 9.6), "Classmate Cha "Youth", "Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty", and "The Salt Merchant of the Qing Dynasty" are all well-received works by the industry.

Qiu Gangjian's representative works include "Ruan Lingyu", "Running into the Wrathful Sea", "Rouge Button", "Fire Youth", "Underground Love", "Man in New York", "Women's Heart", "Dream Man"... six Nominated for the Best Screenplay Award at the Hong Kong Film Awards for the first time and won twice.

With such a good resume, who would have thought that "The Banquet" would be a bad movie, and Feng Xiaogang certainly didn't expect it either.

So after getting the script, he came to Xiang Nan enthusiastically.

As soon as Xiang Nan saw it, he immediately rejected it.

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