Save the Bachelor of Heaven

Chapter 1636 1638 [Slap in the face]

The theory of the big bang has not been recognized by the academic circle, and Xiang Nan is not in a hurry about it.

Because he knows that with the development of science and technology in the future, there will be more and more evidence supporting the Big Bang. At that time, those who are mocking him now will all be slapped in the face.

Just like Fresnel proposed the wave theory of light, the result was ridiculed by the light particle school headed by Poisson. Poisson also made calculations based on Fresnel's theory, saying that if light really fluctuates, diffraction will occur, and a bright spot will appear in the shadow.

This phenomenon is naturally incredible and beyond common sense, so it has won the support of many people.

As a result, Fresnel set up related experiments based on Poisson's calculations, but he found the bright spot and slapped Poisson hard in the face. And that bright spot is also called Poisson's bright spot, so that future generations will always remember that he was slapped in the face.

So Xiang Nan is in no hurry.

Feng Chengcheng, on the other hand, felt sorry for Xiang Nan after seeing the reports in the media.

Although she didn't know anything about the [Big Bang] theory, she knew that Xiang Nan was definitely not someone who would just talk about it.

Since he said that, there must be a reason for him. Those people said that he would drift away after getting some grades, overreaching, and grandstanding, which is really unfair.

"Why do they say that about you? It's really too much." Feng Chengcheng said angrily on behalf of Xiang Nanming.

"Don't be sad, they're just a bunch of laymen. They can say whatever they want, and I'll tell them that I'm unprofessional." Xiang Nan said with a slight smile.

Just like what Guo Degang said, telling a rocket expert to wash coal with water, the expert would lose at a glance.

Xiang Nan has been a man for three generations. He has experienced many scenes and many loneliness. His mind has been tempered to a mature level, so he doesn't worry about such things.

"Then don't be angry." Feng Chengcheng persuaded.

"Don't worry, I'm not angry." Xiang Nan nodded.


Instead of being angry, Xiang Nan continued to publish his own book - "The Unified Theory of Weak Electricity".

In modern physics, physicists have always hoped to explain the connection between everything with a unified theory. Universal gravitation, electromagnetic force, strong interaction force, weak interaction force, four kinds of forces widely exist in the microcosmic and macrocosmic worlds.

Therefore, if these four forces can be connected, everything in the universe can be explained. It's just that the unified theory has never been proven.

It is worth mentioning that in "The Big Bang Theory", the super-asymmetric theory proposed by Sheldon and Amy is the unified theory. Because it has been proved to be true by experiments, it won the Nobel Prize in Physics .


Xiang Nan's "Unified Theory of Electric Weakness" pointed out the electroweak interaction between elementary particles and pointed out the direction for the academic circle to study microscopic particles. And also predicted the existence of "fermions", "bosons", "W particles", "Z particles" and many other particles.

The introduction of this theory has still attracted the attention of the academic circles.

After all, a unified theory is the goal that all physicists hope to achieve. Once this problem is solved, physics will usher in a new situation.

Therefore, scholars have examined Xiang Nan's theory and repeatedly calculated his calculation process. After many verifications, they believed that Xiang Nan's unified theory of weak electricity was self-consistent in logic and the calculation process was perfect.

However, it will take a long time to be verified.

Just like the Big Bang theory, it was actually proposed as early as 1946, but it was not successfully verified by physicists until 1964.

For example, the Higgs boson model was introduced in the 1950s and 1960s, but it was not successfully verified through particle collision experiments until 2013.

Therefore, no matter how self-consistent Xiang Nan's unified theory of weak electricity is, and there are no omissions in the calculation process, it is still only a pure theory because it cannot be verified.

In view of the fact that Xiang Nan's big bang theory was once questioned by the industry, so the academic circle does not approve of his unified theory of weak electricity, and still maintains a skeptical attitude.


At the end of 2028, Xiang Nan launched "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" to continue to make his own money.

In 2009, Edwin Hubble, an American astronomer, found that the ratio of the receding rate of galaxies to the distance of galaxies was a constant through the statistical analysis of more than 20 galaxies whose distances had been measured. There is a linear relationship between the two.

This relationship came to be known as Hubble's law.

The discovery of Hubble's law completely overturned the previous cognition of the academic circle.

Because for a long time before that, physicists believed that the universe was static.

Even though Hubble had discovered the redshift phenomenon before, indicating that the universe is constantly expanding, physicists insisted that it was just the Doppler effect.

Therefore, when Hubble announced his discovery, Einstein rushed to his astronomical observatory as soon as possible, and under the leadership of Hubble, he personally observed the redshift phenomenon.

Finally, after the visit, he believed that his subjective consciousness had affected the scientific conclusions, and personally stated to the outside world, "This is the biggest mistake I have made in my life."

Edwin Hubble's discovery supported Xiangnan's Big Bang theory. And Einstein's confession made Xiang Nan's reputation reach its peak all at once.

The media that used to ridicule Xiang Nan for overreaching, talking nonsense, and grandstanding, now turned around again and praised Xiang Nan again.

"The theory of the big bang was confirmed, and Einstein himself admitted that he made the biggest mistake in his life."

"Einstein solemnly apologized to Xu Wenqiang for not influencing scientific conclusions with subjective consciousness~"

"The German Academy of Sciences intends to award Xu Wenqiang the Planck Medal~"


Domestic media headlines are even more exaggerated, "Mr. Xu Wenqiang defeated Einstein, and the theory of the Big Bang proved to be true~"

"Mr. Xu Wenqiang has brought glory to the country and created the Big Bang theory~"

"Xu Wenqiang's IQ is higher than that of Einstein, and he is expected to compete for the Planck Medal~"

"Einstein praised Xu Wenqiang for his extraordinary IQ, and admitted that he underestimated the IQ of Chinese people~"

Even Japanese newspapers made a big fuss about it.

With Xiang Nan's achievements, he advocated that the IQ of East Asians is by no means behind that of European and American whites, on the contrary, it is even better.

After all, at that time, racial discrimination was more popular in European and American countries. The notorious and notorious Fu Manchu was created during that period.

From the perspective of European and American whites, Asians are far behind European and American whites in terms of physique, IQ, thinking, and morality. Therefore, these inferior ethnic groups need high-quality ethnic groups such as European and American whites to rule and manage them.

This is actually to find excuses and provide theoretical support for their colonization.

But now, Xiang Nan's achievements in mathematics and physics are much higher than those of European and American whites. This also shows that the so-called theory of racial superiority and inferiority is simply nonsense.

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