Seize Genes

Chapter 770 The big opportunity is right in front of you


When sound spreads in the air, it will form oscillations, just like there are a large number of dust particles in the air, and an ultra-high-speed camera is filming nearby, and then the captured images are slowed down many times in slow motion and played slowly. You can see that there are circles of strange ripples spreading in all directions at the source of the sound. Come if you like to play and watch. .

Moreover, the echoes that bounced back from the surroundings, various distant noises, and various strange ripples were entangled together, forming a vibration that looked very chaotic, but in fact, there was a pattern.

If you are strong enough, like Zhan Fei, you can clearly see the few dust particles in the air vibrating and jumping in the sun, simulate the patterns of these waves in your brain, and then... interpret the meaning of these sound waves. The hidden meaning! !

When ordinary people see messy ripples in the air, it is difficult to clearly distinguish which wave belongs to where. However, people who are accustomed to listening with their ears can listen to only one of them when hearing multiple sounds at the same time. sound. By the same token, it is nothing more than a matter of habit and ability. It is not difficult for Zhan Fei to read certain people's voices from the air fluctuations reflected by the light.

If it requires mental effort to interpret, he certainly won't notice it, and he won't be bored enough to listen to it. But with his strength, it is a simple matter that is almost an instinctive reaction.

The mysterious woman thought of blocking the sound waves she emitted within a certain range so that people further away could not hear her, so that she could communicate with others without leaking. However, he never expected that the sound waves would cause the dust in the air to vibrate and diffusely reflect light to be blocked, so Zhan Fei could clearly "hear" her voice.

"Interesting..." Zhan Fei narrowed his eyes slightly, and the electromagnetic waves in the air appeared in his eyes.

Electromagnetic waves are invisible and phaseless, and the electromagnetic waves emitted by various electronic communication equipment are not visible to the naked eye at all. However... this is only a theoretical method. In fact... there are various particles in the air. Nitrogen and oxygen alone have properties due to various reasons. Slightly biased towards positive or negative properties.

Everyone on earth knows that after a thunderstorm, the air contains a large number of "negative ions" that are beneficial to the human body. I just don’t know that normal air also contains a large number of positive and negative ions, and not all of them are “neutral particles”.

During the transmission of electromagnetic waves, these negative ions and positive ions in the air will be interfered by electromagnetic waves and form some kind of wonderful vibrations. Their movements caused the force field of dust in the air to move slightly, and the distortion of the diffuse reflection of light also produced abnormal movements. Therefore, a strong person can "see" the propagation of electromagnetism directly from the air, and even read the information in it.

Of course, you can also turn your ears into receivers like radios to receive electromagnetic waves. It's just that these electromagnetic signals are encrypted, and all you hear is noise. On the contrary, it is easier to decrypt by "watching" the electromagnetic fluctuations.

"Is it another teacher on campus?"

Zhan Fei's line of sight extended over and there were some walls that he could not "see through" or "see through", but there were some walls that he could see clearly, which meant having "see-through eyes".

Of course, the scenes seen by the "clairvoyance eye" are not the clear scenes in the "superpower movies", but some rather blurry things.

Various rays such as X-rays can penetrate the human body's clothing and skin to observe the bones and internal organs in the human body.

The air, under normal circumstances, also contains various types of "radiation".

It is not only nuclear substances and various electronic instruments that produce "radiation". In fact, everything in the world has "radiation", but the intensity is different. The energy beams emitted have different intensities, and some do not even contain particles. , just wonderful magnetic beams.

There are too many energy beams of all kinds between heaven and earth,

The most common is human "visible light", which is a strange beam. There are many, many special beams invisible to humans on any planet, with different types.

A single type of ray can penetrate walls and carry limited information. It looks like watching black and white TV with a "perspective eye", and the black and white contrast is adjusted to the maximum. It looks like the black and white in a history textbook. Portraits of people, even portraits slightly stained by ink.

But the images collected by multiple rays are combined to form a relatively clear pattern. However, the displayed image is different from the pattern formed by visible light to the naked eye.

The reason is that the image seen is "four-dimensional". Simply put, it means that the human eyes look at an empty wilderness, and at the same time find that various scenery near and far are blended together, either to simulate a hazy and distorted four-dimensional scene, or... …It’s like shooting a crudely processed two-dimensional picture. The two-dimensional view is a bit clearer, but the four-dimensional scene seen is simply not for normal people to see.

Zhan Fei is not a normal person.

"You are a beautiful woman, why would you want to be a thief..." Zhan Fei sighed softly.

The other correspondent was actually a woman, quite beautiful, wearing a pair of glasses, with tall blond hair, looking smart and capable. She was also sorting out lesson plans in her hand, multitasking.

"It's a pity... I'm on this campus, how can I allow you to cause trouble?"

Zhan Fei didn't know what plan these people were planning, but it was very likely that they were going to make a big noise. Once that big noise happened, it would definitely cause the campus to become eye-catching, which Zhan Fei didn't like.

