Seize Genes

Chapter 360 Breaking through the Obstacles (Part 2)


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It is very bright here, and there is light everywhere, as if it is shining from the direction, but there is no real light source, and there is no so-called floating star. Please search for (品 @书¥) to get the most complete view! The fastest updated novel

Above the head, there are huge things floating in the air, with hazy shadows cast down on them.

Beyond the east and southeast, not too far away is the endlessly high boulder, the boulder where the world of the Tang Dynasty is located.

"Let's fly along the boulder and have a look." Zhan Fei said.

Without waiting for Yu Wen's answer, she flew all the way towards Jifei.

It is still a vacuum, unable to breathe, and sound cannot be transmitted directly, but the harmful rays in the void are increasing more and more.

After ascending for about ten thousand miles, Zhan Fei encountered another floating land... or it would be more appropriate to call it a floating island. It is about a hundred miles long and wide, and is surrounded by a large area of ​​ruins.

Not too far away, there is a series of palaces suspended on one side, surrounded by clouds. The buildings made of various beautiful jade have completely collapsed, as if after some tragic battle. One of the plaques can vaguely see the words "Lingxiao Palace". ” and the like.

Continuing to fly, I saw thick clouds overhead again. They were white and glowing, but they were also composed of large groups of non-atomic malignant particles.

Zhan Fei bypassed the white clouds and found that there was a strong energy field outside the white clouds. The space was violently distorted and the gravity was strange. Zhan Fei had to retreat and once again used the special explosives brought in by reality to destroy the clouds. Explode, all the way.

I saw a huge suspended land above my head, about three hundred miles long and wide, with countless spar glowing directly below.

Going around from the side, we found a desolate land, with a withered laurel tree three thousand feet high in the middle. It had been broken, and a giant ax remained on the surface. Not far from the osmanthus tree, there is a dark palace with the word "Guanghan" on the cracked plaque.

"Guanghan Palace? Your earthly and celestial dynasty mythology, Hou Yi's wife, Chang'e's long-lasting place after her ascension?" Yu Wen asked in surprise.

Zhan Fei shook his head: "Don't ask me, I don't understand either."

We continued flying and soon encountered large black clouds. Black clouds exploded again, and there was a suspended continent in front of it. It was about eight thousand to ten thousand miles long and wide. It turned out to be the land of the Celestial Empire during the Song Dynasty. But the sky is round and the place is suspended in the void.

What makes people feel strange is that the land itself does not have much gravity. The gravity is still downward, and something falls from the edge of the earth. It will fall all the way to the black clouds below, then to the side of Guanghan Palace, then to the side of Lingxiao Palace, and all the way down to below and below. It is very different from the starry sky in the real world.

"The situation is weird, we need to be more careful." Yu Wen suddenly said.

"Why?" Zhan Fei asked.

Yu Wen said: "The huge boulder we saw blocking the road before is hundreds of millions of kilometers long. It can only be calculated by looking at light with the naked eye. Ordinary people can't see the end of the boulder at all, unless they use a telescope. However, we have traveled all the way. Flying up, there are floating continents and white and black clouds blocking the light in the sky. Logically speaking, there is no reason to see the entire super boulder clearly from below, but in fact, we can clearly see how many of them are there. Isn’t it strange that there are huge boulders hundreds of millions of kilometers long?”

Zhan Fei said: "Then what do you mean..."

"Space crack!!" Yu Wen said: "There may be a space crack in the void, which projects light from extremely high places down, so we can see the situation hundreds of millions of kilometers away. If we accidentally encounter a space crack while flying, . But it’s troublesome.”

Zhan Fei said: "But it could also be a mirage."

Yu Wen said: "This kind of ultra-long-distance mirage is impossible to form without using space cracks to project light."

Zhan Fei said: "I understand..."

Look at the boulder and the surrounding environment. Said: "If the place where we are is really a long historical river, that huge boulder is a reef that can withstand the force of the river. Therefore, there may be special energy fluctuations in the roots around the boulder. We cannot go all the way along the boulder.

You can only keep flying slightly away from the boulder. "

"Is this the reason why Yuan Tiangang and Li Chunfeng's hexagram made us 'go through thousands of calamities without regrets' and go straight to break through?" Yu Wen asked.

Zhan Fei said: "It's possible... places that seem safe sometimes actually hide great dangers. And places that seem dangerous may actually be a way to survive. If we fly straight, we will encounter malicious particles. This nasty thing is very dangerous, but it can use the intermolecular repulsion generated by the explosion to push the malignant particles away for a certain distance, so we can continue flying. Therefore, it seems to be a dead end, but it is actually safe. "

Yu Wen said: "Maybe, but don't let me explore the way again."

She stared at Zhan Fei fiercely.

Zhan Fei smiled and flew to the "Great Song Dynasty" land next to him and landed.

