Seized by the System

Chapter 844: Self-help

"According to data analysis, the observation of the spacecraft by Venus 76 revealed that the meteorite impacted the Venus equatorial plain event, which is not a natural phenomenon. Analysis of the trajectory of the meteorite shows that the direction and speed of the meteorite movement are not the data that natural stars should have, 76.77% The probability is artificial. "Hung Hou gave accurate data.

The black robe held his chin like a detective.

He is not a fool, and he immediately thought of a possibility.

"In this way, they are not god-level civilizations in science fiction, because if it is the other party, it will not make us easily aware of this strange thing. It is more likely that the other party is a nasty astronaut as human ... "

Although there are other possibilities, such as the intentional exposure of the other party, but the black robe understands the truth, since it is an analysis, it must be estimated according to the greatest possibility, otherwise, there is no end to judgment. Because the possibilities are endless.

He can even suspect that it was a trick made by the saints of the upper realm, but this is obviously unlikely, because it is not necessary, their focus is on the earth, not the dead Venus ...

"Can you determine the source of these meteorites?" He asked immediately.

"It can be judged that the most likely source is Mars, based on the trajectory captured in the photo." Hou Hou continued to give his judgment.

Black robe nodded, and felt that this really "artificial" intelligence was easy to use.

Encountered this kind of problem, and replaced it with the analysis of human beings. There is no time for months, and I don't want to get such a conclusion.

Now, in just a few seconds, the analysis and deduction have been completed, and the analysis is scientific, and the result obtained is also the one with the highest probability of hit.

"Mars? Is there anything on it?" The black robe recalled a moment, and suddenly thought of something.

He then sent one more ...

System space.

Fang Ning is working overtime for the New Year in a brutal manner. Counting the time, he has not rested for three or four months.

Sure enough, it is not something that ordinary people can play.

Anyone who can have this ambition is a man among men.

Fang Ning couldn't help it. Whenever he couldn't help but want to be lazy, the uncle would count it in advance and deliberately stimulate him ...

After all, he still had to slap his face, so he had to grind his teeth and insist.

At this moment,> turned out to be the devil, he came to curiosity.

"I heard you removed a demon on Mars?"

The news was sent to the knightly armor by the black robe.

"Yeah, a guy who claims to be a Moon Demon, and his strength is quite strong. This seat used a trick to kill it."

"Destroyed? It seems that there are future problems, at least now it's out of order."

A photo was sent with the same series of analysis.

Fang Ning looked at it and suddenly panicked, quickly waking up the uncle.

"Uncle, this should be the race left behind by the moon demon you killed when you first entered the Inner Sea level long ago?"

"Probably, after so long, it has multiplied again ..." Uncle Zhizhu's tone was holding.

"His, is this your calculation?" Fang Ning was more surprised. Compared with the previous news, the tone of the uncle made him terrified.

Is this still the stupid system uncle?

Unconsciously, it actually learned such a deep routine?

"Hahahaha, the rich man who knows me too. That's why, I killed it at that time, and didn't cut the grass and eradicate the roots, just for today. Now it seems that it's time to harvest another wave!" Uncle proudly said.

"Well, that's the case, but you're so self-respecting, aren't you afraid of losing the chivalrous value?" Fang Ning expressed his deep concern about this. He had little experience and big rules, and he couldn't lose stability because of greed.

"Uh, I wasn't intentional at the time, how could it fall ..." Uncle said halfway, and quickly shut up.

"Sure enough, you really don't forget to put gold on your face, but unfortunately, the wise men don't pretend, they must have real wisdom to do it." Fang Ning pretended lightly.

The uncle was immediately depressed: "According to you, I have never been able to become a wise system?"

"Well, you are a kimchi system, where is there any wisdom? There is scientific research that proves that playing kimchi games for a long time will reduce IQ. It can be seen that your rules determine that you ca n’t do this. You still continue to use the original It's just good to carry forward the specialty, do the tricks and practice the exercises, don't force on those things that are not good at it. "Fang Ning bitterly said.

"It's all yours to be reasonable anyway, but since they are reborn, I have to wipe them out, lest they harm others in the future." The uncle revived.

"Wait, they have the ability to multiply on Mars, and they have also begun to colonize Venus, which shows that their group has more advantages in adapting to the environment in the mythological era than humans. We should not simply Extermination, and there should be a choice. "Fang Ning carefully analyzed.

"Uh, is this the difference between my wisdom and yours?" The uncle suddenly said decadently.

"Hahahaha, Xiaotong, don't be so sad. The so-called inch is short, the ruler is long, you are not originally from this piece, you don't have to be frustrated about it. I'm fighting for nothing, and I'm not overly depressed." Fang Ning appeased.

"You are using the wrong idiom, that is, the ruler is shorter, the inch is longer, and you come to comfort me. You are not frustrated, because you have always been wasteful, and you never care ..." Uncle sorrowfully said.

"..." Fang Ning was speechless and angrily angry. "Less nonsense, now, you go to Mars immediately."

"I'm going, that's not you," said the uncle, hosting Fang Ning's body, turning into a green dragon and flying into space.

"Why don't you teleport in the past?" Fang Ning looked at the sudden change of scenery through the system perspective. It was originally a sunshine, but now it is dark.

There was only a green dragon with a golden light, shaking his head and wagging his tail, walking through the darkness.

This is the case with space. Without air, there is no scattering of light. In most places, except for those shiny and reflective stars, they look black.

"Teleport, there is no prestige, what could be more shocking than a dragon coming to the planet?" Uncle Zhen Zhen said.

"Oh, what I said is that it can also be better identified. Those guys still have medicine to save. Although you lack great wisdom, you are also a little smart." Fang Ning praised.

"I really don't know if it's boasting me ~ ~ or scolding me." The uncle said, driving Qinglong straight all the way.

"By the way, I am curious. How do you locate in space? This is not on the earth. Go to a place and set the latitude and longitude directly. Mars is also moving at high speed in the universe." Fang Ning Suddenly became a science lover.

"Uh, I have it on the system map, don't you know?" Uncle despised.

Fang Ning quickly looked at the system map, and sure enough, there was a small dark red dot on it, and a large blue dot.

Needless to say, the blue one is the earth, and the dark red one is where Mars is. There is a green line between the two.

And the green straight line is constantly changing.

As long as the uncle flies in that straight line that changes constantly, after all, in space, there is no need to detour ...

As long as the target route is determined, it is really difficult to get lost.


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