Seize Genes

Chapter 436 Taichu Divine Ruins

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The earth was shaking violently. It seemed that the underground palace was severely damaged, and many adventurers had broken into the underground.

But in the environment here, all kinds of energy are too active. From time to time, strong explosions are heard underground, and some adventurers are blown up to the point where they vomit blood and fly out.

Near the "Yingdu Monument", four biochemical warriors stared around nervously, guarding against the bad situations that would occur around them.

At this moment, a dozen tall figures rushed towards them from all directions, each of them looking determined to die.

"Here we come!! Sure enough, we are making another attack in the east..." The four biochemical warriors wielded laser guns in their left hands and alloy long knives in their right hands.

However, the dozens of figures who jumped out suddenly stopped as they approached, and one by one they took out huge tubes from their backs, with strong energy fluctuations blooming from them.

"This is... an anti-matter weapon?!" The four biochemical warriors were horrified.

Almost without thinking, he immediately rushed forward and slashed with his long knife. A dozen tall figures were completely dismembered and then disappeared.

The huge tubes before were completely fake, and they were holographic images transformed by the magic of light illusion. There were some thought-controlled nanorobots floating in the void, exuding an aura similar to antimatter particles. At this time, they were annihilated and disappeared one by one.

"be cheated."

They suddenly turned their heads, and sure enough, they saw several huge figures appearing out of thin air, reaching out to touch the welcoming monument. Below these tall figures, there are several small people only a few inches tall who are charging towards them.

"Hmph!!" An angry roar came from the side, and the strong infrasound waves caused the figures approaching the Yingdu Monument to be shaken away, and the approaching villains vomited blood and flew backwards.

The figure of the semi-saint boy was looming next to him.

"Sure enough... I have long expected that a semi-saint strongman like you would not go into the underground palace and would only send out your avatar. Your true body is here. But since your true body is here, it's easy to handle." A three-inch tall man next to him said The villain appeared less than three meters away from the half-saint.

Although the little man was covered in blood, he stood still. He laughed wildly and raised his hands toward the sky, as if he wanted to embrace the sky.

"This is..." The half-saint boy had a strong uneasy premonition.

Subconsciously looking up,

Just see the sky above your head. Rolling thunderclouds condensed, a large number of malignant particles condensed into thunderclouds, and all kinds of active energy burst out inside.

"Are these villains releasing their spiritual power again to summon the malignant energy wandering between heaven and earth?"

The energy here is easily disturbed by various waves of consciousness and becomes restless, and this restlessness is very irregular. There is no way to artificially control the energy between heaven and earth. However, where the waves of consciousness are the strongest and where the energy fluctuations are stronger, it is easier to attract attacks from the forces of heaven and earth.

The energy attacks falling from the sky to the earth can easily cause chain reactions, causing a large amount of energy changes in the surroundings.

The semi-saint boy was frightened and was about to run away when he found hundreds of villains appearing nearby and rushing towards him one by one.

There are them in all directions, southeast, northwest, no matter which direction they rush towards. He will be hugged by these little people.

It was obvious that these villains wanted to use themselves as bait to attract violent and vicious energy in the world and perish together with this semi-saint boy.

"You are seeking death!!!"

He roared, and a sharp light suddenly appeared around him. Hundreds of villains were instantly killed, their bodies exploded, and energy surged. The semi-saint boy took the opportunity to fly thousands of meters away.

But when he used powerful energy, more energy continued to spray down from the sky, locking onto his body.

Fortunately. These powers do not contain much divine power and will not carry out "retrospective cause and effect" attacks. Therefore, he released avatars to fly into the air to block the thunder from the sky. The main body will be safe and sound.

"He is indeed a semi-saint." Zhan Fei secretly glanced at this scene and was shocked: "You can actually separate energy particles directly from your body to form an incarnation. This means that you can incarnate thousands of people, and the incarnations are almost endless."

This is only a semi-saint. If he is promoted to a Hunyuan saint, he may even be a demigod or true god of the universe. Is that okay?

"Who?!" The half-saint seemed to notice and glanced around, trying to find Zhan Fei's whereabouts.

At this moment, another small figure jumped out and rushed to the vicinity of the Yingdu Monument.

The semi-saint boy snorted coldly, used his avatar to block the thunder in the sky, and then rushed back towards the Yingdu Monument with his own body.

However, the number of villains who emerged from the ground this time was too many, nearly ten thousand.

It took a lot of effort for them to take advantage of the energy chaos between heaven and earth to hide here from the semi-saint boy.

