Seize Genes

Chapter 761 The situation in the starry sky and the calculations of the gods

Yushen's strength is quite powerful. Hunting WenwangWwΔW. LieWen. CC

If Yushen is not injured and is in a complete state, the so-called "cross-dimensional God-destroying cannon" in the past is simply a joke. Unless the power of the cross-dimensional God-Destroying Cannon is superimposed layer by layer and is enough to penetrate the seven-dimensional space-time level, it will be the real "God-Destroying Cannon".

However, the previous cross-dimensional God-destroying cannons only broke through to the four-dimensional or even fifth-dimensional levels, and the Yushen seen before happened to be seriously injured, or only had residual souls, and could only be used temporarily. Breaking through to the high level of time and space in the fourth and fifth dimensions is not possible at higher levels, so several gods will be destroyed by the "cross-dimensional god-destroying cannon".

This is caused by special circumstances in a special era.

Nowadays, the universe gods in this starry sky may have recovered some strength, enough to advance to higher dimensional levels. Perhaps they have high-level artifacts to protect them at any time, or they may be blocked by high-dimensional armors. Then, for guns that only damage the fourth and fifth dimensional space-time layers~ Machinery, just turn a blind eye.

If it were the previous peaceful era, such a cross-dimensional divine gun would never fall into the hands of mortals. The low-quality divine source gold could not fall into the hands of the Hunyuan Saint. But now, the divine universe has undergone changes, and monsters from outside the universe are eyeing Dandan. The development of other cracks in the Shenyuan Universe is different from this one, and it is unclear whether it is more powerful. Under such circumstances, the stronger the subordinates are, the better, as long as they can be improved before they can't hurt themselves...

With this idea in mind, the Yu gods possess high-level "Divine Source Gold" and sit in this starry sky, while allowing the mortals and Hunyuan Saints below to study various weapons and study the usage of various low-level Divine Source Gold, while Yu Gods observe the research results of mortals and apply them to their own artifacts.

"I see……"

Zhan Fei thought about it a lot and asked about some details in detail.

For example, is Irina stronger than Taya?

That's not the case, it's just that Taya's mecha is better at close combat, and the mecha was injured and couldn't use its full strength. Plus, she was carrying a lot of treasure, so she could only run away, fight back from time to time, and be chased by Irina.

For another example, how were the Star Lake Kingdom and the Star Swirl Kingdom established? For such a small and insignificant country... the answer to this question surprised Zhan Fei even more.

"The changes in the universe have resulted in many more livable stars in this starry sky. Many stars that were previously uninhabitable have become suitable for human beings and aliens to survive, and the number of various intelligent races has increased. Therefore, in order to facilitate management, enfeoffment Each district was divided into feudal states.

"The five Yushen Majesties each own a piece of starry sky, and each entrusts it to the Hunyuan Saint under his command to manage it. The Hunyuan Saint has subordinates and descendants.

The heads of the Star Lake Kingdom and the Star Xuan Kingdom are the direct descendants of the descendants of these two saints before they became saints, and can be named 'Viscounts'. Therefore, the Star Lake Kingdom and the Star Xuan Kingdom both belong to the 'Sub Kingdom'. "

This starry sky is actually enfeoffed?

"Why is the enfeoffment system implemented?" Zhan Fei was a little curious.

"It is said that since the changes in the universe more than a thousand years ago, the creatures in the starry sky have a higher success rate of evolution, and mutations often occur. There are often creatures with special powers. In order to make it easier for various talents to stand out, implementation Enfeoffment system, of course, there are too many habitable stars in this starry sky, which is also one of the reasons." Irina said.

If it were a normal earthling, many people would not understand this explanation, but Zhan Fei understood it.

A long time ago, during the "Spring and Autumn" era of the Earth's Celestial Dynasty thousands of years ago, there were many kingdoms, and scholars could serve as officials in various vassal states at will. The status of scholars was higher than that of scholars in the unified country after Qin Shihuang. How many.

During the Spring and Autumn Period, various countries did not dare to kill talents at will, but valued reputation in order to recruit talents from various countries to serve as officials. Sometimes, it even happened that some great talents were allowed to serve as officials in several different countries at the same time. This was unimaginable in later eras.

In the imperial dynasties after the unification, although the status of scholars was high, officials could kill them at will as long as they were not afraid of losing their reputation. The leader of the dynasty, with a single order, beheaded the heads of thousands of scholars, and exterminated their clans if they said they were exterminated.

In the Spring and Autumn Period, when a person with a reputation as a great sage asked for an audience, the king had to receive him personally. Both parties would sit and answer on an equal footing. Even if the other person displeased the king and was evil, he would not dare to kill or even punish him easily, but would just chase him away. out. But how could this be possible in future generations?

In this starry sky, the enfeoffment system is implemented. If an evolver's strength reaches a certain level and his combat power is astonishing, even if he offends the leader of a country, he can escape to other places and practice and improve in other countries. If it is a unified country, the territory is too large and it is difficult to escape. There may even be no escape, which kills some special talent.

