Save the Bachelor of Heaven

Chapter 2851 2583 [A great victory]

Kamil climbed up from the side wall of the hotel to the roof, preparing to sneak in from above, while Xiang Nan directly chose to attack from the front.

With his marksmanship, skill, and martial arts, even if thirty police officers attack together, he still has a strong ability to protect himself.

Xiang Nan rushed to the door at extremely fast speed.

"Who?!" the police officer in charge shouted immediately.

Xiang Nan didn't talk nonsense to them, just shot them down, and then rushed into the Sand Dune Hotel.

The sound of gunfire soon attracted other guards, and when they saw Xiang Nan, they started shooting together.

Xiang Nan used Qinggong to dodge quickly while firing continuously.

His marksmanship was already good, but when paired with his Qinggong skills, he became like a ghost. In an instant, more than ten people died under the gun.

Those police officers were not soldiers who were not afraid of death. They couldn't help but feel fear when they saw Xiang Nan being so powerful and his companions falling so fast.

Except for some who still resisted, most of the others began to flee.

Xiang Nan fought his way through and was simply invincible.


Just as he was climbing up the stairs from the second floor to the third floor, someone suddenly shot him.

Fortunately, Xiang Nan reacted in time and avoided the blow.

It turned out that the man blocked the stairs, intending to suppress Xiang Nan on the second floor.

Seeing this, Xiang Nan didn't talk nonsense to him, broke the second floor glass window with one palm, and then jumped from the second floor to the third floor.

The people guarding the stairs on the third floor were unaware that Xiang Nan did not take the stairs, but climbed up to the third floor from outside.

So when Xiang Nan broke the window, jumped into the third floor, and killed him with one shot, he didn't react at all.

Xiang Nan went straight from the third floor to the fourth floor, and happened to see Dominic and Colonel Carlos, escorted by several police officers, preparing to escape through the back door.

Upon seeing Xiang Nan, several police officers immediately opened fire.

They all had automatic rifles, and they could shoot them out in one shot, which was quite powerful.

Several people fired volleys, and the deterrent effect was still great.

Seeing this, Xiang Nan jumped suddenly and climbed directly to the roof. Then he jumped again and jumped within three meters of them, and then let out a loud roar.

Xiang Nan was more dexterous than an ape. These police officers could not imagine that Xiang Nan could fly more than ten feet high out of thin air and press his body against the ceiling. Not to mention that he could jump more than ten meters in one leap... It was simply beyond imagination.

Not to mention that Xiang Nan's speed was like a ghost. They had no time to react, and Xiang Nan was already close.

And Xiang Nan's loud roar, like the roar of a tiger and the roar of a dragon, made their ears buzz for a moment, followed by their vision went dark, their brains became dizzy, and they involuntarily lost consciousness.

Xiang Nan then fired several shots, killing several police officers and Colonel Carlos. Then he grabbed Dominic and shouted sharply, "Where is Camille?"

Dominic was stunned, but before he woke up, Xiang Nan went up and slapped him across the face, "Let me ask you, where is Camille?"

"I didn't see her..." Dominic was stunned for a moment, but he said immediately.

At this moment, Xiang Nan suddenly heard a scream, which was Camille's voice.

Xiang Nan poked Dominic with one finger, knocked him to the ground, and followed the sound to find him.

I saw two soldiers in camouflage uniforms at the door. They had been shot and fell to the ground, and the sound of a fight was coming from inside the house.

Xiang Nan kicked open the door and saw Madhuono holding Camille under him with evil intentions.

His huge body is like a bear. Although Camille is an agent and has received fighting training, as the saying goes, one force is better than ten skills.

In the face of the absolute strength advantage, she still couldn't take much advantage. Therefore, he was pinned down by General Madrono and could hardly move.

Seeing this, Xiang Nan kicked Madhuono away and was about to kill him with a shot when he heard Camille scream, "No, let me do it!"

Xiang Nan hesitated for a moment and handed the pistol to Camille.

Camille then came to General Madrono.

"Spare me, and I will make you rich and prosperous. You can have anything you want." When Ma Zhuonuo saw the black muzzle of the gun, he immediately begged for mercy, losing all of his previous domineering attitude.

"Go talk to my family." Camille said coldly, then took a deep breath, pulled the trigger, and heard a bang, and the cold-blooded and cruel dictator General Madrono was killed.

After shooting Madrono, Camille let out a sigh of relief, softened, and almost fell to the ground.

When Xiang Nan saw her, he quickly helped her up.

After settling Camille, Xiang Nan found Dominic again.

"Tell me all the secrets of your organization." He asked.

"If I tell you, you have to promise to let me go." Dominic hesitated for a moment.

Xiang Nan nodded, "I swear I will let you go, so just tell me quickly."

Dominic then told the members, structure, events, etc. of the Quantum Organization.

It sounds very detailed and comprehensive, but in fact Xiang Nan knows that he only talked about quantum organization. As for Spectre, not a word was mentioned. It seems that he still has some taboos.

This also shows the terror of the Spectre. Even if Dominic has a glimmer of hope, he would not dare to reveal the secrets of the Spectre.

Xiang Nan recorded all of Dominic's words and sent them to Mrs. M in London, and then drove Dominic to the center of the desert.

"You promised to let me go?" Dominic shouted depressedly when he saw this.

"I promised to let you go, but I didn't say where to let you go." Xiang Nan smiled and said, "Besides, even if I let you go, your organization will not let you go.

Fortunately, you are in the center of the desert now, so it will not be easy for them to find you. Good luck to you and try to survive. "

After that, he turned around and drove away, leaving Dominic alone in the center of the desert.

This desert covers a radius of hundreds of kilometers. With Dominic's physical ability, he would die of thirst and exhaustion before even walking out of the desert.

Xiang Nan then returned to the Dune Hotel, picked up Camille, and took away all the two large boxes of euros that Dominic used to bribe General Madrono and Colonel Carlos, and then burned the Dune Hotel to the ground with a fire.

Because the Dune Hotel is located in a desert and is powered by fuel cells, it exploded soon after the fire and was razed to the ground. Fortunately, the hotel staff had fled, so no innocent people were killed or injured.

After returning to the city, Xiang Nan divided the money into two and gave half to Camille. "Take this money and live a good life in the future. You are still young and have a lot of time. Don't be bound by hatred."

He could tell that Camille was not good at being a secret agent. Even with a gun in hand, she was able to be subdued by General Madrono, which shows that her psychological quality and adaptability are not strong.

In this case, it's better to do something else. A box of euros is enough for her to live on.

Camille was stunned for a moment, and then took the initiative to kiss Xiang Nan.

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