Sequence Player

Chapter 973: Follow me and join the enemy warship!

The last Chaos Demon showed his courage as an evil god.

After leaving a mark on Li Changhe's armor, he was beheaded by Li Changhe with a single blow to his satisfaction.

This was also the only damage caused to Li Changhe by the Chaos side.

From the perspective of the Chaos side, this Chaos Demon has simply made a great contribution! It would be an endless honor to be able to leave scars on Li Ba! At least, this chaos demon was very satisfied before his death.

Later, with the human demon army watching, the champion demon general Xiao Ke, also with the cooperation of Qiu Wentian and Yueshen, was splashed with blood on the spot. Even the champion couldn't face the siege of two powerful players, not to mention the great pressure that Li Changhe's presence put on him.

In fact, Qiu Wentian did not allow the Moon God to interfere, but she was also injured, and even exchanged injuries for injuries. The Moon God then began to intervene and help Qiu Wentian defend himself.

This also made Qiu Wentian's battle become more and more violent. Finally, a punch opened the champion's arm, causing the middle door to open.

Afterwards, Qiu Wentian threw himself into the champion's arms. This is not a warm and fragrant hug, but a violent elbow strike that can shake mountains and rivers.

She is an extreme strength player, and she used the Scale Blade Demon sequence. That elbow directly broke the champion's sternum and heart.

Before the champion died, he heard Qiu Wentian's angry questioning: "Keep talking, keep talking about being petty!"

"Damn it just for this stupid thing, why are you risking your life!" Xiao Ke struggled to curse again, but Qiu Wentian stabbed him in the head with a knife.

At this point, the advanced combat power of Chaos in the giant city is close to extinction. There is only one Chaos Demon left in the Chaos Fleet.

The giant city that even several collective armies could not break was disintegrated by humans from within. I have to say that the Red Sword Demon has made a great contribution!

Although the millions of Chaos believers entrenched in the giant city have not yet been wiped out, at least it is difficult for the other side to muster any effective combat power against the human army that has acquired tanks and various aircraft.

Li Changhe glanced around. After the previous battle, it turned out that the Hongda Arena was already in pieces. Whether in the audience or on the ring, there are not many Chaos believers still alive.

On the human side, of the more than 400 human warriors who originally followed Li Changhe in the charge, there are now only more than 180 left.

But after learning that killing Chaos believers can obtain the power of the demon army and not be corrupted by Chaos, a considerable number of human warriors picked up melee weapons to fight Chaos believers and demon generals.

As a result, there are more than 500 human demon troops who have completely transformed into demon generals standing next to Li Changhe. There are also a large number of human warriors who have become partially demon generals.

Looking at the human soldiers transformed into demon generals, Li Changhe shook his head slightly: "Chaos is not a force that can be touched at will."

They are different from Li Changhe and the players. Li Changhe himself is almost an evil god, and the evil corpse is the real evil god. And the players also have their own methods.

As ordinary people, they were able to remain rational because of Li Changhe's resistance. If time passes, or if Li Changhe suddenly leaves this world, they will still be corrupted by Chaos. The first batch of human warriors had no choice but those who took the initiative to come into contact with the power of chaos would be irrational.

"I know that if we fight side by side with the general, we will not be corrupted by the chaos." A human demon army responded with a military salute: "If we eventually fall into the chaos, please ask the general to see us off or let us attack Just consume the alien military formation.”

"That's right, sir." Another demon general saluted and said, "I hope your Majesty will allow me to follow you."

"Sir, behind you we are invincible!" Another demon general responded.

These words were very cold-blooded, but the target of the cold-bloodedness was himself. In order to kill Chaos and alien races, or to annihilate them, humans will do whatever it takes. Even if he transforms into a demon general, he still has to kill some chaos to get back his money.

It is precisely because of this belief that humans can survive to this day, otherwise they would have been corrupted by Chaos or transformed by Annihilation.

"Forget it. I'll look for an opportunity later to see if I can eliminate your influence." Li Changhe thought to himself.

"You are considered an evil god. After discussing with the Great Wall, there may be a better way. However, I think it is better to leave here now. Chaos' information has been cut off, and they may come to investigate." Moon God reminded: " Also, change your mountain armor."

Li Changhe nodded, then changed into the costume of a big-headed soldier again, and left the arena together with the human demon army and the wounded.

Outside the arena, several aircraft landed with a crash. Two middle-aged men in military uniforms walked out.

When they saw a group of demon generals following a big-headed soldier, they hesitated before continuing to approach.

This is not their fault. The appearance of the human demon army is very different from that of the Chaos Demon General. There is also a difference in the color of the armor and stomach on the body. The color of the Chaos Demon General is black and red, while the color of the Human Demon Army is black and gold.

At first glance, I thought they were a bunch of chaos.

But after all, he met up with the human captives and learned a certain amount of information from the players. He also supported the battle inside the arena at high altitude.

After hesitation, I still chose to believe it.

