Seized by the System

Chapter 847: Optimus Prime

.. I was hosted by the system

Longwei God Prison.

"Lei Tian, ​​in view of your good performance in the past year, now give you a chance to make atonement ..."

After receiving orders from Fang Ning, Anderson found War Demon Lei Tian, ​​who lived in a single room on the top floor of a prison building in the back.

The opponent is indulging in the Shennian Robot Competition.

Too many things have happened in the past two to three years, many industries have declined, especially in the context of the 30-year migration, some well-informed people have begun to shrink their industries, trying to useless industries such as real estate, land, etc. Transform into an easy-to-carry, high-value item.

For example, precious medicinal materials, various mysterious things, resources that can increase power, and as for gold, no one knows whether the new planet is more or less, so there is no large amount of hoarding.

However, Shennian Robotics has always been supported by an official background and has never lacked resources.

People who are unemployed because of the turbulent environment have joined this new business.

As long as you reach a certain level of competition and you do not have to leave the house, you can get official subsidies, mainly based on food and daily necessities, which can be regarded as an iron rice bowl.

Fortunately, China is backed by a heritage of secrets. At least the official supply of necessities such as grains and oils is still sufficient to maintain the stability of prices. It is difficult to say elsewhere.

It's a pity that Lei Tian, ​​as a regular guest of the championship, won't get all his income into his own pocket, and was intercepted by the uncle.

It's just that Lei Tian didn't care about this at all. When he heard that he could fight in that real world again, the whole person was red with excitement ...

That's right, his soul is now completely red, like fire all over his body, burning.

After seeing this, Anderson left Sanzhangyuan, apparently not wanting to set himself on fire. After opening the cell door, he led the other party to Fang Ning.

Although he was out of the cell, Lei Tian did not try to escape during the whole process. He had long known that there was a real **** in this space.

"I can finally go out to fight. Although the Shennian robot is easy to use, after all, there is no refreshment from the fist to the flesh. I can't wait to tell me where the enemy is?" Lei Tian shouted at him after seeing Fang Ning. Shouted.

Fang Ning frowned slightly, then relieved that after all, the other party was a warrior and could not be truly tamed, just squatting for a few years.

He didn't care about the other party's attitude, but thought of something, secretly said to the uncle: "Uncle, you just said something wrong."

"What's the matter? Hurry." Uncle said impatiently.

"You just said that Lei Tian is not distressed when he dies. I just remembered his voice just now. This guy is still the champion of the Shenzhou Shennian Robot Contest. In the year-end summary report I checked a few days ago, he created it for you. The economic value of it is equivalent to several companies with good benefits ... If you are really dead, you will definitely feel distressed. "

"Uh, before the battle, I would have forgotten about this matter. In this way, it is still a spectator who is a tycoon. It seems that I can't let him die easily. Then you contribute to the tycoon. Use the Tianbei for him. "The uncle asked for it.

"..." Fang Ning lifted a stone and smashed his foot, but he had no choice but to endure it with pain. "Forget it, let my Tianbei baby walk with him. I believe that the turtle can't break me." Tianbei. "

Fortunately, he is well-known, the solidity of the heavenly stele is also a magic weapon of heaven, and the earth has a 20-year-old planetary consciousness, which is much higher than the Martian consciousness, which is only a few months old.

Fang Ning called out the green-skinned frog and commanded, "You will be attached to this red **** soul as soon as possible to provide him with protection. In case he is about to be hung up, you will quickly slip away. I believe in your judgment. "

"Ok, master, how can I also be the host of Tianmen, this thing can still be done." Green Skin Frog said very confidently.

Then it flashed into the soul of Thunder Sky.

During the whole process, Lei Tian did not respond.

It's not that he can't react, but he knows that it's best to be at the mercy of people here so that they can eat good fruit.

After all, he is a clever war demon.

Real warriors are absolutely smart, because the challenges they face are the most difficult in the world. Any wrong choice is the difference between life and death.

In the face of battle, all stubbornness and stupidity must give way, and in order to win, they can discover every advantage.

"But it's not enough, it's not dazzling enough ... I remember that the system's fresh-keeping area also contains 10 buildings sent by the truth office, which were sent by Shennian robots." The uncle said brokenly, and then Fang Ning heard system hint.

(The system consumes 10 million experience points, uses legendary carpenter skills, and transforms the construction of the Shennian robot into the battle of the Shennian robot.)

Then Fang Ning saw a Optimus Prime in front of him!

The typical red and blue color bars and the tall and sturdy machine body are daunting.

"Uh, uncle, your taste is really serious." Fang Ning looked up at the giant autobot leader ...

"It's okay. I originally wanted to make Megatron, but I couldn't think about it later. After all, I'm a hero system. How can I be with saboteurs?" Uncle Zhen Zhen said.

"Uh, in fact, you are still a little simple, Megatron is not a simple saboteur, but also has its own philosophy ... Forget, as long as children know that Optimus Prime is good, Megatron is bad. , It is enough. "Fang Ning is too lazy to give uncle science.

"You're secretly cursing me again, but I don't have time to deal with you now. You let Lei Tian enter this Optimus Prime. It is big enough and bright enough to definitely attract the attention of Mars consciousness." .

"Well, I totally believe this." Fang Ning agreed with this one hundred, without raising the bar.


When Optimus Prime appeared above Mars, as expected, the earth dragon rushed up and fought with it for the first time.

Still the same as before, was killed, and then reborn, non-stop cycle.

And Lei Tian is obviously very happy with this kind of battle, which means that he has an opponent who does not know life and death, and can let him play as he pleases.

If the uncle's fighting skills are at the level of God, then Lei Tian's fighting skills are second only to God's Angel King.

At this time, the uncle had vainly changed into a small green dragon, not much larger than an earthworm, and successfully infiltrated Mars without causing any reaction.

"Awesome," Fang Ning saw here, and couldn't help wondering, "You actually concealed this Martian consciousness, this guy is a bit too cheated."

"Hum, what do you know, that Optimus Prime is my creation, with my breath, so the Martian consciousness will not doubt that it is not through the appearance to distinguish things, but through the breath of rules." Uncle triumphantly.

"Oh, this is actually normal," Fang Ning said. "Anyway, you are a three-year-old system, and it's just a few months old doll. It's not surprising that you can lie to it."

"..." Uncle has nothing to say, that's how it is.

If Mars consciousness is born longer and has more experience, it will not be easily attracted by Lei Tian to all his attention, while ignoring another truly dangerous infiltrator.

At this time, the mini green dragon had fallen on a desert, on the tan sand, and there were still traces of huge objects moving.

"Sure enough, this place is full of a strange breath of life." Uncle noticed the problem for the first time.

"What kind of breath?" Fang Ning curiously ~ ~ Magic energy, but it is very weak. If it is not for me to remove the magic often, it can't be distinguished. "

"It seems that the moon demon you killed last time, and the remains it left have spawned a new race, and then there will be a magic energy. I believe this magic energy is also the basis for their survival." Fang Ning analyzed, "In this case, they must be closely related to Mars consciousness. As long as you catch the sacrificial person in their ethnic group, you can establish a connection with that Mars consciousness, find out where it is."

"You finally have some use." The uncle gratified.

"I really don't like to hear your words. I have always been very useful." Fang Ning was very dissatisfied.

"Hum, every time you fight, you are paddling and touching fish, what role did it play?" Uncle asked.

"Of course it works. In any battle, I haven't cheered you on?" Fang Ning Zhenzhen said.



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