Save the Bachelor of Heaven

Chapter 2843 2845 [I guarantee you a peaceful life]

When Xiang Nan returned to the casino, he saw that Le Chiffre had indeed returned to the casino, and he bought another five million US dollars in chips, preparing to win back the lost money.

But when he saw Xiang Nan appearing in the casino again, his face suddenly became stiff.

"That hand of cards just now almost killed me." Xiang Nan joked, "No wonder the Chinese say, 'Blessings come from disasters, and misfortunes come from blessings.'"

Le Chiffre gave him a cold look, and then the bet continued.

The casino manager reminded, "Gentlemen, now that the card game has entered the final stage, the blind bet has been raised to one million US dollars. Is there anyone who wants to buy more chips?"

Then two people bought more chips, one was Bel Saliba from France and the other was Felix Wright from the United States.

The gambling game continues.

The blind bet is raised to one million dollars, which means that every bet must be above one million dollars. This makes the atmosphere at the gambling table even more tense. One mistake can cost millions of dollars.

So Xiang Nan cheered up and didn't want anything to go wrong.

At eleven o'clock, only Xiang Nan, Le Chiffre, Bel Saliba, and Russia's Andrei Zoskov were left on the gaming table.

A new round of poker.

Xiang Nan was dealt two hole cards, a seven of spades and a six of clubs.

At this time, the community cards are an Ace of Hearts, an Eight of Spades, and a Six of Spades.

All four people chose "pass" and gave up raising. Even so, the blind bet alone has reached 18 million US dollars.

The dealer continued to deal the cards, and the one he got was a four of spades.

"Passed." Xiang Nan knocked on the table.

Le Chiffre also knocked on the table and selected "Pass."

Later, Bell and Andre also chose "pass."

Even so, the chips on the table have reached 24 million US dollars.

Seeing that everyone chose "pass", the dealer continued to deal the cards.

The fifth card, turned over, was an Ace of Spades.

"Pass~" Xiang Nan once again chose not to follow the bet.

Bell, from France, took a look at his hole cards and then pushed out all the remaining six million US dollars in chips, "All in!"

After a moment of hesitation, Andrei from Russia also chose to go all-in, "Five million dollars, all-in!"

Le Chiffre looked at the chips on the stand and then at his own cards, "I'm all-in, too!"

After that, he pushed out all the chips, and then looked at Xiang Nan with eager eyes.

"There are 40 million chips on the table now." Mathis whispered to Vesper. "If Bond doesn't follow, the loss will be huge. However, Le Chiffre did not cover his eyes, which shows that his deck of cards is really Not bad.”

When Vespa heard this, he couldn't help but start to worry about Xiang Nan.

She crossed her hands again and prayed devoutly for Xiang Nan.

Xiang Nan took a look at his hole cards, a seven of spades and a six of clubs, and then also chose to go all-in.

As a result, the funds on the gambling table reached as high as 120 million US dollars.

A hand of cards determines the ownership of US$120 million. Such a big bet attracted everyone to join in.

"Please show your cards," the dealer said immediately.

Bell threw the cards over first, but they were a spade K and a spade Q, which made up a "flush".

In Texas Hold'em, "flush" is only smaller than a full house, four of a kind, and a straight flush, so the winning rate is still quite high. No wonder he dared to go all-in.

Later, Andrei from Russia showed a face and threw out his trump card, but it turned out to be a pair of eights.

In this way, his hand formed a set of eights and a pair of aces, which was a full house, just better than Mr. Bell's flush.

Seeing this, Mr. Bell couldn't help but feel extremely depressed.

At this time, Le Chiffre saw Andre's full house, but he quietly revealed his trump card.

But I saw an ace and an eight. In this way, he also formed a full house, with three Aces and one pair of eights. It's better than Andre's Sanjo81 vs. Ace.

When Andre saw it, he couldn't help but patted the card table depressedly.

"Mr. Beach..." The dealer immediately looked at Xiang Nan.

Xiang Nan looked at Le Chiffre and revealed his trump card with a smile.

But it is a seven of spades and a five of spades, which can form a straight flush, which is also the biggest card.

"With the highest flush, Mr. Beach wins!" the croupier immediately announced.

The onlookers immediately let out bursts of admiration, and there were even many beauties who cast extremely fiery looks.

Xiang Nan tipped a half-million dollar chip to the dealer, then stood up and hugged Mathis and Vespa.

"You're really great~" Mathis smiled, "I'm proud of you."

"You really opened my eyes." Vesper also said with admiration.

"Okay, let's celebrate later." Xiang Nan said with a smile, "If Le Chiffre is not brought back to London for one day, our mission will not be completed."

In fact, there is one thing that he has never figured out. Even if he messes up Le Chiffre's game and makes him desperate when faced with creditors' debt collection, and is forced to seek shelter from intelligence agencies, Le Chiffre may not be the same as MI6. Cooperate everywhere.

Isn’t the CIA of the United States good, the KGB of Russia is not good, the French Security Service is not good...

"Don't worry, if we win the bet, it means we have won him. He has no other way out but to seek refuge with us." Mathis explained.

It turns out that although the intelligence agencies of various countries wanted to take Le Chiffre into custody, because Xiang Nan won the bet on behalf of MI6, they had no choice but to admit defeat and put Le Chiffre in charge of MI6.

Xiang Nan suddenly realized that this bet also involved the ownership of Le Chiffre.

"I'll contact him right away." Mathis said with a smile, "You and our beautiful girl can have a good night, and I will take care of the rest."

Xiang Nan nodded.

His mission is to disrupt Wong Le Schiff's gambling game. As for sending Le Chiffre back to London, it was the responsibility of other personnel and it was none of his business.

Of course, he knew that Le Chiffre was likely to jump over the wall in a desperate situation.

But he wasn't afraid. Ele Schiff's little strength really couldn't do anything to him.

"Come on, let's go have something to eat and celebrate." Xiang Nan invited Vespa.

"Can you still eat? You almost died an hour ago." Vesper said in surprise, it was the first time he saw such a big-hearted person.

"That's why I can understand the preciousness of life better." Xiang Nan smiled, and then brought Vesper to the restaurant. ,

After ordering a sumptuous meal, he said to Vespa while eating, "I think I can answer the question you asked me before going to the card table.

Yes, because of the nature of my job, I cannot maintain a stable relationship. But please believe that my feelings for you are true. "

"I don't think you have to do this." After hearing what he said, Vesper advised, "You have other choices, right?"

"Look at our world, it seems peaceful and peaceful. In fact, in those invisible corners, evil and conspiracies are brewing and spreading." Xiang Nan said with a bitter smile, "If those in our line of work are all greedy for comfort, then what will happen to the people? What to do?

When one day, terror befalls them, who can come to save them? The reason why I carry my weight forward is to hope that you will have a peaceful time. "

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