Seize Genes

Chapter 487 Zhouji Heavenly Book (Part 2)

In the virtual world, Wu Yi was reincarnated as a baby. His consciousness was implanted in a fetus, and he became a seemingly ordinary mortal who slowly grew up.し

According to the previous script of Zhan Fei and others, Wu Yi will meet the incarnations of Zhan Fei and others in this life, and then slowly make friends here. There will be further follow-up development later.

But things are a bit troublesome.

"The most troublesome situation that was expected happened... Even in the virtual world, he is still an idiot. The 'plot' of the virtual world led him to think that he was really reincarnated. He is still an idiot, indifferent to everything in the outside world. , completely unclear about the situation." Zhan Fei frowned.

The Wu Yi in front of him looked like a seven or eight-year-old boy, but he couldn't eat by himself, couldn't speak, couldn't recognize his parents, and couldn't dress by himself. And he is still wearing diapers at such a big age, and he doesn’t even know how to relieve himself.

If he were still in the body of a semi-saint, he wouldn't have had so many troubles at all. If he didn't eat, drink, talk, or sleep for decades or hundreds of years, there wouldn't be any problems. But in all high-fidelity virtual worlds that simulate reality, Wu Yi encounters a lot of troubles when he "reincarnates" as an ordinary person.

Fortunately, in the setting, there are a pair of NPC parents who love him very much and take good care of him. And although the family is not rich, it is still pretty good.

"The backlash of power from high-dimensional space and time is really dangerous." Xi Su was invisible and stood next to Zhan Fei. Looking at Wu Yi's "kid" who was lying on the bed and staring at the ceiling in a daze, he felt a little pity, and at the same time, he felt a little pity. Afraid.

"Fortunately, we all escaped quickly, otherwise..." Zhan Fei shook his head. He was not sure whether Zhan Ling'er's supreme life artifact could save him.

Even if he delayed Zhan Ling'er's growth, the Supreme Life Artifact even deliberately concealed Zhan Fei's situation from Zhan Ling'er, making him likely to remain stupid for decades or even an idiot.

"Generally speaking..." Xisu said: "Even in a vegetative state, under the right stimulation, the brain cells will resume activity. When all kinds of memory fragments start churning again, the brain waves of the vegetative person will violently turbulence. Produces 'dreaming' situations.

"If there is a suitable treatment method, even a person who is brain dead can still be resurrected. Just repair the brain cells and add corresponding stimulation, and the brain waves can be regenerated and the person will fall into a dreaming state.

"In that situation, most people's thoughts are disordered, their memories are distorted, and they are completely unable to wake up. Some people will become crazy when they wake up. If you use a virtual helmet and adjust in the virtual world, there is a 5% chance of being able to recover. Back to normal.

"If you use a virtual helmet to suppress all the original memories in the virtual world, allowing people to retain only the most basic and primitive thinking ability, and be 'reincarnated' in the virtual world, and re-experience everything from babies to adults, then There will be over 50% chance of returning to normal.

"As long as the advanced evolutionaries are taking care of it, it can be said that the brain has not been completely damaged. Even if the consciousness is broken, as long as the activated brain cells can regain brain waves and connect them into one thought, they can be revived in the virtual world. In reality, Also realizes the ability to resurrect..."

The methods of advanced civilizations in the universe are extraordinary, and they can resurrect ordinary people after death. Of course, the prerequisite is that a considerable number of brain cells are still retained.

Some people prefer worlds with strong free energy and develop magic civilizations and fairy civilizations. There are resurrection techniques there, but the conditions are quite harsh, and they are not as effective as the methods used to develop these technological civilizations to extremely high-end worlds.

"But as far as I know..." Zhan Fei said: "The consciousness of a person resurrected in this way is almost not the same as the original consciousness. To put it simply, another different personality is generated on the original body. , different thoughts. Even the memory is different. It’s hard to say whether he is still the same person.”

Just like a computer, the hardware is still the original hardware, but all the original data is blocked, and a new operating system is installed and most of the data on the hard disk is replaced. Is it still the original computer? Some people think it still is. But what if this situation is placed on a living body? Some people think that he is still the same person, while some people think that he has become another life. It's almost like being robbed.

"The two personalities can be re-integrated. Moreover, the personalities are different, the thoughts are different, the world view is different, and the memories are different, but after all, it is still the same mind. In a more fantasy sense, it is still the 'soul'." Xi Su said: "But now What Wu Yi suffered was at the 'soul' level. Not only was he unable to think, his thinking ability was often inexplicably cut off halfway through processing brain data, and he was unable to behave like a normal person at all. Holy, the power in the core of consciousness also prevents the brain from producing another personality and preventing himself from producing another consciousness. This is troublesome, even if he wants to block his original memories and thoughts and reshape a personality. "

Zhan Fei was silent for a while and then said: "Then we can only use the worst method."

"Perhaps, the worst way is the best way. Although he cannot recover and become a living being with another mind and another personality, it is easier to control, isn't it?" .

Zhan Fei smiled bitterly.

