"Speak clearly."

His request was not immediately fulfilled by Sithone. Underworld God frowned, thinking hard for a while before giving his answer: "There are a lot of things involved here, why. How can I explain this concept to you?"

Sishorn waved his hand, and the red sofa behind him immediately transformed into a cold and ruthless throne. Arched high behind him, floating in the dark space. Such a sharp contrast makes it look like some kind of living creature.

The God of Underworld looked at the chair with nostalgic eyes, and he reached out and stroked its sharp edge. He said, "This is my chair, Ho. Of course, it didn't look that way in ancient times."

Sishorn waved again, and the chair turned into a huge, flat stone just enough for him to sit on. At the same time, the surrounding scene began to change rapidly.

At some point in the otherwise empty darkness came the sound of the river, and then the rustling of the wind blowing through the leaves. The lofty peaks appeared not far away, and the things under their feet were no longer nothingness, but real mud and grass.

But in just a few seconds, this place has become a place full of life, and even the sun above the head is warm and warm. However, those plants and flowers were things He Shenyan had never seen before.

Sishorn still carried the nostalgia that came from nowhere. He strolled to the bushes aside, bent down, picked a crisp red fruit, and threw it to the mage's spiritual body.

"We used to call it 'kono', which means food. Long, long ago, we just had to eat something like this to be full, we didn't have to fight, we didn't have to worry about survival, we didn't even have to communicate."

Sishorn laughed and pointed to himself: "At that time, the most thing I did was to be in a daze - ah, it seems to be too far away."

He returned to the stone, sat on it lightly, and spread his hands to He Shenyan.

"Look, Ho. My chair wasn't like that in the past, and the world I knew wasn't an endless, empty place. But people change, and so does the world. The latter are especially ruthless. The world is changing so fast that my family and I have even been abandoned in just a few thousand years."

"They were crazy, they died, and some were even killed by my own hands. Most of the rest were hiding. And I, who was plagued by endless lifespans, could only shrink in the created dimension to spend time."

The smile on his face faded a little.

"Life is completely meaningless to me, but I can't die. The dimensions are connected to each other, like heaven and hell were once the pillars that supported the existence of the earth - of course, I know you Rewrote the matter. Well done, I have to say."

He applauded and returned to his previous topic. When it comes to seriousness, Sithone is quite different from the madness and cynicism he has shown before. There is melancholy in his eyes, and his face tends to be calm, but his expression hides turbulent emotions.

"And what role does my dimension play in our world?"

Sishorn shook his head.

"I don't know the answer to that question myself, but I have one thing to tell you. I'm not the only Sithone."

He said calmly: "A flower has many petals, a tree has many leaves. Even a person may make different choices at the same point in time. Yes, as you think, I Dear Ho. It's the parallel universe theory, it's real."

"And in most universes, the meaning of the name Sithhorn is not as peaceful as the me you know."

He smiled again.

"But in essence, I'm no different from them. We're all Sithone, it's just that I'm tired of fighting. Because of the connection of the same nature, I can occasionally take a brief look at their past - you know ,

what. In most worlds, at least the ones I've observed, you don't exist. "

Sishorn pointed at him pompously: "Mr. One, you are the only person in the multiverse to receive this honor, how do you feel?"

"Go on."

He Shenyan ignored his jokes, his expression was cold, but in fact he had kept every word Sishorn just said in his heart.

"You're really good at breaking people's hearts." Sishorn pouted, but continued. "Your old friend, Wanda Django Maximoff. In some worlds she's a hero, in some worlds she's a mixed bag, and in some worlds she's going to be the one who will destroy the world source."

"But beyond our world, they all have one thing in common."

Sithone's expression suddenly became cold and ruthless.

"She learned Chaos Magic under the influence of my power, and gradually became the Scarlet Witch. I can say that the source of her power...is me."

"What about those ghosts from the past?"

"Certain worlds will be destroyed in certain circumstances, dear Ho. All creatures, all memories. The good, the ugly, the happy, the cruel—they will all be destroyed."

Sishorn reached out and grabbed a handful in the air. A flower appeared in his palm, and the god of underworld slowly shredded it, while the remaining fragments were put together into another flower: "...and the new world, will be in them new life from the wreckage. Of course, that doesn't mean it's free."

A ghost from the past... He Shenyan squinted and saw his expression, Sishorn smiled happily: "I think you already understand, dear friend."

Without the slightest nostalgia, He Shenyan left here in an instant. The spirit body wants to leave is just a matter of thought. After he disappeared here, the smile on Sishorn's face remained undiminished.

On the long beach, He Shenyan opened his eyes.

Mages, wizards, and even third-rate tricksters from afar. These people who lived in the magic world and who once had a relationship with Wanda stood behind him. Strange was reading the prepared eulogy as scripted from the high platform.

The sea breeze blew across his cheeks, He Shenyan lowered his head and sighed. Then he turned around with a smile on his face. He walked through the crowd, and people looked at him in awe, and from beginning to end, no one dared to make eye contact with him.

Until he reached the high platform all the way.

At this time, everyone truly felt that the memorial service began.

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