Seize Genes

Chapter 422 Turmoil, wantonness

"Next... find a more private place... staying invisible here is not an option."

Zhan Fei was thinking about it and was about to leave the place when suddenly, a loud rumble came from the distance.

His heart skipped a beat, and a strange picture appeared in his mind, but it was a picture transmitted back by some mind-controlled nanorobots disguised as viruses and bacteria that had been released.

In an instant, he jumped up with force under his feet and jumped into the air. When he heard the sound, he saw a huge "pillar" more than a thousand meters long piercing the void diagonally, like "the sun on the earth and the sky". It's a mess.

The strong explosion spread in all directions from the lower end of the "pillar", forming a strong shock wave, a circle of fire waves, and a circle of electric light, which continued to spread and overflow.

"Space battleship?!" Zhan Fei was very surprised.

The situation was obvious. It was a huge spaceship with a length of more than one thousand meters that fell hard from the sky and hit the ground at a 45-degree angle, causing such a tragic explosion. did this battleship fall?

unreasonable! !

When it enters the atmosphere, it should be discovered, and then corresponding patrol robots will fly to "carry" it with the power of anti-gravity devices. If you have no choice, you can also bombard various artillery shells from a distance, blow them up in the air, and then release an energy shield to block the fragments.

It is even possible to compress the city's "energy shield" into a "repulsion shield" and concentrate it on one point to block the battleship falling from space.

"It must be a stealth warship, and it deliberately restrained all kinds of energy fluctuations, without making space jumps, and it fell from the sky like it was hidden from the sky. This is... terrifying! Terrifying! Attack! Attack!!"

Zhan Fei's heart skipped a beat when he saw that the half of the battleship's rear section, which looked like "the sun on the earth and the sky in the sky," had countless hatches cracked open, and flying saucers flew out of it densely.

This is not a detection flying saucer or a combat flying saucer, but a self-destructing flying saucer, used as a missile. Compared with rocket-shaped missiles, it has the functions of greater "flexibility" and greater "evasiveness". It can effectively avoid many "interception" methods, including laser interception or anti-missile missile shooting, and can be avoided regularly.

at this time. They are like roulette wheels flying all over the sky, turning into streams of light, forming parabolas with different angles and curvatures, and shooting into every corner of the city.

The roaring sound continued, spreading in all directions.

It's shocking. When these flying saucers explode, they will produce extremely strong infrasound waves. The destructive power is quite terrifying and can cause extremely strong damage to various carbon-based life forms, but the damage to many machines is not strong.

Then I saw streaks of light speed shooting in all directions, robots firing rocket-shaped missiles from the battleship, and biochemical warriors rushing out from inside.

The disaster of destroying the city is right in front of us.

However, above the space, a blazing light emerged, a huge light pillar with a diameter of more than a hundred meters. It penetrated the atmosphere and shot down hard. This is a space-based weapon, also called Taiji Annihilation - a space base \u0026amp;amp;annihilation level\u0026amp;amp;anti-ground\u0026amp;amp;strategic weapon.

It contains a large number of neutron beams, mixed with photons and electrons to form a special laser beam, which can quickly annihilate targets on the ground.

However, if the target is too big, destroying the battleship will also lead to the death of a large number of people.

But what's even more frightening is that the battleship seemed to predict the launch of space-based weapons and actually exploded in advance.

boom! ! ! !

The terrifying blazing light spread in all directions from the battleship.

At this moment, a huge energy shield formed.

The shield was supposed to be hemispherical. It covers the entire city like an upside-down pot, preventing attacks from various weapons from outside. However, the technology of the Allen Empire is quite high, and the use of energy shields is very powerful. This energy shield was actually attached directly to the battleship.

boom! ! !

The energy, radiation, bright light, and shock waves spread by the battleship explosion were blocked by the protective shield within a diameter of 1,300 meters, and could not spread any further. The light was intense. Under normal circumstances, ordinary people would go blind if they looked directly at the light. But now, most of the light has been filtered out, and many people on the roof can clearly see the explosion of the battleship shrouded in a protective shield.

Taiji Anniwu's beam crashed down, penetrated the protective shield, and fell on the battleship, destroying any remaining things on it more completely. But the strange thing is that the protective shield was penetrated, and there was only a "loophole" in the middle. , but the surroundings are stable without any problems, just like a hemispherical upside-down pot with a hole in the top of the pot, but it is still intact, and slowly turns into a "donut" shaped protective cover.

A beam of light rose into the sky, and the energy of the battleship explosion was forced to be thrown into the sky, forming a huge energy column with a diameter of more than three thousand meters, turning into a huge mushroom cloud.

This light cannot be blocked, and many people who look directly at the light beam are temporarily blinded by this.

