Save the Bachelor of Heaven

Chapter 3588 3590 [Meeting parents]

After the Spring Festival, Valentine's Day comes soon.

That day was Saturday, and Xiang Nan specially held a large bouquet of roses and went downstairs to wait for her in the silent dormitory. The girls' dormitory windows were full of heads and melons, stretching their necks to watch the excitement.

"Siren, do the roses I sent you look good?" Xiang Nan said with a smile.

Silence blushed and nodded.

"Silent, is he your boyfriend?"

"Siren, your boyfriend is quite handsome~"

"Wow, such a big bouquet of roses must cost hundreds of dollars. He is really a rich man~"

Seeing this scene, the silent classmates couldn't help but say with envy.

As a young man in adolescence, who doesn't long for a sweet love. It would be even more perfect if you are in love with a boy who is handsome, generous, considerate and gentle.

And Xiang Nan is undoubtedly this kind of person. He is handsome, generous, and knows how to give roses to his girlfriend on Valentine's Day. He is obviously a person who knows how to have fun.

Shen Mo had such a good boyfriend, which naturally made them envious.

Hearing the teasing from his classmates, Mo Shen felt sweet in his heart.

"Don't spend so much money in the future. These flowers will dry up in a short time." She said to Xiang Nan.

"It doesn't matter, no matter how much money I spend for you, it's worth it." Xiang Nan smiled.

After listening in silence, I was naturally deeply moved.

"Let's go, let's have a big dinner and then go to the movies." Xiang Nan smiled and held her hand.

Shen Mo nodded and left with the envious eyes of the girls.

The two then went to the best restaurant in Hualin.

Hualin is not a remote town. In the early years, when Hua Steel's performance was good, Hualin City's annual GDP was more than 30 billion yuan, making it one of the top prosperous cities in Northeast China.

Therefore, it developed relatively early and is relatively developed. Western restaurants, KFC, McDonald's, Pizza Hut, etc. have already settled in the area early. There are even several four- and five-star hotels.

So today, Valentine's Day, Xiang Nante took Shen Ming to a Western restaurant to open a Western restaurant.

Steak, wine, candlelight dinner.

This was the first time Shen Mo had eaten it, so naturally she found it novel and romantic.

"Come on, be silent, I hope we can fall in love and grow old together." Xiang Nan raised his glass and smiled.

Silence nodded, raised wine glasses with Xiang Nan, and clinked, "Wang Yang, I wish we will be together forever."

After dinner, Xiang Nan and Shen Mo went to the theater to watch a movie together.

The two chose the New Year film "Party A and Party B" directed by Feng Xiaogang.

Starring Ge You and Liu Bei, this movie tells the story of four idle people who set up a company called "Good Dream One-Day Tour" to help people solve their problems and realize their wishes.

The story is held together by paragraphs. Although the plot is a bit loose, every paragraph is very interesting, making Xiang Nan and Shen Mo happy to watch it.

Especially the last sentence of the movie, "1997 has passed and I miss it very much", which made Xiang Nan deeply moved.

"I'll take you back to school." After the movie was shown, Xiang Nanxiang said silently.

"Wang Yang, I don't want to go back to school tonight." Shen Mo blushed and plucked up the courage to say.

Xiang Nan was stunned and asked in surprise, "Are you serious?"

Silence nodded.

She had already made a decision in her heart that she would only love Xiang Nan in this life. In this case, what difference does it make if it's earlier or later.

"Silent, I'm so happy." Xiang Nan smiled, "I've been waiting for this day for decades. Don't worry, I will definitely cherish you."

"I know." Shen Mo nodded.

The two then took a taxi to the hotel together, and that night, their relationship achieved a breakthrough.

"Siren, would you like to find a chance to accompany me home and see my parents?" Xiang Nan asked for her opinion.

"Meet your parents?! Can I do that?" Silence said with some anxiety.

Because Xiang Nan is really outstanding, she is afraid that if his parents don't approve of her, it will be troublesome.

"Of course. You are a college student, and you are so beautiful and gentle. My parents must like you." Xiang Nan smiled, "Besides, we have to meet you after all."

"Yeah." Shen Mo nodded, "Then let's make an appointment."

"Okay." Xiang Nan smiled.

A week later, Xiang Nan took Silence home.

"Dad, Mom, this is Shen Mo, my girlfriend." He introduced to Wang Xiang and Luo Meisu.

Wang Xiang and Luo Meisu were immediately satisfied when they saw the silence.

This girl looks clean and fresh, and she looks like a good girl at first glance.

"Oh, girl, sit down quickly~" Luo Meisu said quickly, "Eat melon seeds and dried fruits."

"Thank you, auntie." Shen Mo said obediently.

Wang Xiang went to boil water to make tea and took out the best tea leaves.

"Where is the girl from?" Luo Meisu asked curiously.

"I'm from Songhe." Shen Mo replied.

"That's not far." Wang Xiang heard this and said with a smile, "I've been to your place, it's a great place."

"Then what are you doing in Hualin?" Luo Meisu asked again with concern.

"Auntie, I am now a freshman student in the Pharmacy Department of Hualin College of Health Vocational Education." Shen Mo replied.

After hearing what she said, Wang Xiang and Luo Meisu were even more satisfied.

Shen Sheng is not only a college student, but also a medical student. It will definitely be easier to find a job. Those with high academic qualifications and good majors will definitely be promising in the future.

And if she becomes the daughter-in-law, when they are old in the future, and one of them suffers from headaches, fever, and other illnesses, it would be better to treat them and take care of them in time.

All in all, this girl is nice. My son is really capable, and he can catch such a good girl.

"Oh, that's great." Wang Xiang and Luo Meisu both laughed. "Well, don't leave today at noon. Let's eat at home. Uncle will make you the best fried rice dumpling."

"Thank you, uncle." Shen Mo nodded.

Wang Xiang immediately went into the kitchen and started cooking.

Luo Meisu continued to ask silent questions like the household registration check, such as what did her parents do and whether she had any brothers or sisters.

Luo Meisu was shocked when she learned that Shen Mo's parents died in a factory accident and now only one younger brother was dependent on them. Then she waved her hands and said, "Oh, it's all my fault. I shouldn't have asked these questions."

"It's okay, Auntie, I'm used to it." Shen Mo waved her hand.

"Look at how sensible this child is." Seeing this, Luo Meisu couldn't help but sigh, "Who has supported you in school for so many years?"

He was silent for a moment, and a trace of embarrassment flashed across his face.

It was her uncle who taught her to study, but she really didn't want to mention this person.

"It's provided by the orphanage." Seeing this, Xiang Nan quickly answered for her, "She Shen has been studying well since she was a child, and her grades in elementary school, junior high school, and high school were good. After she was admitted to college, she took out a student loan, and she also worked as a study student. Great effort.”

"Oh, what a good boy." Luo Meisu praised.

It's not easy for someone who has no father or mother, grew up in an orphanage, and still managed to get into college. Like their son, he had good food, drink and food, but in the end he failed to get into college.

Fortunately, they are now able to make a living, otherwise, the two of them would have died of worry.

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