Seize Genes

Chapter 447 Solution

In order to maintain the purity and diversity of this world's civilization, we must also accelerate the development of this world's civilization, enter the space era, and reach a level that can compete with alien worlds, and at the same time resist all sources. Unknown aliens are causing mischief in secret...

What's more terrible is that it must be solved as soon as possible, preferably within a few years.

This task seemed difficult, but Zhan Fei felt that it was not impossible if he grasped the correct method.

For example, the old man has repeatedly stated that he should maintain the purity of this world's civilization and not use technology beyond the level of this world. But in fact, Zhan Fei has used technology power that exceeds the level of this world more than once, but nothing happened.

The aliens who secretly cause trouble in this world must also use alien technology, but it will not affect anything. I didn't see the mysterious old man directly killing all those who were "tainted by the thoughts" of the aliens in a rage.

It’s all about the big picture! !

It lies in the general trend! !

The key is to understand what this mysterious old guy needs. What is it that he is afraid of? Why did He have to put forward such harsh conditions.

Zhan Fei has a gene modifier for all races. It was formerly a fragment of the supreme life artifact transformed from the supreme life godhead left by the supreme god of life. It contains some information that mortals cannot access. Therefore, for this old man's " "Life form", Zhan Fei has a certain degree of understanding.

The will of all living beings and the thoughts of all living beings gathered together to form the consciousness of this mysterious old man.

He wants the world to develop, but he is also afraid that civilization will develop too fast. Absorbing foreign civilization will cause gaps in the world's civilization and technology, and it will not be able to continue in one continuous line. This will make him lose his "self".

Why would He think this way? Just because the thoughts of all living beings in the world have too much influence on the old man. His concerns were not unfounded.

For example, if most people in the world are brave and fierce, and all living beings are brave and diligent, and are not afraid of hardships and dangers, this old man will be a strong man. Or the image of an old man with a fiery temper.

Everyone in the world is full of justice, and the image of this old man is a combination of awe-inspiring righteousness. People in the world are civilized and reasonable, their thoughts are full of moral norms, and most people are morally noble. The old man's morality will also become noble. On the other hand, everyone is timid and timid. People all over the world are timid and afraid of getting into trouble, looking out for themselves and being cunning and cunning. Then this mysterious old man is the image of a little old man who is afraid of getting into trouble. Moreover, he also likes to be cunning and cunning, and has a lazy mind.

Because, He is the embodiment of the will of all living beings.

If we say that with the rapid development of science and technology on this planet, remote control robots can be used to operate various jobs in society, women’s delicacy has far advantages over men in all aspects of work in various industries, and women’s rights in the entire society are gradually better than men’s rights, this mysterious old man, It will also naturally change from the image of an old man to the image of an old woman or an ordinary woman.

If, this world. With the help of alien technology, many people in the world know that alien technology has helped them enter the aerospace era, or most people do not believe that the aerospace technology is derived from the independent technology of this planet. So, what is the thought of this mysterious old man? When facing aliens, they will have the idea of ​​​​relying on aliens. When facing aliens, they will lack confidence and momentum, and they will even take the initiative to show favor to others. If there are loopholes in His mind, there is a possibility of being misled. It may cause extremely bad consequences.

But if the vast majority of people in this world believe that the technological development of this world is all the efforts of scientists on this planet and has little to do with aliens, then. This old man will be full of self-confidence, and the whole nation will be confident and confident. This old man will also have no fear of the outside world, and he will not have the idea in his mind that "Blue Star people" are inferior to aliens.

Just like when the Japanese people on earth fell behind for a long time, they had a psychological disadvantage that their own citizens were far inferior to foreigners. Not everyone thinks so. But for quite some time, the vast majority of people had this idea and were afraid of foreigners.

This mysterious old man from Blue Star was worried about such a situation.

There’s another scary scenario…the collapse of most people’s worldview.

For example, this world was originally just a world of technology. Everyone believed in technology and did not believe in monsters. But suddenly, the world suddenly became unfamiliar. Various monsters appeared in a short period of time, or warriors who could blow up mountains with one punch appeared. This can lead to a complete upheaval, a drastic change, or an outright collapse in most people's worldviews.

Then, the mind of this mysterious old man will also collapse or split. The faster and more severely people's worldview changes in the world, the more serious this old man's schizophrenia will be. It is even possible that one consciousness will be split into two, three, four, five, six or seven different personalities and thoughts. In addition to falling into a deep sleep, Slowly recovering, the old man had no choice. I couldn't control myself at all.

Therefore, Zhan Fei knows these situations and if he wants to understand them, he will know how to deal with this planet.

"The old man wants to unify the political power of the entire world, which is nothing more than a spiritual hint to the people of the world - we are all people of the same country, we are all a whole... When facing the alien world, this idea is still strong . In this way, the old man's consciousness will be condensed and unified, and will not be easily divided.

