Sequence Player

Chapter 997: Backhand lashing out (4K)

In the dilapidated conference room, Li Changhe, wearing a blood-stained captain's coat, walked up to a big bat that was crucified on the ground, crushed the bat's head while it was still struggling to twist with one foot, and put an ink dragon into it. The spear was slowly pulled out.

With three alien players in the Qingxuan Bell, there was no room for error at all.

In a true sense, if the bell falls, you die.

Yunting directly narrowed the scope of Qingxuan Bell's activities, forcing the three aliens to fight Li Changhe in close combat.

As a result, they were killed one by one by Li Changhe.

In this case, Li Changhe doesn't need to use too many skills. Melee combat is his strength.

The ability of Vampire players to transform into hundreds of bats and escape is useless in such a narrow confined space. Can't tell which one is the real one? Why should we distinguish?

After being beheaded and crucified to death, could he still survive?

So that the alien players died in an extremely frustrating way. I'll be cursing Yang Dong's name until I die.

The only thing that made Li Changhe regretful was that Hai Qing still ran away.

After all, for Hai Qing to reveal his position, the price/performance ratio is too low.

So, after finishing the last strike, Li Changhe quickly walked out of the parliament building of the city lord's palace. What he saw was the rioting crowd and the huge city that was set on fire in the distance.

War has come, under the conspiracy of alien players.

The legions of sea people and orcs have entered the high wall. Spread the war to all parts of the giant city.

The defense forces patrolling various places were caught off guard and suffered heavy losses. They never thought that the high wall would be invaded so easily. Without even preparing heavy weapons, they suffered a devastating blow from the enemy army. The expansion of the battle front plunged the entire giant city into chaos.

If this were the case alone, Jucheng would not be too passive.

Because they have also made preparations for the wall to be destroyed or breached.

In preparation, if the high wall is breached, people will go to the bottom of the nest to take refuge, waiting for the defense forces to kill the enemy or detonate a nuclear bomb. If the opponent is not dead yet, then there will be a bloody street fight in the bottom nest, and the death will make the opponent heartbroken!

But now the bottom nest is already a bloody battlefield between the defense forces and the orcs. There is simply no way to receive such a large number of people.

As a result, a large number of civilians were driven away by the flames of war, and the giant city became increasingly chaotic.

At this time, Li Changhe regretted a little.

I regretted that I had killed him too quickly, and I didn't expect to find out any information through torture.

then. Li Changhe took out the reins of Huangquan, summoned the Nine Heavens Dragon Horse, mounted the dragon horse and soared into the sky.

Quickly approaching the fleet's diplomatic building.

At the same time, Li Changhe also asked Chen Yu about the information in Jucheng among his friends.

In fact, Chen Yu and the Minister of Military Industry had arrived at the military factory under the protection of the escort.

They quickly organized manpower and prepared the war logistics for the entire giant city.

A large amount of ammunition, weapons, and various equipment were distributed to various battlefields where needed.

At the same time, the reserve army was urgently summoned, and the giant city was launching an all-out counterattack against the aliens.

During this period, they had to pay attention to sneak attacks and assassinations by alien players. Fortunately, Chen Yu's perception was so strong that many alien assassins found it difficult to find opportunities.

"Xiao Yu, what's the situation in the giant city now?" Li Changhe quickly flew across the sky on a dragon horse and asked among his friends.

"Are you done? So soon?" Chen Yu was also a little surprised, but quickly responded: "Those who entered the giant city from the second port have been determined to be the deep navy regiment of the Sea Tribe, as well as a large number of alien servants from the sea. The number is about About 40,000 more, and they are now attacking the anti-aircraft firepower in the outer areas of the giant city!"

"Attack anti-aircraft firepower?" Li Changhe's expression changed slightly. It would be understandable if the opponent was attacking the defense nodes in each giant city.

As long as the main force of the defense force is eliminated, the smaller number of them can do whatever they want.

The alien army did not attack the more threatening strongholds, but instead attacked the air defense strongholds that could not threaten them?

Doesn't that mean

"I speculate that this is not all their strength. They must have fleet strength! Now, these aliens are covering for the fleet." Chen Yu quickly responded: "They plan to disintegrate the air defense firepower of the giant city and cover their fleet strength. arrival!"

The giant city's air defense firepower is extremely strong. The bloated and numerous air defense firepower facilities are designed to defend against the enemy's air fleet.

