Seize Genes

Chapter 385 The

Seeing that Zhan Fei seemed to be in a daze, Luo Wan couldn't help but ask: "What's wrong?"

"It's okay. ∷Sanjiang∷ge∷," Zhan Fei said.

With a thought, the hatch opened.

The mind-controlled nanorobots are pouring in again, so take a look.

"Sure enough... Ling'er seems to have a special power in his body, which is deeply hidden. The phantom of Nuwa doesn't seem to be lying."

Zhan Fei didn't completely believe everything that Nuwa's phantom said, and he didn't dare to absolutely believe in the detection of genetic modifiers of all races, so he used his own mind-controlled nanorobot to test it.

At this time, his mind moved again, sensing the changes in the genetic modifiers of all races in his body.

"Isn't there the aura of Nuwa's phantom anymore? At least I can't sense it. This 'modifier' is temporarily 'semi-sealed'. I use my mind-controlled nanorobots to surround it and not give it control authority. In this way, I can use the 'All Race Gene Modifier' if necessary, but whatever it does, it can hardly be hidden from me."

Thinking about it, Zhan Fei was still not at ease, so he hung the space crystal containing the "God's Attendant Puppet" on his chest as an ornament. In that way, even if the "All Race Gene Modifier" uses divine power or other too advanced power to avoid the induction of his mind-controlled nanorobots, it cannot avoid the induction of the "God's Attendant Puppet". It will definitely have corresponding changes, and the degree of change will be different.

"I see your serious face. Are you hiding something from me?" Luo Wan asked.

Zhan Fei shook his head: "Now in the Land of Origin, the situation is changing and the situation has become extremely serious. I don't dare to break in anymore, for fear that I won't even be able to escape consciously."

"So scary?"

"Well. We must leave the earth as soon as possible now, otherwise, the power of the Origin will be released through the **** jade tablets, the Gate of Heaven, and the Mountain of Zeus on the earth in the 'real world', and we will not be able to escape. "

Luo Wan gasped.

"When I think about leaving the solar system and not knowing where to go, I feel a little confused. And..." Zhan Fei smiled bitterly: "There are still many people whose consciousness is trapped in the Origin."

Luo Wan couldn't help but ask: "What happened in the Land of Origin?"

Zhan Fei briefly talked about it, including the possibility of Xi Su cooperating with aliens. Let the aliens bring things from the "real world" into the "Place of Origin" and assemble them.

The "anti-matter" weapons were used to bombard the Wa Palace, causing Zhan Ling'er and Fang Yuru to be in distress and comatose.

But he did not disclose the situation of the supreme life artifact. He felt that it was better to hide the matter for the time being.

But even so, Luo Wan was already very surprised. He gnashed his teeth with hatred towards Xi Su and Xi Ruyue, and was extremely worried about the strange situation inside: "Hunyuan Saint? There are also phantoms of gods... It's almost like a myth."

"Indeed, it's almost like a myth." Zhan Fei nodded.

Luo Wan said: "If a fight breaks out, wouldn't the people inside be..."

"There is no safety guarantee." Zhan Fei sighed slightly.

Luo Wan was silent.

After a while, Zhan Fei said again: "But. If I don't go in and take another look, I won't be reconciled..."

"What? No, it's too dangerous!" Luo Wan refused.

Zhan Fei smiled and was about to say something. Suddenly, the entire "Xingtao 2" battleship trembled, and the interior trembled slightly, as if a very small earthquake had occurred.

In an instant, the expressions of Zhan Fei and Luo Wan changed: "What happened?"

Xingtao 2 is extremely stable internally, at least starting from the moment it leaves the Antarctic continent. Until now, the interior of the battleship has been extremely stable. No matter whether it is rushing towards the Asian continent at extremely high speed or leaving the earth, no matter how fast and exaggerated the external speed changes, there is no shaking inside.

Only when it withstands the impact of divine power will there be subtle changes inside the battleship. After that, Zhan Fei entered the "Place of Origin", and until now, there has been no sign of instability.

"Zhan Fei, Luo Wan. Look!!"

