Seize Genes

Chapter 368 Where the treasure is

? Before Xisu could react, he was directly hit by Zhanfei's mecha laser beam, and his whole body was slightly shaken.

However, this terrifying laser beam that was enough to destroy Financial Steel only made her groan for a while. A circle of strange light waves bloomed from her whole body, forming a shield that blocked most of the laser and blocked it. A small part of it is reflected.

Her figure was inexplicably sluggish because of this, and her right hand trembled violently as if she was electrocuted. It may be that other forces in the body were flowing to resist the laser beam, which caused a nerve spasm.

But at this moment, the dark sword light of the Demon Queen had already struck, breaking through the protective light shield on her body, and Xi Su had to retreat quickly.

With a "chi" sound, the remaining power of the black sword light penetrated into the sea water, and a large amount of water vapor evaporated. There was a muffled sound on the shallow water beach, and a large amount of water vapor and sand exploded into the air.

The Demon Queen was very fast. She spread her wings and dived at nearly eight times the speed of sound. However, she had just flown 300 meters. In less than a tenth of a second, she was still several meters away from the "origin of life"... The depth of the earth Here, a strange wave of power surged out.

In an instant, the Demon Queen's speed suddenly dropped to only a few tens of meters per second. Xisu just happened to wave her hand and slap her, intercepting her but failing to touch the "origin of life". Then she heard an underground rumor. There was a muffled sound that shook the world.

The strange thing is that the sound is only within a range of more than a thousand meters. It is huge and easy to hear. It quickly weakens after being transmitted a thousand meters away, and completely dissipates within a thousand and five hundred meters.

All this happened in less than a second. Zhan Fei in mid-air felt that his body suddenly became heavier. The thought-controlled nanorobots running in his body seemed to be restrained by an invisible force field. Just like a magnet traveling in opposite directions in a magnetic field full of homogeneous repulsion.

"This..." Everyone's expressions changed.

Before anyone else could react, Zhan Fei heard Luo Wan exclaim: "The ultimate treasure?"

It is said that in this mysterious "ultimate guardian place", there is something thousands of kilometers in diameter, with the nuclei of all the atoms inside it. They are all made up of a small thing called a "Yumi robot" and an inexplicable "power of law". This is the most precious treasure in the Origin Land.

That thing is hidden under the earth?

Was it the power wave it released just now?

When everyone was stunned for a moment, Xisu took action again. What ultimate treasure could not compare to the "origin of life" in front of them?

As the saying goes, a thousand birds are in the forest.

It's better to have a bird in hand.

She reached out again to grab the luminous object.

However, the mecha in the sky released its beam again, and at the same time several micro-missiles were shot down, pointing directly at Xi Su.

She didn't dare to block the laser any longer, so she swayed to avoid it. With a wave of his hand, several alloy fragments flew out and hit the head of the micro-missile with a few clanging sounds. They failed to break the missile of the captain's exclusive mecha of the "Xingtao 2 Ship", but they successfully produced a shock and destroyed the missile head. Guidance chip inside.


He ducked to the side, narrowly avoiding those few micro-missiles.

The Demon Queen's hand reached out to the source of life again, but Zhan Fei had already swooped in quickly, with multiple alloy fragments spinning rapidly around her body at a speed of more than 8,000 meters per second. A terrifying hurricane forms. Moreover, when she waved her hand, two alloy pieces containing strong electric light and blazing light struck at the Demon Queen's hand.

Her hand did not shrink. With a sneer, it was cut off by the flying alloy fragments. However, it was translucent and turned out to be just a phantom hand. The other hand stretched out from the side and instantly fished for the "origin of life".

However, something strange happened. The hands of the Demon Queen, just like the seagulls, bird down or water vapor particles before, easily passed through the "origin of life" and could not be grasped at all.

She was stunned. The rapidly spinning alloy fragments around Zhan Fei did not dare to slash at the "origin of life", but they flew towards her with a swishing swish.

Zhan Fei's strength is astonishing. Even if he is subject to some kind of restraint from the ground, he is still strong. The alloy fragments shot onto the Queen instantly. As soon as a black shield rose in front of her, it was pierced through, she let out a scream, and flew backwards with blood all over her body.

Zhan Fei's right hand was also about to capture the "origin of life", but Lu Qi'er got there, waving a few blazing lights and electric rays from a distance, which were also the power released by the mind-controlled nano-robots.

But Zhan Fei completely ignored it and directly grasped the "origin of life"... But unfortunately, he also failed. His hand and the "origin of life" seemed to be completely different from the same space. They were like two parallel pieces of paper. From a certain three-dimensional angle, they seemed to intersect, but from another angle, they were actually completely different. Corner. Zhan Fei's hand seemed to have "touched" the origin of life, but in fact, it only touched the phantom.

