Chapter 18 The Queen of Worms Who Devoured the Inverse World? Super-giant Star Alliance (Subscription)

As this line of text appeared on the screen, the masked man said indifferently: “Permission approved.”

As the command was issued, a space distortion occurred behind the spaceship in the picture.

A giant worm-shaped creature emerged from the space.

It has belly feet all over its body.

On each body, there is a lamprey mouth-like mouthpart, which is full of sharp teeth.

And its abdomen is attached to a huge foamy egg larger than the whirlpool star in front of it.

However, compared to these.

The black collar it wore on top of its head looked even more eye-catching.

And then, the worm swallowed the entire vortex star in one bite, and quickly retracted into the giant wormhole.

[The execution of the clear command is completed)

[“The Color of the Stars” request to return! 】

Although the whole process only takes a few seconds.

But pictures like “017” are enough to make most of the civilizations in the heavens stunned.

“The worm just now ate the vortex planet directly?”–Monarch of the Returner

“Is this worm so strong? Isn’t that planet already opened to the reverse world entrance, and that worm is not afraid of being attacked by the reverse world? What is the origin of it, is it more powerful than my Queen of Blades?”–[Interstellar Zerg Leader: Queen of Blades

“Indeed, it is larger than the sandworms and the legendary death worms on our planet.” –Sweet Tea Prince of Dune Civilization

“Isn’t that the point? You didn’t realize that the collar probably means that even such an interstellar-level cosmic monster has become a servant of the SCP Foundation? Besides, this guy might be one of the supreme gods.” –Rick

See these barrages.

The masked man just said lightly.

“What you saw just now is just one of the methods for us to recycle planets that have no research value and close the inverse world. This is also one of the most efficient methods.

“And what you have just seen is the Queen of the Soth Galaxy, the worm Idea. Five hundred and eighty years ago, we contained and captured it and found that it has a very amazing structure in its abdomen, and it can even be crushed. Black holes, extract the antimatter energy in them. You can even close the entrance to the reverse world with the digestive juice in your own body.”

“It’s also because its size is too large, and it can only satisfy its appetite by constantly devouring planets, or even the black holes distorted by the universe. So we came up with this after studying the entrance to the reverse world, or the planet that has been abnormally destroyed, A great way to reuse waste.

At the same time, a new note appears on the screen.

【Ed* Ya)

[Codename: Queen of Soth Worms][Containment Level: AP (Outer God))

[God Relationship: Spouse of the Great Cthulhu][Having a child with Cthulhu on the planet Soth][Then was contained by the SCP Foundation and became one of the cosmic scavengers-1

The appearance of these words is enough to confirm the truth of what the masked man said.

This also refreshed the understanding of the civilizations of the heavens about the SCP Foundation.

“This first place should be well deserved. Interstellar trade center + super god-level technology and armed strength, and even regards the outer gods as a tool that he uses to recover anomalies. Such sky-defying technology, generally Civilization will never be reached.”

“Indeed, it is conceivable how powerful a mysterious empire that is stronger than it, even on the leaderboards, should be.

Tens of millions of Galactic Empire fans from different galaxies: “Eternal God of Galactic Empire, immortal!”

However, there are also gods on the side of the prehistoric who are still dissatisfied: “There are people outside people, there are days outside the sky, and you will only talk nonsense!

“Yes, where is the authority of this list? Since there are so many powerful anomalies, even super-dimensional creatures and outer gods, then some of the technology-side civilizations on the list are obviously not that powerful. They even These worms are inferior.”

However, Asuka, who has always been hot-tempered, will refute it here.

“Attention to the review questions!”

“The previous list was the top ten most perverted technology-side civilizations. Not the top ten most powerful cosmic life forms or outer gods!”

Butterfly Ren also said seriously at this time.

“That’s true. Those outer gods themselves have been endowed with powerful energy by the universe. This is the ability of the creator, not technology. The power of civilization on the side of science and technology is reflected in the ability to make use of these outer gods, and even drive them to go. Build a city-state and develop its own technology.”

“Agreed, the power of science and technology lies in benefiting one’s own civilization, making inventions and creations. And through the accumulation of technology, capital and resources, it continues to open up new frontiers. The value of supernatural technology is that it can discover new types of cosmic energy. I even You can get a glimpse of the super-sized super-dimensional city-state 0 composed of Ruicheng, Doraemon city-state, SCP Foundation, and even the mysterious empire in the future.”–Bai Yuekui

when seeing this message.

A hint of surprise flashed in Akagi Ritsuko’s heart.

Because I know that today’s SCP Foundation has created a super-civilization community on the super-physical side of science and technology, which is affiliated to the Ministry of Foreign Trade of the Galactic Empire.

However, this is just the tip of the iceberg of the Galactic Empire cosmic complex.

It was also when the civilizations of the heavens sighed at the strength of the SCP Foundation.

In thousands of other different universes, a new round of aggression is about to begin, or even underway.

When you see thousands of different screens in front of you forming a hemispherical vaulted screen, it almost occupies the ceiling above the glazed head.

There was a momentary lag in Chang’e’s actions of playing the pipa.

When she saw the panic on her face at this time, there was only a low and calm voice on the throne above.

“Then play music, then dance.


Hearing this majestic voice, Chang’e had to continue playing.

Although the orchestra behind him was still playing music and dancing, in the entire hall, only the Emperor was expressionless in the face of such a grand and about to prepare for battle.

That is like the invasion of these hundreds of galaxies and civilizations, for him, it is fundamentally everyday.

At the same time, in different screens, there were also beeps.

[Invasion of the Ring of Reason Fleet, ready!)

[Invasion of the Heavenly God Domain and the Dajiangshan Ghost Domain fleet is ready for 2.6!)

【Invasion of the Kingdom of Gems fleet, ready!)

【Attack on the Giant World..


As the prompt sound came, Qin Zheng was still beating the drums of the fairy dance music with his fingers.

On the other hand, Liuli, who was on the side, understood his intentions.

[Each fleet is ready to start operations][The goal of this mission: to collect K energy and new rare resources!)

[Anyone who disobeys will be killed without pardon!)

At the same time, in the realm of yin and yang, the gods of the heavens, the lord of the stars; the Temple of Desolation.

Sitting down, Inaba Kaguya God Hime and Inari God’s servant Tsugami were still joking with Aragami.

At this time, he felt that his divine power fluctuated violently.

It seemed to be a strong fear that came from within.

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