Seize Genes

Chapter 635 The Peak of Saint


What is a law? It is close to the great road, reaches nowhere, is everywhere, and exists everywhere.

For example, quality.

Is there anything in the universe that has no mass? If there is, it must be so tiny that it is almost impossible to detect or calculate, or it has just reached a certain balance with some kind of force, so that various tests cannot get a true value. It does not mean that it really has no mass.

As long as there is quality, all laws related to quality must exist.

For example, light.

The more subtle ultramicro world is not clear, but all known matter has light. Some dark matter does not emit light, and some black holes swallow up light. However, it does not mean that light does not exist. When light shines on them and is absorbed, the light is hidden inside them! !

Then, many laws related to light must exist.

It's just that some laws are manifest and some laws are not.

If there is weight and the mass can be measured, it is naturally the manifestation of the law. If the weight is hidden, then the law is naturally hidden.

Atomic matter exists in most places in the external universe. If there are atoms, there must be electricity. If the current and voltage are measured, it means that the laws related to electricity are manifested. If they cannot be measured, it means that electrical energy has reached a certain balance with other forces, so that the laws of electricity are not manifested.

However, if there is a force that unbalances them, the current will flow. If there is another kind of power that can make the power imbalance within matter even more exaggerated, then the power displayed will be extraordinarily powerful.

"The foundation of everything in the universe is nothing but balance and imbalance, stability and collapse, order and chaos. Order and balance allow forces to restrict each other and become invisible, while chaos, chaos and imbalance allow forces to manifest. As big as the stars The star field is as small as the micron quantum, nothing less than that.

"Therefore, there is nothing that does not contain laws. Laws are contained in any material and are manifested through things. On the contrary, there is nothing that cannot show the power of laws, and there is nothing that cannot use laws..."

Zhan Fei murmured to himself and gradually fell into deep thought.

The body and the incarnation are all silent and motionless.

In the void of the outer universe, one by one Zhan Fei's incarnations rushed towards the stars. Some passing small stars were quickly transformed into powerful computing machines. All kinds of data, various virtual scene calculations and simulations, a large amount of data were gathered towards Zhan Fei's body. .

Exhibiting thousands of incarnations,

Either turn into intelligent auxiliary chips, or integrate into the intelligent brain service centers of different star regions to seize the body, seize various resources, and various permissions. Or be integrated into the spare body of some biochemical human clones, and use their brainpower and intelligent auxiliary chips to perform massive calculations and calculations.

On the outskirts of the Kingdom of Alufons, the incarnations of the gods are dealing with more and more demons. Some of the gods have already retreated. Some people are going to close the portal in the sky, and some are deliberately luring the demons towards the wall of the Kingdom of Alufons. barrier.

Many dragon-man incarnations were lurking inside, and the demons entered one by one and died in groups, but Zhan Fei was motionless, and the light on his body was dim.

"My Lord!!"

"Your Majesty the Great Alufons!!"

Many believers sensed something was wrong with their gods.

Even the Clay Humans and Titans of the Tianhua Kingdom changed their expressions: "Holy Ancestor!! Holy Father!!"

The vast power of faith surged towards Zhan Fei's incarnation and body.

time flies……

Countless Zhanfei incarnations are constantly calculating at the same time, constantly imagining the use of the power of various laws, and how to manifest the laws or transform the laws with the help of various substances.

Suddenly, a Zhanfei body moved his right hand slightly, pointed out his fingertips, and the front of him collapsed out of thin air. A black hole suddenly appeared, and then exploded with a buzzing sound.

"The gravity field is's wrong, it shouldn't be like this..."

Suddenly, Zhan Fei's eyes flashed, and a powerful and strange force twisted his body. He stretched out his right hand, and two strange masses appeared out of thin air in his palm. One was extremely dark, and the other glowed with dazzling light.

"Antimatter pseudo-black hole, positive matter pseudo-white hole... Two kinds of matter, one positive and one negative, are created out of nothingness. The two will disappear when they merge. But in reverse, something will be created out of nothingness out of nothingness. This is already Many "half-step Yushen" can't achieve the method of getting close to the gods.

"Many scientific and technological instruments from the great powers in the universe can do this, but the matter created is limited, and it takes a long time. The instruments are huge and cannot be compressed into the human body. Now, I have done it with my bare hands."

Countless Zhanfei, different incarnations, are all over the universe, stretching out their hands out of thin air, and various different substances appear in the palms of their hands. Pieces of gold and diamonds, mobile phones and computers, bread, melons, fruits and vegetables, are created out of thin air, and around them , but antimatter continues to condense into a large ball.