Lu Qier's power came close and hit Zhan Fei's hand, but Zhan Fei was almost unharmed.

Her figure froze in mid-air, daring not to approach.

Zhan Fei stared at the "origin of life", his eyes flickering, and he stared around.

"No, it's not invisible!!" Zhan Fei muttered in his heart.

Lu Qier and others also had strange expressions. They had also wondered before whether this "origin of life" was just an illusion - for example, Zhan Fei was invisible here, but used light illusion to create false light not far away, forming another image of Zhan Fei. In some fantasy worlds, this method has an interesting name, "Misdirection".

But obviously, the "origin of life" in front of you is not like an illusion, or like the main body is hidden elsewhere and only the shadow is here. Because Zhan Fei and others clearly sensed that the fluctuations of life emanated from it. The strange force field that can enhance everyone's vitality spreads in all directions from it.

At this moment, Xisu suddenly stretched out his hand, condensing the power of a powerful mind-controlled nano-robot in his palm, and once again grasped the "origin of life" - since he could not directly touch the "origin of life" with his flesh and blood body, then he changed to a mind-controlled nano-robot power, so what?

The Demon Queen flew back and attacked Xisu. Zhanfei also hit Xisu's arm at the right time, knocking her away. However, the thought-controlled nanorobots she released spread out and reached the "origin of life". , there are no weird changes.

"How is that possible?" Xi Su was surprised, Zhan Fei and others were also confused.

At this time, strange power surged out from deep underground. Zhan Fei found that the mind-controlled nanorobot on his body was even more restricted. The others also frowned. Lu Qier even fell from mid-air to the beach on the sea, and it was difficult to maintain her suspended state in mid-air. Maybe she could still do it by forcing herself to levitate, but she would consume too much power, so she simply sank down.

"This world seems to be blocking 'supernatural power', or the so-called 'power of mind control', but it is estimated that it must exceed a certain level before it will be suppressed by this power. Shell turtles and the like on the beach are still moving freely. , their brain consciousness affects the nerves and controls the activities of various parts of the body through thought."

Zhan Fei was spinning his thoughts, his figure was hanging next to the glowing "origin of life", he reached out to fish it out, and the electric light flickered in his palm. Then, flames, water mist, blazing light, darkness, and the power of various attributes were in his hands. circulation. In just a short period of time, he made dozens of attempts to grab the "origin of life", but he failed to catch any of them.

Others were also stunned.

Zhan Fei pondered for a moment, and Lu Qier's voice came: "It has nothing to do with the attributes of the mind-controlled nanorobot, and it has nothing to do with the gender of men and women, but you can't even reach out to touch it? Could it be..."

Just as he was muttering, Zhanfei's mecha fell from the sky and passed through the "origin of life". A very weak space fluctuation bloomed from the mecha, but the "origin of life" was not affected.

"The power of space doesn't work either?" Zhan Fei muttered in his mind.

at this time. A small fish swoops out of the sea water and passes through the "origin of life" without being affected just like light passing through the air.

Zhan Fei glanced at Lu Qier coldly.

The nerve activity of this little fish was temporarily controlled by Lu Qier's thought-controlled nanorobot.

Subsequently. Feeling the power of Xi Su and the Demon Queen coming from the air, the thought-controlled nanorobots approached, but the same thing happened.

Under Zhan Fei's instructions, Luo Wan also remotely released the mind-controlled nanorobot.

"It seems to have nothing to do with 'brain waves'? Everyone's mind-controlled nanorobots contain different brain waves... Or must a certain kind of brain waves be specified to touch the 'origin of life'? But now, no one can touch it. to it.”

Everyone had the same idea. They looked at each other.

Another strange power fluctuation emerged from the depths of the earth, and there was another thud. The thought-controlled nanorobots in everyone's bodies became even more difficult to control.

Under this situation, Zhan Fei didn't want to fight with Xi Su and others, so everyone stepped back slightly, letting the "origin of life" float in place.

The mecha Luo Wan was riding also stopped. Not far away, he secretly said to Zhan Fei: "The performance of the mecha seems to have declined, as if it was affected by the interference of power coming from underground."

Zhan Fei sighed secretly and wanted to take the opportunity to use the mecha to kill the weakened Demon Queen, Xi Su and others. It seemed that it would not be easy.

Then Xi Su said: "The origin of this life is strange, and no one can touch it now. I wonder if you have any relevant information, why not share it together?"

Everyone was silent, and Xisu said: "On this earth, there are definitely more than just a few of us candidates. The others are just too far away to come. However, if we delay further, it will be bad for more people to come. "

"As for your knowledge of this thing, Xisu, you should have more information than us, right? After all, you are the one who opened the 'Land of Origin'." The Queen said.