Without communicating with the indigenous people here, Zhan Fei returned directly to the "real world" and came in with some flying detectors not long after.

Yu Wen had a strange look on her face: "Can you bring in what you need from the 'real world'?"

Zhan Fei didn't answer, and Yu Wen asked again: "Why not just bring in a mecha? Is it possible that due to weight or volume restrictions, we can't bring in anything too heavy or too big? So, this 'original place' 'Can you take it back to the 'real world'?"

Zhan Fei fiddled with a thumb-sized flying saucer-shaped thing in his hand, and said calmly: "If you keep asking too many questions, you can help me explore the way later."

"Okay..." Yu Wen said: "I won't say much else, but I have one thing that is very, very good - since you can bring these dead things in from reality, have you ever tried... …Bring real living people into this ‘place of origin’?”

Zhan Fei's pupils shrank slightly, and he suddenly turned back to stare at Yu Wen: "What did you just say?!"

Yu Wen chuckled: "It is true that a wise man must make mistakes after all his considerations. Don't you know that there is a special connection between the consciousness of a living person and the body? You are looking for Luo Wan and the others, and their consciousness has fallen into In this place of origin, if you hug their bodies and take them into this place of origin, isn't there a way to sense where their consciousness is through their bodies, in case their consciousness returns directly? Come to the body, that’s even better.”

Zhan Fei stared at her coldly: "Do you want to kill them?"

If something happens to the person he brought in, such as if the body he brought in cannot be taken back, wouldn't it be the end?

"I'm not asking you to bring their bodies in directly. You can try it with other people's bodies...such as the bodies of other ordinary earthlings on the 'Xingtao 2' battleship. Bring one or two in and measure them. Is their consciousness connected to something else? If possible, you can find their other body in this 'original place', as long as you don't bring my body or that of other alien players. You can come in." Yu Wen said.

Zhan Fei shook his head: "Impossible. Fang said, I can bring other things in, but my body cannot be brought in if I stay on the 'Xingtao 2' ship."

Zhan Fei also felt strange, what was the reason for this. The nanorobots in the body were copied to this place of origin, and the body was also copied in, but there was indeed a body outside.

"It doesn't hurt to try." Yu Wen said seductively.

Zhan Fei thought about it. Said: "That's fine."

With a thought, I returned to the "real world".

Before Zhan Fei let "Xingtao 2" fly away from the earth, he forcibly sucked most of the people in Tianhua City into "Xingtao 2". There were good people and bad guys. The bad guy or the sinner doesn't deserve to die, but in a situation like this that requires someone to sacrifice, it's always better to bring in a bad guy than to bring in a good guy.

Zhan Fei switched to the situation recorded by the "Xingtao 2" ship. It happened that there was a prison in Tianhua City before, and some people were sucked in, including many female prisoners.

Zhan Fei didn't care what crime these people had committed, so he just grabbed anyone who looked relatively small. Tie it to the back with a rope.

Return to "the place of origin".

The result...the back was empty.

"Sure enough, can't we bring reality into the body of a living person?" Zhan Fei couldn't figure out the principle of this.

"Perhaps, the consciousness of real people has entered the 'Place of Origin', so it will exclude their bodies from entering?" Yu Wen said.

Zhan Fei said: "How do I know? You ask me, who should I ask."

Yu Wen said: "You can't bring in living people, and you can't bring in the entire mecha. So... can you bring in the parts of the mecha?"

Zhanfei's pupils shrank slightly.

Yu Wen smiled softly: "Since you can bring in this jet-propelled personal flight assist backpack, then other parts of the mecha should also be brought in."

Zhan Fei smiled bitterly: "It's just a word that wakes up the dreamer."

Yu Wen said: "We people who live in the advanced civilization outside the earth have long been accustomed to using all kinds of high-tech things. You people on earth have less contact with them. It is normal to not think of it."

Zhan Fei was speechless.

In the final analysis, he was still eager to find people, but he was too focused on submicron particles and mind-controlled nanorobots, and instead ignored high-tech things like mechas. Of course, I hadn't been able to get the entire mecha in before, so I ignored it.

"Let me try."

Zhan Fei returned to reality many times and re-entered the "Place of Origin" many times. The huge mecha parts were successfully "brought in" - simply put, they were "copied". The real mecha parts have not disappeared, but there are many more "mecha parts" here.

Zhan Fei used the information he obtained from the battleship database to piece together the entire mecha here.

It's just a mecha that's no more than three meters high. Its interior is very small, with room for only one person. However, it's extremely fast and can reach speeds of more than 800 kilometers per second - it's a very powerful mecha in space.

"Can't you get one for me too?" Yu Wen asked excitedly.

