It has been a few days since the signing of the treaty and the form of the new alliance that the three factions made everyone has been busy especially because of the terrorist group that has been wreaking havoc around the world, but this didn't have anything to do with Sephiroth.

He did have to stop a couple of rag tag groups that were targeting Yasaka and Kunou but a simple spell or two took care of them all before they could even get close to the girls. The most noteworthy thing that happened to Sephiroth in the past few days is that he took Akeno to meet Yasaka at her place since she can't really leave Kyoto.

Sephiroth didn't know what they talked about for the hour that they left him with Kunou in the living room but several times he kept getting shivers down his back and didn't know why that was but something told him that he would find out soon.

The two got along rather well it seems if the giggling and their expressions were anything to go by something that Sephiroth enjoyed seeing his two lovers get along with each other otherwise he didn't know what to do if they couldn't get along.

While relaxing with Kunou, Akeno, and Yasaka at her place, Sephiroth finally got a message from Azazel letting him know that his peerage pieces were ready for him to get picked up. After letting the girls know what and where he was going, he teleported to the Girigori entrance.

While walking in he was met with the Secretary again that he met last time, Penemue.

"Hello Sephiroth, I take it you are here to meet Azazel about his little pet project?" She asked with a little irradiation in her voice at the mention of his pet project.

Raising an eyebrow at her " Yes, he told me that he was finally done with it and told me to meet him in his lab. Something the matter?" he asked curious what was upsetting her so much.

"Yes, there is something wrong. Since Azazel has been working on his little project, he hasn't been doing his paperwork at all and been dumping it all on me instead since I'm his secretary. I'm this close to blowing up his lab for the hell of it maybe then he will sit down and do some of his work." Penemue said while releasing a scary aura that even made Sephiroth take a step back on instinct, not wanting to be the target of her rage right now. Something told him that even as powerful as he is right now he would suffer at her hands.

"I'll bring it up to him then for you Penemue. If there is nothing else I'll be on my way." Sephiroth then walked to Azazel's lab faster than he normally would not wanting to be near Penemue right now.

"Thanks Sephiroth, I'd appreciate that very much." she said while she watched Sephiroth make his way toward the stairs to Azazel's lab.

"Don't understand why he is our leader sometimes." she said while muttering to herself getting back to the load of paperwork on her desk.


Walking into the lab seeing Azazel tinkering with some black balls with white stars on them, he could tell that Azazel was in a good mood right now.

Looking up from what he was doing "I see you finally made it brat. So what do you think?" he said while gesturing for Sephiroth to look at the black and white balls.

"I take it that this is the peerage system then for fallen angels, Azazel?" he said back

"Of course, it took me a long time to work out how to reincarnate other being's into fallen angels like how the devils do in the underworld but I finally worked it out after dozens of years working on it. Now we don't have to worry about our numbers anymore seeing as we were the faction with the fewest numbers among the three." Azazel said while picking up one of the balls showing off how great an achievement this is for not only him but for his race as a whole.

"How similar to the peerage of the devils is it Azazel? How does it work as well?" Sephiroth said while he found himself a seat figuring that this was going to be a long explained and he didn't want to stand the whole time for it if he didn't have to.

"I'm glad that you asked me that, I would love to explain it to you brat. It changes someone's body to that of a fallen angel much like a devil does when they reincarnate someone. But instead of using chess pieces like they do we use these little puppies on people." he said while pointing at the ball in his hand right now.

"Here is a chart that gives an overview of what each orb does to someone based on what type of ball it is." Azazel says while handing Sephiroth a sheet of paper.

