Seized by the System

Chapter 927: Pony crossing the river

The dog-headed human statue heard this coldly and said, "What are you talking about? Where does the **** need you to be rescued by this humble fellow? Have you forgotten that the powerful Divine Art that God gave you before, 'Death Eye '? "

"Uh ..." Tom the Black Cat heard the words and was the next counsel.

Although the "eye of death" was unfavorable, he was completely restrained by the little gray ant on the wall, and as a result, the orb capable of controlling the secret atmosphere was lost, which caused it to have to yield to the knight armour.

However, this does not mean that this magic is not powerful. On the contrary, it is very powerful. As long as it is not a talented person like a little gray ant, it is not empty words.

The other party now mentions this and makes it wake up again. This **** of death is not a false **** who can only speak empty words. There is a real thing.

Therefore, he had to be cautious. As a cat who never fought off in person, he would never go past it.

Even if this death looks like Li Nei, it may even be hidden in this wall, but it still dare not risk taking the other side out ...

Sure enough, character determines fate!

Thinking so hard, although he understood that his inference was probably the truth, he did not dare to risk that one-hundredth of his life to do it bravely.

At this time, if it is replaced with any demon head outside, it is 100% sure that the other party will directly push the wall down, turn this place of death into a mess, and then swallow it.

If you devour a god, the benefits it can bring are all-round.

Even if you can't become a **** directly, you can at least completely change the level of life. The vitality training qualifications are not enough to describe with the double S level, but on top of it, you must become a talent of heaven and man.

Tom thought left and right, and soon a smile hung on his face, complimenting: "Great Yo Grim Reaper, please forgive Jerry's ignorance, I only say that kind of words out of pious faith."

"Huh, you don't have Tom piety at all. You practiced the way of death I taught, but now the practice is still not pure. The green breath used to be, and the blue breath was released just now. This **** will not Respond to your call again. "The wolf-headed statue did not let it go, but said with a reprimanded tone.

Although Tom knew in his heart, this **** might have said this intentionally, in order to dispel his doubts, but it was still a soft leg: "Please also forgive me, I was suppressed by the self-righteous hypocrite, and I had to pretend to be a little bit disguised. , So this will happen. "

"Is that the valiant armor? It seems that you also have no way, then the **** will spare you this time. What's the matter with you calling the **** out this time? But you haven't held the death sacrifice in a long time, the **** this time It won't give you strength in vain. "The wolf-headed man's tone was cold.

After hearing it, Tom quickly said: "Please forgive me, Master of Death, I was put on a tiger saddle by the knight, and I really couldn't find a chance."

"Is that so? But in this world he can't detect any of your actions. You can hold a death sacrifice to the **** here." The wolf-headed man said lightly.

Tom hesitated a little, but did not answer the call.

"Why, you don't want? In this case, the gods will take back the power that was given to you before!" The wolf-headed man's statue glowed with the green light of his debut, and it looked strange and terrifying.

"No, no, Lord Death, I have a good idea." Black Tiger Tom's eyes rolled around, then he looked around, and then passed the voice.

After listening to the wolf-headed statue, the green light slightly converged and said lightly: "Very well, it seems that you still have the spicy character of your cousin. Yes, 100,000 humble mortals are not as strong as one. The fall of the person. As long as you successfully complete the task, the God will help you remove the shackles. "

"Thank you, I will complete the task successfully." Black Tiger Tom said happily.

It turned out that the lean camel was bigger than the horse. The other party just broke out a little bit. It felt that the power of death in the body was about to move, and there was a feeling of uncontrollability. Fortunately, it was decisive.

It seems that this **** of death is indeed much weaker, but it is not yet able to fight against him. There is still an insurmountable distance between the mortal and the divinity.

"Go, remember, death is with you." The wolf-headed statue is satisfied, all the green light disappears, and then becomes a mortal.

Your uncle ... The black cat Tom thought bitterly, and then quickly removed the altar and installed it.

Then it grabbed the little ant on the wall and put it on his head.

"Okay, don't read it. There's nothing here, you feel wrong ..." It affirmed indiscriminately.

The little gray ant was very anxious and climbed to the big face of the black tiger, dancing with his hands and feet, moving all his limbs, pointing to the wall and turning around.

It clearly senses that if you can eat the thing inside, it can be of great help to yourself.

The black cat pretended not to understand and shook his head: "Don't mess around, I said no if you didn't."

The little gray ant suddenly froze, then crawled back obediently on the tiger's head, just a pair of tentacles shaking around, I don't know what to think.

The black cat Tom felt relieved, then looked around, and finally drove away in one direction.


outside world.

"Okay, okay, seeing that it should be interrupted, is it easy for me to save some experience value? This time it took tens of millions of kung fu."

"It's easy," Fang Ning took for granted. "No matter how crazy a player is, you can't compare with your liver emperor."

System prompt: (The system interrupted the true vision function of the bound equipment "Tiger Saddle".)

"Look at you, so stingy, I still don't know what trap the black cat will arrange next to pit people." Fang Ning said silently.

"Anyway, we won't be able to reach us. We'll look in later, and dig out that death from the wall first. All the traps have been solved." Uncle Zhen Zhen said.

Fang Ning had nothing to say, the uncle still talked about the root.

"Do you have that certainty? People are a **** anyway." Fang Ning was not assured.

"God eater is also a god, do you see him speaking half of the word" no "in front of me?" Uncle proudly said.

"... you will really change the concept." Fang Ning said silently.

"Less nonsense, hurry in, go late, and be bold and reckless. Isn't that watching the gold slip under your eyes?" Uncle despised.

System prompt: (The system hosts the body of the host.)

"I knew it would be like this, which one is the hero system, it is clearly the ultimate enhanced version of the little gray ant ..."

Xia Kejia got up, then walked into the Golden Gate aside.

At this time, the crowd gathered in different places on the top of the mountainside and mountainside. After seeing this scene, they were all excited.

"Sovereign Dragon Lord has also entered!"

"It seems no danger." Someone said subconsciously.

The person next to him immediately sneered and said, "Huh ~ ~ Those who say this are not even as good as elementary school students."

"What do you mean?" The man was immediately annoyed.

"Did the horse cross the river to learn? The water inside is not deep, and the danger in the black mist is not dangerous. That is relative. If the Venerable is a giraffe crossing the river, you are an ant crossing the river. Can the danger be the same?" The person beside shook his head and sighed.

The man suddenly had nothing to say and walked away.

Other people heard this and thought about it. Compared with the giraffe, Venerable Dragon Dragon, is it the height of the heel or the height of the instep?

When should I enter behind this golden gate?

People from different camps looked at each other, then knew the insider, and gradually some people came together and began to discuss in a low voice.

That ’s right, a person may not be able to reach the feet of the Venerable. The strongest of our several large groups gather together and work together. Should they reach the waist of others?

Perhaps this is what Heaven means.

Last time, it was the opposition of the tens of thousands of ethnic groups. Individuals of any ethnic group ranked high enough in the list, and those ethnic groups benefited.

But this time it is to test the teamwork and fight alone, it is equivalent to sending meat to the door.

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