In the virtual world, the plot develops.

After Wu Yi grew up, his parents unexpectedly won a lottery and made a lot of money. At the same time, they gave him several younger brothers and sisters, who happened to be the incarnations of Zhan Fei and Xi Su.

These NPCs move automatically, but the various fluctuations they emit are exactly the same as the incarnations of Zhan Fei and Xi Su.

Soon, Wu Yi's NPC parents received good news that foreign experts had developed a bio-intelligent auxiliary chip. A bio-chip composed of pure carbon-based stem cells was implanted into the human brain and could assist the human body in doing various things. If implanted into Wu Yi's brain, it would not make him smarter or completely like a normal person. But at least he knows how to control his eating and drinking, and how to move around to prevent his limbs from shrinking. The body's physiological reactions will be monitored by the chip, controlling his body to adapt to natural physiological activities.

He can eat when he is hungry, drink when he is thirsty, sleep when he is tired, he can run and jump, he can add and remove clothes by himself, dress by himself, bathe by himself, he can eat, drink and have diarrhea. At least it's not a waste.

Therefore, in the virtual world, Wu Yi successfully implanted a biochemical smart chip. The only function of the chip is to monitor his physical condition, and when he cannot control his body, it will actively help control his body to eat, drink, and defecate. That's all. .

In this way, Wu Yi spent several years in confusion, reaching the age of eleven or twelve. Suddenly one day, he behaved differently from what he usually did when he was just in a daze.

He ran to the bookshelf and rummaged through it.

Zhan Fei transformed into his younger brother and asked, "Brother, what are you doing?"

Wu Yi ignored it.

Just rummaging around.

After observing for several months, Zhan Fei found nothing unusual.

"He seems to be looking for a book." Xi Su said.

"Why are you looking for books?"

"It may be affected by the remaining memory fragments from the past. Most of the messy thoughts in the brain are suppressed by divine power, and there must be some brain cells that transmit some memory fragments to the virtual world. He just subconsciously repeats the 'previous life' The just like some people have thoughts during the day and dreams at night, and do some strange things while sleepwalking." Xi Su explained.

"No matter how you look, it's hard to find anything. In the past few months, I deliberately found some books and various files and put them in front of him. There are various books that should exist that shouldn't exist. I even opened dictionaries in front of him, and he was all confused. I didn't pay attention, I didn't know what book he was looking for, so... just continue with the story below.

After that, it's the end of the world.

It’s not the end of the world when the entire virtual world is destroyed, nor is it the destruction of the entire planet. It’s just the end of the biosphere.

Darkness has come to the world, and there are all kinds of horrors and disasters, and there are very miserable situations everywhere.

Meteors fell from the sky, and extraterrestrial viruses killed many people in the world. Volcanoes, earthquakes, typhoons, heavy rain, hail, continuous heavy snow, various acid rains, and all kinds of abnormal and extreme weather. There was even a nuclear leak, causing various animals to mutate. There are also some genetically modified plants implanted with animal gene fragments, which have also undergone mutations.

The world is in panic.

Fires and electromagnetic turbulence destroyed many electronic instruments in the world.

The world is shrouded in thick clouds, darkness, coldness, hunger, and all kinds of human evil.

Wu Yi's parents died of illness, and his younger brother and sister also died. But he unexpectedly ran into a group of wanderers who looked very similar to his younger brothers and sisters, who also happened to have a dead brother. They sympathized with Wu Yi and walked with him.

In the apocalypse, mankind has been struggling on the line of life and death for decades. Wu Yi has been working with the incarnations of Zhan Fei, Xi Su, Lan Xing, Su Daji and others.

Wu Yi still looked dumb and stupid, but instinctively obeyed the orders of Zhan Fei and others. As long as there were no conflicting orders, he would do whatever they asked him to do.

He will be afraid, worried, and afraid to be alone. He also doesn't dare to come into contact with other strangers, because he has been robbed and beaten by strangers, so he likes to stay next to the incarnations of Zhan Fei and others.

After that, the plot changed, and the survivors of this world gradually acquired superpowers and embarked on the path of evolution. He was taken away by aliens, then caught in space turbulence in the universe, and was transported to different countries. It also includes a place called the Solorenza Empire.

Wu Yi was still dumb and stupid. He only knew how to speak a few words and could not communicate at all. He only knew how to follow Zhan Fei, Xi Su and others. As long as any one of them was around, he could be safe, silent, and nothing happened.

But if he couldn't see any of them, he would panic, become helpless, and howl in pain.

"Dignified Half-Saint..." Xisu sighed. I feel that Wu Yi is quite pitiful.

Zhan Fei said: "The instinct of the body is still there, and his consciousness in reality will gradually recover in the future."

Xisu said: "But it may be several years, decades, hundreds. Even thousands of years. And it cannot be obtained by accelerating time in the virtual world."

Zhan Fei said: "The power from high-dimensional time and space is too terrifying..."

"The scary thing is not the power, but the consequences of the 'core of consciousness' being injured." Xi Su said.

