Seize Genes

Chapter 1822 Escape, unexpected encounter

In an instant, Zhan Fei condensed a silver shield that lay in front of him.

However, the opponent's long sword easily cut the shield and Zhan Fei into two halves.

Zhan Fei had a look of helplessness on his face.

This incarnation cannot stop the opponent, which is expected. It was a bit surprising to be chopped off so easily.

This time, you can't avoid it?

However, it is not entirely without gain.

He saw that the silver shield condensed from the essence of the exclusive avenue, a large amount of law power, various origin powers, and bricks formed by compressing and condensing the material of the ancient earth gathered nearby. Invisible time and space barriers and so on.

These were cut.

However, it proved a conjecture - if you use the exclusive essence of the avenue to condense into various other things, then they will not be affected by Xi Ling's sword energy and will not automatically split and retreat.

In other words, the objects controlled by Zhan Fei's exclusive Dao Essence are not affected by Xi Ling's distorted Dao will and law power.

This is a gain.

Unfortunately, as soon as this was detected, his incarnation quickly exploded.

The eyes of Xi Ling's incarnation suddenly glowed with blazing light, staring at the silver mist that quickly retreated and disappeared in the void. Moreover, she moved her fingertips slightly, and wisps of thin silver light shuttled through, entangling towards the void where Zhanfei's dissipated silver mist was.

"found it!"

He will take advantage of the moment to kill Zhan Fei's incarnation, trace the cause and effect and find the whereabouts of Zhan Fei's body. But he was worried that Zhan Fei had cut off the cause and effect, and the cause and effect between the body and the incarnation. The cause and effect between the essence of the exclusive avenue and the body does not appear, and it does not even condense into a thread of cause and effect. There is cause and effect but there is no thread of cause and effect. So He had to take some time to prepare.

Only then did he say a few more words to Zhan Fei's incarnation.

Now, there is no need to waste time, just cut it down with all your strength. It is faster than the premonition ability of Zhan Fei's incarnation. In other words, that sword locked multiple directions. Even if you could predict it a trillionth of a second in advance, you couldn't avoid it, and then you were cut in half.

"You can't escape!"

In less than a billionth of a second, the incarnation of Xi Ling traveled through the endless void and arrived at a vast land.

In front of him was Zhan Fei's figure, standing in mid-air out of thin air with a faint smile on his face.


Xi Ling suddenly had an uneasy premonition.

That incarnation of Zhan Fei was just a drop of the exclusive Dao essence plus other energy.

He could even sense that something below was projecting this Zhan Fei figure.

However, it is impossible for Zhan Fei's true body to dare to stay in such a place and wait for him to come over. Wouldn't that be "sending death" in vain? You should be able to run away as far as you want, you shouldn't be so confident.

In fact, her guess was correct.

At this moment, the ground roared loudly, and a huge beam of light rushed towards her.

She quickly slashed out with her sword, cutting off part of the light beam, but was unable to penetrate the entire huge light beam, and her body suddenly fell backwards.

All he saw was a beam of light penetrating through the void hundreds of millions of light-years high.

Moreover, super strong shock waves swept across all directions, and the laws and avenues of this world were distorted and mutated.

The powerful interference made her instantly unable to sense and lock on Zhan Fei's remaining breath and information. All the remaining information about Zhan Fei was also erased.

"Damn it, you are so cunning? However, you only have this chance. Next time, I will never let you escape again!"

"Such a major 'hidden danger' must be eliminated!!"

She could tell at a glance that the beam of light that had just been fired was the attack of the main gun of the transcendent battleship.

But it's not just a bombardment released by a main gun, but a city, a huge unfinished city that burns all its power, and the power of self-destruction condenses into a huge force and is released. Therefore, first the beam of light, and then the main gun of the transcendent battleship, which could not withstand the powerful force, exploded together with the ship and city.

This city was built by Zhan Fei a long time ago. When a city was built near Corpse Ancestor City,

But by the way, a city was also built outside. It's not far from here.

When Zhan Fei escaped, he moved to this city, and the location where he crossed through the earth line happened to pass through here.

With one explosion, all traces were erased.

The exclusive essence of the avenue disappeared directly. The remaining power here contains countless disturbing information.

The woman could still figure out something. But it takes a lot of time. At least ten minutes.

For a mortal, it takes ten minutes to find clues about an absconder, which is extremely fast.