Lu Qier said: "Now I am more interested in the mysterious power deep underground. If I can get the power of that treasure, it doesn't seem to matter whether I want the origin of life or not."

The others remained silent.

The power under the ground is indeed exciting, and the "origin of life" in front of you is also exciting. But with everyone's current strength, even if they join forces, it is impossible to dig through the earth's crust to find the mysterious power, because everyone's strength has been weakened. Even if you dig deep into the ground, you may not be able to collect that mysterious power. After all...if you can get the approval of that mysterious force, you don't need to dig into the ground at all. If you don't get approval, you won't be able to control the "mind-controlled Youmi robot" on that thing with your mind even if you dig into the ground.

The "origin of life" in front of me is a scam and cannot be touched at all.

This is no ordinary trouble.

Zhan Fei thought for a while, nodded towards Luo Wan, and actually retreated from the area, thousands of meters away.

However, another strange sound came from the depths of the earth, and Zhan Fei felt that his strength was suppressed again.

Zhan Fei stopped in place, and Luo Wan flew several kilometers away in the mecha... Of course, she was not in control. Zhan Fei issued authorized commands remotely, allowing her to control it temporarily.

As a result, Zhan Fei and Luo Wan were in two places at the same time, and their strength was weakened again.

The trouble looks bigger.

"The power fluctuations radiating deep underground do not have the 'origin of life' as the core, but us as the core. Even if we are far away from the 'origin of life', we will be affected by interference. If this continues, will our strength continue to decline? Suppressed to the point of being like ordinary earthlings in this world?" Zhan Fei's face became serious.

Flying back to the original place, the suspended position of "the origin of life". Zhan Fei had to try to communicate with other people.

But at this moment, the "origin of life" bloomed with a strange light, and invisible fluctuations came from the depths of the earth. At this time, there was a slight interlacing and distortion of the "origin of life", forming a space crack. A very familiar aura to Zhan Fei came from outside.

"What kind of power fluctuation is this?" Xi Su muttered.

"Eternal river?" Zhan Fei's heart skipped a beat.

The Demon Queen gently swept her right hand, and the black aura filled the air, forming black images one after another, like people, mountains, or various buildings.

"This is..." Zhan Fei's pupils shrank slightly.

He quickly said to Luo Wan: "You control the mecha to fly high. If anyone can touch the source of life and have physical contact, attack directly. I will go back."

No one can hurt Zhan Fei now, and Zhan Fei quickly flies away. After thinking about it, he swung and released a bunch of light-based mind-controlled nano-robots, forming light-based birds, shooting to all parts of the world, covering a quarter of the earth in an instant, and then all the sent out mind-controlled nano-robots were completely destroyed. .

"As expected... such a tiny space crack. My mind-controlled nanorobot cannot detect the existence of the space crack at all. There is a 'dong-dong' sound that can only be heard by people with a lot of mind-controlled power deep in the earth. When the sound was heard, some breaths belonging to certain substances and certain "acquaintances"' brain waves appeared. It didn't exist before, but it appeared out of thin air. Could it be that there was some kind of power that caused various brain waves from the outside world. Or various other power fluctuations are transmitted into this earth.

"In this way, some secrets will be solved..."

Zhan Fei was thoughtful and flew all the way back to where the "origin of life" appeared. It turned out that in addition to the people from before, Antini and Niyu also appeared. They were also related to the "Supreme Life Artifact"? This surprised Zhan Fei.

In addition, several unfamiliar alien players also appeared here, and their identities were all on the Star Taoist 2 ship.

These people all try to touch upon the "origin of life." But they are all inaccessible.

Seeing Zhan Fei flying back in deep thought, not even paying much attention to other alien players, Luo Wan couldn't help but ask Zhan Fei through the mecha's communication system: "Did you discover something just now?"

"Well, it's possible that a secret has been solved."

"What secret?"

"Why is there a book called "Seizing the Gene" on this earth?"

"Huh?" Luo Wan didn't react for a moment. What kind of secret is this? This matter has nothing to do with the "origin of life" in front of us, right?

Zhan Fei said: "The thoughts and various brain waves in the hearts of ordinary people do not have much power and are difficult to directly interfere with reality. But a large number of people, countless people, are thinking about one thing at the same time, and they have a large number of thought-controlled nanorobots. , it is possible for thought-controlled nanorobots to manifest their inner thoughts into illusions or even special powers, which has been confirmed at the Gate of Heaven in the 'real world'.

"And these brain waves, various human thoughts in the 'real world', enter the 'eternal river' of the 'Origin', and even cause different planes to appear in the long river.

