Seize Genes

Chapter 427 Zhan Fei’s “gift”

If it were just for a few spies from the Menggu Galaxy, the Allen Empire would never be so crazy.

Zhan Fei guessed that the matter was probably related to that strange "door". Although the fluctuations in divine power that escaped were weak, they might have been discovered by the Allen Empire.

So, it was expected that they would rush down to seize the divine object at all costs.

"Could it be that he planned to seize that space artifact and then destroy the entire planet? Later, it was speculated that it was a terrorist 00 attack by people from the Menggu Galaxy, right?" Zhan Fei was not afraid to speculate on the actions of the Allen Empire with the greatest malice.

In fact, the countless mechas, robots, and battleships falling from the sky have already explained everything.

"No fluctuations in natural human life have been detected." This is the judgment of the genetic modifier of all races.

Therefore, there may be some cyborgs without intelligence in those mechas, and the robots and battleships are all controlled by intelligent programs. Once things are exposed, all these things can be destroyed. There is no need to "kill people and silence them".

At the cost of an ordinary habitable star and a swarm of battleship mecha robots, in exchange for a space artifact that can emit divine power fluctuations, this deal is definitely feasible for the people of the Allen Empire. What's more, now they are just destroying most of a city?

"We must leave this place quickly..." Zhan Fei groaned slightly and tried to stand up from the ground, but the injury was too serious, so he could only lie down and sit half down to allow the broken bones and tendons in his body to repair faster.

"If I hadn't been quick to see the opportunity just now, it would have been extremely dangerous now. Next, a war will break out in this city, which will bring disaster to the fish in the pond. I may die along with it. So now, should I leave, or continue to fish in troubled waters?"

There were constant whistling sounds all around, and constant roaring and explosions in the distance. The "unmanned" legions of the Allen Empire were killed from the sky, and densely packed robots broke into the city hall and opened the entrance to the underground palace. Fighting in, the firefight continued.

Between the sky and the earth, black air is billowing, blazing light flashes, and rich chaotic energy fluctuations envelope the entire planet. You can only log in to the nearby virtual network LAN and cannot communicate with the outside world.

Zhan Fei looked at the situation around him and smiled bitterly in his heart: "We must make a decision... analyze it first. If the people of the Allen Empire dare to use such a powerful attack to blast ≡⌒≡⌒ and shoot at Hong Kong City, they not only know that there is space nearby Artifact. Maybe even a deeper understanding of the artifact.

"Therefore, there is reason to suspect that there are spies from the Allen Empire near the space artifact in the city hall. They also know how powerful the artifact can withstand the impact. It is even possible that the Allen Empire has known about the people in the Menggu Galaxy for a long time. deeds on this 'Athens',

It’s just that the Allen Empire has no reason to imprison and deal with its own people, so it simply lets the people from the Menggu Galaxy act as terrorists. Let them attack and take over the benefits later - this possibility. It also exists.

"So, in this battle, regardless of external or internal factors, the Allen Empire has the highest chance of winning. If the Allen Empire gets that space artifact, what will it do? Just evacuate? Or... destroy the entire planet?! !”

Zhan Fei's face darkened slightly, he thought. When these warships fell from the sky, they did not hide their true identities. They probably couldn't hide it, so they simply killed them openly. After that, even if the planet is not destroyed. The battleships and mechas involved in this matter will also be destroyed together, destroying the entire port city to prevent the truth of what happened here from being leaked. Firstly, he wanted to hide it from the public, and secondly, he wanted to conceal the existence of the space artifact.

And what if the people from Menggu Galaxy win? What will they do if they take control of the space gate?

Zhan Fei couldn't help but think of the "Lucky Star".

The entire Tianxing Star was destroyed, forming a space portal, allowing many space beasts from the Menggu Galaxy to come over and launch an invasion of the Xiroba Galaxy.

So, will the "door" here, this divine forbidden key, open the passage to the Menggu Galaxy, attract the space beasts there, and bring a "middle bloom" to the Xiroba Galaxy? When the time comes, Zhan Fei will definitely be killed along with Chi Yu.

"No, no matter what, this thing cannot fall into the hands of both of them, and they cannot even be allowed to fight for too long, otherwise the entire planet will be destroyed and I will not survive."

Zhan Fei secretly gritted his teeth and held a box tightly in his right hand.

Inside the box was a small piece of weird rattan, glowing with golden-green light, and a strong breath of life flowing around it.

Zhan Fei's mind-controlled nano-robot condensed into it. Just opening a small gap, rich life force poured out from the box and penetrated into Zhan Fei's palm, combining the large amount of flesh and blood in the palm with the mind-controlled nano-robot. Repair and strengthen.

