Seized by the System

Chapter 852: What is there

After a while, the uncle asked again: "Don't say anything, but give an idea?"

"There is no right to speak without investigation. I can't sense it. Of course, I can't say anything, otherwise I will pit you." Fang Ning said depressed.

"Uh ... I didn't expect you to be an honest person," the uncle sighed. "It's actually very simple. I have two options now. One is to accidentally use the Sky Sword to crush it. It's very powerful outside. , It ’s unbeatable, but its heart is very fragile, without defense, and is very similar to human beings. The second is to capture it completely and grab it into the system space. It ’s just that the latter method is not stable and may make it Escape. Just like Jing Ke stabbing Qin, he had the opportunity to kill King Qin directly because he wanted to catch him alive, and finally failed. "

"Oh, I think you are lack of greed. If you want to capture, it will give it a chance to escape, and finally it will become a big problem. Next time, it will definitely not be so easily caught by us. This first opportunity, actually The most precious opportunity, you choose the first kind. "Fang Ning suggested.

He asked himself a stable personality, he did not like risk, gambling, and venture capital never touched.

In the current situation, it is obvious that one hundred deaths have been killed, and no future troubles will be left.

From the conversation between the earth dragon and Lei Tian just now, one can clearly know a fact.

If it is allowed to become a climate, it will be a big disaster, I don't know how many innocent people are going to die.

"Forget it, you are right. Safety first, it's better to break it up and clean it up, than to escape revenge by it."

At the critical moment, the uncle is quite obedient. After all, the benefits are better than safety.

At this moment, the mini green dragon turned into a small sword, like a toothpick, Libby **** needle.

However, at this time, the ground monument still hidden in the system space, the macaw appeared on its own initiative.

"Master, just now Dao Dad informed me that you will capture this core for it, it will give you great benefits." The fiery macaw yelled with a pair of blue wings.

"Uh, weird, why did Heavenly Dad always send messages to me through you recently?" Fang Ning wondered.

"Hum, you must have been too lazy, and you have fallen out of favor!"

"Nonsense! I have been working hard, and I haven't taken a vacation in the past few months!" Fang Ningqiang argued, "It must be that Heavenly Dad did not want to be found a key contact with me because he was against the upper bounds. Heaven's magic weapon tells us that this is to protect me and love me! "

"..." Uncle was speechless, and when it came to talking about distortions, ten of them were not host opponents.

"The host said," the macaw supported Fang Ning. "Heaven's father should be this consideration. After all, we are a magic weapon of heaven. Don't worry about the coveting of those bad guys. The master can't do it. Your soul is fragile and easy to be targeted."

"You two, don't talk nonsense, tell me first, what benefits can those two goods give me?" Uncle sorrowfully said.

The macaw knows this mysterious voice, is the real master of this space, and the real culprit in conquering himself and the brothers of Tianbei ...

He was a little scared when he heard the words: "It says it can give you a lot of merit ..."

"Those are useless! Now it's hard to guarantee by itself. This thing is the empty cheque it issued. It used to be very valuable. Now no one knows if it will survive to the end. I don't recognize this anymore."

"In that case, what do you want?" The macaw asked boldly.

"This simple, cheap outsider is not as cheap as your own. In case it loses, it becomes a plaything for the gods of the upper realm. Those heaven and earth treasures on the earth, give me a piece of information, I will get it myself, don't worry about it. "Uncle heard this, immediately the lion opened his mouth.

"Uh, wait a minute, I'll ask." The macaw doesn't think this requirement can be met, but it doesn't dare to refuse.

The master can only shelter it for a while, but the master will also have time to sleep, and this guy seems to never sleep ...

For example, Brother Tianbei, who has been sent out to block the knife, is estimated to have more pits on his body after returning.

That Martian sky is not a good match.

"Hurry and ask, and remind it by the way, it's running out of time!" Uncle is very confident.

Fang Ning was dumbfounded. The uncle's thick-skinned face was unparalleled.

Doing business with Heavenly Dad is still so confident, and it is the only one in the world.

It did n’t take long for the macaw to answer incredulously: “Heaven ’s Dad agreed, and he also said, as long as you can get this core, what does He have to give ...”

"His ..." Fang Ning ate a catty, it seems that the core of Mars consciousness is extremely important to Heavenly Dad.

Otherwise, how can it say such a thing?

In the past, hundreds of merits and demerits were searched, but now they are so generous.

The uncle ignored Fang Ning's so many psychological activities, and now said: "It's so good, I will take it here."

Fang Ning hurriedly stopped it: "It wasn't as good as it was said just now, safety is the first, we need to break it up and talk about it."

"Nonsense, the sages have said that as long as there is a profit of 300%, the capitalists will dare to commit any crime, and even risk hanged. Now it is not triple profit, but countless times! Of course I dare to take risks. Anyway, the worst result is just to let it run away, not let us die. "The uncle straightened.

"Uh, Lao Ma's words are used here by you, it really suits the situation ..." Fang Ning had nothing to say.

However, Fang Ning always felt that something was amiss, but he couldn't remember anything wrong for a while, and he could only let the uncle act.

At this time, the mini green dragon recovered from the small sword, holding a piece of yellow silk cloth in both paws.

It was like an array given by the former King Tianjing, the array of "Four Elephants Forbidden Array", which was used to imprison monsters.

Now, it seems to be the right medicine.

Uncle's method is not just that.

For the innumerable profits, obviously the uncle took out all the means of pressing the bottom of the box.

The mini green dragon flashed, and there were mini fire dragons, white dragons, yellow dragons, blue dragons ...

"Are you going to be a gourd dragon?" Fang Ning couldn't help vomiting.

"Less nonsense, don't disturb me to get rich ..." Uncle Zhen Zhen said.

Five dragons, sneakily approaching the black core three kilometers below.

Although Fang Ning could not see where the target was, he was able to guess through the actions of these dragons that the uncle wanted to conduct a sneak attack.

He can only hope that the uncle will succeed, and will not fail like Jing Ke.

It turns out that his worries are a bit redundant.

This Martian sky, which has just evolved self-awareness, is not that smart yet.

Or, in the birth of the Moon Demon, it was implanted with arrogant traits, which made it completely unprepared.

When the five-headed dragon approached tens of meters away from the core, it did not respond.

If Fang Ning discovers this, he must doubt whether it is a trap.

The core area of ​​dignified heaven and earth has no defense force? Is n’t this funny?

However, this is the case.

The mini green dragon threw the yellow cloth, and the other four dragons immediately divided into the four corners of the town.

At the core of this heavenly path, when there is no reflection, it has fallen into the enemy's claws.

The next moment ~ ~ It has no resistance, and enters the system preservation area ...

Fang Ning can even see the hot air above ...

"This, this is too easy!" Fang Ning was very surprised, still a little unbelievable.

Ordinarily, it should not be the 300 rounds of the war, did the earth dragon come to the rescue after hearing the news?

"Huh, what do you know? The layman looks easy, and only the insider understands. The sages said, the warrior has no merit. To achieve this, I was very expensive. I just used it when I was approaching. It took a lot of power to hide the traces. If I were also a regular incarnation, it was not so accessible. "Uncle Zhen Zhen said.

"Okay, you don't need to say anything," Fang Ning gestured to the uncle to hold a dog's mouth, "I suddenly want to understand now, just now Dao Dad promised to say, what did he give, did you think But what if He is now a poor ghost? "

"..." Uncle suddenly stunned the dog, if it had a figure, it would definitely be in this state.

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