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Traveling through four different worlds in a short amount of time, He Shenyan's brain was a mess - I mean, the "Oh, where did my keys go?" mess, not "I hate me." The current fiancée, should I break up the engagement with her and walk away?" confusion.

I mean, it's acceptable.

There are a few small problems before him.

First, the guy who hunted down Supreme Mage Spider-Man did not leave his face in his memory. Before the poor fellow died, there was only a shadow of the lake in his head. He Shenyan has two inferences about this. 1. He came from a certain famous detective that started with the south character and ended with a dragging animation.

2. He has a certain ability to make people forget his face.

Considering that this guy can create conceptual injuries, He Shenyan prefers the latter. And this brought some small difficulties to his tracing work. The mage was willing to accept challenges, and even sometimes liked challenges.

But that definitely doesn't mean he's going to spend his precious rest time tracking down that bastard in the world for a long time.

Forget it - Tony Stark still owes him a movie night.

Second, he had to figure out a way to get the son of a bitch to come out.


"Hand over the money! Hand over the money, bastard! Hurry up! Don't make me leave a few scars on you! Trust me, you don't want to go to the hospital and tell the doctor that you were slashed in the stomach. !"

A guy with long hair, like the one in an old 80s movie, was holding a yellow knife in his hand, threatening a small man in front of him.

The small man is in a suit and leather shoes, his fingernails are neatly cut, he has short black hair, a short and flat face, and his facial features are well-defined, but he gives a mechanical feeling.

He glanced at the man who was blushing and thick-necked because of excitement, waved his hand, and pointed to the side alley: "Let's go there to solve it, how? Giving you money in front of the bar will make you look like a duck. , buddy."

"You still tell jokes?"

The long-haired man angrily pulled the little man and pulled him to the entrance of the alley, then immediately pressed the knife to his neck: "Hand over the money! You bastards in designer suits and fine leather shoes are very rich. I can see,

You are definitely a rich old man, give me your wallet! "

"Well, I don't think there's anything wrong with you robbing me. After all, I just bought everyone a round of drinks at the bar, but I wonder, why did you come to that conclusion?"

Not only was the little man not panicking, he was even polite, and started chatting with the long-haired man in a natural manner: "Look, those who wear designer suits and fine leather shoes are not necessarily rich. I may be renting clothes, or It could be stolen clothes, or, maybe, I'm an actor. Those are things from the set."

"If that's the case, then you won't get much money for robbing me at all, right? And you'll probably end up in jail for the robbery afterwards, unless you kill me now, you see—let me give you a few a reason."

The little man smiled, raised his right hand, revealing the gold watch on his wrist: "It's three o'clock in the morning, see? There's no one on the street, and the people in the bar are very drunk. No one noticed that you and I left, There are no homeless people in this alley. You can kill me here and take all the money on me and throw my body in the trash."

He whispered softly, like a diabolical whisper: "No one will notice, come on, Adam Tibbs."

The long-haired man's expression had become dull, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with the little man calling his name. His thoughts were temporarily stopped, like an electric fan with the stop button pressed. The fan in his brain didn't turn, there was no wind output, only the dull sound of the electric fan stopping spinning.

Then, his arm started to move.

Adam Tibbs stabbed the rusted yellow knife into the little man's neck like a sleepwalker. Strangely, there was no blood coming out. It's like cutting a cake with a knife, it's so smooth, but there's absolutely no blood that spills out.

The little man smiled contentedly, like a general who was on a winning streak. His expression changed at that moment, becoming extremely satisfied, like a cannibal who finally caught a fresh human being.

"Excellent, Adam Tibbs."

To provide you with a serious person who is holding a knife and scribbling wallpaper, who is learning magic in Marvel?

42. Deserved Death (4k) Free to read. https://

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