Therefore, it makes sense to implement the enfeoffment system under this starry sky.

Of course, there are too many habitable stars, which is also a reason.

In the middle galaxy of this starry sky, there are hundreds of billions of stars, and tens of trillions or even tens of trillions of planets. If the proportion of habitable stars is higher than that of other galaxies, then only a few trillion habitable stars, or even just a trillion habitable stars, will cause the sky to explode.

If so many habitable stars, trillions or more mortals and evolved beings were all controlled by one or a few unified countries, then the power of those in power would be too great, and social rules must be extremely strict to ensure that there is no If things go wrong, it will seriously stifle the emergence of special talents.

If it were a enfeoffment system... it would be enough to enfeoff tens or even hundreds of billions of small countries. Big and small countries are divided into billions, and the small countries regard the big country as the suzerain, and then each major suzerain serves the gods. Such layered management is conducive to healthy competition between countries and the birth of special talents, and because There are several Yushen above to suppress it, so there is no need to worry about big troubles. Everything is not a problem.

Zhan Fei thought for a while and asked: "Are there many Hunyuan Saints in this starry sky?"

Irina said: "There should be quite a few. The specific number is unclear. However, once an evolver is promoted to a semi-saint, he will definitely be granted a title, and it must be a real title, not a false title, and he will be able to own a principality. Once If you are promoted to Hunyuan Saint, you will definitely be able to become a king and have a real kingdom.

"The number of countries in the entire galaxy is uncountable... because countries are often born and countries perish. However, according to official data, the number of viscounts is tens of billions, the number of sub-states is more than 7 billion, and the number of counts is It’s not clear, but there are nearly one billion uncles, more than 100 million princely states, about 20 to 30 million principalities, three to four million kingdoms, and more than 80 dynasties. Ten thousand... Well, even if only half of the kingdom's kings are Hunyuan saints, plus the heads of the dynasties, there will be nearly two million Hunyuan saints..."

"Two...two million Hunyuan Saints?" Zhan Fei opened his eyes wide.

This, what a joke.

Apart from anything else, can the resources of this galaxy support so many Hunyuan Saints? Is it enough to support so many evolutionists to break through?

Decades before the universe collapsed, the strongest person in the universe was only a semi-saint, not even a saint. Even before Yushen went to Yuwai on a large scale, the number of Hunyuan saints in the universe was far less than one hundred thousand. But now there are one or two million Hunyuan Saints suddenly appearing. Is this too, too exaggerated? Cheating is not that outrageous.

At this time, Taya shook her head: "There are not two million... I remember that the leader of the Star Lake Kingdom once answered a visiting semi-saint strongman. The semi-saint once said that all dynasties were ruled by Hunyuan saints. Lord, but in ordinary kingdoms, there are only more than 100,000 Hunyuan saints. So... under the entire starry sky, there are only about 900,000 Hunyuan saints in an entire galaxy and several broken galaxies. "

More than 900,000... That's almost one million. Still a ridiculous amount.

With so many saints, just one percent could easily wipe out the entire galaxy.

However, if these saints only have the power to bombard four or five dimensions of time and space across dimensions, then Yushen has the protective power of seven dimensions, and no amount of saints can hurt them. Not to mention more than 900,000, even more than 9 billion is not enough.

Just like no matter how many lives there are in the two-dimensional space, there is no way to kill living people in the three-dimensional space. Extremely difficult. With the suppression of several Yushen, it is indeed possible to prevent this galaxy from being destroyed.

But Zhan Fei thought of an interesting question: "Since there are more than 900,000 saints...of which more than 800,000 have an 'dynasty'...then is there an 'empire' in this starry sky?"

Taya said: "Probably not. The Emperor is supreme and unique. Therefore, anyone named Empire must have the aura of supremacy. I am the only one in the universe. Even if the Yushen is still respected as the master, there must be the Yushen. The bottom line is that I am invincible. Then we must fight for hegemony and suppress other countries. We can only make other countries surrender and cannot let other countries be equal. It seems that no saint dares to be an emperor in an upright way.

"But there are legends that several Yushen personally promised that if anyone reaches the ninth level of sainthood, they will be allowed to establish an empire, but I don't know if it is true."

"Ninth-level saint? Is this saint divided into different levels?" Zhan Fei asked in surprise.

How could the previous Hunyuan Saints be divided into different levels? At most, there are simple divisions such as new saints, established saints, and peak saints.

Irina said: "The Hunyuan saints under the starry sky are divided into nine levels, from level one to level nine, with different strengths. Then there are half-step Yushen, and then Yushen. It is said that the strength of His Majesty Yushen is also different. The level is unclear.”

Zhan Fei nodded.