"The old man wants the thoughts and civilization of this world to be pure, but he just doesn't want his consciousness to change too quickly. He doesn't want the civilization of this world to have too much external interference, but he just doesn't want his thoughts to be dependent on or weak to the outside world. psychology.

"He doesn't want the world's civilization to develop by leaps and bounds. He just doesn't want his own thinking to have a gap. A gap in the civilization development of the whole people means that the old man's consciousness will have a gap. It means that his wisdom will have a gap and there will be problems with his thinking ability. .

"The rapid development will lead to a large change in the world view of a large number of people, which will lead to the division of 'society'. The world's ideological and moral worldviews will conflict with each other, and the division will be serious. The old man's personality will also split and become Two personalities, three personalities and four personalities.

"He is closely related to the majority of people in this world. Therefore, I only need to maintain the synchronization and smooth transition of the thoughts of the vast majority of people to the interstellar age, and the unique worldview of the people who are transitioning to the interstellar age. There is no gap in the history of science and technology in this world. People think that self-development without too much external interference is enough.

"Whether there is any external interference is not important. What is important is what most people in the world think.

"Whether there is a gap in science and technology is not important. What is important is that most of the science and technology in this world. In terms of knowledge and skills, there is no gap from the old era to the new era. It is the same strain. What is important is that most people think that it is the result of self-development.

"So. As long as the actions are done in secret, are not known to the people, are not suspected by the people, and will not cause a deviation in the people's thinking, or a too sudden deviation in the world's understanding of the world, it will be enough. ”

Therefore, it is possible to use alien technology, technology beyond this world. However, it cannot be exposed to the public. If it has to be exposed to the public, the ins and outs of this technology must be clear, and there must be enough proof that people think it is a good thing developed by the world on its own, and that's it.

"Virtual technology can be used, but it cannot be used by all people. Cyborgs can be used, but no doubts can be exposed in front of the public. Your identity cannot be exposed in front of the public. Nanorobots, cloning technology, etc. can all be used in secret. You can even pretend to be gods and ghosts in secret. Okay, just don't expose it.

"It is possible and imperative for this planet to develop interstellar space technology, and then enter the space age. But it must be recognized by the public as a technology developed by itself.

"More importantly, the civilization of this world... maintains the same origin and vigorously promotes positive energy!!"

Why promote positive energy? Everyone is just and moral. Be honest. Then, the mysterious old man will be honest and the benefits he promised to Zhan Fei will be fulfilled.

If everyone in this world plays conspiracy. The vast majority of people are true to their word, so this mysterious old man is most likely deceiving Zhan Fei and will not give him any benefits afterwards.

Therefore, we need to transform this world into a paradise-like world where everyone has noble thoughts and morals, at least most people do. This is of great benefit to Zhan Fei.

The all-race gene modifier said: "If you can make people in this world like 'drops of grace and springs of repayment', then this old guy will also have such a change. You will make a lot of money."

Zhan Fei nodded.

His detection flying saucer left the underground cave and returned to Laba Java. He found a place to retreat, meditated for three days, and considered most of the issues clearly before he emerged and started to fight.

First of all, Zhanfei used some wealthy businessmen he controlled to purchase a large amount of special metal materials and secretly produced a large number of micro-detection flying saucers. Use a super 3D printer to print out multiple super-grade 3D printers, and then print out more advanced 3D printers to print out miniature invisible detection flying saucers.

Zhan Fei "visited" the heads of countries he had previously controlled one by one. Without saying a word, they were captured and injected with narcotic drugs to weaken their will to resist, and then hypnotized.

Regardless of whether they had betrayed Zhan Fei before or whether they had come into contact with other aliens, Zhan Fei would all undergo hypnosis. Drugs, nanorobots, and Zhan Fei's various technologies gave them spiritual hints that they must obey Zhan Fei's orders.

After letting them wake up, they threatened them with force and asked them not to reveal anything. Then an invisible flying saucer followed them. There are at least three flying saucers around everyone.

Finally, Zhan Fei ran to the underground world again and found the mysterious old man.

"Whether the world can develop well is closely related to your old self-interest, so you can't just sit back and watch this matter."

Zhan Fei has placed a large number of laptops around him, and with the advanced energy storage devices he placed, the power is enough for hundreds of years. Each screen displays the status of the people under Zhan Fei's control at any time.

"Once you find out that someone has contacted aliens, once you find out that someone may have alien intentions, please contact me." Zhan Fei said.

The mysterious old man asked: "Is this behavior too intense and excessive?"

Zhan Fei said: "For the entire society, the thoughts of high-level elites affect the entire world. However, only the 'exposed thoughts' of high-level elites will affect the thoughts of the world. Their hidden thoughts cannot affect the entire world. What affects your power is the thoughts of all living beings in the world, not the true thoughts of individuals at the top.