Therefore, it is rare for a certain fleet to launch a frontal attack on the giant city. Because, even if you win in the end. The fleet will also suffer great losses and consumption. But now, the giant city's air defense firepower is being wiped out by the alien legions!

"There is actually a fleet?" Li Changhe was shocked.

At present, the enemy has shown a lot of strength. The first is the Plague Legion. Their appearance has forced some elite defense forces and human fleets to go to the wilderness to defend against the enemy.

Then came the bottom nest orcs. They are developing rapidly, and now they have firmly held back a large part of the elite defense forces. And it made it impossible for the people of the giant city to enter the bottom nest to take refuge.

Secondly, there is the orc army in the wilderness. They have now rushed into the giant city, wreaking havoc and killing in the outer areas of the giant city.

Fortunately, after an unexpected encirclement and suppression by the human champion fleet, the number and number of weapons of the Wild Beastmen Legion was drastically reduced.

Otherwise, the number of orcs attacking the giant city now would probably exceed 60,000! And has a lot of heavy weapons!

The last one is the Deep Marine Corps of the Sea Tribe. They didn't know what means they used to capture the second port, and climbed countless high walls into the interior of the giant city.

But now, there may still be a fleet of unknown strength.

Chaos, alien race, could it be that the fleet that has not yet appeared is the fleet of annihilation?

Damn, in order to take down the border city, they, who were originally enemies, actually worked together!

Is it just for a huge city?

Li Changhe felt that there was a bigger conspiracy.

At this time, Li Changhe had already ridden the Jiuxiao Dragon Horse to the fleet's diplomatic area.

The fleet soldiers here have long been fully armed and guarding here, relying on the building for defense.

The guards who originally surrounded this place were nervously pointing their guns at the fleet soldiers. They did not receive the order to lift the mission, and they were not clear about the specific situation, so they fell into a brief chaos.

One after another, the news that was difficult to distinguish between true and false came, making the guard army suspicious.

At this time, Li Changhe fell from the sky and landed in front of a guard officer. The nearby guards were so shocked that they subconsciously raised their guns.

After all, Li Changhe's uniform was covered with blood, which was very scary.

But Li Changhe looked at the officer calmly and said, "Your commander Ye Yi has surrendered to Chaos and has been killed. But he opened the West City Gate. Now the orc army has entered the giant city from the West City Gate. The entire giant city is in danger."

The officer's face changed again and again. If the commander surrendered to Chaos, they, the subordinates, would also be suspected and held accountable.

Moreover, when he heard that the orcs had entered the giant city, his expression became even paler. They should not surround any fleet here, but go to fight the orcs!

The officer was about to speak, but heard Li Changhe say, "Now, I will use the diplomatic building as a shelter, gather the nearby people, and order my soldiers to guard this place."

Looking at Li Changhe's indifferent eyes, the officer quickly reacted and saluted Li Changhe.

Afterwards, he immediately arranged soldiers to help nearby residents take refuge.

And Li Changhe jumped on the Jiuxiao Dragon Horse again.

Looking down at the war in the distance from a high altitude.

Li Changhe took a deep breath: "Well, it was a little unexpected, but fortunately I also have a way to fight back."

"It's worth it that you specially asked Colonel Jiang Qi to leave the defense." Yun Ting was somewhat fortunate: "Fortunately you kept a hand."

Li Changhe took out a big bow on the Jiuxiao Dragon Horse and put on a bronze arrow.

He shot an arrow towards the east of the city.

The arrow streaked across the sky, leaving a green fire tail. In the huge city full of war, this meteor was not conspicuous.

But in the mountains and fields on the east side of the giant city, after the fire tail streaked across the sky. A lot of vibrations came from the ground.

"It's the general's signal!"

"All troops are dispatched!"

In a bombed homestay in the west of the border city.

An old man was holding a kitchen knife in one hand and his five-year-old grandson in the other.

Quietly hiding behind the broken stones.

He couldn't help but tremble, because just now, a patrol team of the guard army that was evacuating the people encountered a large number of orcs.

When the gunfire ended, the orcs tore off the hands and feet of the guards and roared excitedly.

And began to look for survivors hiding in the ruins around.

The old man was old and had a child with him, so he couldn't escape from here. He watched the orcs approaching gradually.

He trembled, but the kitchen knife in his hand was firmly held.