Fallen angel peerage pieces

1 Commander / 6 star ball - king / significant increase to all attributes

1 Major general / 5 star ball - queen / major increase to all attributes

2 colonels / 4 star balls - rooks / major increase to both physical and magical defense attributes

2 majors / 3 star balls - bishops / major increase in magical power

2 captain / 2 star balls - knights / major increase in the speed and reaction attributes

8 Specialist / 1 star balls - pawns / moderate increase to all attributes

Special to this system is that depending on how the morale of the person is will determine how strong someone could be. Example would be if they had high morale they would receive a boost to their overall attributes making them stronger, faster, tougher. If their morale is low then the boost that the someone would get could be very little or none at all depending on how their morale is right now. A good general of the army would be able to keep morale high in all situations and in doing so gives his pieces a boost in their powers.

After looking at the chart that he was handed by Azazel, Sephiroth couldn't help but marvel at the system that Azazel made and how strong it can make someone.

"You have really outdone yourself here Azazel, especially in how it uses someone's morale to give them an edge in a fight." Sephiroth said really impressed by what he read.

"Ha ha ha ha, I know right. The commander is similar to how a king is where the ones that you reincarnate are your servants and should they become rogue like how some devils do in the underworld they will suffer some backlash much like stray devils do. Though there might still be some flaws here and there but I won't know them till I have someone to use it and who else but someone like you brat. You are strong enough that you should be able to handle any kind of side effects and if you are not you can always come to me and we can tackle it together."

"I see, so not only are you fulfilling my request but you are also using me as your guinea pig for your new peerage system for fallen angels." Sephiroth says after thinking about what Azazel said for a moment seeing the hidden move that he just performed on him.

"Ha ha ha, you got it brat that is the exact thing that I'm doing. You wanted my peerage system and I wanted a tester for it before I used it myself." he said, not even bothered by the fact that he was caught red handed trying to use Sephiroth as a guinea pig for his new peerage system.

"Now quickly put your magical power into these pieces and then they should be good to go" Azazel said while Sephiroth did what he said and shortly afterward all of the black and white balls looked like they were filled with a glowing blue cloud.

"If you have any problems just let me know and we will handle it brat." Azazel said to which Sephiroth just nodded his head to.

"Thanks, well I'll be going then if there is nothing else that you need to tell me about the peerage system."

"Nope, off you go brat but do come by from time to time so that I can check up on the balls and make sure to bring the people you reincarnate with you so that I can check them for any side effects that might pop up when they get turned into a fallen angel, okay." Azazel said while waving off Sephiroth so that he could get back to another project.


Getting back to Yasaka's place with the 16 black and white balls safely tucked away in his own personal space pocket for safe keeping, he noticed that the girls were all in the living room drinking some tea and talking but they all stopped when they heard Sephiroth enter the room.

"Welcome back" they all said

"How was your trip, Sephiroth" Yasaka asked, super curious what the leader of the fallen angels could want with her man.

"Yes, Sephiroth please tell us we are dying to know" Akeno said, also curious as well.

"It was great, I got something that I've been wanting for a while now from Azazel and something that will make you three stronger as well." Once he said this all three of them perked up because anything that made them stronger was welcome and they all felt warmth in their hearts that Sephiroth would go out of his way to make them stronger like this showing how much he cared for them.

"Oh please do tell me dear what it is that can make us stronger then?" Yasaka said to her lover quite curious what it is now.

"It is these" he said while pulling out a black ball from his space pocket that had 5 white stars on it.

"This little black ball is the new peerage system that Azazel has created for the fallen angels much like how the devils have a peerage system in the underworld"

"WHAT!!!!!" the three yelled at the news that there is a peerage like system for the fallen angels something like this could change the world.

"Sephiroth so what you're saying is that little black and white ball in your hand can change someone into a fallen angel like how a devil uses a chess piece to do?" Akeno asked to which Sephiroth nodded his head to her question.

"Wow onii-chan that is amazing, can you change me into a fallen angel like you then please please please. I want my own wings too so that I can fly around the town like we do sometimes." Kunou said with clear excitement in her voice at the idea of being like her big brother and being able to fly on her own.