Walking through the flower bed, Zhan Fei flicked his right hand, as if cleaning the dirt from his nails, but some mind-controlled femtobots shot out and penetrated into the woman's body. The reason why the Ami robot is not used is because the level of this thing is too high, and it would be bad if it is accidentally exposed.

The Femmi robot is just right. If it is hidden intentionally, it will be difficult for the Pimiko robot to find it, let alone ordinary evolvers who only use mind-controlled nanorobots.

Walking towards the teaching school, Zhan Fei was about to pretend that he had no intention of passing by the beautiful blonde teacher, when Zhan Fei's steps froze slightly and his expression changed slightly.

"The matter is more troublesome than I imagined... I originally thought it was a group of gangsters who lurked in the school and wanted to do harm to the school, but I never expected..."

Zhan Fei discovered that the woman's body into which he had implanted the mind-controlled femtobot actually had other mind-controlled femtobots lurking, which was fatal.

"She is actually controlled by others. She has at least twelve key nodes in her body implanted with heterogeneous femtobots. At critical moments, she can use those femtobots to heal her injuries, or she can be induced to self-destruct by those femtobots. Simply ... There is a semi-saint behind this woman... No, at least a powerful person at the level of Hunyuan Saint is controlling her.

"This is just a shrimp that is not strong enough to be an advanced evolver. Is this kind of chess piece controlled by a powerful person at the level of a Hunyuan Saint?"

Zhan Fei's face was as dark as water, and he realized that he had inadvertently gotten into a big troublesome incident, and now it was too late to withdraw from this school.

"Damn it...what kind of luck, I obviously want to keep a low profile, but I encounter all kinds of uncontrollable troubles one after another..."

Halfway through muttering, Zhan Fei thought: "Luck? Luck?"

Look up at the sky.

He thought of the Divine Tree sub-universe, and the many planes in that sub-universe. Under the control of his will, he was the way of heaven there, the supreme existence there. With a thought, the fate, luck, and fate of mortals in the entire plane could be changed. Any kind of luck can be adjusted by him, making people go to heaven or hell in an instant.

At the beginning, he did not seize the Divine Tree sub-universe, and the cosmic consciousness of the Divine Tree sub-universe was still asleep. The Styx Ancestor also intended to seize the Divine Tree sub-universe, but he did not dare to invade places such as the main material plane easily, because it would Repulsed by heaven and earth.

"Is it possible...this starry sky..."

Zhan Fei felt a creepy feeling, goosebumps only common to mortals appeared all over his body, and his heart was filled with shock.

"If the Shenyuan Universe suddenly breaks into countless pieces, it is a kind of 'break and then stand up', and it wants to undergo transformation, rather than because of an unexpected force that causes the Shenyuan Universe to collapse into countless pieces, then it means that the Shenyuan Universe The universe also has a kind of will that exists in the universe. It may not necessarily have great wisdom or normal thinking, but at least it has an "instinct" of "survival".

"Various previous incidents have speculated that this kind of will may actually exist. For example, the leak of the origin of the universe, for example, various mortals inexplicably use inter-dimensional God-destroying cannons to bomb everywhere. This all means that there is something behind the scenes. An 'existence' that is more powerful than a large number of cosmic gods united is controlling it.

"That powerful existence cannot be an extraterrestrial monster. All circumstances have ruled out that it is the terrifying extraterrestrial monster. Then, only the 'instinct' or will of the divine universe is left.

"Since it is the will of a unified divine universe, then why... after the entire divine universe is split into countless small pieces, the time passes at a different speed in each starry sky?

"It has only been a few days since my Divine Origin Universe became independent from the outside world. However, in some places in the Divine Origin Universe, decades have passed, and some places have experienced hundreds of years. There are even people passing under this starry sky. This has been the case for hundreds of years.

"To sum up, one has to speculate about a possibility...the Divine Origin Universe is collapsing. Is the 'consciousness' of the Divine Origin Universe, the 'instinct' or the thing called 'will' of the Divine Origin Universe? Is it also falling apart?"

Zhan Fei's heart skipped a beat.

Luo Chong, Zhan Fei's old classmate, how talented is he? However, due to an accident, schizophrenia turned into countless personalities. Zhan Fei has split into two different personalities before. All Yushen have eliminated their evil thoughts. After the evil thoughts are sealed, they can also be split into countless evil thoughts.

So, why can’t the will of the universe be divided?

The previous origins of the universe were split, scattered in different voids, and blessed by different powerful people. Only then did new cosmic gods emerge one after another, and only then did the divine source mines condense. Isn’t it surprising that the will of the universe is divided?

