Seize Genes

Chapter 1790 Chaotic battle, hidden big harvest

Everyone looked at each other, and then nodded slightly.

"I choose this giant egg."

"I choose this."

Different detached people choose different giant eggs.

Each one looks similar to the others.

The reason for the selection is to use their abilities to trace cause and effect and search for the location of the giant eggs.

Allocate it in advance now to avoid starting a fight later when someone suddenly says that they originally wanted to trace the giant egg but who got it first, causing a quarrel.

However, many detached people came forward, but some of them did not move at all.

Including Ruyue and Ruyi, none of them took action.

Those detached people who were preparing to set up formations and calculations were a little surprised and asked: "Aren't you going to take action?"

It's not that they have good intentions, it's that they are worried. I'm worried that if we are tracing the whereabouts of the giant egg, the Transcendents over there will suddenly take action and attack secretly, which will be bad.

However, a transcendent person said: "These giant eggs are not simple. I can see them at a glance. It is impossible to trace the cause and effect to find their location. They are projected in one direction. The information here can be transmitted back. , you can also cut off contact at any time.

"This is equivalent to a ray of light, which has been deflected by countless mirrors and distorted by the air, and shines on a location. It would be extremely difficult to trace its source."

Someone sneered and retorted: "You have no self-confidence, or are unwilling to expend energy and make careful calculations, but you say these depressing words to undermine our self-confidence..."

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone suddenly changed their expressions.

Because, those giant eggs actually became translucent.

It was not an entity just now, but now, it has become more illusory than before.

In an instant, it will disappear.

"not good!"

"Stop them!"

"Don't let them cut off their cause and effect and disappear!"

One after another, the transcendent beings flew towards them, but they were unable to get close to those giant eggs. All kinds of banning methods came, shrouded, and suppressed, but they all failed to work.

While these transcendent beings were busy, each giant egg suddenly bloomed with light and made a huge explosion.

Each giant egg exploded, with a strong negative aura spurting out, and quickly transformed into powerful monsters.

"The object that transformed from Yuan Gu's corpse energy was born?!!"

"No, it's not the creatures in the giant egg that were born, but... the power projected from the giant egg itself turned into these demons and monsters. They want to take revenge on us!!"

These giant eggs are not here.

However, he controlled this place remotely and interfered with it, further affecting the physical changes of the ancient body. This is of great significance to them.

But now, it has been destroyed.

If they don't quickly withdraw their extended will and withdraw their extended power, they may be found by tracing back the cause and effect.

Therefore, the line here must be cut off.

Give up the projection here.

How can they be willing to do so?

Although it is only an egg shape, it already contains the mind and produces wisdom and thoughts.

Therefore, all kinds of malice, hatred, anger, and all kinds of negative emotions and negative forces are blessing from the air.

The giant egg exploded, it was just an illusion plus a deliberately created scene.

All kinds of negative forces manifest themselves, just like creatures emerging from an egg. If any transcendent person is too stupid, he may be deceived. It is also possible to really think that the creature in the egg will take form.

Of course, no one present would be that stupid.

Those monster-like negative will-shaped things will fight against all the transcendent beings.

It is naturally good to be able to injure or weaken the power of the transcendent beings. If you can't injure or weaken the power of the Transcendents, you can at least use the battle here to destroy the void here, disrupt cause and effect, and cut off their last clue.

Therefore, as soon as these monster-like things appear, they kill all the transcendental beings without saying a word.

The war broke out instantly.


The energy is like a tide, rushing in all directions.

The Transcendents don't want a war to break out here, but now they can't do it without a fight.

The battle reached a fever pitch in an instant, with negative will creatures in the form of demons and monsters being killed, and detached beings being blown away.

Ruyue and Ruyi had already expected it. and sensed danger.

But within danger lies opportunity.

Therefore, in order to face the danger of the death of this incarnation, they separated into incarnations and ran around.

It looks like a battle with those creatures with negative will, and a battle with those creatures containing corpse energy, but it also seems like a deliberate bombardment of the void here, a deliberate attack on the crack at the edge of this parallel space.

Even sometimes, it seems like being chased by those negative creatures, turning around and returning to the previous primitive brain core space.