He was a veteran of the counterattack. Even if he died, he would change an orc. This is the blood of the veteran!

"Grandpa, I'm afraid" and the crying of the little grandson broke his last strength.

The old man burst into tears in an instant. His son and daughter-in-law had died in the war. Is the only blood they left behind also going to be lost in the hands of the orcs? Damn, why do humans have to suffer so much? These beasts, these beasts!

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid." The old man comforted softly.

But they have attracted the attention of the orcs.

The orcs roared excitedly and gradually approached the ruins in the corner.

"Come on, you bastards, I'll kill you! Kill you all!" The old man raised the kitchen knife and roared with tears.

However, suddenly, the old man seemed to hear a familiar and strange voice.

The orcs also stopped approaching and looked back in confusion. It was unclear why this strange voice came from behind them. At the same time, there was a dense and intense vibration. It seemed that thousands of troops were approaching quickly.

The orcs deployed a defensive formation vigilantly.

But the old man suddenly laughed, and he finally recognized the voice.

After more than 50 years, he finally heard the blood-boiling horn again!

On the land of China in World War II, this was the eternal nightmare of the devils.

On the battlefield of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, this was the war song of knocking down seventeen halls.

On the battlefield of the counterattack against the ungrateful wolf, this was the charge of the soldiers to hit the enemy!

After the natural army entered the informationization, the charge bugle was silently eliminated.

Unexpectedly, after more than 50 years, he heard the charge again.

"Hahahahaha, you all have to die, all have to die, die in the hands of my Chinese army!" The old man shouted excitedly.

The orcs finally found out what was wrong, and they retreated in fear.

Because the endless shouts and screams were approaching. At the same time, the terrifying steel torrent was approaching!

Thousands of tanks and armored vehicles turned into a steel torrent, charging forward with the momentum of swallowing everything!

Hundreds of human demon soldiers roared and waved their weapons, slaughtering the orcs!

This was Li Changhe's backup plan.

On the night when the fleet set off to attack the Plague Legion.

Li Changhe asked Colonel Jiang Qi to arrange nearly 10,000 fleet veterans, deploy thousands of tanks, and hundreds of human demon troops to lurk in the wilderness outside the giant city.

In order not to be discovered by the giant city or the alien party, thereby exposing their whereabouts. The whole army was silent. Until Li Changhe shot the arrow that heralded the charge and missed it.

Now, they turned into a sharp sword, cutting directly into the army formation from the rear of the orc army!

The orcs who were caught off guard suffered heavy losses instantly.

The orc army, which was originally pushed into the giant city for more than ten kilometers, had to turn around and fight with the fleet soldiers.

Especially when the orcs saw this fleet army driving a tank built by the orcs themselves and charging against them.

That angry and helpless emotion drove the orcs almost crazy.

"Damn! Humans are really on guard against me! Damn the human champion!" In the broken building, the Skull Crusher crushed the head of the last human transcendent. He roared angrily: "I don't care if the captain of that fleet is Yang Dong or not, I must let him die today!"

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At the same time, he contacted the fellow orcs in the bottom nest in [Friends]: "Haven't you come up yet? The main force of the defense force has been held back. Come on and kill them! Don't let the Sea Tribe and Nirvana look down on you. Are you still unable to defeat humans in street fighting? "

"Human?" At the same time, there was a bloody street battle in the bottom nest. The orc players looked at the Zerg aliens crawling out of a pool of blood. He roared with heartbreaking anger: "You think this is a fucking human being?"

In the bloody street fighting in the bottom nest, the orcs did gain an advantage.

In a short period of time, it caused thousands of casualties to the human legions.

In street fights, the orcs, who were stronger and faster in reaction, achieved a one-for-three battle loss ratio. And broke the human front many times.

But soon, something strange happened. Humans no longer struggled with the orcs, but retreated with the corpses of their own compatriots, pouring out a large amount of blood.

The blood swallowed up the corpses of the orcs, and quickly gave birth to terrifying Zerg aliens in them!

The orcs are indeed a powerful fighting race, but their opponents are the Zerg that are equally difficult, or even more difficult!

The two sides fought bloody battles in the bottom nest. Due to the terrain, a large amount of blood flowed into the depths of the bottom nest, causing the orcs to fight in many places. Overwhelming.

Let alone breaking out of the nest, how to defeat the Zerg that is attacking more and more is the biggest problem!

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