But for powerful men like Xi Ling and Zhan Fei, this was too slow.

Zhan Fei uses the earth veins to travel, and he can use the earth veins to disrupt the information and erase the information again. Ten minutes later, it jumped through countless ley lines and moved to an unknown place.

It would take longer and longer for her to track down Zhan Fei's true form. Although it can be traced. But every ten minutes Zhan Fei escapes, he has to spend three times more time chasing him. If she escaped for a few more hours, she would have to spend more than ten days without finding him. If Zhan Fei escaped for one day, she would have to spend several months trying to find him.

Although she attaches great importance to this "hidden danger" of possessing the exclusive Dao Essence, she cannot waste too much energy here before taking care of the three Taoists and the Twelve Corpse Ancestors.

We can only let Zhan Fei go for the time being.


The woman waved her hand, and Chaos Lords appeared out of thin air. Some were even temporarily created and directly integrated into the intelligent system. They were like robots with Chaos Lord-level combat power, and they were asked to search for Zhan Fei's whereabouts. .

She turned around and disappeared.

And Zhan Fei flew extremely far in the earth veins, and traveled through the void countless times. Every time, he shuttles and jumps from one branch of the ley line to another.

At this point, even he himself didn't know where he was running.

The transcendent wills of Ruyi, Ruyue and Ziyin were all blessed on his body, combining with the spiritual will of his body to temporarily transform.

"Premonition... the surroundings are safe for the time being. Unless the other party's spiritual will is many times stronger than the fusion and transformation of the four of us, and a trap is laid in advance, it can deceive our perception."

But unless the wills of the three Taoists are unified, or the wills of the twelve corpse ancestors are completely unified, it is impossible to have such magical means.

If the three Taoists can unite as one, they will be the will of the ancients, and they will not be suppressed and beaten by the Xi Ling.

Although the Twelve Corpse Ancestors can unite their strength and body, and even their mental power, their will and thoughts cannot be united, and they dare not unite their consciousness. Spiritual unity does not change. So I don't have this strength.

Although Xi Ling is strong, relying on the essence of his exclusive Dao, in terms of the strength of his own spiritual will, it is at most several times stronger than Zhan Fei, and it is not much stronger than the fusion and transformation of the spiritual wills of the four Zhan Fei. It may not even be that strong, let alone several times stronger.

Therefore, Zhanfei is relieved.

"We must find a place immediately to meditate... We can't be distracted and take care of everything outside for the time being."

Before Zhan Fei, he saw the woman's sword strike down with his own eyes, and his inspiration exploded, and he realized the secret of using the exclusive Dao Essence.

This inspiration is not a memory. It does not mean that if you memorize it directly, you can continue to maintain this spiritual enlightenment next time.

Zhan Fei didn't dare to delay.

Find a place to set up multiple barriers and seals, and maintain a state of unity and transformation with the transcendent will of Ruyue Ruyi Ziyin. Although it is easy to be mentally exhausted, it can temporarily greatly increase your understanding. The key is that some important information that cannot be explained by "understanding" and can be unexpectedly obtained through precognition and premonition without cause and effect, without any need for clues, is the most important.

"Time, space, dimensions...the transcendent will that merges and transforms, shuttles between different time and space according to certain rules. The essence of the exclusive avenue is condensed, and the essence of the exclusive avenue merges with the dimensions of time and space, and merges with the transcendent will to distort the avenue... ...distort the law, and use this distortion to generate domain authority...

"But how can this authority be extended to the outside world, so that no matter where it goes, the outside world can obey it? Even if it is a strong man who has transcended the five realms and the six realms, without the essence of the exclusive avenue, the avenue and the law will also succumb to this A kind of exclusive essence of Dao...

"How to control, how to use..."

This is a difficult thing, but if you find the direction, it is possible to move forward.

A lot of information, a lot of data, a lot of calculations.

Zhan Fei gradually realized something.

It is extremely difficult to bring out the true power and effect of the exclusive Dao Essence. Because, in different times, different spaces, different environments, and within the scope of different laws and avenues, the methods of application will be different.

No environment can be static. If there are strong people involved in it and the power they radiate affects the environment, the environment will change even more rapidly, chaotically and irregularly.

In order for the essence of the exclusive avenue to exert its strongest power, it must be fine-tuned according to different environments. Sometimes even the slightest change can have a hugely different effect.