"If someone in the 'real world' knew the story of Luo Wan and me, and formed strong brain waves, passed through the 'Eternal River' of the Origin, and entered this earth, would it be possible to let the people here Someone on earth had a corresponding vision in his mind, knew our story, and then wrote the book "Seizing the Gene"? "

Luo Wan pondered for a moment and said, "It is indeed possible, but is there any point in finding out the cause of this book?"

Zhan Fei said: "I have heard of 'cross-space mirage', which means that light is transmitted through space cracks to another flat space, and then forms a 'mirage'-like scene. It is often mistaken by ignorant people as 'Yin soldiers passing through the border'" ', 'ghosts appear' and other supernatural scenes (refer to Chapter 123).

"Then, if brainwaves are transmitted across space, it will cause hallucinations in the minds of people in this world, and the hallucinations are consistent with certain real events in other worlds. What's more, if it is other forces that project across space, such as making people's vitality Will the stronger special energy also produce an image?"

Luo Wan's mind moved slightly: "You mean... the 'origin of life' is probably not in front of you at all, but in another parallel space. But some kind of power... such as the mysterious and powerful vitality, traces of it are coming from the Passing through different spaces, they are finally transported here, where they are intertwined and condensed to form a 'luminous substance' with fluctuations in life force. It can have powerful power to affect the reality of this area, and it can also make us unable to use our hands. Touch—because its body is in another space?"

Zhan Fei nodded.

"But the weak space fluctuations released by the mecha before did not interfere with it. We have also detected it before. No space cracks were detected before. This means that there should be no space cracks nearby. Otherwise, even if the space cracks are small, they should still be affected by the mechanism. The influence of A's space fluctuations," Luo Wan said.

Zhan Fei said: "Seizing Genes has appeared in this world. If these are really brain waves from the 'real world', then these brain waves have to pass through the barrier between reality and the place of origin, and then pass through the long river of eternity. What kind of coincidence does it take for it to absorb and then pass through the shell of the ultimate guardian place and enter the earth? I would rather believe that there is a very, very fine space crack above the earth, which is even smaller than the atomic nucleus. Yomi-level power...

"In other words, it is a force that reaches far away and ignores the distance of time and space, so that our brain waves can be transmitted to this place unimpeded, and cause an earthling here to have hallucinations, and then write " "Seize the Gene". This will prove a fact..."

Luo Wan said: "It's not far away...The 'ultimate treasure' is on this earth?"

"Yes, it's not far away. The power of God, and the 'ultimate treasure'. It undoubtedly has the power of God. It's not far away, it ignores the constraints of space, and it can teleport someone across time and space without even using space cracks or wormholes." Some energy or force fluctuations or matter." Zhan Feidao.

Luo Wan said: "You have doubts. The original body of the 'origin of life' is close to the ultimate treasure?"

"Xi Da Zhu clearly said that the 'origin of life' is not in the outside world, but in this so-called ultimate guardian place. There is no reason to lie to us. Her strength should not be mistaken. So. She clearly sees but cannot touch life. The most likely place where the origin is hidden is where the so-called ultimate treasure, the Yomi mind-controlled robot, and the so-called power of law reside." Zhan Feidao.

Luo Wan nodded, but then asked: "But even if we guess that the ultimate treasure is on the earth, the earth is so huge and the ultimate treasure is thousands of kilometers in diameter, so where is the 'origin of life' hidden?"

Zhan Fei said: "The totem emblem shows that it is within a thousand meters. In other words..."

Luo Wan said: "From here at most one thousand meters down, we can touch the ultimate treasure that is condensed using a large number of 'Yumi robots' and the power of law? And where is the 'origin of life'?"

Zhan Fei nodded: "It seems very likely that this is the case. If the guess is correct, the current 'origin of life' is still in the state of 'misleading', but the level of consciousness guidance is particularly high, and we could not detect it before."

"Then what happens next..."

"Dig down!!" Zhan Fei said: "Before our strength is weakened to the extreme, use the unique power of this earth to dig down. However, it is best not for us to directly do it and guide others to do it. , we are here to capture the fruits of victory, this is better.”

Luo Wan took a deep breath and said: "It's too risky. Your guess just now seems to be very likely to be correct. However, it is not certain that the detection of the 'Totem Crest' is 100% accurate. If the detection wrong……"

"Even if the detection is wrong, it's just digging in vain." Zhan Fei said.

Luo Wan shook his head: "That's not what I'm most worried about. What I'm most worried about is... if we forcefully dig out the treasure and touch it, will there be any changes? The sound coming from the ground will continue to weaken our strength. , the mind-controlled nanorobots are suppressed, but through the network monitoring on your mecha, there are no changes in other places on the earth, indicating that the power emitted from the ground is probably aimed at us, maybe it is a warning, if we continue to mess around. , maybe... it may lead to more terrifying force and danger." (To be continued.)

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