At this time, everyone laughed wildly, and actually released all the mind-controlled nanorobots on their bodies, shaking all the free energy in the surrounding environment, and then exploded one by one.

In the sky, thick clouds are rolling, and outside the cliff, a large number of "Gangfeng" is gathering here.

This is not an ordinary "strong wind", but a strong airflow formed by various malignant particles, which is enough to destroy most atomic matter, tear apart atomic nuclei, and return everything to its origin in the state of particles.

This strong wind was so terrifying that even the semi-saints did not dare to cross it. They were blocked in front of the Yingdu Monument and did not dare to fly across the sea of ​​clouds. At this time, the strong wind gathered, and the semi-saint boy could only retreat.

"It's really tragic..." Zhan Fei frowned in the dark.

The birth and reproduction of little people is easy. But at this time, nearly ten thousand people self-destructed all at once, just because of their obsession before death to shake the active energy nearby, and then trigger the "Gang Wind" outside the cliff. The purpose was just to create an opportunity for Zhan Fei, which made Zhan Fei even I can't help but feel a little guilty.

But soon, I had to put aside distracting thoughts and focus on the situation outside.

The dense malignant particles, each one smaller than an atom, gathered together to form a strong "Gang Wind" whistling near the Yingdu Monument, covering a large area.

The adventurers who had not entered the underground palace in the distance and the half-saint boy were too shocked to approach.

Watching this scene helplessly.

"As expected, the 'Yingdu Monument' has extended beyond the cliff for many years and has not been destroyed by the strong wind. Therefore, it is not afraid of the strong wind and will naturally not be damaged now. On the contrary, a large amount of ground soil on the top of the cliff was destroyed by the strong wind. erosion.

"Next, it's my turn!!!"

Zhan Fei's figure appeared.

Appears on the outside of the cliff.

A hole was blown out of thin air on the cliff wall not too far from the top of the cliff.

The little humans have dug holes here long ago, forming a corridor that can accommodate Zhanfei's lurking. At the exit of the cave, a huge rock was used to block the entrance of the cave. At this time, it was blown away by Zhan Fei's punch.

He rushed out.

Wearing a layer of rock armor. It is made using rock formations from the inner walls of the cliff.

The rocks on the outer wall of the cliff can withstand the "Gang Wind" of the sea of ​​clouds for countless years, so this layer of things must be able to withstand the erosion of the "Gang Wind".

Unfortunately. This armor cannot be smelted like metal. Its internal material is extremely dense and is based on atomic matter. Various particles fill the gaps between the atoms and can withstand the strong wind from the outside. The malignant particles of the strong wind will replace the particles inside the rock, thus maintaining the stability of the rock formation.

Therefore, it cannot block the "strong wind" for too long.

Moreover, no matter how sophisticated the craftsmanship is, Zhan Fei can only achieve precise blockade at the molecular level. Nanomachines and other stone armor can still be waterproof and penetrate even if they fall into the sea. But it just couldn't stop the penetration of many ionic substances, including the various particles contained in the Gangfeng.

Fortunately, it can't block all the strong wind erosion, but it can block most of it. Can reduce washout to more than 90%.

Zhan Fei took advantage of this opportunity and quickly climbed up the cliff. In an instant, he jumped to the top of the cliff and stood in front of the "Yingdu Monument".


The semi-saint boy and other adventurers were shocked when they saw this scene outside.

With the wisdom of a semi-saint, he understood everything in an instant: "It turns out that you are the mastermind behind the scenes. Do you want to use this method to touch the Yingdu Monument and break the divine forbidden teleportation to enter the Taichu Divine Ruins?"

The half-saint sneered, and his thoughts changed rapidly: "I can't break the ban, but you can pass it? That must not be your own ability. It's that you have a tool in your hand that can break the ban. That tool can break the divine ban, Nine times out of ten, it is enough to withstand the impact of various forces, and it is very likely that this kid will take the transmission to the Taichu Divine Ruins after breaking the ban.

"Therefore, we must not allow him to break through the confinement and teleport in. He must be intercepted and the treasures on him must be taken away."

This thought was a long time coming. It was less than 0.01 second, and the half-saint had already calculated the various gains and losses. He grasped it with his right hand, and an energy spear composed of a large number of sub-micron particles and mind-controlled nanorobots appeared in his hand. Cum hard.

puff! ! !

The energy spear used to penetrate Zhan Fei's stone armor, piercing a hole in his shoulder.

The other adventurers also reacted, and none of them were stupider than others. They all took action one after another. Countless energy lights flashed, and various random things such as blades, swords, bullets, and bullets hit Zhan Fei.