It was Yu Wen's voice, and then translucent screens suspended in the void appeared out of thin air in front of Zhan Fei, emitting light and showing the situation of many public areas in the battleship.

Zhan Fei's eyes suddenly widened. His face was full of shock: "This...this...what happened?!!"

The screen showed that everyone who had been unconscious and sleeping had actually woken up.

There are a large number of alien players on "Xingtao 2", such as Gao Shou, Lu Qier, Tucson, Krui, etc., as well as people from most areas of Tianhua City. Including Mr. Fang who was recuperating in Tianhua City, Fang Guohua and others who happened to be on duty there, as well as Zhan Fei's subordinates Wang Wu, Yao Wen and others.

They were all unconscious before, and their consciousness should have entered the "Place of Origin", but now, they all woke up. He stood up from the ground in a daze, as if waking up from a big dream.

Everyone's sleep time is quite long, even in the "real world", it is more than a month, but no one is weak, no one is unable to get up, and everyone appears to be very healthy and full of energy and blood. rosy.

Zhan Fei took a deep breath and said: "Call up the earth's land scene."

With a single order, the system of the Star Taoist biochemical battleship quickly mobilized pictures. Some pictures appeared directly on the display screen, and some pictures were converted into data and transmitted to Zhan Fei's brain.

Closing his eyes, Zhan Fei felt that his consciousness was almost integrated with the Xingtao 2. At this time, he was the battleship, and the battleship was him, as if the entire battleship had become his body.

Looking intently, super powerful optical detection instruments take pictures of the situation on the ground. Each picture can be magnified a billion times, so even some grass stalks stuck to the hair of some animals on the ground can be clearly seen.

At this time, Zhan Fei "saw" that on the earth, there were countless cities, counties, towns and villages, human settlements, and seemingly collapsed ruins. There were actually people who seemed to be unconscious, rising from the ground. He climbed up, rubbing his eyes or shoulders, like waking up from a big dream.

Others accidentally saw watches, mobile phones, or nearby electronic calendars or computer screens, and were shocked.

"Have all the people who entered the Land of Origin woke up?" Zhan Fei was shocked.

With a thought, an invisible force shrouded the inside of the battleship, dividing the group of alien players who had just woken up into different rooms.

"What happened? Zhan Fei, what do you want to do?!" Lu Qier's angry voice came.

"I want to know how you woke up. Didn't you stay in the Land of Origin before?"

"how could I know."

"I'm not here to see you angry."

"Okay... I really don't know the specific situation, but before I left the Origin, I did see an amazing scene."

"What scene?" Zhan Fei asked.

"The statue of Nuwa collapsed."

Zhan Fei was stunned, and then asked in shock: "Collapsed?"

"That's right... the statue burst into countless thin cracks. Then it turned into countless fine powders and fell. However, a strange force burst out in an instant, forming a strong and huge light wave that swept across The entire Land of Origin. Then...I fell into a coma for a while, and when I regained consciousness, I found that I was back on the battleship 'Xingtao 2'..."

Lu Qier's words shocked Zhan Fei.

There was silence for a moment. Zhan Fei asked many people at the same time, some asked Gao Shou and other alien players, and some asked ordinary earthlings. Zhan Fei asked multiple people at the same time through the battleship's system, and the answers he got were actually similar.

Most people had no idea what was happening. Only a small number of people saw with their own eyes a strong light coming from the sky, and then, in a daze, they returned to the "real world" inexplicably. A very small number of people saw the collapse of the Nuwa statue with their own eyes.

"What about the Saint of Hunyuan in the Land of Origin and the projection of the God of Zeus? How about it? Have they continued to fight?" Zhan Fei asked.

The answers I got were unclear because the two sides were confronting each other at that time.

Zhan Fei's mind turned and he silently calculated the time.

"That is to say. I just took Ling'er and mother-in-law Fang Yuru out of it. Within a few minutes, the statue collapsed and everyone's consciousness was returned? The battle between the Hunyuan Saint and the Gate of Heaven? It hasn’t completely exploded yet.”

