Save the Bachelor of Heaven

Chapter 193: 193【I am the red scarf】

  Chapter 193 193 [I am a red scarf]

  Ding Yi actually loves his father and mother very much.

  He just has his own will, and he doesn't want his life to be controlled by his parents.

  But he dared not tell his parents, which is why he suffered from pain, depression, and became sick with worry, so that he wanted to find a way to die in order to seek relief.

   Now that Xiang Nan said that he would die so badly, especially that his parents would die so badly, he couldn't help but collapse.

   "Ding Yi, don't cry, listen to me, there is still a chance now." Xiang Nan smiled slightly, "You are not dead yet, there is still time to save everything.

   Listen to me, major depressive disorder is scary, but it is not incurable, and you should actively seek treatment. For you, and for your family, don't seek death easily.

   Also open your heart and talk to your parents. In fact, your parents love you very much, but they are just like you, not good at expressing. "

   "Really?" Ding Yi said with a sob.

   "Of course." Xiang Nan nodded, "But if you just jump down like this, then everything will be irreparable."

   "Okay, I'll listen to you, I won't die." Ding Yi nodded heavily.

   "That's right." Xiang Nan nodded and smiled, "Please do me one more favor, please extend your hand."

   "What are you doing?" Ding Yi stretched out his hand in doubt.

  Xiang Nan immediately took out the rope and tied his hands up.

   "What are you doing?" Ding Yi asked puzzled while struggling.

"Don't be afraid, if I wanted to harm you, I wouldn't have saved you just now." Xiang Nan said with a slight smile, "I just want to help you accumulate some merit. In another time and space, before you jumped off the building, you met Joe Yingzi. She was also depressed because she was controlled too much by her mother.

  After you jumped off the building, Qiao Yingzi regretted not stopping you, so she felt very guilty, which also made her depression worse, and finally almost committed suicide.

   And it was precisely because of your death that Song Qian began to wake up, canceled the restraint on her daughter, eased the relationship between mother and daughter, and made Qiao Yingzi redeemed.

  So, if you don't have an accident, Qiao Yingzi may have an accident. Therefore, even if you don't want to commit suicide now, I also hope that you will act and pretend that you are still going to commit suicide, so as to warn Mr. Song.

  Saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda, you shouldn't refuse it, right? ! "

   "I won't refuse." Ding gradually stopped struggling as soon as he heard him say that. "Actually, you don't have to tie me up, I promise you."

   "It's better to tie it for peace of mind." Xiang Nan smiled and said, otherwise if he repents and jumps, his life will be over again.


After tying Dingyi's hands and feet firmly, Xiang Nan took out his mobile phone, pulled out the SIM card, and then called the police, "Hey, Yaoyaoling, someone is going to commit suicide on the roof of Building No. 14 of Shuxiang Yayuan, please send someone quickly!" Come on. Who am I, I am the red scarf!"

  Xiang Nan then hit Yao 20 again. After the beating, he looked at Ding Yi who was tied into a rice dumpling, "Ding Yi, someone will come to rescue you in a while. I'll take my leave first."

   "Wait, can you tell me your name?" Ding asked quickly when he saw that he was leaving.

   "Didn't I just say that my name is Red Scarf." Xiang Nan waved his hand and smiled, then untied the safety rope and carried it off the rooftop.


   A few minutes later, the shrill siren rang through the neighborhood, waking up everyone in the neighborhood.

   "What happened, what's the noise outside?"

   "Why is it so noisy in the middle of the night? How will the children go to school tomorrow?"

   "Oops, this is the siren, what happened to someone?"

  Everyone in the community talked about it.

  Many interested people pushed the windows to watch, and there were even lively ones, who put on down jackets and pulled cotton slippers, and ran downstairs to watch.

   A few minutes later, Ding Yi, who was tied into a rice dumpling, was carried down by the police.

   "Ouch, what's wrong with this child? It's tied so tightly, is it epileptic?"

   "It is impossible to call the police when you are sick. Did you get caught as a thief?"

   "It doesn't look like much, it looks very gentle, how could it be a thief?"

   "Hey, the property security is here, just ask."

   Everyone watched and discussed, and soon they learned the outline of the matter from the security guard.

   It turned out that someone in the community was about to commit suicide, but someone found out, tied him up in time, and called the police for him.

   "Oh, I said this kid doesn't look like a thief, so he wanted to commit suicide by jumping off a building!"

   "Fortunately, I met a kind-hearted person, and this life was saved. Otherwise, with just one jump, a life would be gone."

   "You are so young, why can't you think about it so much? You are relieved by this jump, and you don't want to think about what your parents will do."

  After learning the truth of the matter, everyone sighed.


   After a while, the story of someone jumping off a building in the community spread widely.

   But people don't know much about the further situation. Who is the child who jumped off the building, why did he jump off the building, how was he rescued, and who was the kind person who helped him... So there is nothing new about it.

   It wasn't until the afternoon that Ding Yi's father came to the community to look for kind people who rescued his son, and he let everyone know more information.

   "Old Ding, it was your child who was going to jump off the building yesterday?! Oh, what are you talking about? I remember that your son has been admitted to Tsinghua University?"

   "Hey, don't mention it. The child was admitted to Tsinghua University, but he was forced to suspend school less than a month after the start of school." Ding's father shook his head.

   "Why is that?" Everyone didn't understand.

   "The child suffered from severe insomnia and couldn't sleep all night. The teacher saw that there was no way out, so he had to ask him to suspend school." Papa Ding explained.

   "Can't sleep after being admitted to Tsinghua University? Isn't this kid overjoyed?"

   "Yes, there was Fan Jinzhongju in ancient times, isn't your child too happy?"

   "No. He actually likes geology and wants to go to the University of Geosciences, but my mother and I refused to let him go, and forced him to go to Tsinghua University's Department of Finance.

  As a result, the child couldn't think about it, and he had psychological problems, severe depression. The doctor said, fortunately, I met a kind person last night. Otherwise, my son would really be gone. "Papa Ding couldn't help crying when he said this.

   "So it's like this, I said good boy, why do you want to commit suicide."

   "Old Ding, to be honest, your family is really strict with children. Every night, you stay until three o'clock in the morning, and you are the only one in the whole community."

   "Okay, old Ding, don't cry. Fortunately, nothing happened to the child. You should help him treat it well, and it should be cured."

   "Speaking of which, you should really thank that kind person. Good guy, you saved your son's life! What a blessing!"

"That's right, so I came here with a gift." Dad Ding nodded, and said with infinite gratitude, "I just want to thank that kind man face to face. He not only saved my son's life, but also our old couple's life." My life was saved. Otherwise, without my son, our old couple really don't know how to live!"

   Thanks to the book friends who turned their tearful faces to reward, thank you!



  (end of this chapter)

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