Rolling heat surged from the palm of his hand to all parts of his body. The injuries in Zhan Fei's body were repaired at an incredible speed, but he was sweating profusely. His whole body felt as if he had just been fished out of the water. Then the heat steamed and the sweat evaporated. It was transparent, but it was filled with a strange smell.

Repairing the body this time is not just a simple repair, but also excretes some impurities from the body, especially the impurities caused by the destroyed cells caused by the injury. Therefore, it is almost like a muscle cleansing.

Zhan Fei put away the small box full of life force, jumped up, jumped into the ruins of a small building nearby, smashed a water pipe with one punch, and a large amount of water spurted out, which was drawn to wash his body. Then with a gentle press, the water-containing superplastic pipe melts and heals, sealing off all water sources.

The water on Zhan Fei's body evaporated and he changed into a set of clothes. The smell on the whole person was fresh, but as he deliberately restrained it, in an instant, no smell was emitted at all. The whole person was like clean porcelain, without any smell emitted.

The figure flashed faintly, hiding invisibly in the void.

He ran towards the city hall area where the battle was taking place.

With a slight thought in his mind, in a ruined warehouse in the distance, most of the robot production line and other things that Zhan Fei had finally built were destroyed, but there was still a little left.

Zhan Fei muttered: "This city is not chaotic enough. Now there is a battle between two parties, but this kind of battle is not good for me."

The two sides fought hard, and then the fight for the space artifact didn't begin until the winner was determined... This is generally the case. Before the winner is decided, either side will keep the space artifact very well. This is a normal routine. However, it is not in Zhanfei's interests.

"Are you sure that that space artifact can withstand the impact of a powerful enough force?" Zhan Fei repeatedly asked about the genetic modifiers of all races.

"If it cannot withstand the attack of mortal forces, it is not a real artifact. As an artifact that can penetrate the void all the way, the first factor is that it is hard enough, hard enough, at least able to withstand the impact of tearing apart the universe. Invisible force oppression. Even if it is not the force of the entire universe, it is at least the force of a galaxy. It is not a force that is stronger than the black hole. It can never hurt the real artifact. Race gene modifier.

"If it withstood a strong impact, it was not damaged, but the precision components inside were impacted and failed..." Zhan Fei asked.

The genetic modifier of all races said: "Impossible. The space artifact cannot be so fragile. At least the stars will be destroyed but the artifact will not be destroyed."

Zhan Fei nodded: "I didn't expect that this 'Key to the Forbidden God' would be so powerful..."

"It's almost ''."

"Can the space force hurt it?"

"Less likely."

"Okay!! That's enough." Zhan Fei's eyes became bright.

Today's genetic modifiers for all races are different from the past. The programs have been adapted and there is no human personality at all, so Zhan Fei did not ask what he planned to do. Anyway, when Zhanfei asks, it answers, and when Zhanfei encounters a crisis, it reminds him, among other things. Just like wood.

The battle at the city hall was still raging, and Zhan Fei's figure was like a ghost, slowly approaching.

The small box containing the "Origin of Life" rattan was tightly held in his right hand as a precaution. Staying thousands of meters away from the city hall, strong energy swept here from time to time, enough to flatten the earth, but Zhanfei lay prone, his body sinking into the ground. Not afraid of the impact of that powerful force at all.

All kinds of super radiation, infrasound waves, and various stray bullet fragments that can easily kill ordinary people. Fireballs falling from the sky, flashes of electricity, and even leaked neutron beams. Occasionally, miniature nuclear bombs fell and exploded near Zhan Fei. Various forces impacted here from time to time, but Zhan Fei remained motionless. These attacks would not cause any harm to him now.

He pressed his palms against the ground, faintly communicating with something remotely controlled in the distance.

"Almost..." A weird smile appeared on Zhan Fei's lips: "There are more rich people in this city than expected. They can carry special storage spaces for mechas. Under normal circumstances, there is limited space in the city. Interference cannot be used. There are also various other space appliances. After the Menggu Star discovered the traces of the 'door', they no longer paid attention to other space appliances. Now, they can only take advantage of me. "

Many people died in the city, and there were space instruments on the bodies. Now, one by one, they disappeared inexplicably.

Underground of City Hall, a secret military base.

A group of people were sitting in the conference room. In the middle of the huge long table, there was a crystal cover with a metal fragment placed flat inside.

The previously huge space portal actually shrank and turned back into a metal piece, square and inconspicuous.

