Seized by the System

Chapter 859: Cruel truth

After Fang Ning asked the information, he immediately paid attention to it. Although the uncle's alchemy technique is powerful, there is no panacea that can increase the lifespan of ordinary people ...

After all, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice. The earth has been recovering for more than 20 years and has not yet produced enough rare medicinal materials. No matter how powerful alchemy is, there can never be nothing out of nothing.

And he has a great demand for this, and this heritage of the God of Food must be available.

He thought about it, suddenly remembered something, and then ran calmly into the system preservation area ...

The uncle immediately panicked and said: "What do you want to do? There are all my things, you can't sneak around anymore, this is not the hero!"

"Look for dishes that will glow!" Fang Ningli turned out a dish of colorful light from the fresh-keeping area.

"Damn, time has passed so long, you can still remember ... It's not a good thing to make you practice too strong." The uncle suddenly felt very depressed.

"I was depressed. You made this kind of food when you were cooking in person a long time ago. In the past few years, you have done a good job and don't cook, and I'm so tired that I forget that you still have this skill," Fang Ning said indignantly, "It's you who will never forget things. I just pretended to say that I don't know! This is obviously an open lie. Are you still that simple and honest system!"

"You are innocent and innocent. My light is not the same as the light in your mind. I am a precious food that can add blood and blood, so I added a function of light and purposely distinguish It ’s all stored up for future use, and it ’s impossible to use it for you. ”Uncle Zhen Zhen said.

"It can add qi and blood, and the taste is definitely not ordinary. I requisitioned this dish, and I got the God of Inheritance to ensure that I would make a profit." Fang Ningli said straightly.

"Then you will hurry back to me now. After a long time, you will lose the taste and the effect!" Uncle said angrily.

"Put it back and go back, anyway, I have long found that in the system space, it seems that I want to take whatever I want ... you can't control me." Fang Ning proudly said.

"Yes, you can do this, but don't forget, what I want to make here is what I want to make!" After Fang Ning put back the dishes, the uncle suddenly tit-for-tat.

Then the warehouse door of the system fresh-keeping area suddenly had three more locks!

"Shameless, shameless, this is really shameless in the system world!" Fang Ning suddenly stunned, resignedly helplessly.

"Humph, you take another look, I'm really honest, it should be locked long ago, just for your cultivation to take the Elixir, it is not locked." Uncle proudly.

Fang Ning had to go down three times and four times: "Xiaotong, I was a little impulsive just now. You should remove this lock. After all, I am very busy at work now and waste a few seconds of precious time talking every time I ask you to unlock."

"What are you talking about? I can't hear it. I'm a little bit behind my ears recently."


Fang Ning was helpless. The good old days of stealing all kinds of honey juice and salt medicine were gone forever ...

The children can't help but the master can't help it.


In the past two days, Fang Ning suddenly had a message in his mind.

"Sacrifice a plate of food that tastes the best, you can get a way to enter the God-Eating God Cave."

Fang Ning felt familiar with the sudden information and called the green-skin frog.

"Tianbei baby, did your dad broadcast that day just now?"

"Yeah, Master, did you receive it?" The green-skinned frog asked with blinking watery eyes.

"It turned out to be so strange to me. How did this powerful inheritance of the upper realm fall on the earth, and how did it establish contact with Heavenly Dad? Heavenly Dad broadcasts for him, and what benefits can he get?" He asked curiously. .

"This, Dad Dao said he can answer, but you have to pay three thousand merits." Green skin frog is embarrassed.

"Uh ..." Fang Ning looked somewhere.

"Look at me. No, there is no point, and I don't need to know this answer." The uncle straightened.

"Uh, it's about the overall situation, so you should follow ..." Fang Ning placated.

"You don't want to always fooling me with the big picture. Besides, it's too expensive. I can still lend you 30 points worth of merit." The uncle turned around.

Fang Ning suddenly looked at the green-skin frog.