Zhan Fei was talking to "Nuwa's Phantom" in the conscious space. It seemed like a long time passed, but in fact, it only lasted a few seconds in the outside world. The speed of thinking in the conscious world accelerated, and the passage of time accelerated, and the corresponding time passed slowly in the outside world. Because it was only a few seconds. So Luo Wan was just surprised before and didn't make too much fuss.

"It seems that it is basically certain that the statue of Nuwa sent everyone out. But..."

Zhan Fei was muttering in his heart, but suddenly his heart skipped a beat and he looked towards the earth again.

I saw twelve yellow jade stone tablets blooming with strange light. The space of thousands of miles of land is distorted, and individual figures mysteriously disappear.

"This is... a super large-scale teleportation?" Zhan Fei was shocked.

Then, it was discovered that there were many people who had not been teleported away, but who had just woken up and fell into coma again. The same is true near the Gate of Heaven and Mount Zeus in Western Europe.

Fortunately, those power fluctuations did not envelope the entire earth. It only reached an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, and did not touch the current "Xingtao 2" at all.

"The trouble is big. It seems that when you wake up, you will continue to enter the 'Original Land'. It will be difficult to go in and come out again. You must leave now. Xingtao 2 will now start charging and detecting Space environment, ready for space jump!"

Zhan Fei made a quick decision and issued an order to his "All-race Gene Modifier" to prepare it to protect the "Xingtao 2" battleship for a space jump.

It sounds unbelievable to use this gadget to protect an entire huge battleship, but the all-race genetic modifier also contains a divine power, which is what Nuwa Xuyingming said it can do.

"The space energy is seriously needs to be extracted from the air. It will take about ten minutes to recharge..." The battleship system detected feedback.

Zhan Fei said: "Inform the entire ship and get everyone ready. Xingtao 2 is about to start a space jump and carry out interstellar transmission. Everyone enters the nearby survival module..."

Zhan Fei quickly arranged things and was about to exit the special state of combining "consciousness" with the "Xingtao 2" battleship.

But at this moment, Zhan Fei discovered that there was a little commotion in an area on the bottom of the battleship.

"Huh? This is..."

Zhan Fei turned his attention and found that it was a "biochemical human cultivation center". A large number of nutrition tanks were densely arranged. In each tank, there was a naked person, either male or female, or stretching. Or curled up, but all of them have one thing in common... they are all in a vegetative state.

To be precise, they are all "biochemical warriors" cloned using cell cloning technology. They look no different from natural humans, but are more powerful. and. There is almost no brain wave activity in the brain, no consciousness, and almost no memory in the memory area of ​​the brain.

However, they all have special chips implanted in their brains. Contains a wealth of programming instructions and knowledge. Once a "biochemical warrior" is activated, the information stored in the chip can be moved into the brain cells, and the whole person "comes to life."

Moreover, if necessary, the "consciousness" of natural persons can also be included. Either the entire brain is transplanted into their bodies, or brainwave signals are transmitted remotely through virtual devices to remotely control the activities of these biochemical warriors.

To put it simply, everyone is now a "living dead" or "vegetative". They have no past, no awareness of themselves, and no self-awareness, but they can survive.

At this time, in several jars, there were "biochemical warriors" who opened their eyes and looked around in surprise.

One of the slender men was still inside and angrily tore off the "nerve plug" inserted into his neck, and kept hitting the inside of the glass jar hard. I want to break out of the can.

Outside the glass jar, some "cyborg" researchers and robots looked at it in amazement, while some researchers were typing furiously on the keyboard in front of a nearby computer screen.

"What happened?" Zhan Fei's voice came.

Then, I saw rays of light shining from all directions, converging here, forming a flying figure. This is three-dimensional holographic imaging technology. It is different. It has a special repulsive field on its body, which not only looks like a living person. It can also pick up some items that are not too heavy like a living person.

"Captain!!" The cyborgs and robots around him saluted quickly.

"Why are there biochemical people awakening here? I don't remember that I gave the corresponding order!!" Zhan Fei's face was gloomy.

These biochemical humans are only for backup and will not be easily released unless necessary, let alone awakened.

"This... Sir Captain, we searched the data. We didn't find anyone giving orders, and we didn't find anyone giving orders. Even the data showed that there was no 'activation' procedure at all. They... they just woke up. Come here." A man in white robes who looked like a small leader responded.

