Save the Bachelor of Heaven

Chapter 2818 2820 [Resolving Heart Disease]

Gao Ming breathed a sigh of relief after learning that Xiang Nan had pardoned Gao Kun and the female members of the Gao family.

It is a rare blessing that the Gao family can leave a trace of incense.

So he told everything he knew.

Xiang Nan then searched for Ji according to the map and uncovered a group of high-ranking ministers.

After that, Prime Minister Gao, Gao Kun, and the backbone of Prime Minister Gao's party were publicly punished for engaging in malpractice, corruption and perverting the law, harming the people, and harming public and private interests.

Moreover, after death, the head was pickled with lime and circulated throughout the country as a warning.

The elimination of the high-ranking ministers' party effectively frightened the officialdom of the Toyo dynasty, making those who were lucky enough to become uneasy and curb their greed.

The downfall of many corrupt officials also won Xiang Nan the hearts and minds of the people. The people were all grateful and praised Xiang Nan as a wise king and holy master who helped them punish corrupt officials and gave them justice.

As for the money collected by these corrupt officials, all money will be put into the national treasury.

Among them, the money found in the Gao family alone amounted to three million yuan. There are also hundreds of thousands of acres of fertile farmland and hundreds of shops. It can really be said to be a huge rat.

No wonder. After all, he has been the prime minister for twenty years, so he can clean up the prefecture in one year and earn one hundred thousand snowflakes of silver. What's more, he has let go of greed.

When Gao Ruyi learned that his father and second brother had been beheaded, and that the remaining third brother and the Gao family were sent to the frontier, he couldn't help but be so excited that he shed tears for many days.

Crying and complaining that Xiang Nan is really heartless, he would not have become the prince if it had not been for the support of the Gao family. Now that he has ascended the throne as emperor, he not only failed to repay the Gao family, but also repaid kindness with hatred. It is really heartless and unjust.

After Xiang Nan learned about it, he felt disgusted and demoted Gao Ruyi to a commoner and sent him to the cold palace.

He was extremely merciful to be able to spare Gao Zhen's life.

Gao Ruyi is still not satisfied and grateful, so don't blame him for being ruthless.

After punishing the high ministers and his party, Xiang Nan issued an imperial edict.

"The case of Gu Ruhui was actually a case of deceiving the imperial court and trapping his loyalty in jealousy. Now it has finally come to light. However, the virtuous minister has passed away. I feel very ashamed. I hereby pardon Gu Ruhui's crime, posthumously grant him the title of Duke of Zhongguo, and bury him in the Zhongxiao Mausoleum. To comfort the loyal soul, the Lord will do it!"

Chai Mu and Gu Jian finally breathed a sigh of relief after receiving this imperial edict.

Zhang Meiniang learned that Gu Ruhui was rehabilitated, but she was worried about Xiang Nan's pursuit of Concubine Gu Shu.

By then, her position as Queen Mother and the Zhang family behind her may be liquidated.

Because of this, she was so frightened that she woke up from nightmares every night and found it difficult to fall asleep.

After Xiang Nan learned about it, he went to visit in person.

"I heard that my mother has been feeling unwell recently. Have you arranged for an imperial doctor to diagnose her?" he asked.

"Thank you for your concern, Your Majesty. The Ai family is fine." Zhang Meiniang's eyes flickered, not daring to look at Xiang Nan.

"Mother, I have been very kind to the Prime Minister," Xiang Nan said. "On Gao Ruyi's side, if she hadn't been ungrateful and slandered her behind her back, I wouldn't have demoted her to the cold palace.

If you really can't bear to part with her, how about letting her go? "

"I'm not doing it for her. She is ungrateful and slanders His Majesty in private. She deserves this end." Zhang Meiniang waved her hand and said, she didn't care about Gao Ruyi's life or death.

"Your Majesty, does Prime Minister Gao have anything to say before he dies?" Zhang Meiniang asked tentatively, "I heard that he was responsible for what happened to General Gu?"

Xiang Nan nodded, "He personally confessed that he was the one who framed General Gu for his rebellion, which resulted in the entire Gu and Chen family being wiped out."

"What else did he say?" Zhang Meiniang asked again.

"It's just nonsense." Xiang Nan curled his lips, "What kind of words can a dying person have?"

"Yes, yes." Zhang Meiniang nodded repeatedly after hearing this.

"Mother, please take good care of yourself and tell me if you have any questions." Xiang Nan comforted her again, "Without your twenty years of teaching and support, I would not be where I am now. My son will keep this in mind. , will never be forgotten.”

He had never met Gu Shufei and had no impression of her. But over the years he has been here, he has always had a good relationship with Zhang Meiniang. Moreover, Zhang Meiniang did her best to support him in ascending the throne.

The so-called human beings are not grass and trees, how can they be ruthless? Xiang Nan naturally didn't want to embarrass her.

Seeing what he said, Zhang Meiniang finally breathed a sigh of relief.

She has been worried these days that Xiang Nan will investigate the cause of his biological mother's death, so she is panicked. Now that she heard what Xiang Nan meant, she no longer pursued what happened back then, which made her heartache suddenly go away a lot.

After eradicating the traitors and stabilizing the court, Xiang Nan then began to implement educational reforms.

For example, schools have been set up in ten villages across the country, with free tuition and book fees, so that every child can study. And include this in the assessment of officials to stimulate officials' enthusiasm.

For example, Confucius schools were set up in Xizhou, Danchi, and Shuobo in the west; Miao in the southwest, Mohe in the north, and Bohai and Koryo in the east. They recruited local children and scholars, spread the teachings of the saints, and allowed them to come to study. Participate in the imperial examination.

For example, publish books such as "Basic Arithmetic", "Basic Physics", "Legal System", and "Nature", and gradually add these subjects in future imperial examinations in order to select comprehensive talents, rather than a group of people who only know a few things. .

For example, we promote simplified characters, punctuation marks, Chinese Pinyin, etc. to lower the threshold for people to learn.

Many traditional Chinese characters have a terrible number of characters, such as the word "法", which is written as "灋" in traditional Chinese and has twenty-one strokes. The simplified "Fa" has only eight strokes, which greatly simplifies the difficulty of learning.

For example, subjects such as arithmetic, physics, chemistry, and legal system were added to Taixue, so that people can open their eyes to see the world, instead of just being blinded by Confucianism.

Such education reform will naturally cost a lot of money. Fortunately, Xiang Nan confiscated the properties of so many corrupt officials, so he had the money to promote such a big plan.

Otherwise, he is also a clever woman who cannot make a meal without rice.

With Xiang Nan's vigorous promotion, more than 10,000 schools have been built across the country, benefiting hundreds of thousands of students. Over time, the literacy rate of Toyo dynasty will be greatly improved, and the quality of the people will be better guaranteed.

Rulers of all ages like to use the policy of "stupiding the people", not letting the people think, not making the people rich, not letting the people be idle, and making them busy with production and exhausted, in order to facilitate their rule.

But Xiang Nan knows that the more educated, wealthy, and leisurely the people are, the better they can be controlled.

Even the boss knows that newcomers and seniors who are about to retire are the most difficult to manage. Only middle-aged people who have been employed for many years and have seniors and juniors are the easiest to manage.

Because those without permanent property have no perseverance, and those with permanent property have perseverance.

If the people have nothing, and those who are barefoot are not afraid of those who wear shoes, they will not be willing to be ruled. It is common for people to be cornered and forced to go uphill.

Therefore, people often rose up in ancient times, but in modern society, this phenomenon has almost disappeared.

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