With a wave of his hand, the antimatter shot forward and collided with the positive matter. If the two are completely equal in amount and frequency and have the same structure, they will annihilate instantly. But if they are not equal in amount or have different structures... they will not only produce annihilation, but also produce a big explosion, a real nuclear explosion.

The avatar moved and flew to a planet with a diameter of 300 kilometers. When he pointed with his right hand, countless tiny energy filaments surged out, all at the femtometer level, infinitely close to the Ami level. Antimatter energy thread! !

An atom splits.

boom! ! ! !

The three-hundred-kilometer-diameter nuclear bomb exploded, forming a strong energy flow that overflowed into the void of the universe.

Zhan Fei's body opened his eyes, stretched out his right index finger, and light condensed on his fingertips.

If someone uses a special microscope to look at it, they will find that a large number of thought-controlled femtobots are being formed, and their size is infinitely close to the Ami level, and some are smaller than the nucleus of an atom.

"Yes, I have finally taken this step, and I have reached the peak of a true saint. The thought-controlled femtobot on my body can easily transform atoms and completely change everything. Although it was possible in the past, it was a bit difficult, but now..."

A piece of gold appeared in the palm of the hand, and was easily transformed into diamonds, silver, pig iron, red copper, etc. The material structure was completely changed. The radiation power emitted during the transformation process was all suppressed and trapped in the palm of the hand. Soon after, it was positioned to form a huge ruby. , and then turned into a ball of fresh air and spread out.

"You can directly use your mental power to control the free energy in the universe. Once you understand the laws, any micro-particles and the inherent laws are stimulated. Then, they are controlled, which is equivalent to mind-controlled particles, which can replace the mind-controlled Pimi robot. It can even replace the thought-controlled femtobot.

"However, it requires too much energy to use. You have to concentrate without making any mistakes. In comparison, there are a large number of mind-controlled femtobots, which are easier to control."

Zhan Fei is now like a great head of state, holding a military horse in his hand, and can command the people of the world to do anything at will. However, it is easier and more convenient to have a group of obedient ministers and petty officials to guide the people on their behalf. .

Therefore, his body, a large number of mind-controlled femtobots, is taking shape. Countless thought-controlled Pimi robots are collapsing, reshaping, and transforming into Femice robots.

"This process will take about three months."

It sounds slow, but it's actually quite fast. There are too many Pimi robots on Zhan Fei. If they are all converted quickly, the energy released will be too powerful and dangerous. And if these Pimi robots are dispersed and used to transform them with pre-modified Femto robots, the speed can be faster, but it will not be so fast, and he must keep the main body with sufficient combat power at all times. Prevent various possible sudden accidents.

I can't wholeheartedly retreat, so there's nothing I can do about it slower.

"Three months later, all the materials on the body have been transformed. The key is... these all contain divine power fluctuations. After transformation, they will be pseudo-artifact-level mind-controlled femtobots. Any particle-like femtobot can enter and leave the star alone. , all as if they were playing, completely fine.

"The trouble is, these powers cannot be used casually... If you release all the Pimi robots or Femto robots on your body, transform them, or fight, the fluctuations of the divine power will make countless people feel uneasy, and will lead to unnecessary trouble.

"However, maybe we can give it a try? The divine power fluctuations contained in many femtobots collide with each other. Could there be some interesting changes that I didn't expect?"

Zhan Fei pondered.

In a certain sub-universe...

In the chaos, Zhan Fei watched the strange leaves in front of him disappear, and the strange light in the chaos dissipated.

"The traces of creation have disappeared. Only by finding another creation material that existed at the beginning of the birth of the sub-universe can we sense more, but there is no need for it anymore.

"I already understand the nature of the 'power of law'. I can't explain it clearly. This thing is neither virtual nor real, transcending reality and nothingness, but it must be manifested with the help of physical matter. Matter exists and laws exist, and laws exist. But matter exists, matter dies and the law dies, law dies but the material does not exist, and returns to nothingness.

"So, whether you are comprehending the so-called 'laws' or just studying material changes and pursuing the origin and truth of things, the truth you ultimately obtain is the same. Different principles and different power systems will ultimately be revealed. They are all the same, different paths leading to the same destination.

"But these are just natural laws and physical rules. Those natural physical laws and rules that are not inherent in the universe cannot be seen through this fragment of creation.

"For example, courage, kindness, justice, etc. are inexplicably related to the power of the human mind. Such rules cannot be drilled out by studying all things. They have no power themselves, but they can affect other powers. I also need to understand this aspect, but it’s not important if I don’t understand it, it’s just a foundation.

"Besides...the gods' divine heads must contain their knowledge and knowledge of how to use the power of laws. Winning these divine heads will also be of great use to me."

The power of law is not as invincible as in the legend.