Hunyuan Saint, whether he is the first level or the ninth level, is not afraid of Zhan Fei if he does not reach the realm of half-cosmic god, it doesn't matter to him. However, if there are too many ants to kill the elephant, so many saints cannot destroy the Yushen who has recovered his strength. If you want to forcefully destroy the God Tree sub-universe, it is still easy to do.

"What a powerful starry sky. There are too many powerful people in this starry sky and this galaxy. It must be related to the leakage of the origin of the universe."

I think back then, in just a few years, a lot of new Hunyuan saints appeared in the universe. After more than a thousand years here, it is not unusual for the number of newly promoted Hunyuan Saints to reach one million... Although the starry sky is not big, the base of cultivators who come from behind is also large. If the bottle items become smaller, it is not surprising that they will break through one by one.

"There are as many half-saints as ants, and Hunyuan is everywhere... This is not even enough to describe."

Zhan Fei asked again: "There are nearly a million saints. How many half-step gods are there?"

Both women said they didn't know. There were many powerful people who they hadn't even heard of. All I know is that for thousands of years, there are still only five gods in the starry sky.

Zhan Fei thought to himself: "If other starry skies also possess such powerful strength, in the entire Divine Source Universe, under all the starry skies, if the Yushen and Hunyuan Saints are added together, it will really be possible to fight against the monsters outside the universe in a few more years... Although the winning rate is not high, maybe there is some deep meaning in the universe leading mortals to use the cross-dimensional god-killing cannon, and the universe collapses and transforms. "

Thinking about it, he stood up and said: "I've put away this Divine Source Gold. You guys stay here for the time being and don't go out. I'll go out and take a look."

Shenyuan Gold may be produced in large quantities, but there are more Hunyuan Saints under the starry sky, so it is unlikely that everyone will have a copy, so it is still an extremely precious thing. The gods here do not lack this, but the saints do.

It is impossible for Zhan Fei to snatch the Divine Source Gold from Yushen, so he is not willing to give up this thing.

This divine source gold is of great use to Zhan Fei.

There used to be a joke about two people being chased by a tiger. One of them ran half a step faster, while the other ran slightly slower. The person behind asked out of breath, "Why are you running so fast? You can't outrun the tiger anyway, and you will die sooner or later." The person in front said, "I don't have to run faster than the tiger, I just need to run faster than you."

This is "a dead Taoist friend will never die a poor Taoist."

In the same way, if Zhan Fei possesses divine source gold, even if it is inferior, it can only withstand attacks on the four- and five-dimensional space-time levels. However, other remnant souls of the gods under the starry sky do not have this kind of divine source gold and cannot withstand attacks on the fourth-dimensional plane. attack on. Then, the universe collapsed, and many remnant souls of the gods, Zhan Fei and others escaped from the pursuit of monsters outside the universe. What would happen?

It is possible that the entire army will be wiped out and no one will be able to escape. It is possible that the monsters outside the universe will bite and devour anyone they catch regardless of who they are. But there is another possibility... the weakling will be pinched first.

Among those who escape, some who cannot block attacks from the fourth-dimensional and above levels will be attacked first by the monsters from outside the universe. Those who can block attacks from the fourth- and fifth-dimensional layers have too hard "shells", and the monsters from outside the universe must bite them softly first. Then bite the hard one.

As a result, people with "hard shells" fled in all directions, and those without "hard shells" were devoured first, giving those with "hard shells" a chance to escape.

"If you have enough divine source gold, and use the 'Sacred Tree Subverse' as a boat, and escape, you may be able to increase your chance of survival."

The monsters outside the universe are too strong, even if there is a glimmer of hope, they cannot be missed.

In this way, Zhan Fei must not let go of this divine source gold.

Even if it's low quality, I want it.

A large number are still needed, so it is best to arm all your men.

It would be better if Zhan Fei could get high-quality divine gold. In this way, those who are not very strong and have low-quality Divine Source Gold can be used as cannon fodder, and you and your closest people can escape, and the success rate will be even higher.

"It is speculated that... the importance of Shenyuanjin cannot be doubted, and it is even more important than me going to explore other broken starry skies. Moreover, the reason why several gods in this starry sky allow millions of saints to be born is to allow them to be born. These million saints possess divine source gold, probably because of this consideration.

"Just think about it, if one percent or even one-tenth of a million saints break through to the level of demigod, that would be 10,000 or even 100,000 demigods. That would be equivalent to... more than 10,000 or even ten Wan Duo's 'bait' may not make the monsters outside the world greedy, but the 'taste' of the half-step Yushen is no worse than the 'seriously injured remnant soul of the god Yu', and it will definitely make the monsters outside the world 'covetous'. It has a great appetite, and it can serve as a bait.”

All of a sudden, Zhan Fei figured out the plans of the five gods in the starry sky.

The starry sky is in such a situation, with numerous countries and saints emerging in endlessly, it is obvious that the gods of the universe have a plan.

"They are really cunning. In this case... I would be embarrassed not to have a hand in this starry sky..."

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