Seized by the System

Chapter 836: Gourmand

Fang Ning looked at it, and there was a heart-shaped ring in the box. The ring is exquisitely and luxuriously made, and it is faintly watery and pleasant, so it seems to be a treasure to raise people.

Judging from this intention alone, the other party took great care.

"These guys really do what they want, but unfortunately, rich man, you don't need this thing in your life, or confiscate it ..." Grandpa gloated in misfortune.

"Get out of here!" Fang Ning became furious.

A few people present looked furious when President Fang actually looked angry.

Could it be that the horse fart hit the horse's leg?

They clearly investigated, and President Fang already has a fiancee, and will soon get married and give this gift. It is the right time.

Why does it seem to be wrong now?

Just when they wanted to turn around, Fang Ning turned back.

He smiled faintly: "You have a heart, okay, for this gift, I will teach you some real skills."

"Hum, would you?" Uncle despised.

"Nonsense, I was in your alchemy room before and practiced cooking for a while!" Fang Ning was straightforward.

"Hum, be careful not to be disrespectful. That person can only cook, but not a master."

"Look and see!"

Fang Ning decided to let the uncle see if he had the ability to teach his disciples.

As for the apprentices of the church, it is impossible to starve to death.

Because Fang Ning's own culinary skills are at most junior to the system, which is far worse than the master-level organs.

But even a junior systematic cooker is enough to be the teacher of these master chefs.

The three comers heard the news and were immediately surprised.

In fact, they have long been prepared for failure, after all, the other party has never received apprentices.

This is also normal, such a skill, of course, must be self-preserved. After all, this is a cooking skill that pleases the real dragon!

In the era of mythology, if a skill can reach the point of fascination, it can be enlightened.

The most unlucky, it can also be used to worship the sacred fairy Buddha and win a long life and wealth.

Things like this in the upper realm are not uncommon.

After all, the gods and buddhas have a long lifespan. In order to be less boring, they need some god-level services to match their discerning appetite.

Singing, dancing, music and eating, this is one of daily enjoyment.

The following week, Fang Ning really taught with all his heart.

Of course, he only taught for such a week, no matter how much time, it is impossible.

As soon as he came, he was lazy, and when he taught him again, he was going to show his stuff ...

But just this week, it also opened the eyes of the three, and really understood what kind of threshold the **** level is like with cooking.

They probably need a lifetime to comprehend.


Giant Rat Underground City, Intelligence Investigation Office.

After getting the latest information, Bai Shifu immediately went to see Bai Shixin.

"Oh, in this way, Xia Kejia doesn't know the news of this secret realm, otherwise, he will stop Fang Ning from teaching the cooking skills of outsiders, so as not to increase his opponents." Bai Shixin immediately draws such an inference.

"Big Brother said, I think so too. That Fang Ning, but a kind man, does not have a big lion's mouth, much more kind than the knight, and just a gift, let him teach some magic skills. Although insufficient In order to seize the inheritance of the God of Food, but also enough to open the secret realm. "Bai Shifu nodded.

"Oh, he is still a mortal after all, and his vision is unlikely to be limited compared to that of the knightly armor," Bai Shixin said here, turning his head, "Since their cooking has passed, then we can officially start planning."

"Okay, elder brother, I will arrange this." Bai Shifu said excitedly.

He has a feeling of changing history, this time the action can only succeed, not fail!

"Well, you go, you must pay attention to everything on the right path, don't use evil Dao means." Bai Shixin additionally commanded.

"Brother understands." Bai Shifu really understood what the other party was referring to.


Half a month later, it was Shenyuan four years and March.

Spring returns to the earth, and the temperature rises again. For the Northern Hemisphere, a difficult winter has passed.

At this time, a sudden message appeared in the minds of many chefs.

This method is just like the past heaven and earth communication.

The so-called apocalypse is nothing more than that.

"Shishendongtian inheritance?"

Some people mentioned this keyword when chatting online, without any sense of confidentiality.

After all, there are so many chefs in the world, there are always dumb people, and they don't fully understand the preciousness of this news.

As soon as this news came out, it attracted the attention of all parties.

It seems to be only related to food, but in the eyes of people with clear eyes, it involves a wide range, and even can be said to be a key node in the progress of the wheel of history.

System space, uncle is complaining about Fang Ning.

"Sure enough, I knew that the group of mice was not good to come to the door. They must have known the news in advance, so they would spend their money to learn art!"

"Okay, you say a few words, don't I don't know?" Fang Ning said helplessly, this is his pot after all, he can only suffer.

"Fortunately, you are stupid enough that you haven't learned my essence. They only learned some forms of fur. They can't spy on the real avenue. The inheritance of this **** of food is none other than the origin!" Said the uncle.

Fang Ning said confidently: "It may not be so. Have you heard of dishes that glow?"

"I haven't heard of it? What kind of stuff is that? It sounds like the heavy metal content of the material used is too high, it can radiate light, right?" Uncle whispered indifferently.

"..." Fang Ning suddenly said nothing, forcibly explaining, "It means that people's food is full of emotions, so it can give people a glowing feeling. You never have emotions, and the food you make is exquisite, but not It may touch deep hearts. "

"Unintelligible, you are all fallacies. Food is food, where can you have feelings? Unless your mother made it for you ..." The uncle said in a broken voice.

"You don't talk to me too much, touching people is the root of all skills! The God of the Upper Realm must have chosen people like this." Fang Ning Zhenzhen said.

"You are nonsense, ask Anderson, what is this guy really?" Uncle disobeyed ~ ~ Anderson really knows this information, although the **** of food is a little god, but there are many folk legends.

This is mainly because mortals can easily get favors from him, and there is little punishment.

As long as he does n’t deliberately offer something dirty, He will generally not be angry and will not be punished.

Unless a lunatic, no one will be bored to deliberately give some garbage to this god, after all, the other party is still a god.

If the cook makes fresh-tasting food, he will be rewarded as long as he has not tasted it.

Although there are only a few flavors such as sweet, sour, bitter, spicy, and salty, the combination of them is endless. It is just delicious or not, you have to choose carefully.

As long as he can choose one that meets the taste of God of Food, he can get his reward.

Other rewards are not bad. The key is to get the longevity panacea. This is the intelligence of the food **** in the upper realm.

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