The green-skin frog spreads its two forelegs in a helpless posture.

"Heavenly Dad does not accept bargaining."

"Very good, then you tell him that I originally wanted the core of Venus, and I want to get it in the future. Now it seems that it is not necessary. After all, this buyer seems to like crossing the river and demolishing bridges."

Fang Ning admires it very much at present, and the uncle's empty-gloved means is becoming more and more sophisticated.

The core of Venus doesn't yet know that the year of the monkey will be conceived. That Moon Demon Clan just launched the colonial stone monster.

"You don't give me a hind leg, the year of the horse is the year of the monkey? Two years is enough. Isn't Mars produced in two years?" The uncle straightened.

"Oh, that's what I said." Fang Ning suddenly realized.

"Three hundred, Father Dao said, not one point less." The green-skinned frog said painfully.

It seems that it is not an easy job to get a message in the middle. No wonder the Macaw was also very embarrassed last time.

But being able to communicate indirectly with Heavenly Dao, this should be unique on Earth.

If others want to communicate with God, I am afraid they have to pay a great price, or experience a very troublesome ceremony.

And he only needs to find two magic weapons of heaven and earth, which is very convenient.

It is a pity that I did not expect to make good use of this, and wasted a lot of opportunities.

"That's because you are too lazy. If those two guys listen to me, I'll let them put all the goods in the second house and get them in my pocket." The uncle said hate iron.

Fang Ning said helplessly: "Don't be so greedy, just accept it when you see it. This question is really important to me."

"Forget it, give it. If I can't get ten times the benefits, I won't let you go."

So Fang Ning said to the green-skin frog: "Well, we pay this merit."

System prompt: (The system consumes three hundred merits and activates "Sky Question.")

After a while, the green-skinned frog made a listening statement, and later said: "Okay, Heaven Dad said, they gave money and were obedient ... so allow them to fall on the earth and broadcast on their behalf."

"..." Fang Ning was dumbfounded, and the uncle was desperately corrupted.

"This, this is absolutely perfunctory! Shameless and shameless, this is absolutely shameless in the heaven and earth world!"

"Sure enough, the truth is always cruel and simple ..." Fang Ning said deeply.

"I don't care, refund!" Uncle said unwillingly.

Green Skin Frog spread his hands together: "No refund will be given for goods sold."

"I killed you little frog!" Uncle said cruelly.

Fang Ning hurriedly stopped it, but he knew that the uncle would really fight, the two babies were originally beaten ...

"Forget it, there is not much loss. This information is also very useful. This at least proves that the gods in the upper realm are not iron plates. They also have low-headed tribes. In order to pass on, or to be resurrected in the future, they are also willing to bend towards the earth He lowered his waist instead of following behind the saint. "Fang Ning appeased.

"Damn, next time, I have to come back from the pit." The uncle said brokenly.

Fang Ning ignored the uncle's cruel words ~ ~ but fell into contemplation.

Although the answer conveyed by Baby Frog is simple, it reveals an important message.

That is the source of the existing secret realm. It is indeed the power of the upper realm and the earth's heaven and earth. At an early time, it was caused by the agreement of some invisible people.

One spends money to buy peace, and the other takes advantage of the fire to plunder the legacy of the upper realm. Just like when a superpower collapsed in the last century and was harvested, talents, technology, equipment and factories have fallen into the hands of others.

Fang Ning thought of this, a deep fear flashed in his heart, it seemed that those secret areas belonged to him, and he even succeeded in his own way. He could change the climate and terrain in the secret area at will, but is this really the case?

If you think about the agreement that Uncle had reached with Heavenly Dao before, the other party can increase the strength of the secret realm and you can know the truth.

The vitality of the outside world, rain and sunlight, the essential foundation for survival in these secret realms, is still firmly in the hands of the earth ’s heaven and earth.

The so-called secret independence is just a castle built on the beach.

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