Screenwriter Mystery

Chapter 89: limit

"...The voice of opposition within the Film and Television Producers Union is very loud, and the Los Angeles City Government has paid great attention to the strike. After all, this unprecedented strike has caused a major loss of more than two billion dollars in Los Angeles. The losses ... far exceed the scale of the strike in 1988 ..."

With the development of the times, especially the prosperity of TV network media such as Hollywood.

The proportion of the entertainment industry is getting bigger and bigger, and this 10-week strike has obviously hurt the entire American entertainment industry.

Such a development is undoubtedly beyond the expectations of both parties in the original negotiation, especially as an alliance of film and television producers of the capital.

The tough attitude of the Writers' Union and the fine of up to $100,000 forced the union members who participated in the strike to unite unprecedentedly.

After more than ten weeks of strike action with no end in sight, discussions have begun to emerge within the Film and Television Producers Union.

Some people think that agreeing to the agreement requirements of the Screenwriters Guild may allow them to make less money.

However, if the strike action is allowed to continue, the alliance will lose more than just the share demanded by the Screenwriters Guild.

If it is only calculated from the aspect of loss.

The strike has cost the league far more than the Writers Guild.

Although there are divergent voices within the Film and Television Producers Alliance, it still takes a little time for a consensus to be reached.

"So it seems that your jobless days will continue for a while, Ellen."

On the phone, Ron Mayer, the vice president of Universal Pictures' film and television distribution department, said something to Zhao Yuan in a slightly teasing tone.

This strike action also caused great inconvenience to their production companies.

Since the strike action, Universal has not received any new screenplays.

"Mr. Ron, do you know what two things screenwriters like to do the most?"

San Marino, new home.

After receiving a special call from Ron Mayer, Zhao Yuan answered in a meaningful tone.

"Appreciate further details?"

"Creating and doing things are either one or the other."

Zhao Yuan's words alluded to his own reality.

But in a way, it also happens to fit the image of Hollywood screenwriters.

In the entire Hollywood industry, screenwriters can be said to be the group with the most strikes. Since the 1960s, including the current strike, Hollywood screenwriters have held six large-scale strikes, and also It is precisely because of the experience of these frequent strikes that they have become the most difficult to provoke in Hollywood and the group of people who like to fight for and defend their rights the most.

"It's a very suitable description."

On the other end of the phone, facing Zhao Yuan's description, the expression on Ron Mayer's face was somewhat helpless.


"I always feel that the effect of exercise is getting weaker and weaker..."

San Marino, ended the call with Ron Mayer.

Zhao Yuan also finished the movement on his hands, wiped the sweat from his face, and muttered.

Along with the improvement of his physique, the effect of body refining on Zhao Yuan gradually weakened.

Now, the effect that one body training can bring to him can be said to be almost trivial.

This is also very understandable.

The body training technique in [The Demon Hunter Transformation Method] is, to put it bluntly, a rather special exercise method.

In the past, when Zhao Yuan was weak in physical fitness, the improvement effect that exercise could bring to him was obvious.

With the passage of time and the increase of physical fitness, the effect of these exercises will naturally weaken.

After all, human beings, no matter how hard they work out.

There are still limits.

Fortunately, compared to ordinary people, Zhao Yuan has one more system after all.

Even if it was just a broken system, it still provided him with power beyond the limit.

"Grass trial."

In his mind, he recalled the description of the raw materials for the herbal medicine in the [Witcher Transformation Method].

Whether it's the fork-tailed dragon's spinal fluid or the tongue of the albino vampire banshee, to be honest, no matter what the raw material of the medicine is, it's not available in the real world.

That is to say, if Zhao Yuan wants to obtain the raw materials for these preparations, he must design a script related to them to obtain them.

"So, where should we start?"

The raw materials of the herbal medicine flashed in his mind one by one, and Zhao Yuan was thinking, whether to directly conceive a modern version of the vampire script or create a witcher script, or simply design all the ingredients for the preparation of the green herbal medicine. In the same script, when the net is wiped out.

"Wait a minute, why do I have to prepare the herbal medicine myself."

After thinking hard for a while, he suddenly reacted.

Since the system has the ability to directly evolve the items and characters in the script, why would he be stupid enough to create a script for collecting raw materials for Directly designing a script that can provide medicine for the That's it.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yuan immediately adjusted his creative thinking and began to conceive a new and brand-new script.

"It's up to you."

It took a while to determine the general framework of the new script.

Although, the main purpose of the script evolved this time is to provide Zhao Yuan with medicine.

However, there is still no shortage of storytelling.

After all, once the script evolves, the [plot value] that should be consumed will not change because of the purpose of the script evolution. It is as much as it should be. In this case, a reasonable development of the storyline is also necessary, and these should not be wasted in vain. [Plot Value] Designing a sloppy script is purely for the purpose of obtaining potions.

[Plot value] Isn't it precious?

It's just that because this time the script involves me, the overall atmosphere, although it still has a weird color, is a lot easier than the previous script "Sleepless Town", and the element of horror is slightly reduced.

After all, the user of the exchange item this time was himself.

If you also design those weird props, it's not just for yourself.


Script 6: "Magic Potion"

Synopsis: In Los Angeles, there are all kinds of joys and sorrows happening every day.

And you can never know whether there is some unknown force behind these stories of ups and downs, quietly leading it to happen.


On the streets of Los Angeles, a 'romantic' love story is quietly unfolding.

The young boy held flowers and made an affectionate confession to the girl he had a crush on.

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