Zhan Fei's face darkened: "Are you kidding me?"

With a thought in his mind, he quickly mobilized the battleship's database.

In an instant, his expression changed again. I muttered in my mind: "Is it true that no one activated it?"

There are two channels for activating the wake-up program, one is to remotely command the operation of the instruments here, and the other is to use short-range manual control. However, Zhanfei's inspection found that these instruments had not performed any activation procedures... During the activation process, the voltage and current inside the instruments would change, but the monitoring records showed that there had been no changes.

Multiple nearby cameras did not show anyone approaching, and no external intrusion of mind-controlled nanorobots or other forces was found.

supernatural event?

Zhanfei didn’t believe it.

At this time, I turned my head and saw a man inside a nutrition tank banging on the door and yelling loudly. Zhan Fei frowned slightly: "What are you shouting?"

When the switch is turned on, the shouts inside him can be released through the sound collection instrument and heard through the loudspeaker outside.

"Let me out!! Let me out!!! You bastards, if you can, let me out and fight for three hundred rounds..."

Zhan Fei's brows jumped slightly.

He remembered that the cyborg's memory chip database did not contain a pre-arranged identity for the cyborg, nor did it contain similar speech patterns.

Before approaching, he asked in a deep voice: "Who are you? Why did your consciousness enter the body of the biochemical warrior on my battleship?"

"Hmph, I don't know what biochemical warriors are. I am the Monkey King, the Monkey King!! What trick did you hairless monkeys use to lock my soul into this weak mortal body? Release me quickly. ! ” the man shouted.

Zhan Fei was stunned, and some biochemical researchers next to him were also stunned: "Crazy?"

"Isn't it because the smart chip is malfunctioning?" A robot made a voice.

Zhanfei's head is covered with black lines.

Suddenly something moved in my heart, and I had a strange guess.

I couldn't help but turn around and walk towards a nearby glass jar, looking at the relatively calm man inside. The man was looking around and looking around, with a look of surprise and disbelief on his face. Just now he was facing Zhan Fei's back, but now when he saw Zhan Fei's front, his eyes suddenly widened.

"Do you recognize me?" Zhan Fei asked.

"Are you...Mr. Zhan?" came the man's voice.

Zhan Fei raised his eyebrows slightly: "Who are you?"

The man was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly: "Mr. Zhan, don't you recognize me? I am Yuan Tiangang. You asked me and Li Chunfeng to calculate a few fortunes for you."

The corners of Zhan Fei's mouth twitched.

The bad feeling in my heart became stronger and stronger.

He walked to the side, stared at another crystal jar, and thought about turning on the instrument for the crystal jar to communicate with the outside, so that both the inside and the outside could hear each other's voice: "Who are you? What's your name?"

Zhan Fei stared at the man inside who looked a little uneasy.

"You, who are you? How dare you trap me here?" The man asked in a deep voice, forcing himself to be calm.

"You'd better answer my question honestly, if you don't want to be trapped here forever." Zhan Fei asked coldly.

The man's expression changed. He looked around, then at his younger hands and feet and his naked body. While covering his lower body, he said: "I am Lu Buwei, Prime Minister of Qin. You are so unreasonable. You dare to trap me in this strange place, and..."

He was obviously uncomfortable with being exposed in front of others without even a piece of clothing, and was extremely embarrassed.

Zhan Fei was speechless.

He stared at this person for a moment, and then asked other people who woke up automatically in the jars. Some answered honestly, while others turned around and questioned Zhan Fei. After a while, Zhan Fei smiled bitterly and subconsciously rubbed his temples.

"Sun Wukong, Yuan Tiangang, Lu Buwei, Liu Bang, Sun Wu, Hou Yi, Tai Yi... there are also those who claim to be Chang'e, Meixi, Baosi, Queen Mother, Wu Zhao... this..." Zhan Fei had a wry smile on his face and had already guessed it. Something probably happened.

An accident caused by the statue of Nuwa, this "gift" is really a "surprise". (To be continued.) SJGSF0916 Search "" on Baidu to see the latest and most complete novels!

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