The opponent had even killed the demigod projection and the big demon. If it was a conspiracy, the price would be too high.

"I am Colonel of the Tianshan Giant City Defense Force, Jiang Banner." A middle-aged officer shook hands with Li Changhe: "Thank you, comrade, for creating this opportunity for me."

"I am Comrade Iron Fist Fleet, the political commissar of the Icebreaker battleship. You can call me Oro." Another blond officer said. Speaks fluent Chinese.

"I am the Huangquan Retrograde Marine Corps, and my surname is Li." Li Changhe shook the hands of the two officers and said, "How many of you are there? How is the war situation outside? What do you want to do next?"

"The landing force of the fleet?" The two middle-aged officers looked at each other, but did not continue to wonder about this identity. To them it must be a disguise. This general is obviously a player, but since he is disguised, let's continue to respond: "After the disaster struck, a part of the population hid in the bottom nest. There were about more than 400,000, but there were not many soldiers, and there were less than Thirty thousand. During this period, we could only fight guerrillas with Chaos. Now we have found an opportunity to break out of Chaos' blockade. Under the cover of your soldiers, we have snatched twenty-nine Chaos Blood Ax-class floating landing ships and nearly a hundred. A Blood Shadow fighter jet. As for us, we want to take away the surviving humans here and activate the thirteen nuclear bombs in the giant city to completely destroy this place and prevent chaos from spreading. Unfortunately, this kind of landing ship cannot take away all the humans here. "

The Blood Ax floating landing ship was the aircraft used to capture Li Changhe and others. Although this aircraft is not small, it is only a support ship for the Chaos side. However, the usage of this kind of warship is to jump into gangs and behead people, and its transportation capacity is not high. There is no way to take away hundreds of thousands of humans.

As for the Blood Shadow, it's a fighter jet. Carrying capacity

There is actually nothing wrong with what the officer did. This giant city has been ruined. Millions of armies were wiped out by Chaos.

Ninety percent of the population was corrupted, and the rest either died in battle, fled, or hunkered down in the underworld.

Therefore, there is no benefit in staying in the giant city. It is better to take away all the humans and extinguish this group of chaos. They have recaptured the nuclear bomb launch pad.

At this time, a beautiful figure suddenly appeared, and it was the Great Wall player Bloody Begonia Flower.

She said: "The only warship that can take away such a large population is the Chaos Fleet's main warship, the Dictator. Currently, the cyan dragon slayer is leading people to attack the giant ship. It is a bit difficult to deal with. The opponent's firepower is very strong, and Starting up, obviously trying to escape from here. What do you think?"

"Looking at it this way, the Chaos side does still have a strong fighting capacity." Li Changhe thought.

After all, it was a nearly full fleet, although almost all of its high-end combat capabilities were caught off guard, and many of its ships were also snatched away by humans.

But as long as the main battleships are still there, they have enough power to resist or escape.

The dictator's main battleship is the giant battleship several kilometers long that Li Changhe has seen in the picture before. It is said that the main gun is so powerful that it can shatter mountains.

If it is destroyed, it can be forced. Li Changhe's Sky Dragon's Fall is designed to cure all kinds of dissatisfaction. It should be able to open up the ship's imagination after a few times.

[A book-chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend I have known for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It’s so easy to use. I rely on it to pass the time while driving or before going to bed by reading and listening to books. You can download it here]

But it is really difficult to grab it intact.

With the abilities of Dragon Slayer, Xiao Zuanfeng and Lugia, they can actually take down most battleships. One is powerful with force, one is a drinking assistant, and one is a hacker.

They had relied on this kind of cooperation to destroy many Chaos ships in one go.

Unfortunately, facing such a giant ship, no matter what method is used, it cannot be completed in a short time.

In addition, a big demon is still leading the demon generals and soldiers to cover the battleship. The battle situation is actually a bit anxious.

Then, after thinking about it, Li Changhe chuckled: "In that case, everyone, all enter the landing bay! Follow me and jump to the enemy's warship!"

Since it cannot be destroyed, it must be captured. Then join the gang!

Dancing can solve all problems!

Although Li Changhe only joined the Elf Navy, they should be essentially the same. Since humans still have doubts about the human demon army, let’s fight a good fight and gain the trust of humans!

"Yes, general!" The human demon army is gearing up. This is their first battle after becoming the human demon army. They have to fight well! To avoid being suspected by humans as a traitor.

At this time, at the entrance to a certain void.

The God of Glory and Fighting suddenly opened his eyes, and he vaguely felt something was wrong. But he received no message.

The projections of the Chaos demigods did not illuminate any star torches. And theoretically speaking, the force of each projection location is very strong, so there shouldn't be too many problems.

I don’t know where this feeling comes from

This damn psychic storm has stopped all communication.

If there was no psychic storm and it was just dealing with humans, why be so careful?

The God of Glory and Fighting sighed.

"Li Ba, where are you?"

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