Of course, Zhan Fei was fine. He stared at the light and muttered: "I wonder how many people will die. All the buildings within a radius of 1,300 meters were razed, and the earth shook. At least one thing happened in the city." A major earthquake of magnitude 6 or above.

"And those flying saucers and battleships..."

The voice of the genetic modifier of all races came out in his mind: "You should be able to know the disappearance by logging into the network, but it is expected that the death toll will not exceed the estimated 30%."

"What?" Zhan Fei was surprised.

With a thought, he forcibly logged into the network here, invaded some landowners, checked the data, and said calmly: "You made a mistake in your calculations. The number of people who died has reached millions. People within a radius of 1,300 meters have died." Thirty-five percent, and the remaining 65%...the consciousness was transferred in advance? "

Zhan Fei was very surprised.

After a closer look, I discovered that many citizens of the Allen Empire will have a "clone" prepared in various "refuges". Once they are in danger, their consciousness and memory will be quickly transferred there, which is equivalent to replacement. a body.

This level of technology is very good. Although people from many countries in the galaxy can do it, people on Earth do not have this ability.

In addition, there are social benefits to help transfer the memories and thinking core of those who are not prepared to clone their bodies and store them somewhere.

However, the attack just now was too fast, the time for transferring consciousness was limited, and the virtual network in the destroyed area was quickly cut off. Many people had no time to transfer their consciousness, so more than 300,000 people died. It was considered a huge tragedy.

Not to mention the property of those people.

"Damn you guy. Why don't you come at any time? Why do you want to come at this time? This has ruined my plan. How can I find the key to the 'God's Forbidden'?" Fei was a little annoyed.

But at this moment, dozens of nearby beams of light shone towards Zhan Fei. Some of the beams come from nearby security camera probes. Some from nearby covert instruments. These lights have no lethality. Once illuminated, Zhan Fei's invisibility is broken and his body is exposed.

Then, multiple beams of light shot down around Zhan Fei, condensing into translucent luminous figures out of thin air. However, they were alien men wearing black armor-like armed clothing. They all stared at Zhan Fei, leading one by one. A man in black said solemnly: "Excuse me, are you Mr. Lodi? We are pregnant with your identity. It may be related to this terrorist attack, so please show your valid ID and cooperate with us investigation."

Zhan Fei smiled softly.

Even a mere hologram wants to threaten him? Since some people already suspect that he is not the real Lodi, then...

Just when Zhan Fei was about to take action, some invisible patrol robots flew over from the sky, and their manifest forms landed here one by one. Obviously, Zhan Fei's suspiciousness attracted a lot of attention.

Zhan Fei laughed and stomped his right foot heavily. An invisible force extends throughout the building, and mind-controlled nanorobots form conduits to forcibly extract some of the various energies stored in the "dark channel route", including electrical energy and "superconducting (positive proton) nuclear energy."

A wave of both hands. Within a radius of more than ten meters, electric light flashed, and all holographic images were blown apart. The patrol robots that had just flown near were electrocuted and trembled in mid-air.

Zhanfei's body swayed and flew towards the side of the building, about to break through the glass window and enter the twenty-storey building.

But. The patrol robot that was electrocuted actually swooped down as if nothing was wrong, and even shot flying needles directly. This was not shot by a hand, but by a special weapon, with a speed of more than 3,000 meters per second, and it has an anesthetic effect, and can detect whether it is fatal after piercing the human body. It will automatically avoid the fatal part and will not cause the criminal to die instantly.

Zhan Fei's body stiffened, and a metal film quickly appeared on the surface of his skin, blocking these flying needles. After the kinetic energy was removed, the metal film was still pierced by the remaining force, but his skin was tough enough to withstand many titanium alloy blades. A huge slash, not to mention these needles?

"The ghost is still there?" Zhan Fei's face darkened, he stepped on the wall of the building with his feet in the air, grabbed hard with his right hand, reached into the wall of special materials, and crushed the energy conduit inside, and a large amount of energy poured in. inside his body.

With a tap of his left hand, various energies were directed into the special materials of the wall. Zhan Fei's mind-controlled nanorobot was guided inside, and a large amount of special building materials emerged, forming an almost rock-like shield to protect Zhan Fei. , and there are several floating shields surrounding the body.

"Alchemist?!" There was an exclamation from the side.

"Crushing molecular-level materials out of thin air and reorganizing them into new structures, this is... an alchemist?!" Some people who stayed in the building and saw this scene were stunned.

Some citizens ran away frantically, some waved their hands and put on strange protective clothing, but others turned around and stared at Zhan Fei blankly while fleeing.