But Zhan Fei's body flickered and exploded, turning out to be just an incarnation, an illusion.

However, there were a lot of adventurers, and the energy spear that the semi-saint pierced into the temporary incarnation suddenly exploded.

Amidst the loud roar, air waves overflowed. Zhan Fei, who was invisible near the Yingdu Monument, was instantly exposed. Most of the stone armor pieces on his body were blown away. The energy shield on his body was broken, and the stone armor was broken. , the surface skin of the body is eroded by the "gang wind" washed in from the outside world.

"Fortunately, many adventurers have been introduced into the underground palace, otherwise it would have been dangerous just now."

As for these strong winds now, although they are terrifying, the power of the God's Attendant Puppet on Zhan Fei can still help him block them, and with the "origin of life" in his hand, he will not be killed so quickly in a few seconds.

What's more, he is holding a "space token" in his hand, and a large amount of energy around him is constantly being absorbed by it.

At this time, I stretched out my hand and pressed it on the "Yingdu Monument".

Bo! ! ! !

The Yingdu Monument trembled violently, and the invisible divine ban was drained of energy by the space token. There was originally a trace of stubborn divine power on it, but it was very weak due to the loss of the power provided by the "divine power jade beads" buried underground around it. It was shocked by the power of the god's puppet in the space token and was forcibly drawn away.

The strong light burst out, and the Yingdu Monument released a dazzling brilliance, shrouding Zhan Fei, blocking all surrounding "Gang Wind" attacks.

"This is..." Zhan Fei was surprised.

He has not yet used the power of the "origin of life" to disguise himself as a god or forge the aura of a god, but he has been protected by the power released by the "Yingdu Monument".

"The power of the God's Attendant Puppet in you is most likely not the power of the God's Attendant, but the real divine power, the divine power of the light god, a high-level divine power that is close to the source of divine power!!" Gene Modifier for All Races Making a judgment, the voice echoed in Zhan Fei's mind.

But Zhan Fei no longer cares about it.

The space token in his hand bloomed with light, trying to grow bigger, but he was suppressing it.

The Yingdu Monument bloomed with a huge colorful light, extending to the Taichu Shenxu floating island 30,000 kilometers away. Forming a huge colorful bridge.

Zhan Fei was sent to the Colorful Bridge and took a step involuntarily.

With just one step, he could cross thousands of miles and truly shrink into an inch. This was a legendary method of the immortals on Earth.

Zhan Fei was astonished. He took one step at a time, just a few steps, like a leisurely stroll, across the sea of ​​clouds, and then stepped onto the huge floating island.

"Welcome to Taichu Shenxu. How can I serve you?" A translucent and beautiful woman suddenly appeared next to her, but her figure was as dim as a ghost.

"You are..." Zhan Fei was surprised.

"I am the intelligent guide of Taichu Shenxu, and I am honored to serve every new God customer. If you have anything to explain, you can ask me. If you need a real physical attendant as a guide, I can help you call……"

Halfway through her words, the woman said again: "Sorry, there is a small problem in Shenxu, and we cannot summon physical attendants now."

Zhan Fei was stunned for a moment, and just as he was about to speak out, the woman disappeared with a pop.

"Hey, are you still here?" Zhan Fei asked blankly.

"It's impossible to call out the guide." The voice of the genetic modifier of all races said: "This is not a real guide, but an image that remained many years ago. Due to the complex energy relationship, it has survived to this day and then manifested. You can imagine that the image reproduced by this holographic image is a video that was accidentally preserved many years ago, just like some magnetic echo valleys on the earth record the previous sounds, but the information recorded here is more advanced. It’s just more complicated.”

Zhan Fei nodded slightly, feeling sad for a while.

Has the Taichu Divine Ruins really turned into ruins?

Looking up, I saw that everything was in ruins.

The air contains all kinds of inexplicable and powerful energy, which seems harmless. The space crystal on his chest is quite active. The god servant puppet inside is absorbing the power from the outside world, but Zhan Fei does not dare to absorb it and does not act recklessly.

Looking back, the huge rainbow bridge that sent him over had disappeared, and the power of the Yingdu Monument on the top of the cliff opposite had become weak and dim, as if it was like a candle in the wind, being blown away by all the energy at any time in the strong wind. .

The half-saint and other adventurers were jumping over there.

However, tens of thousands of kilometers away, even with Zhan Fei's eyesight, it is difficult to see clearly.

He just smiled, waved triumphantly in that direction, and turned around.

"Next, before others come in, quickly search this area and find what I want!!"

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