The incarnations of Ruyue and Ruyi are running around everywhere. At one moment, he was helping all the transcendent people, and at the other moment, he was running around like a frightened rabbit.

It didn't seem like he was going to fight against these monsters, nor did he want to plot against those who were detached. His behavior was very weird.

However, the energy here is too chaotic, the various mental fluctuations are too complicated, all kinds of fog and space debris emerge, and the void keeps twisting.

At first glance, no one really noticed that they were fishing in troubled waters.

At most, one would be surprised that they are so weak and can be blown away easily. Moreover, they are not strong enough and deliberately release many incarnations.

However, most of the detached people present did not know that Ruyue and Ruyi were deliberately approaching an area that was collapsing everywhere. Whether it was the exploding void or the exploding edge barrier of the void, they were deliberately approaching. Deliberately sense and feel the fluctuations there.

All kinds of energy impacts, all kinds of transcendent power and chaos energy, conflicts between various laws and avenues, the collapse of the void, and other information and data were all forcibly recorded by them.

It is impossible to understand this information, but it will completely transmit all the information to their body or Zhanfei as much as possible.

Figures are constantly shuttled around, different detached people fighting different monsters, or the aftermath of the battles of the detached people colliding with each other, and then touching the void here, causing ripples.

Different powers of transcendence impact each other, creating different movements. Everything is recorded.

But suddenly, everyone suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis.

"Taoist! Those three Taoists have arrived!"

"No, it's just one of the Taoists!"

But even if it was just the young Taoist, it was not something that the strong men present could resist.

Even if they are just incarnated here, it will be quite dangerous, and it is very likely that the cause and effect will be traced to find out the whereabouts of their true bodies.

Therefore, these transcendent beings were confused and panicked, flying around one by one, trying to break through the void and teleport.

All the monsters and monsters also exploded themselves at this time. Forcibly erasing cause and effect.

Ruyue and Ruyi looked at each other, and in an instant, they both self-destructed, and many incarnations exploded.

This is just an incarnation, containing a small strand of their spiritual will. After the body is destroyed, it will be recovered by Zhan Fei instantly along with Zhan Fei's exclusive Dao Essence contained in them.

Of course, even if you won't die or harm your body, it's still uncomfortable to experience "death" in person.

They carry the memories of the fallen incarnations here and return to their original bodies as quickly as possible.

Both Ruyue and Ruyi's faces turned a little pale.

It took a while to calm down.

"Finally escaped without being targeted by that person."

"But for safety's sake. I suggest that we move... Captain, get out of here quickly."

Zhan Fei listened and nodded: "Okay."

Move quickly.

While traveling through the void of the cell world, he said to them: "Thank you for your help. Your harvest this time is not small."

"Is it useful?" Ruyue and Ruyi asked.

"We were there before, but we didn't touch those giant eggs, and we didn't find any more Yuan Ancient memory fragments. We originally wanted to collect information, but we didn't get it. Moreover, now that the Taoist has arrived, we want to go to Yuan Ancient again. Gu's brain core center is no longer good. It may already be under surveillance. If we go there, we will be trapped and the position of our body will be blown up." Ruyue said.

Ruyi said: "It's a pity that the battle over there broke out too quickly and ended too early."

Zhan Fei said: "It's a pity, we may have got what we want."

"Huh?" The two women were thoughtful.

Zi Yin said: "Have we got what we want?"


Zhan Fei said, breaking into a relatively hidden area, cutting off the information left behind when he escaped before, and then continued to move forward. Finally, he found a place where he felt temporarily safe, lurked again, and retreated.

Zi Yin said: "What we need is a secret method that can accelerate the transformation of the cell world into activity. Or accelerate the cell world to produce transcendent power. But the previous experience...when did it come into contact with the acceleration of the cell world? Information about transformation?”

She was not questioning Ruyue and Ruyi, she was just curious and confused, and just wanted to ask clearly. If Ruyue and Ruyi need to be dispatched, she will definitely do so. The relationship between the three of them allows her to speak more relaxedly without being too restrained, which sometimes seems impolite.

That’s okay too.

"Think about how those giant eggs are made." Zhan Fei reminded.

