Seize Genes

Chapter 158 Biochemical Warrior

Zhan Fei excitedly made a few gestures on the virtual screen. The "little bird" filled with electric light gradually dissipated, and then became invisible and transparent. It could not be seen with the naked eye. Generally, There is no odor emitted in the case.

Then, the "little bird" grabbed the wire interface again, a strong electric light flashed, and then the electric light flashed again.

Zhanfei swiped his finger on the virtual screen, and the "little bird" flew to a car in the distance in an instant, and then flew back in an instant.

With a bang, the car's fuel tank ignited and exploded.

"Okay, without further ado, let's start taking action."

Zhanfei pointed with his fingers on the virtual screen, just like a touch-screen game. The difference was that there was no touch sensation from his fingers.

The "electric bird" received the order and quickly flew to the elevator.

"Wenxi, could you please hack the elevator control system?"

"The power supply has been manually locked and the elevator is temporarily out of control."

"That's it..."

Zhan Fei pondered for a moment, looked at the three-dimensional diagram displayed on the screen, walked to the elevator, flicked his left index finger, and a large piece of reinforced concrete on the floor was cut off.

It is very ingenious. Cutting a little below the elevator, there is only a little finger-sized gap leading directly under the elevator, but it does not hurt the elevator or affect the operation of the elevator.

The electric bird swished through the gap, followed the straight up and down corridor under the elevator, and quickly pounced on the 20th floor underground. (ps)

The elevator door on the wall here is closed to the outside, but how to block the electric bird?

As soon as the body is squeezed, some electric nanorobots penetrate the alloy door and form a small bird-head. Stretching out from the alloy door, one can "see" a huge luminous hall.

The virtual screen shows that the hall is about 5 meters high, 30 meters wide and 120 meters long. More than 3600 square meters. There are several closed alloy doors on the side wall.

At the angles between the four walls and the ceiling, there are surveillance cameras and laser transmitters.

In the hall, glass jars are placed vertically and horizontally. Each glass jar has an internal diameter of 1.6 meters, a wall thickness of 6 centimeters, and a height of 3 meters. The length and width of the base are 2 meters each.

There are 10 rows in total,

50 in each row, 500 in total. There is a metal lid directly above each jar, and a pipe on the top of the lid is connected to the ceiling. The tank is filled with a large amount of transparent green liquid, and naked men are sleeping, with their eyes closed, and bubbles constantly coming out of their nostrils, as if they can breathe in the liquid.

What was shocking was that the men looked exactly the same. Not only appearance, skin color, height and muscle strength. Also completely consistent.

Of course, there are some people in jars whose faces are gradually changing. In the blink of an eye, you can adjust your appearance to different looks, either rough or fine, slightly different from person to person.

There are also some tanks where the liquid is rapidly decreasing, and when it is removed, the people inside wake up. The can is separated from the metal lid and the can automatically sinks. The people inside walked down from the base indifferently.

Then...the hair on their bodies quickly grew longer, and they turned into werewolves. Or there are long wings stretched out on the back, looking like the vampires seen before flying.

Zhan Fei took a breath of cold air: "Are these vampires and werewolves? They...were all cloned using cloning technology?"

The voice of the system said: "Select an individual suitable for transformation. After the transformation is successful, then extract the cells with werewolf or vampire characteristics from the individual and continue to multiply, divide and replicate to create such a scene."

"Cybroid warrior?"

"Absolutely. It can also be called a genetic replicator."

"Can the cells collected from these people divide and replicate indefinitely?"

"Extract the gene sequence and implant it separately into the germ cells." The system's voice said.

Zhan Fei nodded slightly, his face heavy.

This is just a hall. According to the map, there are many more halls like this.

If so many aliens were to escape, what impact would it have on the earth? Compared with robots, these vampires and werewolves not only have powerful power, but the most terrifying thing is that they can become exactly like normal people and completely integrate into human society. They are not like what the movies say, and they are hunted by monsters. People and things like that hunt.

Moreover, even if it is accidentally exposed and discovered, people will only think that the legendary vampires and werewolves are real, and not many people will suspect that they are the work of aliens. Not many people realize that these are not real vampires and werewolves, but genetically synthesized biochemical warriors.

"Does the owner of this base want to rule the earth?"

Zhan Fei muttered in his heart as he saw the awakened werewolves and vampires returning to their original state one by one. They seemed to be no different from normal people, except that they had more muscles on their bodies or the bones on their backs were slightly bulging.

They walked to an empty part of the hall. There were some strange cars there. They looked like carts, but they had electric devices and smart chips to control activities. Some of them were equipped with various clothes, shoes, socks and glasses, and some were equipped with various kinds of clothes. Gunpowder weapons or laser type weapons.

One by one, the men were dressed neatly, picked up weapons, and gathered in front of the elevator door.

In the distance, an alloy door opened, and inside was a fully automatic smart cart driving towards this side. The body of the cart was loaded with sets of alloy battle armors. I don't know what kind of high-tech gadgets they were.

Zhan Fei's heart skipped a beat, his face turned cold, and he had only one word for these potentially extremely dangerous enemies.


In an instant, the electric bird bloomed with electric light. The elevator door shook, the motor ran slightly, and a small crack opened automatically. The electric bird in the air burst out with a crackling sound of electricity, and appeared in the mid-air of the luminous hall. .

One by one, the men in black suits quickly took out their weapons and pointed them here, but the electric bird swayed, and in the blink of an eye, it penetrated into the head of one man in black suits. The electric light flashed, and in an instant it pounced on the head of another man in black suits. On the skull.

Like a chain of lightning, criss-crossing the hall, in less than a breath, more than a dozen men in black suits were hit by Thunderbirds. Electric nano-robots poured into the body and condensed into the pineal gland at the core of the brain. Self-explosion, electric light bloomed. The men in black suits fell down one after another. No matter how powerful the self-healing method was, they could not do anything and died directly.

The other men in black suits were stunned, then quickly reacted and turned into werewolves or vampires one by one.

However, the maximum speed of the electric bird can reach 1200 meters/second. Even if the speed is deliberately lowered, it will not be caught by the sight of these things, let alone attack.

There was another attack, and the werewolves and vampires who were still standing screamed, covered their heads with their hands, twitched and fell down with foam at the mouth. In an instant, their pupils dilated, and they fell motionless on the ground. In just a few seconds, all the vampires and werewolves who left the glass jar died. Occasionally, one or two would have time to shoot, but all of them would miss, and the "Electric Bird" would not be damaged at all.

On the ceiling, the control systems of the laser transmitters reacted, and the probes were passed here one by one. Then, with a hissing sound, the lasers crisscrossed to form a large laser network, almost covering the entire hall. (To be continued)

ps: ps: The testimonials are not included in the chargeable word count: In the previous chapter 153, it was written that Luo Tianshui reached the -10th floor, but there was a clerical error and it was -20th floor.

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