Seized by the System

Chapter 806: Salted duck eggs

Somewhere in the rice villa, the black robe is receiving the valiant armor.

Sometimes he also feels that things are wonderful in the world. In the past, the two sides confronted each other. The other side almost sent him to see the Buddha several times. However, now they are working closely together.

Even the self-proclaimed righteous knight, is it not the same to cooperate with the devil like himself?

"Do you want to grow medicine slave? This is easy to say, the cost price is provided to you." Black robe according to the master's account, very happy.

It is a strategy that the master has long planned to support the Chivalric Armor against the gods of the upper realm.

"It's so good, this place needs three million skilled medicine farmers, the sooner the better." Fang Ning patiently said.

"It's ready to be deployed in one month." Black robe said from himself.

"Well, this seat is waiting for good news." Fang Ning turned around and left.

"Wait, I have something to ask you." Black robe said suddenly.

Fang Ning stood still and said lightly: "What's the matter?"

"Why did you sign the boring God-Man contract?"

"This seat has always been based on chivalry, the gods are brazen, and innocent livelihoods are the plight, so I have to temporarily obey."

"Sure enough. You are so stupid, even if those gods kill billions of mortals, what are you afraid of? You hold the blood to kill the reincarnation, you can save its soul, and then reincarnate. Mechanical spider , It's much easier to use than mortals. "Black robe shook his head.

"Huh, it really is the idea of ​​the magic path. The path is different, there is no collusion, there is nothing to explain, and you won't understand it." Fang Ning stared at the other's eyes, and it was all cold inside.

The black robe disdainfully said: "You are really pedantic, you have the opportunity to block all the shameless gods and Buddhas from the earth. With your current strength, they will kill the next one, why should you care about the life and death of those boring mortals? You What you are practicing is the way of punishment by nature. In this way, the power will certainly rise rapidly. When you enter the realm of heaven and gods, how easy is it to create people? Those mortal gods will never die, they will never die, and they will be resurrected. You really do n’t know what to do! "

Fang Ning is silent, he will not believe that the other party will kindly plan for himself, there must be a conspiracy.

"Hey, he was right!" Some Erhuo was said to be tempted.

"The lying trough ... really can't stop your pig teammate," Fang Ning said silently. "What kind of kindness do you think this guy can save? Really according to what he said, it is estimated that we are not far away from the magic! In this way, there is no taboo in doing things, no bottom line, whatever you want. "

"Impossible, I will never fall into the devil, you can rest assured." Uncle was still dispelling Fang Ning's concerns.

"Less nonsense, this is definitely a big pit. If you do this, you will betray the rules of chivalry. There will definitely be big problems. In this regard, I feel more useful than you. I have played countless games. Fang Ning firmly said.

The uncle heard that his attitude was uncertain: "Is it true? You haven't fooled me habitually?"

"Absolutely. He said it nicely. However, if you think about it, even if you are in a hurry, will any heroes do this? Just worry about your own killing, regardless of your home being annihilated?" Fang Ning carefully analyzed.

No analysis is not possible. Uncle has short-sightedness and cannot see too far, so the mistakes he made are not two.

"It seems reasonable to say that. When the heroes are really troublesome, it is no wonder that in the novels you read, many of the protagonists are willing to take the evil path ..." The uncle said unhappy.

Fang Ning said silently: "You also said, that's a novel ..."

Black robe saw that the knight was not speaking, and was secretly happy in his heart. It seemed that the other party was shaken. As long as the other party did so, the demons would take root.

In his words, there are naturally huge pits, what is "the soul of the gods is not extinguished", mortal souls are like fireflies, as long as the gods and Buddhas are targeted, the gods and spirits are destroyed, it is easy, as long as they release the dignity. No matter how weak the avatar is, mortal souls can't fight it.

When the other party discovers this, he will feel guilty, so the demons will appear and slide all the way to the abyss.

The other party will voluntarily abandon himself, set aside everything, get into the devil completely, and die with the Buddha, the owner can enjoy the benefits of the fisherman.

Just when the black robe fell into YY, Fang Ning was agitated and said with awe: "Your intention is understood by this seat, but this seat will not do that. Just to improve your strength, you will ignore the innocent life and death. Boren, Boren died by me. I will not take it. "

Black robe carefully looked at the knightly armor, then shook his head, but fortunately he did not worship this kind of sand sculpture as the master ...

For a moment of power, it will be tied by a group of ants who are not as good as ants. It is really unreasonable. The so-called pedantic is nothing more than this.

"Since you do n’t listen to the faithful words, then it ’s up to you to wait until the gods and gods of the upper realm enter this realm in a big way and stand on your heels. At that time, you will regret it late! You will eventually understand that what I say is the earth The only life of man lies. "Black robe shook his head and sighed.

Although he conceals misfortunes, he is right in objectively speaking. This is the only chance for Victory A to win. Only by abandoning all concerns and fighting with the **** and Buddha in the end, can we bravely advance and go straight on.

As it is now, being grasped by the gods and gods of the upper realm, taking the human race as the hostage and making concessions step by step, the consequence is to lead the wolf into the room and suffer endless troubles.

Fang Ning turned his head and left. The other party might be right, but he couldn't follow suit.

For him, the greatest benefit is not to kill the gods of the upper realm, but to maintain the stability of the system. Perhaps the black robe is feasible, but he cannot afford the risk of a system crash.

Once the system collapses, his salted duck egg will be completely beaten back to the prototype.

He knew very well that his perseverance, wisdom, and aptitude could not make him rise in this mythological era, and it was a blessing to be able to live in peace.

"Uh, don't you always admit to salted fish? How come you suddenly compare salted duck eggs? What is this allusion?" Uncle asked very curiously.

"You don't peep at my thoughts," Fang Ning was anxiously corrupted.

"Uh, what do you mean by salted duck eggs first?" Uncle asked.

"Go!" Fang Ning wouldn't explain to these two goods. He once read a joke, written by a famous writer ... Once the sea was hard to make water, salty duck eggs in other countries, I really despise.

"Oh, I see, you're the salted duck egg that everyone can't look at," the uncle suddenly said.

"Damn, I shouldn't think about it." Fang Ning was feeble.


The black robe sent away Xia Kejia. After thinking for a while, I went to Yuelu and reported to the owner.

However, when he came to the wooden house above Yuelu, he found nothing there.

Uh, the master left, why didn't he inform himself?

He carefully inspected the surroundings ~ ~ There is already an atmosphere on the moon, this is the day, dark brown rocks are everywhere.

He looked closely for a while, and suddenly found a stone with a very secret mark hidden between the rock textures.

If he is not master of the magic path, he really can't find this.

He thought about it, pinched a drop of blood and smeared it on the mark.

Soon, an illusory figure appeared, it was the devil's wisdom.

"The gods are coming, I will also go to the extraterrestrial sky, to fulfill my plan, you are lurking on the earth, all actions are subject to the previous order, pay attention to adapting to the situation." After the unreal figure said this, it disappeared immediately.

Suddenly, the black robe hurried to the place where the figure disappeared, bowed three times, and then got up and left.

"Huh, what the Gods and Buddhas in the upper realm, the Warrior A can't deal with you, but the master can definitely make you unable to eat around." He thought very firmly in his heart.

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