Zi Yin pondered for a while, thoughtfully.

Zhan Fei said: "The bodies of those giant eggs are hidden elsewhere, but there are projections staying in the parallel space of the sea of ​​consciousness world inside Yuan Gu's brain core. Why are they just staying like this?"

Zi Yin said: "In order to indirectly affect Yuan Gu's brain core through there, and then affect the operation of certain breaths and rules inside Yuan Gu's body, and influence and interfere with the rules and laws of certain places."

"That's right." Zhan Fei nodded and said: "Those giant eggs were strengthened by absorbing the corpse energy of Yuan Gu, and contained the chaotic demon embryo, waiting to be shed in the future. Therefore, they need what they need to grow. The thing is..."

"Yuangu Corpse Qi!" Zi Yin said.

Zhan Fei said: "So, they project and stimulate the parallel space that controls the world of consciousness in Yuan Gu's brain core. Their purpose is just to affect the flow of Yuan Gu's body? Is it to make the power in Yuan Gu's body not like punishment? Are other transcendent beings punishing them like this? In order to prevent them from encountering the catastrophe? Or... to make each cell world of the ancient body produce more corpse energy? , send them to where their own bodies are, so that they can absorb and grow?"

Zi Yin said: "Maybe it's a combination of both. The biggest possibility is to stimulate the cell world of the ancient body to produce more corpse qi, or to produce stronger corpse qi. At the same time, ensure that these corpse qi can cross space. Transmit it across dimensions to where they are, or transport it near their bodies for them to use.”

Zhan Fei said: "So, their projected will indirectly affects Yuan Gu's brain core, causing certain changes in the rules of the world inside Yuan Gu's body. At the same time, it can also cause many cell worlds to produce more corpse energy. In other words, conversely ...If there were more suitable means, could it have the opposite effect?

"For example, the rules of the inner world of Yuan Gu can be restored to order, and various powers can nourish the body of Yuan Gu instead of dispersing or distorting the rules of the world. It can make the cell world of Yuan Gu... more active. It is easier to produce detachment. Power!"

Zi Yin said: "It should be okay."

Zhan Fei nodded.

Zi Yin also figured it out, and he explained it clearly.

"So, as long as we collect all kinds of information about those giant eggs and that special void, and then conduct detailed calculation and analysis afterwards, we may be able to get the method by which those giant eggs indirectly affect the ancient body.

"Based on this and making calculations, we might be able to find the world of brain nuclei that can stimulate us and accelerate the transformation of the cells in our bodies. It won't take too long, or just use other resources. Allow us to generate transcendent power?" Zi Yin asked.

Zhan Fei said: "I don't know if it is feasible, but you can try. As long as the method is feasible, or even just weakens the previous difficulty, then if we have enough resources, we can obtain a large amount of transcendent power in a short period of time. Then, Then transform into the essence of the exclusive Dao!"

At this point, things became clear.

Why were Ruyue and Ruyi just fighting each other in the previous battle? And he seemed to go wherever there was danger, and even deliberately bombarded the void there.

Everything is about collecting data.

The impact of various transcendent powers and chaotic corpse energy on the parallel space of the chaotic brain core, and the various secrets and data generated by the impact, this information can help to deduce the characteristics of that space. It is even possible for Zhan Fei to simulate a similar environment inside his body. At that time, through further experiments, it is really possible for Zhan Fei to produce more wonderful changes in his body by stimulating his brain nuclei. Either increase or derive more cell worlds with special activities.

"Next, we will continue to retreat. Please keep an eye on the situation outside. If you sense a crisis, wake me up."

Zhan Fei said, quickly setting up a formation and entering a state of seclusion. Concentrate on digesting the data brought back by Ruyue and Ruyi.

As for those detached people who were hunted down by young Taoists? Will the young Taoist wander around and exert power in the inner world of the ancient body? Or is it the brain core that has been sitting in the ancient body?

I don't want to pay attention to these anymore.

The transcendent ones are immortal, so Zhan Fei doesn't mind too much whether they will be suppressed. They are all strangers anyway.

So... time passed by, and in the blink of an eye, more than half a year passed.

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