For example, Zhan Fei knows very well that if a small planet with a diameter of several hundred kilometers has a lot of so-called power of law on it, it only needs one star to crush it, and the small planet will still be completely destroyed.

However, the various atoms and particles smaller than atoms that make up the planet itself will not be completely annihilated. Only antimatter, or the law of antimatter manifestation, can annihilate them. This is also the power of law.

"The strength or weakness of power can ultimately be represented by numbers and studied by mathematics. Regardless of laws or conventional forces, they are still energy or power in essence. Therefore, in this sub-universe, the pseudo-personnel who master the power of laws can Gods will also be killed by non-god creatures.

"In terms of human society, high-level elites and even emperors control the rules of society. Those who create laws control the rules. The top powerful people can guide the direction of social rules at any time. Constrain human activities in the entire society. Way.

"It can even allow everyone to silently maintain the rules they created and provided. These rules are ethereal and have nothing to do with natural physics, and they are not the same as the rules of natural physics.

“But in essence they are all laws and the embodiment of rules.

"However, even an emperor who controls the acquired rules of the world has great power within the country and is invincible in the world. He has no control outside the country, but within ten steps he is no different from a mortal, and ordinary people can kill him. The so-called rules, His life may not be saved.

"The god who controls power in this world may not be able to be killed if he is close at hand, but if his weakness is close at hand, even a mortal may be killed..."

Zhan Fei was immersed in all kinds of chaos, whether it was helpful or useless, or related to evolution and improvement, or not, and his thoughts were mixed. My mind is full of things related to laws. Regardless of whether it can really improve strength, all relevant factors should be considered first, listed, and then analyzed one by one, eliminating unnecessary content and leaving the essentials...

While he was deep in thought, the outer wall of Alufons' Kingdom cracked with a loud roar.

A massive army of demons poured in, and there were even gods disguised as demons, taking advantage of the situation to rob and invade.

"court death!!"

Zhan Fei's eyes brightened.

Point with your right hand.

In an instant, a finger traveled through space and appeared in hundreds of different places at the same time. One finger appears at hundreds of different spatial coordinate points at the same time, a wonderful use of space power.

This finger ignores the spatial distance, ignores the various power interceptions and spatial interceptions on the demons, and points directly into the core of their bodies.

Bang bang bang! !

Hundreds of demons exploded and shattered at the same time.

Zhan Fei flicked his finger lightly, and the speed of light... no, the attack that exceeded the speed of light surpassed the suppression of the speed limit in this sub-universe. In an indescribably fast time, all the demons that invaded the Kingdom of God were in disguise. The several incarnations of gods that came in were all killed.

Outside the Kingdom of God, thousands of demons were also killed in one blow.

For a moment, the demons who were fighting or laughing were stunned and petrified. The incarnations of gods, whether they were fighting against demons or watching the show from a distance, were all stunned and stunned.

"Is illusion?"


"Aruphonse is actually so powerful? Impossible!!"

A vast and boundless will surged out from the abyss, and Ancestor Styx was attracted to his attention.

But Zhan Fei snorted and waved his hand, and the huge space gate and various space arrays above the Kingdom of God all collapsed and dissipated, forming chaos. This chaos is the power of chaos, the law of disorder and the energy of disorder, and The spatial fluctuations prevented the Styx Ancestor from conducting cross-space detection.

Although it can only temporarily block it for a while, it is enough.

Zhan Fei felt that the consciousness of the World Tree existed in the sub-universe. It was preventing other intruders and suppressing Zhan Fei.

The manifestation is that it is difficult for Zhan Fei's thoughts to control the free energy of this world, the power of various elements, etc., and it is difficult to control it. The mind-controlled Pimi robots and mind-controlled Feimi robots released from the body will also be suppressed if they do not contain fluctuations in external divine power.

Just like... Zhan Fei is the controller, all kinds of free energy and PiMi robot, Feimi robot, are remote control aircraft. And the consciousness of the World Tree is a radio station. Now, the radio station is emitting super strong electromagnetic interference, causing Zhan Fei's control of the "controller" to malfunction.

Something like this.

"Humph, the will of the world?"

Zhan Fei smiled, transformed, and with one step, he spread to the sky, outside the World Tree, and stood on the outskirts of the Kingdom of Gods.

The Pimi robot and Feimi robot on his body no longer hide or hide. At this time, they are constantly absorbing power and replicating their "companions", all under Zhanfei's control. At least within a hundred meters, the will of the world cannot be suppressed.

"Anyone who has ever attacked this kingdom of God, no matter what kind of god they are, will surrender obediently, step forward to greet them, bear a thorn and plead guilty, and their lives will be spared. Otherwise... I don't mind tearing each of your kingdoms apart. All gods’ vocations and divine status are completely deprived!” (To be continued.)

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