04, my son Wang Teng has the appearance of a great emperor! 【For collection】

[Inventory of Science Fiction Civilizations in the Universe: Top 10 Most Abnormal Science Fiction Civilizations! 】

[10. The Three-Body Civilization. 】

[Reason for listing: Possess strong technological power, cross-planet combat power, and cross-galaxy strike power. 】

When the list is updated for the first time.

The super god universe, the Marvel universe, the world that covers the sky, and even the perfect world, as well as the powerhouses of the prehistoric world all came over.

No matter what world they come from, they are curious about what kind of civilization the technology list can produce?

The so-called civilization list should be similar to the strong list, right?

But the names are not the same.

And when I saw the tenth place, after the name Trisolaran civilization.

The audience in the heavens and the world reacted differently.

Super universe.

“I don’t know if our angel civilization can make the list?”

“Certainly! We are the strongest civilization in the universe!”

“The tenth place is not our angel civilization?”

The angels were talking.

The arrogance of the angels made them think that they would definitely be on the list.

After all, the angel civilization is the absolute strongest civilization in this universe!

Even Keisha felt the same way.

So when she saw the tenth place, it was not herself, but a civilization whose name she had never heard of, Kaisha couldn’t help frowning slightly.

Angel Yan and Angel looked at each other coldly, feeling a little curious about this three-body civilization ranked tenth.

Is the technological power of the Trisolaran civilization as strong as their angel civilization?

Intergalactic strike?

Their angelic civilization also has the power to strike across galaxies!

Three-body world.

Luo Ji, who had just become a Wallfacer, was instantly stunned.

He didn’t expect that the first person on the list would be the coming enemy of the earth! The greatest threat to mankind, the Trisolaran civilization! !

Is the technology of the three-body really so terrifying?

It’s all on the list! !

You must know that the first few lists, those on the list, are definitely abnormal existences.

Destroying a planet easily is not a problem.

Looking at the clear sky, Luo Ji suddenly felt the pressure doubled.

The three-body civilization may be stronger than human imagination!

Galactic Empire Universe.

“What? It’s not my Galaxy Empire that’s on the list?”

“There is a problem with this list! There is definitely a problem!”

“Not necessarily, maybe the Galactic Empire is at the top. After all, this is only the tenth place!”


The people of the Galactic Empire were talking about it.

With the strength of the Galactic Empire, it must be on the list!

“Lord Emperor, Liuli has searched this universe and found about one million civilizations named after the Trisolaran. After screening, there is no Trisolaran civilization that has more technology than the Empire.”

Liuli’s reading speed is not unpleasant, and it is worthy of the super-intelligent AI that can manage the entire Galactic Empire.

“Three-body civilization.”

Qin Zheng raised his brows slightly, thinking of the origin.

Before crossing, Qin Zheng was a science fiction fan. He had read a book called the Three-Body Problem, and there was such a civilization in it.

Even at the beginning of Qin Zheng’s journey, many of the technologies developed at the beginning were based on the Three-Body Problem.

Such as water drop detectors, two-way foils… these are already rotten by the Galactic Empire.

However, in the early days of crossing, these technologies belonged to the top!

The two-way foil can easily reduce the dimension and attack.

Qin Zheng was also aroused by a trace of interest. Although he knew that the technology of the Three-Body Civilization was like an immature child in front of the empire, it was interesting to watch the civilization in the previous life book appear!

The universe of the heavens is the same as Qin Zheng understands.

The heavens are constructed from any novel, anime, film and television, etc…

This greatly increased Qin Zheng’s interest.

Since conquering this universe, Qin Zheng has been lonely as snow!

Too strong, too invincible, so lonely.

But now, the emergence of the heavens and the universe has made him see new pleasures.

Set a small goal, the Galactic Empire, step into the universe!

Conquer the heavens and the world! !

A purposeful life is truly fulfilling!

at the same time.

Video playback starts.

Anyone who clicks on the video is immersed in the scene, as if entering a universe.

This magical viewing experience instantly shocked many people.

Although the previous lists were all equally immersive, every time they watched it like this, the audience of all worlds was shocked.


The next moment, under the gaze of the heavens and the world, hundreds of thousands of huge space battleships appeared in front, traveling at the speed of light.

Only under the effect of the video, people can capture and even clearly see every piece of iron and every gun barrel of the battleship.

The largest warship is the size of a star, like a planet flying in the universe, which is shocking.

Someone subconsciously avoided, and then realized that it was a phantom.

Seeing this scene, the audience in the heavens behaved differently.

“This, what is this? It can fly…” – Dongfang Invincible.

“Don’t you know space battleships? But the size of this battleship is so terrifying!” – Megatron.

“Battleship… This is a space battleship?” – Di Shitian.

“This is a battleship? Fake! How scary is a battleship?” – Peter Parker.

“Where is the battleship, it’s just a star! No! More than one!!” – Doctor Octopus.

“Wow!! Is this the power of technology? Who else said that the power of technology is not good!!! Who else!!!” – Xiadou.

“Xiadou, what are you doing? Has the job given to you been completed?” – Bai Yuekui.

“Wow~ Boss Bai, why are you here? Immediately! I’ll do it when I finish watching this video!” – Xiadou.

“Humph! It’s just a little bigger, how can it compare to my son?” – My son Wang Teng has the capital of the emperor.

“Yo, here comes the one who trumpets the son? Don’t say that your son is not the emperor, even if he is the emperor, it’s just easy to kill me in Honghuang!” – Honghuang Dapeng.

“My son gathers the luck of God, and he will definitely become the emperor in the future! Just rely on you as a bird?? Humph! Courting death! But my son is the enemy of one blow!” – My son Wang Teng has the appearance of the great emperor.

“You! Good! Very good!” – Honghuang Dapeng.

“Wang Teng really has a good father, and he has made enemies everywhere.” – red hair.

Everyone chatted and started to quarrel.

This kind of thing happens often.

Because the power systems of the heavens and the world are not the same, Xuanhuan looks down on Honghuang, and Honghuang also looks down on Xuanhuan. Every time the battle power is mentioned, the two sides will definitely fight, and they can’t wait to fight offline.

Meanwhile, the video continues to play.

The picture came to three strange planets.


ps: The new book of the little author asks readers to collect it! Ask for a review ticket! Ask for flowers! Ask for comments! Ask for a monthly pass! Ask for a small reward for support! Ask for everything ah ah ah ah! ! ! *

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