Zhan Fei's heart moved: "So, for decades, you have not dared to enter the realm of 'Hunyuan Saint'?"

Xi Su snorted: "How many people dare to step in without being sure? The key to advancing to the realm of Chaos Saint is to forcibly transfer the core of one's consciousness from the original brain cells to other substances. On top, rest on it. Moreover, it does not mean that a Hunyuan Saint can be transferred once. He must be able to easily transfer the core of consciousness at any time in the future. As long as any cell is immortal, Only those whose consciousness is immortal can be considered a true Hunyuan Saint.

"If Wu Yi was in the realm of Hunyuan Saint and had the protection of artifact fragments, he wouldn't be so miserable at all. But it's a pity that he is a semi-saint..."

Zhan Fei said: "If we semi-saints are promoted to Hunyuan saints and there are some small mistakes in the process, I'm afraid..."

"Wu Yi is a lesson for others." Xi Su said.

If you don't succeed, you will succeed.

This is the reason why it is difficult to break through to the realm of Hunyuan Saint.

"However, once the breakthrough is successful, you will have an almost immortal life. At least, it will be longer and longer than the life of an atomic nucleus." Xi Su said.

Some of the lifespans of atomic nuclei have been intact from the beginning of the universe to the present day. Only some have ever dissociated and recombined.

"An enviable state." Zhan Fei said.

In the virtual world, Wu Yi returned to the Solorenti Empire, and was recognized as his father by the fake "Wu Xingyun" in the virtual world, and was also recognized as the supreme emperor of this country.

Here Wu Yi restored his cultivation to a level close to that of a semi-saint. In the virtual world, he managed to control nearly one percent of his body's power, which was remarkable.

"There are benefits to being an idiot. It is impossible for a newly born consciousness to perfectly control its own power in such a short period of time." Xi Su said.

Zhan Fei nodded: "Indeed..."

Zhan Fei is considered a genius. I had also secretly accelerated my practice of controlling my power in the virtual world before. Then combine it with the actual situation. Unfortunately, it has only taken many years, and now it can only exert less than one thousandth of the power of the original body, otherwise it may lose control.

As the plot of the virtual world progresses, Wu Yi learns that his "previous life" is called Wu Yi and he is a semi-saint. Because he entered a certain ruins, he lost his memory, was reincarnated on another planet, and now returns to this country. However, splitting off again and traveling to a neutron star caused memory problems again.

Fortunately, Zhan Fei and others came and repaired his injuries a lot.

"The plot of this virtual world has a lot of loopholes, but it's enough... If you weren't worried that he still retains a strong memory ability and a certain weak thinking ability, he would find that the virtual plot is inconsistent with reality, we wouldn't even have to let him play in the virtual world Experience the story of returning to the Solorenza Empire in the world. "

Wu Yi interrupted a part of the plot, and then was knocked unconscious by Zhan Fei again, and continued the virtual plot.

This time, there is a lot of savings. Unlike before, although time is accelerated, it has indeed been experienced in the virtual world for decades. This time I just went through the general plot to help Wu Yi deepen his memory.

The plot of the entire virtual world was repeated eighty times in a row, and Wu Yi's instinctive dependence on Zhan Fei and others reached its extreme.

What is surprising is that, including the original plot, Wu Yi did not notice that the plot was repeated eighty-one times in a row. However, every time, he opened a secret room in the "Purple Xiao Palace".

After repeating the plot several times, Zhan Fei created the secret room of Zixiao Palace in the virtual world, and saw Wu Yi rummaging around on the bookshelves inside. I asked him what he was looking for, but he couldn't tell.

"There must be something wrong. He has forgotten the same plot ninety-nine and eighty-one times, but he still remembers to find a book. Every time the plot repeats, he searches for it a thousand times and refuses to give up. Such a strong obsession It must be a treasure that the semi-sage will never forget.

"Not even his son and wife made him forget about it like this. The thing about the Neutron Star Chaos Bead was very scary, maybe it was self-sealing. But he didn't forget about the other artifact fragments and various treasures. He only remembered to find a copy Book, that book must be extremely precious." Zhan Fei also made a judgment.

"Afterwards, let's look carefully in the real world?" Xi Su said.

Zhan Fei nodded: "For Wu Yi to pay so much attention to him, it is definitely worth looking for. If we hadn't entered the virtual world, contacted him for a long time, and gained his trust, I'm afraid he hadn't revealed this secret yet... He wouldn't have Will look for books in front of strangers.”

"There must be a big secret... However, the plot cannot be repeated in the virtual world. It is difficult to find out, and... I am a little unbearable. He is probably at his limit." Xi Su said.

"Well... even a half-saint has experienced more than a hundred years in the virtual world in just three days. This terrible time acceleration has already hurt him, and he will definitely not be able to bear it anymore." Zhan Fei and Xi Su released Wu Yi.

In reality, three days have indeed passed. Wu Xingyun and other important officials of the empire were already extremely anxious.

When Zhan Fei announced that the treatment was over, Wu Xingyun and Lei Lisi squeezed in. (To be continued.)

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