"Is the Allen Empire here for this thing?" A bald man wearing a tight-fitting military uniform put his hands on his chin and his elbows on the table.

"This is inevitable, otherwise it would be impossible to use such powerful force, as if no matter what the cost."

"There are spies among us. Otherwise, how could the people of the Allen Empire discover that we have found the divine object so quickly, and react so quickly to send a large army to hunt it down?"

Everyone glanced around and looked at the other people present, feeling that everyone was suspicious.

"Okay, everyone has a 'loyalty chip' installed in their heads. No one will betray you." A young man with long hair said.

"It would be great if the loyalty chip really works that well. If you lose your body, you may not be able to live anymore. It is not unusual for a living person to become an electronic life and then become a living person again, but the price is very high." A purple said the young woman.

"Now is not the time to dwell on this issue." The bald man said: "Although catching spies is extremely important, our troops are retreating steadily, and it will be a matter of time before the biochemical warriors and robots of the Allen Empire come in. What should we do? Can you deal with it? "

"This is the opponent's territory." The purple-haired young woman said: "The opponent's troops are constantly flowing. If we are trapped here, we have no chance of winning. It is absolutely impossible to break out with this thing... In space Being blocked, we can’t even break out of the encirclement, let alone escape with this thing.”

"Is it possible to teleport through space?" someone asked.

"Have you not sensed such strong space interference? Want to space jump out of here? Dreaming!! Unless you are not afraid of the space turbulence tearing during the transmission process." Someone answered.

"So, we can only sit back and wait for death?" someone asked again.

"No." The purple-haired young woman said, "There is still a way to survive, the only chance of survival."

Everyone was silent.

The bald man said: "Can you use the power of this space artifact?"

"That's right." The purple-haired woman said: "That will not only allow us to break through the surrounding space interference and space barriers, but also allow us to contact the Menggu Galaxy from far away and summon a large number of space beasts over there. Hou...we can turn defeat into victory."

"That's right, as long as we can summon the space beasts from the home system and let them enter here through the space gate, we will win. The so-called spies don't affect the overall situation at all. We can slowly find them out when the time comes... "

"The question is, can the power of this door be activated now?" someone asked.

Everyone looked at each other, except for a young woman in a green robe wearing what looked like glasses. She was holding an "antique" that looked like a laptop and was typing on the keyboard.

"Soon, soon. I have calculated some of its parameters. It only takes another twenty-five minutes..."

"No, twenty-five minutes is too slow. We may not be able to sustain it here for that long. By the way, wasn't there space power that was devoured by it before and the space door was opened? Maybe..."

"Space power can indeed activate this door. But, how strong is the space power? When activating the space door, where does it connect to? In which direction and how far away is it? Do you know? If you haven't calculated the correct parameters, Before, opening this space door indiscriminately would only bring disaster.”

The young woman in green robe stared at everyone coldly and said: "Either the space gate generates a strong suction force to suck everyone present to some celestial body and directly disappear into ashes, or it summons some terrifying creatures from alien galaxies. , there are some powerful ferocious beasts that can even capture the sun and moon with one hand, and destroy the stars with a snap of their fingers. It is possible for those terrible things that live in the dark side of the universe to be summoned.

"The direction of the space gate is random, and it is completely unknown whether it leads to the Menggu Galaxy. Do you dare to open it randomly?"

Everyone fell silent.

However, just because they don't dare to randomly activate the space power doesn't mean that others don't.

At this time, there was a faint clicking sound nearby.

Which of the aliens present is not super powerful? Even if they can't reach Zhan Fei's current level, they are not too far apart. They are all elites. Everyone heard it, their expressions changed, they turned their heads and looked towards the corner, their brain waves were firmly locked in that direction.

"What is this?" Some people exclaimed.

It was a hole that appeared out of thin air. A space ring fell down. Behind the hole, there were dense ants carrying space bracelets, space earrings, space earrings, space bracelets, space belts, space pendants, space pocket watches, and space boxes. , space bags, etc., space appliances of different quality, high or low, some of which also store various energy crystals, or proton batteries full of energy.

What's more, there are two small pieces of bone-like things, but they are two "Star Gluttonous Beast" space stomach pouches that Zhan Fei took out from his hands. They look like rice grains in appearance and contain a universe ten meters in diameter. distance.

"This..." Everyone reacted immediately and recognized that these were space tools. Their expressions changed at the same time and they gasped.

Some people want to rush over and kick these things away, while others want to protect the "metal piece" that can become a "door".


"Your reaction is too late..." In the distance, a strange smile appeared on Zhan Fei's lips. (To be continued.)uw

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