Therefore, one must possess a certain ability of transcendent premonition. It also requires super computing power.

With such a method, you will gradually become familiar with how to use this exclusive essence of the avenue and exert its super power, and then extract the quick calculation method that best suits you. Even if the premonition ability is suppressed, the exclusive essence of the avenue can still exert its true effectiveness.

This includes the coordination of different attributes of transcendent power, the simulation and disguise of transcendent will, the coordinated use of the exclusive essence of the avenue, etc.

Different detached people control different detached attributes and have different detached wills. Even if they can bring out the true power of the exclusive essence of the great road, the effects will be different.

In fact, all Dao Spirits look the same on the surface, but in fact, the hidden secrets are different. However, even the six realms of transcendence cannot tell the difference. A strong person with an exclusive avenue essence can only judge that the opponent's exclusive avenue essence is different from his own, and he cannot accurately judge the difference.

"In is certain that no matter how different the exclusive Dao Essence is, and how different the characteristics it exerts, they all have certain commonalities. For example, the detachment above detachment ignores all powerful people who do not have the level of exclusive Dao Essence. Attackers. Of course, it can only be ignored temporarily. It is extremely difficult to ignore it for a long time.

"At the same time, when attacking, there is also a defense built by all non-exclusive avenue essences. The laws are disordered and the avenue is disordered. They may even obey the attacker's orders in turn. Just like when Xi Ling slashed down with his sword, the ground automatically cracked and the sword energy Through that.

"This is a common feature. It's hard to say about other characteristics.

"It's like the power of transcendence, which can ignore the attacks of all non-transcendants, and can easily disintegrate and assimilate the power of all Chaos Lords. This is the commonality. But other special attributes besides the commonality are different."

Zhan Fei's mind turned and he fell into the realm of enlightenment.

time flies……

I don’t know how much time has passed.

Zhan Fei suddenly woke up.

In a trance, it was like waking up from a big dream.

"Danger... Danger is sensed!"

Zhan Fei's heart skipped a beat, and he had an uneasy premonition.

It was this uneasy premonition that made him wake up from his state of enlightenment.

"Who found this place? It couldn't be Xi Ling, could it? My current condition is not good."

Zhan Fei understood something and felt that his strength should have increased significantly, but it was not clear how much.

At the same time, his, Ruyi Ruyue and Ziyin's spiritual will became weaker. Although I don't feel very tired, at least I am no longer in peak condition. The transcendent will of a transcendent person is immortal, so he can quickly recover his spirit, but it also takes some time.


My heart beats again.

Zhan Fei rose into the sky without thinking.

The formation was broken, the barrier was broken, the ground was broken, and the whole person soared into the sky.

Then, a strong beam of light blasted into the ground where Zhan Fei had been in retreat before. The protective barriers laid underground and so on were all blown up.

This blow was beyond the power that a normal transcendent person could exert now, making Zhanfei's eyelids jump.

"Transcendence battleship? And... it is an attack formed by gathering the power of many transcendences?"

Otherwise, it would be impossible to have such great power.

"Unexpectedly, there is actually a little mouse hidden here."

A huge battleship gradually appeared in the void opposite, and a translucent woman in a white gauze dress wearing a silver mask stood above the huge battleship, staring coldly at this side.

Zhan Fei said coldly: "I thought that some powerful person was chasing me here. It turns out that it was just a runaway dog."

"What did you say?" The woman was furious, her voice was cold and murderous.

"Haha, Xuan Cang Transcendent? Moreover, you are a so-called strange immortal, right? You can sense the sense of crisis you bring. However, if I am not mistaken, you did not intend to find me, but were being hunted by someone. Randomly traveling through the void, teleporting to a nearby place at random, only to become restless and launch an attack directly at my retreat place..."

Before Zhan Fei finished speaking, the woman became furious: "You are looking for death!!"

Drawing circles with both hands, several different strands of transcendent power are gathered together.

Some of them are the power of Xuan Cang's detachment with different detachment characteristics, and some are the power of Xuan Huang's detachment with different detachment characteristics. When condensed together, there is actually a trace of the essence of the great avenue of unknown origin and the special Xuan Cang gray in the middle. fog.

A huge force field overflowed, and the surrounding void laws were distorted, making it temporarily impossible for people to travel and teleport.

The multiple strands of detached power that gathered together instantly formed a violently rotating detached vortex, roaring towards this side.


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