Save the Bachelor of Heaven

Chapter 179: 179 [fangyifan, I found you]

  Chapter 179 179 [fangyifan, I found you]

   After Xiang Nan was on vacation, he began to write his thesis at home.

   Now that he doesn't have to go to school, he has a lot of time, which also makes his output of papers surge.

   Almost every three or four days, a heavyweight paper was published, which stunned those academic leaders, and their desire to find "fangyifan" became stronger.


  However, the neighbors in the same community and the parents of the students did not know about it.

  They only know that Xiang Nan was forced to drop out of school because of his puppy love.

  So people discuss this matter when they get up early for morning exercises and when they pick up their children from school.

  During the conversation, I was quite embarrassed, thinking that it was a pity that a child with good grades was ruined by puppy love.


  Tong Wenjie and Song Qian broke up because of their child's puppy love. Now they basically ignore each other, and they don't say hello to each other when they meet.

   "My son is so good, can make money, and is knowledgeable, why should she look down on him?" Tong Wenjie complained to Fang Yuan, "She looks down on Fanfan, she looks down on me. If she doesn't apologize to me, I won't forgive her."

   "No way, you two have been best friends for so many years, and it's really a pity that you broke up because of this incident." Fang Yuan waved his hands.

   "Why not? This is a matter of principle." Tong Wenjie insisted, "She is a mother, and she wants to protect Yingzi. I am also a mother, and I also want to protect Fanfan."

   "OK, OK, it's up to you." Fang Yuan nodded and said, "By the way, the agent called me today and said that someone bought our house and asked me to sign the contract with him tomorrow."

   "Okay." Tong Wenjie smiled, "How much did you sell for?"

   "The selling price is 10.8 million. After deducting taxes and agency fees, it should be about 10 million." Fang Yuan laughed.

   "So you're going to be a multi-millionaire?!" Tong Wenjie narrowed his eyes with a smile.

   "My dear Ms. Tong, you have something to offer. Even if we don't sell the house, we will be multi-millionaires." Fang Yuan shook his phone and said.

   "That's right, when we sell the house tomorrow, we will have 20 million yuan. If 20 million yuan is sold in the stock market, we will be billionaires." Tong Wenjie said excitedly.

   "Yeah, I used to think that billionaires are far away, but now I see them right in front of me." Fang Yuan also said with emotion.

   "It's also thanks to our son's efforts." Tong Wenjie nodded and said, "Song Qian just doesn't know gold and jade. She doesn't think about it. Where can she find such a good son-in-law as Fanfan?"

   "Okay, why have you brought the topic back?" Fang Yuan persuaded with a wry smile.


   On the other side, Qiao Weidong was still skeptical about Fang Yuan's words.

  He specifically found a classmate who was teaching at the university, and asked him about the status of magazines such as "Technology and Science" and "Astronomy and Astrophysics" in the industry.

   "Hey, Qiao Weidong, why are you asking about this? Instead of doing your investment business, you switched to scientific research?" The classmate laughed and joked.

   "No, I'm just curious, please tell me." Qiao Weidong waved his hand and smiled.

   "Okay. These two are the top journals in the American academic circle, especially "Astronomy and Astrophysics", which is the most cutting-edge and authoritative journal in the academic circle." The classmate introduced.

   "Have you ever published a paper on it?" Qiao Weidong asked curiously.

"Old Qiao, which pot do you not open and carry?" The classmate smiled awkwardly, "How can it be so easy to get into such a cutting-edge journal. Only creative, subversive, and breakthrough scientific research results are possible. in journals like this."

   "That's not right." Qiao Weidong frowned, "I know a child who is only eighteen years old this year and has already published several papers on it."

"Old Qiao, you are talking nonsense. Don't say that you haven't gone to college at the age of eighteen, even if you graduated with a Ph.D. at the age of twenty-eight, you are not qualified to publish a paper on it." , are well-known experts and scholars in the academic circle.”

   "I'm telling the truth, I'm not talking nonsense." Qiao Weidong waved his hand and said, "If you don't believe me, look, I still have photos here."

   As he spoke, he unlocked his phone and pulled out the photos.

   "Well, let me take a look~" The classmate took the phone, looked at it carefully, and suddenly turned to look at Qiao Weidong, "Old Qiao, what's the child's name?"

   "Fang Yifan, the son of my friend Fang Yuaner." Qiao Weidong replied.

   "Ouch! His real name is Fang Yifan?!" The student's eyes lit up when he heard it.

   "Yes, it has been called for more than ten years." Qiao Weidong nodded and said, "Why, do you have an opinion?"

   "Oh, old Joe, you have helped me a lot. 'fangyifan', I found him." The classmate laughed excitedly.

   "Wait a minute, wait a minute, I don't understand, why are you looking for him?" Qiao Weidong asked puzzled.

   "You don't know, in recent months, this kid has been very popular in the academic world..." The classmate smiled and told Xiang Nan's prestige history.

   "Now the world's academic circles are making a sensation, and they all want to find this child. My tutor in the United States also entrusted me, but I didn't expect to be found by me." He said excitedly.

   "Is this kid Fanfan so good?" Qiao Weidong was shocked after hearing this, "No wonder Harvard, Yale, and MIT are vying to invite him to join. It turns out that it is true."

"There are very few such talented children in the whole world. Harvard, Yale, and MIT are naturally vying for it, which is not unusual at all." The classmate nodded and said, "Old Joe, give me your friend's contact information. I."

   "Okay." Qiao Weidong nodded, "Hey, what do you think this kid will achieve in the future?"

   "It's hard to say. He is still so young, with such ability, his future must be limitless." The classmate thought for a while and said, "To be honest, we can't speculate on such a genius."

  Qiao Weidong couldn't help being a little surprised when his classmates said such words.

  His classmate graduated from the United States with a Ph.D., and then returned to China to teach in a university. In his opinion, this is already a proper academic figure.

  But even such a person actually admires Xiang Nan so much that he has no choice but to change his view of Xiang Nan again and treat him differently.


   On the other side, Xiang Nan also received a WeChat message from Yingzi on Taozi's phone.

   "Fang Hou'er, when I was having dinner with my dad yesterday, I talked about going to the Jinda winter camp again, but my dad still didn't let go." She said.

"No surprise, failure is inevitable, but you don't need to worry about it, just keep talking." Xiang Nan replied, "Our purpose is to create a posture of 'you must go to Jinda'. In this way, you will pretend Depression is more convincing."

   "I understand." Yingzi nodded and said, "But it still hurts me to be rejected like this."

   "I understand, but it's a pity that I can't be by your side." Xiang Nan replied, "How about this, you and Tao Zi hug more. Hugging can slow down the heart rate, lower blood pressure, release dopamine, help relieve stress and regulate mood."

   "Really?!" Yingzi replied in surprise, "Okay, I will try."

   "Fang Hou'er, I miss you so much~" she replied again.

   "Me too." Xiang Nan replied.

   "Why don't you just go back to school, anyway, my mother won't transfer me to another school." Yingzi said again.

   "Not for the time being." Xiang Nan waved his hand and said, "Your mother is a frightened bird now, as soon as I take action, she will take drastic measures, and then it will hurt you.

   But don’t worry, I believe it won’t be too far from the day I go back to school, shall we stick to it together? "


  (end of this chapter)

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