Letting out a small smile at the actions of Kunou and rubbing her head to help her calm down, "Yes I planned to offer this little black and white ball to all three of you, this way you will be stronger in case I'm not there to protect you in time." After hearing this the girls couldn't help but smile at his words.

After calming Kunou down and sitting on the couch with her in his l.a.p he then went to explain everything that Azazel told him about the peerage system and how each ball worked and what each one did to them based on which one they were given.

"Wow that is amazing, Azazel really out did himself this time didn't he?" Yasaka said after processing how the fallen angel peerage system worked and she couldn't help but see that it was better than the devil peerage system because of the added benefit of the morale of someone's strength.

"So Yasaka would you be willing to join me and become a part of my peerage?" Sephiroth asked his foxy lover.

"Well I've always wanted to fly and being like my beloved would make me extremely happy, so give me a ball then dearest of mine" Yasaka said while holding out her hand for a ball.

"I thought that you would, here you can be my major general or queen if you will." Sephiroth said while he placed the 5 star ball on her delicate hand and they all watched as she placed it in the middle of her c.h.e.s.t and watched as it sunk into her body.

A massive burst of magic burst out of Yasaka's body for a couple seconds till it calmed down and then all a sudden a pair of black fallen wings were on her back.

"Well would you look at that dearest I'm just like you know. I feel so much more powerful now I feel that I could take on anyone now with me being part fallen angel now." She said while she was flapping her wings back and forth trying to get a feel for them.

"Wow mother they look so cool on you" Kunou says while she starts to touch them enjoying the sensation of them while her mother just giggles at her.

"Now Akeno would you care to join me as well as one of my majors or bishops? Know that if we do this you will lose the devil part of you and instead of going back to half human and half fallen angel you will become a full fallen angel instead. Is that okay for you, I know that you have a slight problem with fallen angels somewhat due to your father." Sephiroth said trying not to pressure her into this.

"I thank you for your concern Sephiroth but I overcame that problem a while ago and if I have to become a full fallen angel to be closer to you then I will do it. I love you and am already yours so losing my devil half won't affect me at all. Now give me that ball." Akeno says while she does the same as Yasaka and a wave of magical power comes out of her body but not as strong as Yasaka's but you can clearly feel how much stronger she got.

"How do you feel now Akeno onii-chan?" Kunou asked while she walked up to her big sister.

"I feel so much more powerful now, I thought that I'd be weaker because I was losing the devil aspect of myself but instead I gain at least 50% more power now. While I'm kind of said at losing that part of myself I know that Rias will understand and at least now she can put her queen piece to better use." Akeno said while she picks up the black queen piece on the ground in front of her and puts it into her pocket so that she can return it to her best friend later.

"It's good to know that nothing bad happened when you were reincarnated into a full fallen angel. I had worried that something might happen with you already being a reincarnated being but it seems that worry was unnecessary it seems." Sephiroth said while he gave a slight hug and peck to his lover, to which Akeno just smiled at him enjoying the affection she was getting.

"Now little Kunou, would you like to join my peerage as well and become my other major? I have a feeling that it would suit you well for the future." Sephiroth said while he got down to Kunou's level and rubbed her head.

"I would love to Onii-chan, I've always wanted to fly like you. So gimme gimme." Kunou said while holding out her hand for the ball.

After her magical power calmed down, Kunou unleashed her new wings out for everyone to feel and even attempted to fly with them but as soon as she left the ground she fell right back down on her face.

"Ow that hurt, I'll just practice later onii-chan and then we can fly around the town together okay" she said while rubbing her face from the fall and Sephiroth just nodded to this.

"Now it's been a long day why don't we get something to eat together, and turn in for the night. Tomorrow I'll have Tiamat come here and I'll share some important news with you all and depending on your answer we will go from there okay" Sephiroth said making all the girls curious was so important that he couldn't tell them now but figured that since he was going to tell them tomorrow it isn't a big issue so they would just see what he has to say tomorrow.

Unaware of the special guess that they are going to have visiting them tomorrow…..

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