Seized by the System

Chapter 861: Black pot

After walking through the grasslands, it is a river.

In the river, there are countless whitebait swimming, dense texture, muscular, jumping out of the water from time to time, make people salivate.

"Sin and sin, anyway, are also characters who have refined the entry of the Bodhichitta. How can such a thought arise?" Fang Ning shook his head and sighed.

The uncle was too lazy to despise Fang Ning's hypocrisy, and walked into the river, and all the silver fish disappeared.

"I understand, you are about to scratch the ground three feet!" Fang Ning sighed.

"Unfortunately, I can't scrape it. It will disappear soon. It seems that this mana **** has limited mana, and he can't even get a permanent hole inheritance."

"Sorry, this god's mana is not high, it really disappoints you ..."

"Who?" Fang Ning heard the words, suddenly shocked.

His conversations with the uncle were all generated in the system space.

After all, it is the uncle who is in charge of the body at this time. He has already retracted the system space. It is rare to take a leisure time, and he can leave the uncle with nothing to say.

"Don't look around, this guy is in the iron shop." Uncle proudly said.

"Ah? What's going on?" Fang Ning questioned and ran to the iron shop.

At first sight, suddenly realized.

I saw a black iron pan lying on the iron-made floor ...

"Don't read it, this is the place where the original **** lives. Alas, it is really unpredictable. This inheritance has just officially started. The original **** has fallen into this mysterious place. The original **** thought that the place of hiding was secret enough. The black pot uttered helplessly.

Fang Ning was surprised and happy. Doesn't this mean that before the college entrance examination, the teacher who brought out the papers was invited into the house?

He still has a bit of awe. After all, the other party is also a god. No matter what the strength is at this time, at least the knowledge and experience are there, and the wisdom is still there.

"Sorry for the God of Food, I'm really sorry. I accidentally invited you in here, and I hope you can settle down. Fortunately, although it is not suitable for human settlement, it is suitable for the residence of the soul."

"What's so polite to him? What good thing do you have as a foodie? Hurry up and hand over to this seat ..." The uncle straightened himself, "Uh, this is not a robbery. Rent, rent, you live here but pay the rent of."

"That one is also one of the tenants?" The black pot's handle turned and pointed to Fang Ning.

"That is of course, he has to work hard for this seat every day in exchange for freedom to survive here, otherwise, he will be locked in the opposite side in minutes, what is the opposite side, you certainly don't want to know." Uncle threatened.

Fang Ning was very speechless. He couldn't dismantle the uncle's platform. He nodded and said yes.

"It turns out that this place is really amazing. If there is this place in the upper realm, probably the last robbery can be avoided. It's a pity." Heiguo sighed.

"Since you also know that the place is good, the rent is naturally high, so don't mess with it first, pay the rent first," the uncle urged.

Obviously, the black pot is not a green-skinned frog that is easy to flicker. Anyway, people are gods whose survival time is calculated in units of ten thousand years.

Of course, living for a long time does not mean wisdom is unpredictable. You can know it by referring to Wang Ba and the Turtle.

It depends on the physiological structure and the environmental experience.

Obviously the black pot is qualified in these two aspects.

So it didn't pay immediately, but said lightly: "Since it's rent, you have to live in a house. I think the fireworks are red here.

"Damn, you black servant, it's really cunning, you can make this place a big one, you're the second one." Uncle sullenly said.

System prompt: (The system adds a system hotel in the system space, which is currently the primary level, and the functions are as follows:

One: Slightly increase the speed of the guest's soul recovery.

Two: automatically provide various modern services. )

In a few moments, a fine and clean hotel appeared on the west side of the cell area.

The entire system space is divided into a north-south area by an east-west cobblestone path.

The system cell area is located in the northern area, occupying most of the northern area.

Now to the west of it, there is another hotel.

Fang Ning has a feeling that there may be more and more guys living here.

"How is it, rich man, am I building this hotel well?" Uncle proudly said.

"It's good, it's just something less." Fang Ning walked into the hotel, looking left and right.

The black pot was floating behind him. Since the other party agreed to pay the rent, the uncle gave the other party the freedom to move here. Of course, some places cannot be chaotic.

"Huh, isn't he one of your tenants? Why do you call him a rich man?" Black Pot asked curiously.

"Oh, he's rich, but he's afraid of death. It's too chaotic outside, so he gave me all the money and hid from me to take shelter." The grandpa's fool now came with his mouth open.

"In my opinion, there is still a lack of cleaning staff here. Since this is a hotel, I can't pay the rent, and let me do the work?" The role of the black pot changed quickly, and soon no longer said "the god" .

"The same is true. Forget it. There are many idle people in the Dragon Prison next door. It's just two or three transformed people."

Sure enough, after a while, there were three more beautiful souls in the system hotel.

Among the spirits subdued by the uncle, there will naturally be good looks during his lifetime.

Although they did a lot of evil during their lives and could make children cry, but neither Black Pot nor Fang Ning would fear them.

"Dragon Prison? Where is that?" Black Pot asked curiously.

"Less nonsense, pay the money first." Uncle is already dissatisfied.

"There is no money, only a bite of black iron **** pot for your body, and I can't give it to you." Black Pot said, shaking the pot handle.

"Are you kidding me?" The system space suddenly thundered.

"No, no, how dare I tease Zunjia? There are some family assets that I have accumulated over the years in the inheritance outside, which can be used as rent. If you do not get it, I can also write a book and use it for a lifetime. Learn and sell it to you. "Black Pot is very calm.

"It's about the same, it seems that you are a reasonable and reasonable God." The uncle suddenly satisfied.

Fang Ning thought of something and asked, "Mr. God of Food, I am very curious about one thing. I wonder if you can answer one or two."

"It depends on what's going on? Anyway, I'm quite busy now. I have no mouth and can't eat anything." Black Pot said lightly.

"The Celestial Clan has a noble girl. According to her, it's your old friend. I wonder if this can happen?" Fang Ning asked.

"Oh, you mean the greedy little girl at the head of the Celestial Clan ~ ~ God, no, I'm the same person as her, and it's not an exaggeration to say it's an old friend." .

"She has now reincarnated to the lower realm and regenerated a worm. Of course, the nature of gluttony has not changed. I am curious that these weak people can still escape. Why do gods like you fall, they have to pay a huge price to be able to Will the heritage be passed on in the new world? "Fang Ning asked.

The black pot was silent for a while, and finally said with difficulty: "Is it convenient to speak here?"

Fang Ning secretly said to the uncle: "Come and tell him."

"Convenient, if this uncle does not allow, no one will hear." Uncle assuredly assured.

"That's good, it's simple. The levee will break down and must be blocked. Those of us who have some strength but not enough strength have become stone straw bags to block the dam. Instead, the parasitic ants and insects on the levee can escape freely. No one cares about them, because everyone knows they can't stop the gap. "Black Pot sighed.

"It turned out to be so." Fang Ning suddenly realized that he finally resolved many of the previous puzzles.

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