"The biggest evidence is... After I came to this starry sky, my luck became a little weird... If I was rejected by this world, then the will of heaven and earth would crush me, and I would have been discovered by the gods long ago. Unless this world The will has become extremely weak, and the will of this starry sky has been separated from the will of the entire divine source universe... This is why I, who has the protection of the 'divine source fruit' and the 'supreme life artifact fragment', still encounter strange things. Weird luck phenomenon, but at the same time, no major problems occurred due to luck.

"If it's the rejection of the entire Divine Origin Universe, I can't do anything at all. But if it's just the will of this starry sky that rejects it, then everything will go wrong but there is still something that can be done.

"Is the will of this starry sky independent of the will of the universe? Has the will of the universe really awakened and split into countless pieces?"

Zhan Fei guessed, passed this information back to his body, and discussed it with Zhan Tian, ​​the weapon spirit of "Zhou Ji Tian Shu", and his daughter Zhan Ling'er.

"It's extremely possible!!" Zhan Tian said: "The will of the universe does not have real wisdom. Otherwise, all the power and body protection that controls the universe would be enough to resist the monsters outside the universe, and it would be enough to suppress all the gods in the universe to prevent trouble within the universe. But It couldn't do it. Therefore, it leaked a lot of its origins, hoping to give birth to a strong man in the universe who could resist the monsters outside the universe. However, this did not happen, so it instinctively wanted to wake up and have wisdom. The only way is to take risks. Not only does it prevent the body from cracking and the Divine Origin Universe splitting into countless fragments, but it also has to keep its will from breaking into many fragments, and then compete with each other like a poison. Fighting and devouring each other, in the end, all wills merge into one, and they must have great wisdom and determination. The powerful will of the universe will become a new life form, with countless stars in the entire universe as 'cells' or 'organs' in the body, crossing A great disaster!”

Zhan Ling'er said: "This statement has the meaning of 'hypothetical speculation'. There is no evidence at all, but various clues show that Zhan Tian's guess is very likely to be true. If this is true, then...Dad , the opportunity has come.”

Zhan Tian said: "That's right, if you seize the luck of heaven and earth, you will be favored by heaven and earth. In the past, the divine source and the universe were one, and they did not dare to fuse the origin of the universe randomly, but now there is no problem. Moreover, after seizing the luck, you will be favored by heaven and earth. , just like when you took the body of the 'Sacred Tree Sub-Universe', let the will of that sub-universe recognize you, and you can sneak attack, seize the body, and turn it into your own body without defense. "

Zhan Fei smiled bitterly: "It makes sense, but how to gain luck?"

"It will always be useful to find ways to gain more and greater reputation in this starry sky. Moreover, not only this starry sky, but other broken starry skies must also go. This is an unprecedented big Opportunity, to go to more starry sky worlds, to obtain more clues and information, to deduce the truth, to find ways to benefit... This kind of great opportunity, if you give up, you will be punished by the Sky Eagle "Yes!" Zhan Tian said.

Zhan Ling'er was also very excited and said: "Dad, you must not let this opportunity pass by."

Zhan Fei nodded: "I understand... This is a great opportunity that can surpass Yushen a thousand times or even tens of thousands of times. He can be promoted to a life that is more powerful and advanced than Yushen, enough to protect what he cherishes." My love and all my loved ones, I will take care of you.”

However, all previous speculations are still just speculations and there is no actual evidence.

For example, "bad luck" may be just a coincidence, and it is not just the reason for being rejected by the will of this starry sky. More observation is needed in this aspect before you dare to draw a conclusion. Otherwise, if the guess is wrong, big problems will occur.

Moreover, before that, we must first get through the calamity in front of us, a trouble that does not count...

Zhan Fei didn't dare to kill the woman in the flower bed at will. He was worried that if he alerted the Hunyuan Saint to come to check, it would be easy to cause an accident and attract Yushen.

So, let’s wait and see what happens and walk silently to the teaching building, Classroom 317.

Pushing the door open and walking in, he looked around at the dozens of young students in the classroom.

"I don't know, how many of these students are real living people, and how many are fake?" Zhan Fei's mind moved slightly, and he did a little probing, and the results he got surprised him.

He closed the door and walked to the podium, smiling slightly: "Dear students, I am Teacher Yuan. Starting from today's class, I will teach all the biology courses in this class..."

"Report!!" A blond female student below suddenly raised her hand, then stood up straight and asked with a smile: "Teacher Yuan, you are so handsome."


"Just now, you are taking all the biology courses in our class. Does this also include... courses on human physiological structure, as well as puberty physiological hygiene knowledge?" The girl asked with a smile.

In an instant, the whole class burst into laughter, and several female students loudly said: "I agree..."

"If Teacher Yuan himself teaches us about the biology of the male body structure, I would support it with both hands and feet."

The students laughed even louder.

Zhan Fei's head is full of black lines... a group of restless stinky girls and stinky sons. Age, so dirty?

However, it seems that more than one-third of these underage students are no longer "junior"...

"The fallen Lota star..." Zhan Fei muttered in his heart. l3l4 (Sikushu)

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