At this time, dozens of huge conduits protruded from the wall out of thin air. They were cylindrical and hollow inside. Countless flying shuttles shot out, instantly destroying all the patrol machines that were chasing after them.

The special material of this wall is somewhat similar to cement, but there are many alloys in it. Zhan Fei just used powerful energy to reorganize these materials to form a conduit. The internal energy exploded and shot out one "flying shuttle" after another.

The Shuttle is naturally made of carbon material, consisting of carbon-platinum-uranium alloys that are harder than diamonds. After hitting the target, it will produce a "micronuclear explosion", which is comparable to the explosion of a large-yield missile.

However, all this is easy to say, but extremely difficult to do.

The diameter of many material molecules on the wall is only between 10^-12 meters and 10^-13 meters. If the diameter increases ten times, the volume will increase a thousand times. The number of molecules contained in one cubic meter is more than 10^15, which is one quadrillion! ! !

With so many molecules, how many thought-controlled nanorobots are needed to help them reshape their structures?

It is impossible to reorganize them all, unless the Hunyuan Saint comes in person. It can only be partially reorganized. Then, how to select the appropriate material to perform appropriate transformation at the appropriate location requires a huge amount of calculation.

What's more, if you want to change these substances in a short period of time, a strong person who is not infinitely close to the half-step holy realm will not have the ability to do so. Reality is not as simple as the superpowers in various graphic novels.

However, when Zhanfei clapped his hands, strange steel columns protruded from the surface of the entire building, and violent energy spurted out from the walls, causing the building to tilt and collapse.

His figure instantly became invisible and broke into the building.

The eyes bloomed with strange light. Within a radius of three thousand meters, any place with strong energy, such as various wires, plugs, etc., had energy overflowing, becoming Zhanfei's "eyes and ears". There were obviously no surveillance cameras. He can "see" and "hear" everywhere.

Because the electrons in some places directly form the "Electric Bird" summoned beast, just a few thought-controlled nanorobots flying close quickly can control the large group of electrons to form a monitoring communicator, and a large number of electromagnetic waves reverberate in the air.

For a moment, he could clearly see anything nearby.

Zhan Fei's figure flashed and turned into dozens of glowing Lodi, rushing towards different places.

The big foot stomped hard, crushing the floor, falling layer by layer, and fell into a room.

"Ah!!!" the woman's scream came from inside.

"Who are you?" a man shouted there.

But there was a woman wrapped in a towel and a man wearing only underwear. There was a big bed nearby.

"In such a chaotic situation outside, these two guys can still be so calm here discussing the reproduction techniques of the people of the Allen Empire? They are really brave."

Zhan Fei waved his right hand, a blazing light flashed, and the man and woman fainted immediately.

Zhan Fei transformed into the man's appearance, wore intact clothes, took his identity certificate, and walked out.

After a while, he broke out of the building.

Looking around, his thoughts used the power of mind-controlled nanorobots to invade the security-specific virtual network here.

"Hmph, you are still targeting me? There are a total of 1,300 suspicious elements in the city, suspected to be from the Menggu Galaxy, and I am one of them? Ridiculous."

Zhan Fei knew that there were probably people from the Menggu Galaxy in this city, and their purpose was not clear, but there were also many suspicious people who were not from the Menggu Galaxy at all, and he was one of them.

As a result, he punched the wall next to him, causing chaos in a nearby small shopping mall. Most of the people here are staff and robots, delivering goods to people who order through the virtual network.

Zhan Fei chuckled, strode forward, clapped his hands repeatedly, each robot's eyes glowed red, then bowed to Zhan Fei, turned around and rushed outside.

“You, who are you?!”

Someone screamed loudly.

"Sorry, I can borrow your body." Zhan Fei stared at a strong man in front of him.

The strong man's eyes were blank and he slapped it down with his right hand. Then he saluted Zhan Fei and said, "Taras, see you, Your Excellency."

Zhan Fei ignored it, and the strong man turned around and left the store, making people nearby tremble in fear.

"Don't worry, I'm just using mind-controlled nanorobots to control and interfere with the active nerves in your brain. By the way, I'm also suppressing the intelligent auxiliary chip in your brain. As long as you don't resist, I guarantee you'll be fine and there won't be any consequences."

Zhan Fei slapped them down with his palm and quickly controlled these people, and all the living people ran around outside. They can cause chaos, but they don't break the law seriously. At most, they will be released after being interrogated and found to be fine.

But this is enough to confuse various lines of sight and allow Zhan Fei to escape from surveillance.

"Good news." The voice of the genetic modifier of all races said: "I just monitored some specific networks according to your opinion, and found something interesting. It will be very beneficial to your next actions."

"What's interesting?" Zhan Fei asked. (To be continued.)

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