Zhan Fei stayed inside the three-meter-high small mecha and said, "Sorry, it's a waste of time to go in and out once. Besides, with detectors and mechas used as cannon fodder, it seems that you have no use value." ”

"You!!" Yu Wen said angrily: "But sometimes, when you encounter certain dangers, mechas may not be able to help you hold off the enemy. Fang said that some starry sky beasts seem to be able to sense whether there is mind control in the human body. Nanorobots. If it only pursues living people and not machines like mechas, wouldn’t it be very dangerous if you are alone?”

Zhan Fei thought about it for a long time and nodded: "What you said makes sense."

Therefore, without fear of wasting time, he returned to reality and brought in other parts to form another mecha. This mecha is smaller, only about two meters and three meters, and is more suitable as a battle armor than a mecha. The maximum speed can only reach 680 kilometers per second, which is far behind Zhan Fei's mecha.

Of course, two mechas, no matter which one. Neither can fly for a long time at a speed of 500 kilometers per second. Mechas were originally used for fighting on the surface of the planet, and their ability to escape was not as good as flying saucers. The flying saucer of the Xingtao 2 ship was too big and difficult to dismantle. Only these two mechas can be used.

"Okay, next, remember what you promised me." Zhan Fei said.

"I understand... As you sent me the mecha and protected me all the way, the price is that I am not allowed to reveal any of your secrets to others. During my stay here, I must become your personal bodyguard. After I leave the place of origin and return to In the real world, I have to pay you a huge favor, right? Vampire!" Yu Wen said angrily.

Zhan Fei said: "If you are not happy, you can tear up the contract and return this mecha to me. Leave by yourself."

Yu Wen snorted: "Since I agreed to your conditions, I will not go back on it. Moreover, didn't you also use a special instrument to record all the contents of the conditions I agreed to before?"

If Yu Wen breaks the contract and Zhan Fei releases this professional video recorded with a special instrument and it is confirmed that the content is true, then Yu Wen's reputation will be completely ruined and her position as the heir of such a big family will not be considered. Sit tight.

"Okay, we've wasted a lot of time, let's move on."

Zhanfei controls the mecha. After flying thousands of miles, I saw "clouds" in the sky again, so I fired directly at them and penetrated the hole. Send some "miniature detection flying saucers" the size of fingernails over there, make sure they are safe, and then control the mecha to fly.

Passing through seven or eight layers of clouds in a row, I saw many broken suspended continents. The small ones were only a few hundred meters in size, with only a few houses on them, and the large ones were tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of miles away.

What shocked Zhan Fei. A certain dark continent is filled with black air, and various ghost soldiers with bull heads and horse faces can be seen, which are clearly the same as the legendary underworld. However, it feels a little weird that the underworld is on a suspended continent, and it is higher in the sky in the world where Lingxiao Palace is located.

Keep flying.

I saw a strange screen of light, vast and boundless.

Zhan Fei was unable to break through the light curtain, released detection waves and could not detect the situation on the other side, and sent out a flying saucer without a trace. But when I used the gyrator to fly and come back, I found that it was not damaged.

"It's not like a harmful substance, but it has various abilities to isolate signal transmission and cannot be detected." Zhan Fei muttered, turned to look at Yu Wen who was staying in the mini mecha, and said: "Bodyguard, test your The time has come, right?"

Yu Wen said angrily: "Even if I was safe in the past, I still can't come back to inform you. Wasn't that flying saucer set to have an automatic return function? It didn't come back either."

Zhan Fei thought for a moment and said, "You are right. Maybe this area is an extremely dangerous place."

However, there may also be barriers that must be breached.

Zhan Fei and Yu Wen flew around first, and found that the light film stretched millions of miles away without any holes. But millions of kilometers away, there are powerful chaotic gravity fields everywhere, as well as twisted space cracks. Through the detection waves, countless black gaps can be clearly seen twisting and changing in the void. If you don't use a detector and you can only see the calm void, it will be chopped into countless small pieces as soon as you fly over.

Zhan Fei sternly pondered for a long time and said, "It seems that we can only forcefully break through the light film."

Instead of sending Yu Wen to die, Zhan Fei and Yu Wen broke in at the same time. He calculated that since the spinning object entered the light film and returned without damage, then the mecha should be able to support the power of the light film. Once the mecha showed signs of damage, Zhanfei could quickly turn around or even abandon it. The mecha returns.

Therefore, the speed of the mecha was reduced to 100 meters and three seconds, and then the two of them flew into the light film together.

It's just... I never expected that the light film was thinner than expected, but it was only a few hundred meters thick.

After breaking through, the two felt a strong suction pulling them upward.

Then, it was dark around the two of them. When their sight returned, they realized that they were in a strange place.

" this the real place of origin?!!"

Zhan Fei and Yu Wen gasped at the same time.

If the prediction is correct, Luo Wan, Zhan Linger and others are not far away. (To be continued.)

This book comes from Pin \u0026 Book # http:///book/html/26/26783/index.html

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