Save the Bachelor of Heaven

Chapter 3831: 3833【Super Girl】

 Chapter 3831 3833【Super Girl】

 Xiang Nan and Li Er both met their parents and gained approval from both parents, and their relationship improved to a new level.

Especially Li Er, who originally did not agree to break through to the last level with Xiang Nan.

But after meeting both parents and getting approval from both parties, she probably thought that she and Xiang Nan were a good match, so she no longer resisted so much, and settled in with Xiang Nan half-heartedly.

 After the start of sophomore year, he officially moved out of his dormitory and lived with Xiang Nan.

 Firstly, Nianwai can spend more time together; secondly, it is easier for Xiang Nan to tutor her in her creation.

 On the night Li Er moved to Xiang Nan's hut, Xiang Nan used supernatural powers to help her heal her left ear.

Le Er has been deaf in his left ear since childhood and cannot hear sounds clearly. Although her right ear can hear sounds, so it has little impact on her daily life, it is still not as good as a person with both ears healthy, so Xiang Nan specially helped her restore her hearing.

“Hey, I seem to hear sounds in my left ear.” Li Er said to Xiang Nan in surprise.

"This is a miracle, it means that we are destined to be together." Xiang Nan said with a smile.

Le Er smiled and nodded.

 She has been deaf in her left ear for twenty years and has never been able to hear. But today, just living with Xiang Nan, I can actually hear it.

 What is this if not a miracle? Isn't this what fate is?


 In the following time, Xiang Nan and Li Er lived a sweet life.

 In the second half of 2006, Li Er released a new book, "Who May Love Be in Love?", which is still a modern campus love novel. It tells the story of a couple who fell in love deeply and broke up due to a misunderstanding. After five years, they finally resolved the misunderstanding and got back together.

Although the theme of this novel is still love, it has added many puzzle elements, making the story more ups and downs, with thousands of twists and turns, and therefore the readability is greatly increased.

 After its launch, as expected, it became very popular.

 Including the royalties from "Only Love", he earned more than 700,000 yuan.

With this money, Li Er still followed Xiang Nan's advice and chose to invest in the property market, still buying a school district house in MH district with full payment.

By the end of the same year, Xiang Nan’s funds had swelled to an astronomical figure.

 With funds of 600 million from the mainland, HKD 1.5 billion from Hong Kong, and nearly US$3 billion from the United States, Xiang Nan has become a veritable billionaire.

 After the subprime mortgage crisis, his capital will expand several times or even dozens of times, making him one of the world's top tycoons.


 In the summer of this year, a strange thing happened.

 That is, Jiang Jiao did not go to study abroad anymore, but participated in the "Super Girl" audition on Mango Channel, and successfully stood out and made it all the way to the finals.

Xiang Nan and Li Er were shocked when they saw her actually appearing on TV, and the QQ group of Class 3, Grade 3 in Tianzhong School exploded.

When they saw Jiang Jiao standing on the stage and innocently saying that he was busy with the college entrance examination at the age of eighteen and had never been in love, the group was even more uproar.

  She had lost her memory among her classmates that day, right? Not to mention that she failed to catch up with Xiang Nan. She and Zhang Yang had been together since high school and had been in a relationship. He actually said that he was busy with the college entrance examination and didn't want to fall in love. He was really lying with his eyes open and his face didn't even turn red.

But despite this, Jiang Jiao still has the talent to be a star.

 She has a sweet appearance and a pure temperament. It is easy to be deceived by her appearance alone, so she has easily attracted the attention of a group of fans, especially male fans. Moreover, her father runs a real estate company and has abundant capital, which can help pave the way for her. Therefore, she went through all the difficulties and finally won the fourth place in "Super Girl" and made a smooth debut.

“It’s a pity that you agreed to her pursuit, and now you have a celebrity girlfriend.” Li Er teased Xiang Nan with a smile.

"What's such a pity? Even if she becomes a star, I still despise her." Xiang Nan curled his lips and said.

 If he wanted to, no matter how big a star he was, he would be nothing more than his plaything, even international superstars. Even if Jiang Jiao becomes a star and seems to have unlimited glory, in front of capital, he is just a puppet.


 Enter 2007.

 This Spring Festival, Xiang Nan and Li Er went home and spent the holidays separately.

On the seventh day of the lunar month, Li Er came back from Dongshan, and the two celebrated the Lantern Festival together.

“I went to a class reunion, and everyone was envious that I could publish a book.” Li Er smiled and said to Xiang Nan, “They even asked me about you.”

"You are a famous and talented woman now, so they will naturally envy you." Xiang Nan smiled, "But I don't have anything worth saying."

 A person who is good at fighting has no great achievements. Although he is worth more than 10 billion, no one knows that he has so much money because he is not visible.

"How could it be? The military medal is half of mine and half of yours. Without your guidance, how could I have written such a good novel." Li Er waved his hand and said.

Her novels are inseparable from Xiang Nan's guidance. The topic selection, character design, story, description, rhythm... and even the game with the publisher are all handled by Xiang Nan. She believed that if Xiang Nan wrote the novel himself instead of helping her, she would definitely be popular.

“But the one that everyone is discussing the most is Jiang Jiao.” Li Er added, “She is really popular now. Even Dongshan wants to use her name for publicity.”

"It's not surprising. Dongshan has been unknown for so many years, and finally became a star. Naturally, he wants to follow him and get some glory." Xiang Nan said with a smile.

Although Li Er is also a well-known writer, his influence is even lower than that of Jiang Jiao.

"Yes, everyone joked that you should have agreed to her pursuit." Li Er smiled again, "Then you would have gained both fame and fortune."

 “I also have both wealth and wealth now.” Xiang Nan said with a smile, which made Li Er squeal.


 In the Spring Festival of 2007, several companies such as Jinlong Group, Qinli Group, and Stone Company still placed large orders with Koi, each worth several million.

These orders mean that Koi Ji will still have no shortage of orders in the new year and can make millions steadily. For Xu Ruiyang and Zhuang Meijuan, nature couldn't be better.

The factory can always receive orders, and they are all ordered by large companies, and the payment is made quickly and fully, which is really the envy of colleagues.

However, even though these company bosses gave Xiang Nan such a big favor, they did not bother him or make any demands on him.

Xiang Nan understands their thoughts.

 For a person like him, it’s not easy to owe someone good favors.

He can easily repay the favor, but it would be extremely difficult for them to make him owe the favor.

 After all, Xiang Nan has almost no desire or desire for them.

 So they did not dare to disturb Xiang Nan rashly unless they had the most important matters.

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