Seized by the System

Chapter 855: Begging for fish

Fusang Islands, at the foot of a ruined mountain.

The **** of plague is introducing the latest progress to the **** of the moon.

"Now the computing power of these biological computers has far surpassed the latest and strongest supercomputers of human beings. As for the legendary quantum computers, there is no comparison yet. I have no clue, after all, this is not the kind of Shinto law I am good at, it is that Demon Saint should be very good, but unfortunately they are not the same way. "Plague God shook his head.

"With its power, how much can you infer the change of heaven and earth in this world?" Moon God nodded and asked with concern.

"If it used to be, these computing powers are enough, but I have recently felt that there is a change in the heavenly path of the realm. I am afraid that it will take some time to improve. We can find out the weaknesses of the heavenly path of the realm and successfully guide it," Speaking of here, the **** of plague suddenly complained, "Let me say that this is still the pot of the saints. If they took advantage of the heavenly path of the realm before they were awakened, they would insert the nails deeper, so why is it so troublesome. "

Luna shook his head and said: "Things are not so simple, the two avenues are very different. The saints can make a gap in the heavenly path of this realm, allowing me to stay in. It is already very difficult. Otherwise, as soon as we enter this realm Being completely denied his own existence, there is no possibility of staying. After all, this is a materialistic world. "

Hearing the **** of the moon defending the saints, the **** of plague no longer provoked much.

After all, the other party is telling the truth, and he insists on quibbling, which will only make people look down on it.

"Forget it, there will be public opinion on this matter in the future," he said, and then said, "Thirty years of the covenant between God and man. In the spirit of God, those stupid mortals may not really obey, they are more likely to be theirs. This is a matter of slowing down the war, and it needs more attention from Luna. The courtyard still needs to be cleaned before it can be occupied ... "

Moon God nodded and said, "It is indeed true. The day before, when I looked at the celestial phenomena, I found that there are some ominous signs appearing in the star of the confusing star, which is a big obstacle to me and so on. It must be the wrist of the heavenly path in this world. We must think about it."

"However, the existence of that person in this world is very obstructive. It would be better than Lord Luna to pray to the sage, drop a member of the general, and kill him?" The **** of plague suddenly suggested.

He secretly calculated the other party ’s failure several times, and knew that the other party was difficult. The two sides did not tear their faces openly, but each had their own scruples. In the future, he would inevitably have a life and death victory.

Luna shook his head: "This matter is very difficult. Last time the man blocked the passage of the space. Although he didn't do his best, he still caused a lot of inconvenience. The upper realm is on the verge of extinction, and the power has been exhausted. Even the saint, just for a moment. It ’s too difficult to support the procrastination and lower the powerful magician. Now I can only do my best to wait. When the rules of this world evolve into a new stage, it can come in a big way. By then, it ’s not too late to think about that person. "

Pestilence nodded, and there was nothing strange on his face, only what he thought in his heart, but no one knew.


Southwest of Shenzhou, giant rat underground king city.

The second king, Bai Shixin, is feasting on his group in the palace hall.

At this time, it was mid-February of the fourth year of the gods. According to the lunar calendar, it was the beginning of the new year, and everyone was congratulating the kingdom's new rise.

"Congratulations, King and King Hexi. I, the country of giant rats, last year's GDP growth rate reached 3,000%! This is all due to the king's wiseness ..." The Minister of Finance toasted congratulations.

Others kept up, and for a while, the words of the flattery filled the court.

Bai Shixin smiled on his face, but his heart was calm.

He understands that the growth rate can be so high, which can only explain one thing, that is, the giant rat's family is too thin!

And here, inside the hall, a cry suddenly sounded.

"Woo ..."

Everyone was surprised, and then looked up.

I saw the weeping man, who was the king's military minister. His man's feather fan was scarlet, and he looked clean and smart, and he was wiping his tears with his robe and sleeves.

"Uh, why did the military division cry like that? Could it be that weeping with joy?" Someone asked.

Bai Shixin sat in a high position and didn't speak. He knew this product and would definitely want to be popular again ...

This one is a smarter giant rat demon he found out of the dwarf, serving as a military division.

His human nature is the worship of the ancient great sage Zhuge Liang among human beings. He believes that the other party is the pinnacle of ancient and modern Chinese and foreign ministers, and there is also a compassionate aura of prosperity and failure, which has caused prosperity and sigh for a long time.

"Chen Liang, cry my king, cry my family, cry my country three times!" Kong Liang cried louder.

Three sweats appeared on Bai Shixin's forehead. With his wisdom, he naturally understood what the other party wanted to say.

It's just that others don't understand, and he is not good at stopping this military division.

After all, although the other party is stupid, he has a very positive stance. He has always been on his side, but he often makes some seemingly clever, deep-seated, and potentially dangerous stupid schemes ...

It's just that now he still wants to give each other praise, so he waved his hands, singing and dancing music and toasting, all stopped suddenly.

From this detail, we can know that in a few years, he has infiltrated his authority into the giant rat family.

He said softly: "Why are the military division crying?"

Kong Liang saw the attention of all passers-by and the protagonist of the banquet. Then he stopped crying and said loudly: "Crying my king, I have worked hard in the past few years, and I have worked hard, but it is a pity that I am asking for fish, fishing in the water, mirror Look at the flowers! "

Everyone was horrified. Was this guy frustrated and mad, he even said such a nasty word at this great time!

"Crying my family, with a prosperous population, there are endless young and intelligent people, and those who are born to know will benefit the public. Unfortunately, in the future, we must be talented. For every point of intelligence, the pain will increase by ten!"

Everyone changed their colors again, one after another, pulling away from him, pretending not to know him.

Kong Liang did not think that he was more excited, but continued to be more excited. He continued: "Three cry China, the country is at its peak, the national strength is growing stronger, but unfortunately it is a beach castle, a mud boat on the water, and yellow flowers tomorrow!"

Bai Shixin's face didn't change. When the other party said this, it was exactly the same as he guessed.

But he did not say anything, but asked on behalf of the crowd: "What do the military commanders say? Could it be that our country is in great trouble?"

"Great King Yingming!" Kong Liang's appearance as a confidant, grateful, "When today is the world of great controversy, you can sing me to the stage, only my family is biased to the ground, Gou An corner, this autumn is in peril . Last year, the human race and the gods of the upper world made a covenant of gods and men. Thirty years later, they will be forced to walk away from the stars. Gods, even humans ca n’t tolerate it, and where can we like these demons live in the peace of mind. ? "

Everyone heard ~ ~ silently and sadly, and there was no trace of New Year's celebration.

Although the other party was disappointed, he was talking about the pain that everyone did not want to mention.

God does not mention them, it does not mean that they can live on earth safely, the real meaning is probably that they are not qualified to be compared with human beings, and they are not even qualified to migrate.

Just like the human race is engaged in demolition, everyone will pay attention to the households on the ground, is there enough compensation, but who cares about the snakes, worms and ants under the house?

Bai Shixin nodded, although the other party destroyed the atmosphere, but his heart was still good.

He has always boasted that he is a true wise man. Of course, he will not pull this man out and behead his head like those violent princes ...

"The words of the military commander are really painful medicine. The loneliness has known it. The loneliness also has a response to this matter. After the original desire celebration, we consulted with the princes. How? "He glanced and asked patiently.

"Great King Yingming." All the ministers bowed down.

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