"So, as long as the fact that 'they are under control' is not exposed, it will be fine. In order to ensure that the public's thinking does not drift, it is completely worth sacrificing the personal interests of a few high-level elites. This is a 'god' World, you are the 'god' of this world, you are the most important, everything else must serve this."

The old man remained silent.

Of course, Zhan Fei's ideological hints to those high-level political elites also include: "Whoever has strange powers and wants to threaten them or imply that they do something against Zhan Fei's will must contact Zhan Fei proactively." "

If there are traces of aliens on this planet. Zhan Fei will definitely run over and kill the opponent without any hesitation.

After doing this, the top leaders of each country are still under Zhanfei's control.

But it's not enough.

The second thing is that Zhan Fei secretly asked leaders of various countries to hold a meeting. And a resolution was made: "In view of the fact that the security environment around the world today is not very good, and criminals are rampant. Criminals commit crimes across regions, and it is difficult for local police to handle cases across borders and regions. Therefore, it was decided that all countries will jointly establish the 'New United Nations Special-Level Criminal Service' division'.

“Any country in the world must send police officers to join this agency, and any public security agency in any country in the world must fully cooperate with this service department. Any country that disobeys and does not send personnel to this service department will surely be punished by other countries around the world. common sanctions, including but not limited to economic aspects.”

That is, military operations are possible.

Moreover, each country has a quota for the number of police officers it can send.

this institution. It should have been difficult to get it done, but when the leaders of various countries were secretly controlled by Zhan Fei, the matter was passed easily.

The chief inspector of the service department is a well-known figure in the world. He has very rich qualifications. Just a few of them can blind people. However, he was also the one controlled by Zhan Fei. Below the chief inspector, there are more than a dozen deputy inspectors, and below that there are dozens of commanders. Then came the deputy commander, group leader, squadron leader, squad leader, and team members.

The commander, including those above the commander, were all controlled by Zhan Fei. And let the mysterious old man monitor him at all times.

This institution is set up in "Rapa Java".

"Why do you do this?" The mysterious old man called Zhan Fei and asked.

The secret line through which this call passed was an encrypted line deliberately set aside by senior officials of various countries. It is not suitable for civilians, and during Zhanfei's 24-hour monitoring, it was discovered that all the backdoors left by aliens had been cleared away.

"With this organization, we can directly arrest, prosecute, or even kill anyone we dislike. Of course, the purpose is not to uphold justice, that is just by the way. The key is that there are some people who have the power of extraterrestrial civilizations. Or there are things that I can't take into account, things that I can't control, or there are aliens who want to do something to them, then..."

Zhan Fei had a cruel look on his face and stretched out his hand to wipe his neck. Then he sneered: "Get rid of those who are out of control and send people directly to threaten the successors who take over the position. That's it."

"Who is sent to threaten?" the mysterious old man asked.

"I will create some biochemicals, or use a detection flying saucer to release a holographic image + repulsive force field, disguise as a living person, go to threaten, and implant remote-controlled fragmentation poison sacs into those people, and control them remotely. Let the biochemicals blend in." "The United Nations Special Criminal Affairs Section', no one can tell."

"If in the process of doing things, these biochemical people accidentally reveal their true colors..."

"Then I will personally take action to kill some irrelevant people, or forcefully hypnotize some people. Moreover, during the process of doing things, the biochemical man will detect the surrounding situation, and if he finds that there is a danger of exposure, he would rather activate the self-destruction device Leave no trace of suicide. Same thing with flying saucers. Keep things under control."

"If too many people are killed..." The mysterious old man hesitated.

"The most indispensable thing in this world is people. With a population of seven billion, assuming an average life span of seventy years, on average, 270,000 people are born and another 270,000 people die every day in the world."

"But there are not many people in special positions in each place."

"I can do it. If someone creates unrest in a certain area, I will personally take action and kill the troublemaker. Even, if necessary, I can use a cyborg or a holographic image to disguise myself as a person who has been wiped out, and temporarily occupy that position. Wait until we eliminate the danger, and then let the real great people take over." Zhan Fei said.

The old man listened and nodded slightly: "Then I can rest assured."

In fact, as people grow older, he can guess Zhan Fei's thoughts, but he has to test it out, otherwise he won't feel at ease.

Now, the situation in the entire world is basically under Zhan Fei's control.

Based on this, it will be easy to do whatever you want to do next. Even if there is an accidental deviation or hidden danger, it can be twisted with violence. Moreover, this violence is so powerful that it leaves no hidden dangers - suppressing all the sources of turmoil and restlessness in this world with powerful force that transcends this world. However, this powerful force is hidden in the just and aboveboard "United Nations Special Class Criminal Affairs Service". Under the cover of "Ke".

In addition, the elites of various countries have been controlled, so what are they afraid of?

Even if the interstellar adventurers want to interfere, Zhan Fei can forcefully straighten the bent stuff. (To be continued.) () "Seizing Genes" only represents the author's views. If any content is found to be in violation of national laws, please delete it. Our position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. . 【】,thank you all!

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